2 Billion incoming.
Incoming Pokekino
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Still wish they would have gotten anyone but Ryan Reynolds and that they toned down the photorealism on certain pokemon
I unironically cant wait for this film.
too bad about the nigger but at least he's not annoying like boonyega in real life
That's because he likely has something called "personality".
WOW! A handful of critics specially chosen by WB who couldn't get into Endgame got flown out to Tokyo and wined and dined before the movie really liked how Pikachu looked
Avengers better watch tf out
based and pikapilled
A girl at work told me how disgusted she was that a grown man she met said he was excited to see this movie. Enjoy your kids film virgins
Why is this getting great reviews but animated Pokemon movies get trashed by critics?
I want it japanese dub
I'm distraught to hear I won't be able to nail some random skank that works at a McDonald's
if your favorite mon isn't in the movie then it must be a really shitty pokemon
Because anime is cancer
oh no not a g-g-g-g-GIRL!!!
it doesn't have any reviews it has "reactions" by bribed "critics" who haven't actually said a thing about the movie
Everybody except the most committed of anime autists hates Satoshi/Ash at this point and wants to see him gone.
Pokemon anime films were always trash.
animated movies that are just advertisements get trashed in general
A girl told me that she liked pikachu when she was young so she might go to see the movie just for curiosity.
From the ashes of capeshit will rise Alita and Pokeyourmom in 2019.
lillie best girl
Are the Nips looking forward to it?
flops don't rise
that's not how you spell lusamine
Pokemon is unbelievably fucking gay
Hated it when it first came out and I can't believe it still generates this much attention. Of course reddit Reynolds is in the starring role of the new flick.
My girlfriend tells me you're lying.
trAshnime is the worst thing from Pokémon
it's about a black boy looking for his father, should I like this because it's racist or dislike it because a main character is black
t. digicuck
Worse, his father turns out to be a pokemon.
Why the fuck didn't they do this before? Pokemon is infinitely more popular among zoomers and millenials than fucking comic books
Yep, that's a cringe from me.
Dislike cringy reddit flicks
we're not getting any legendary pokemon in this movie besides mewtwo and mewtwo sucks
this is Ryan Reynolds' wife. Post your
That star wars reaction guy has a wife, it does not mean he isn't a complete faggot.
But mewtwo is cute. I hope they show his feet a lot
It's funny if you go to /vp/'s anime generals and say this. There's a whole faction of animetards who insist that Ash is as iconic as Pikachu and that people would stop watching if they changed the protagonist for every generation.
Literally a bunch of retards who self-insert into trAsh.
For me, it's this chicken.
I've never seen any Pokemon film after the first Mewtwo one (or the animes after the first season for that matter).
How has Ash become trash?
god i wish She was my mom
>How has Ash become trash
>caring about the main character of a children's cartoon
It's as easy as waiting to lose your virginity with a difference you will never lose your virginity,
Because he's not allowed to grow, win championships, retain knowledge from previous generations, etc. He's just a perpetual 10 year old retard.
the greatest day in /vp/'s history
It'll flop. The Asian market will rightfully see it not as Pokemon, but a westernized appropriation of it, and reject it.
Has Ash ever won anything before? Other than random battles
I think Orange Islands.
Why did they make Ash black?
shit bait
that's right user. they prefer their pokemon movies to look like this
This one has a negroe in it
tik tok
>a girl
>not woman
Underage detected.
The Asian market makes up literally nothing compared to the American market filled will normies who clap and drool over stupid shit like this and capeshit avengers
only Pikachu can save us from Marvel
>a Nintendo fan site saying that a Nintendo product is amazing
>mutt human main character
Not even 1,5B$, they ruined his chance
Because traditional animation is for children. But 3DCG animation is for adults.
¡ola, amigos! onions dora
Did Black Panther teach you fags nothing?
>a hole said this
Are you retarded or just ESL? Girl and young woman are perfectly interchangeable.
Have sex
[Spoiler]with Cynthia and Lorelei[/spoiler]
shit taste
even worse
The specialty of Yea Forums is, that no one here learns of their mistakes.
So with whom do you want pokesex with? Gary?
>no salamence
Based taste.
i will watch it for the yellow rat
>that Messi edit
Watch some of the anime movies and you'll understand
Will this be a Cinematic Universe or just a couple of movies?
Marvel is dead so makes sense
>not pokino
>t. people jealous they didn’t make the most successful film franchise of all time
i'm ready
Gary's cheerleaders or Giselle
that's it? that's all of them?
kys pedo scum
go back to r3ddit you little beta normie bitch.
>Venusaur, Greninja, Torterra and Golurk are my all-time favorite Pokemon
>They're all in the movie and they're all (barring Golurk, unfortunately) seemingly important to the plot and will most likely appear often
Yeah, they had my curiosity at first, but now they have my full attention. I'm confident it could be better than anything Gamefreak has shat out in the past 12 years.
Seething degenerate nugenner.
Found the redditor.
>caring what a girl thinks
Hello cuck
Yea Forums needs a /film/ board
you are fucking pathetic. Have sex please
>best girl
>loses an official popularity poll to a random gym leader
This is a film board
Won't be shocked if it's surprisingly good since Alex Hirsch wrote the original screenplay, he also made the absolutely phenomenal Gravity Falls series.
>Typhlosion, Ampharos, Espeon, and Pidgeot not in the movie
I'll see it regardless although the hype would be even bigger if they were in it. Luckily Gyarados is in
The anime Pokemon movies are genuinely pretty boring, particularly to a grown man
There's always a few bits where the animation gets pretty good but for the most part it's a lot of dull, uninteresting mystery about why this legendary pokemon is doing whatever the fuck and how Ash is going to stop it with the power of love
>We will never get a live-action Digimon movie despite the concept and designs being more suitable for a live-action movie than Pokemon.
Fuck, you even have humanoid ones that could be played by people in suits with a shitload of prosthetics.
This movie is for children literal children like a 7 year old if you are older than that kill yourself my man
why is he urinating on the table?
Because the japs half-assed it just like the games. Give it to others like the US and you get stuff like Pokemon GO and Detective Pikachu.
I hope my boy Tentacruel makes it.
The movies have been vehicles to advertise the latest event Pokemon for a long time. Only the one with the Unown was a genuine movie.
>marvel considered braindead onions trash
>equally stupid pokemon considered kino
I always thought kids my age who liked pokemon were absolutely retarded, even as a child. Chanting stupid monster names, fighting over trading cards, walking around pretending to catch pokemon. Grow the fuck up.
Give us the Digimon kino we deserve.
Hey it's not our fault your rip-offs never took off.
Pokemon has soul, Marvel is literally just a vessel to monetize cultural marxism
Here's how the Pokémon animated movies go:
First one: Genuine Classic
Second one: Pretty good
Third one: Also pretty good
Fourth and Fifth and Six: OK but you can tell the budget is slipping bigtime
All the other ones up till I choose you reboot: Pretty crappy and low budget
I choose you: Pretty solid. Interesting. Going a different "what if" route
The Power of Us: Not bad.
Third one after this: probably going to start slipping in quality again.
because the anime's movies have soul and cute girls in them
critics don't like that. Critics only praise detective pikachu because of the black main character
But pokemon already has plenty of diversity. So that doesn't make sense.
Admit it, you just had no friends to enjoy it with
Robert Downey Junior is Iron Man
DP > OS (Kanto) > SM > XY > AG > OS (Orange Islands) > OS (Johto) >>>> BW
I want to see Volcarona
a girl told me she thought you were a fag, she was very specific, she singled you out in no uncertain terms
Please, for the love of god, have sex and stop watching films for children.
>XY that high
the only good part was Ash getting BTFO
The anime films are legitimately shit. Like long versions of the tv show, which was only seemed good because you were a kid.
We've had sex, which is why we know you're deficient and a virgin.
It took the fall for Pikachu accidentally killing those jap kids a decade ago, its a real bro so I'm fine
Torterra is in, but I'm not sure about Trevenant.
>SM anywhere but the bottom
Animated movies are just product placement. This is actually KINO.
>he doesn't deny being a manchild
Pokemon is for everyone, where were you in the summer of 2016?
I was just thinking about it today. I thought he'd have no chance because Snorlax is already in.
yea, right when pokemon go blew up they could have made a billion dollars on a pokemovie
Not following zoomer fads. Pokemon should have gone the way of tamagotchi
TPC is very protective of the brand. Plenty of studios have been trying to make live action Pokemon happen for years.
loved that fuckin song
How about you get the fuck off Yea Forums.
My favorite is in but I'm not 100% down with her look in the movie. They should have toned the fur down and I don't like that she has pupils
I still love how they did the CGI so the Pokemon look like they could exist in the real world while still having somewhat of a cartoony appearance. Very fine balance there and they struck it. Could've easily gone down uncanny valley if not done well.
>A female I know said something
>Therefore all the people that are excited about this movie are whatever this queen said
I can't even imagine how much of a lowlife,low IQ loser you must be to think like this.
Did you want her to look like a hairless testicle or just a rubberball with eyes and hair?
yeah, you're a virgin
Have sex
He won Orange Islands but those don't count for whatever reason. The guys that make the show have said that if Ash wins the show has to end because they can't think of how to get Ash to keep on adventuring once he's a champ.
It's at the very least better than Johto and the entirety of BW
I'm fine with her having fur (the swirl wouldnt make sense otherwise) the thing that really bothers me is the extra hair coming out of the ears. It's not cute or appropriate to the design
Reminder that pokemon fans grew up into normal people and beta virgins while Digimonfags grew into weeboos and incels
Do people still care about it?
For the record Digimon is also for fucking faggots
>Pokemon should have gone the way of tamagotchi
Pandering to girls and creating more expensive products in exchange for better graphics and more features? Also these just came out
tik tok, Disney
because they don't know how to write a script
No, as in it should have faded into obscurity like other 90s fads
>was a fad in the 90s
>had a resurgence in the 2000s with IR connectivity
>new releases don't come stateside but they sell out almost instantly online because of this
Sounds like a better fate than what happened to Pokemon honestly
Me too.
This. I don't see new Pokemon games ever being sold out.
Disney is basically powerless against Nintendo and Gamefreak. Seriously name one way they could jew them.
It will beat Endgame. You read it first.
Our Story was legit great though
>woman taking a picture of herself in front of what you're supposed to look at
jfc meme magic
poor disney
taking my wife who hates this shit
makes up for The Girl On The Train garbage she made me watch
what a Twat
pokemon are actually a pantheon of demi-gods
its light polytheistic cartoon pagan shit
Whats her fucking problem?
There's only a few Pokemon movies that are honestly worth seeing in theaters. First three (especially Power of One), Lucario and the Mystery of Mew and then maybe the Victini movie. Rest are pretty by the numbers.
I'll say. Their literal enemy for decades has the most powerful IP in their hands. And they can't do shit about it.
Is she bringing her boyfriend too?
I want Lusamine to rape me!
Footjob princess
With pleasure.
His name is Tim.
That's how cat ears are
>pokemon fans grew up into normal people
Are you sure?
Does pokemon have a huge success in box office like Marvel movies fucking idiot?
Anime movies? No. But live-action movies? Likely.
>because they can't think of how to get Ash to keep on adventuring once he's a champ.
Then maybe they shouldn't have removed the concept of Gotta Catch 'Em All
I wanna one of these...
At least this has 0 niggers, retard.
>views keep going down significantly after each trailer
Hoping for my Mew
Holy shit you are really reaching aren't you.
Because the whole movie only generates interest due its bizarre premise, but no one actually wants to see the whole thing. It's basically this generation's Snakes on a Plane.
I predict it'll do really well.
It's not just the people who still play the games who're going to go see it, it's everyone who remembers pokemon from their childhood. It's a nostalgia bomb. I know plenty of people excited for it even though they haven't played a pokemon game in 20 years.
>no one actually wants to see the whole thing
I am a huge fan of Jigglypuff too, but I really like the fuzzy look.
golurk is in the movie
It's because they're on a, generally, downward spiral. With the exception of the fourth movie that is dogshit, the original five are good. Movies nine and ten are also good. Now we're at over 20 movies point, yet only the most recent one is anything close to good. And the newest movie they announced looks like absolute dogshit.