The Crypts - Winterfell will fall in s08e03

>NK raises dead people
> The crypts of Winterfell are a storage of dead people
>Its too early in the season to defeat NK
>Winterfell is gonna fall – and the Crypts are the key

Prove me wrong.
Pro tip: you cant.

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john king of the north snow burned every corpse come his way but some how his family crypt is exception

Does he even need to pull that off? I'm not watching the show but I hear it's pretty obvious they've got the numbers and means to casually crush the westeroshits

>Dany, hey Dany. The necromancer zombie king is coming, quick! Hide the cripples and the children in the graveyard! Surely they will be safe there

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winterfell was built by the same person who built the wall, bran the builder. the crypts will probably have the same magical protection that the wall had until bran the wheelman broke the spell.

so unless hot wheels goes down into the crypts himself (which he won't, he's going to be in the godswood), the dead starks are going to stay dead.

however, if they do come back to life it's more likely to be some lord of the rings shit where the dead starks come back to fight for the living.

Well, we know that Edard's bones are down there. As long as there are a few corpses taht can be raised, they can make more corpses of the living hiding downstairs.

You dont know the range of effectiveness of the NK's necromancy.

Pls, point to where it says that tehre are ptotections taht can stop the NK around Winterfell. Guessing you cant.

Also, Bran said in the last episode that NK can reach him.

There were protections around that green people hole also...

I mean this show is dull derivative shit now, but a zombie Sean Bean would be a pretty cool twist

>You dont know the range of effectiveness of the NK's necromancy.
more importantly, the characters don't know, yet they decide to put people in the crypt

guessing ghost is gonna die in this one as well

>You dont know the range of effectiveness of the NK's necromancy.
it doesn't matter if there's a magical threshold. the only reason he was able to enter the cave where the three-eyed raven and children of the forest were or go beyond the wall is because bran crossed those thresholds and broke the magical wards.

>Pls, point to where it says that tehre are ptotections taht can stop the NK around Winterfell. Guessing you cant.
i didn't read the books so i can't but you would think someone who went through the trouble of constructing a massive wall with magic against the night king would do the same for the castle which his family and descendants would inhabit forever, especially if it's going to have a bunch of dead bodies beneath it.

>Also, Bran said in the last episode that NK can reach him.
because bran is marked. which is likely why he isn't going into the crypts with the other people, because he's probably aware that it has some kind of magical protection and doesn't want to fuck it up like he did with the wall and the cave.

>There were protections around that green people hole also...
yeah, which bran fucked up by going into.

>tfw Night King resurrects all the legendary Starks from Winterfell crypt to fight for him


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Dude, since he was marked once, all the spells were broken and NK can get bran.

The guy broke the WALL - why should Winterfell and its potentially non existant spells prove more difficult?

Daenarys does say the dead are already here in the preview...

Sorry guys

Night King and the army of the dead are eliminated in Ep3. Eps 4-6 deal with the war for the iron throne post-White Walker threat.

Hopefully this warning saves you from being too disappointed

the night king was only able to break the wall after bran crossed it, meaning the night king could now reach him beyond the wall.

winterfell is probably fucked because bran is at winterfell but since coming back he has never gone into the crypts. if bran the builder is going to put his magical runes or whatever the fuck he used when constructing the wall, it's most likely going to be in the same place where all the dead cunts are.

That would make everything irrelevant.

What would be the point of building the mythos around Azor Ahai, the Night Watch, Three-eyed Raven and all taht?

>winterfell is probably fucked because bran is at winterfell but since coming back he has never gone into the crypts. if bran the builder is going to put his magical runes or whatever the fuck he used when constructing the wall, it's most likely going to be in the same place where all the dead cunts are.

Dont think he saw his burried, - that is to say un-burnt relatives as dead cunts...

azor ahai isnt in the show.

I don’t know what to tell you and it’s possible GRRM has different intentions in the books, but this is how the show plays out.

The only good thing about this garbage will be Wight Robb with a warg head
However they're hacks of such terrifying magnitude that i honestly doubt they will make it a thing

So, it would take 1 episode to dispose of hundreds of thousands of undead, White Walkers and an undead dragon - while numerically outnumbered, and 4 episodes to burn the few remaining enemies into ashes?

Go tell that to the red woman, she has been looking for him for 8 seasons...

I just want to see spiders as big as hounds

Two more of the remaining episodes are political posturing and meetings like we saw in eps 1 and 2

Legitimate Jon Snow. The same as Dany gets legitimated by her esso campaign.
Envision the meeting of Jon with Dany and how they were introduced. See how Davos introduced Jon, Jon needs this to get a name. Like Jaimee is the Kingslayer.

I guess ep04 will be marching armies, gathering of vasals.
Ep05 will be main battle, maybe with a cliffhanger.
Ep06 battle end, if cliffhanger, or Cersei escaping, getting caught, final trail of Cersei with political end, conclusions and union of Jon and Dany

Winterfell burns down and the good guys lose, but the bodies in the crypts are either dust or extremely decayed. They are also encased in stone tombs. If a wight couldn't get out of a wooden box, how can it got out of a stone tomb with a bigass statue on top of it?

they didnt get the bones to winterfell
but its something d&d could still do

>he swoops in
>kills theon, takes bran
>nightkingize bran
>bran wargs out at the last second
>retains his humanity
>raises all the dead animals, direwolves, stags, lions etc
>in a shitty metaphor all the house sigil animals unite to kill a shit ton of WW's
>bran dies but so does NK
>breaks the wheel of NK's, bitter sweet

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why do the peasants not simply live in one of the abandoned nights watch castles?

>they keep mentioning how safe the crypt is
>teaser for episode three has Dany yelling "the dead are already here!"

Also, they keep mentioning how Cercei isn't going to arrive. I'm almost 100% certain that she arrives last minute with the Lannister Army and Golden Company.

Magic of horror and zombie movies.

I just want to see a reanimated wolf Robb.

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> until bran the wheelman broke the spell
say what now? I need a reminder about this.

>the little girl with the burned face will become a knife swinging zombie


>"the dead are already here!"

actually very stuipd that nobody in Winterfell thought about this

Can someone share the link of the leaked S08E03??? please

I can't imagine there being much left of the corpses in the tombs desu. Judging from what we've seen of the wights so far, the bodies need to be relatively fresh when raised. I don't think he can raise something that's nothing but a skeleton. So basically .

But there's also

dany looks hot here

>GC shows up
>sees ice dragon
>suddenly gold doesn't mean much at all to them

Anybody with at least a double digit iq has seen that coming.

Unrealistic, they'd have to litterally teleport

>Undead blue eyed Dany

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Literally Code Geass. Screencap this.

This would literally be an improvement

sent ;)

> white walker gets killed
> > ppl turned that white walker killed die again

Crypt dead weren’t killed by white walkers so he can’t raise them from the dead. Idiots!

Remember how Jojen died? Brann was there, he saw literal skeletons rise up, with no flesh on their bones.

>jon & company are far in the north
>they send gendry for help
>some how he does a double marathon in under 24 hours in the freezing cold
>somehow the crow that gets sent to dany down in dragonstone is supersonic
>somehow dany and her dragons fly all the way north and through sheer dumb fucking luck manage to find jon & company in the north

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>men fall in droves despite their best effort to contain the dead
>night king continues leading the charge, pressing toward John
>when they finally come face to face, NK bends the knee and recognizes John as the king
>Sam and Bran show up and explain that John is also the NK's older brother so he has a more legitimate claim on being the night king himself

> Crypt dead weren’t killed by white walkers
> so he can’t raise them
and sine when has this been a rule? lmao

Won't happen, head was cut off

How stupid do they need to make these characters

> all of this within 48 hours
they really dropped the ball

Can't wait for based NK to btfo all those smug cunts.

When I saw that screenshot of Jaime standing by Bran last week, I didnt believe what that user said. Now Im a believer

They don't have to kill hoards of white walkers, they just kill the NK and everyone else dies.

That's how itll be resolved within a few eps. The rest will prob be devoted to politics.

How else would they wrap up everything in the show if the NK wasn't dealt with quickly.

>zombie Lyanna Stark

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If that’s the case then why doesn’t he just raise every fucking skelly that’s died in the past and take the whole world without moving an inch

Bran hasn't been to the crypts because he can't get down the stairs.

the last jedi-tier bullshit

I guess there's some bullshit excuse of spell range limits.
Or Dungeons & Dragons make up a claim that burial rituals / coffin carvings somehow will undo his ability to raise them.

in the crypts there should be just skeletal remains

> How else would they wrap up everything in the show if the NK wasn't dealt with quickly.
pretty much this, they got 4 episodes to go anyway, and neither one of the two have been "extra long" so far

Didn't stop NK before (see the skeletal warriors in Three Eyed Raven's death episode)

>>Sam and Bran show up and explain that John is also the NK's older brother so he has a more legitimate claim on being the night king himself

just ebin benioff and weiss. bravo

I was thinking of those while I wrote the post. I think they still had SOME flesh on them. I also assumed that they were raised ages ago but just laid still 'till they Jojen and Co. showed up. The latter is my own personal headcanon though, so I'm probably mistaken.

Kek I guess that when its said that way it does sound all kind of retarded

they really fucked the walkers at this point

No doubt both of these writings were given to college students to finalise during the writers strike that happened ~2 years ago

that's retarded how can they even move without flesh

same way a dragon can fly with holes in the wings and breath fire with no lungs

you underestimate the power of college student writing capabilities that are substituting the pros on their hangover sick days lulz

It's magic.

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How can the regular zombies move without working muscles?

Do the soldiers at Winterfell know that NK has a dragon of his own now? Won't they just run away like the plebs in the 1st episode did when they saw Dany's dragons?

The plot twist will be that Jon secretly burned or stabbed every person in the crypt with dragon glass days ago.

Actually makes sense. Ain't happening.

you have to go back

it wouldn't be bittersweet because normies stopped caring about Bran, they think he's 'creepy'

Will the other 4 episodes all be 1h each? Or will we be getting a 2h last episode?

>Its too early in the season to defeat NK
>entire series has been utilising NK as a giant macguffin while Cersei has been built up as the overarching villain
jesus OP, I never thought a brainlet could be so cocksure

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Lemme get that linky dink