This is legitimately worse than The Last Jedi

This is legitimately worse than The Last Jedi.

The Last Jedi had a weak plot but it didn't have plotholes related to time travel (paradoxes and shit). Both movies had cheap deaths but Endgame ones were cheaper. Characters were downgraded but Endgame does it worse. I don't get it.

How did they fuck up so badly?

Attached: Avengers-Endgame-MCU-Rewatch.jpg (1920x960, 442K)

Imagine being so infantile mentally that you think everyone on an 18+ site wants to talk about comic book superheroes.
Imagine being this guys ancestor, and your looking down at the culmination of your legacy, and it's fucking watching cartoon characters shoot CGI beams at one another while quipping.

imagine responding in every fucking capeshit thread

All of the marvel movies are legitimately worse than the last jedi
The MCU is for retarded Yea Forumsedditor plebs who like the dark knight and other assorted shit movies

>a bloo bloo bloo


The Last Jed is one of if not the best Star Wars film. Time for this capeshit board to actually swallow the redpills.

Do u have the non 3D print or 3D print?





Attached: 1556111659700.jpg (387x437, 41K)

>go back in time
>save thanks planet
>he never goes on a exterminatus campaign

Aaaah shut up already. We get it you need to have sex.

Spoiler that shit, omg

Time travel to fix everything.
Fuck this movie

based weaponised autism

you didn't watch it

Unless the first 2 hours are about Captain America giving up and retiring to a farm to kill himself, it's not worse.

The first 2 acts are nice. The 3rd act is Justice League-tier bad.

Your view is the diametrical opposite of John Campea's, interestingly

Quick Rundown:
>they use time travel to get all the stones back
>use a glove to snap back everyone
>right at the moment of the snap thanos enters their new reality
>a big fat fight ensues
>Thanos finally gets hold of the glove
>Tony somehow takes it away from him
>Snaps Thanos and his army away
>Tony dies cause the power of the glove was too strong
>Everyone is said that he died

Last Jedi was one of the better Star Wars movies. Of course even the worst Star Wars movie is still better than the best Marvel movie.

Tony just stole the stones

I guess he could do that because he was uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh also wearing a glove?

Yea Forums, the thread.

I only really care about one thing
Is Thanos's death at the start actually true and if so, did it look good?

I never watched a MCU. I just want to ruin it for everybody on this board and force janny to lick it all up

Its true. Thor decapitates him mid sentence. The other Thanos is alt timeline Thanos.


Attached: file.png (640x600, 148K)


So where's the webm of it?