Who was in the wrong here
Who was in the wrong here
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What is this?
All of the parents to be honest
If thats really you do a video about my life as a teenage robot
Do one with Wander Over Yonder. Have Wander raped by thugs
>25 cents, Chuckie
Just like in the show
>dude what if cartoon went horribly wrong lol
If you watch the first couple of episodes Stu and Didi had a very dysfunctional relationship that you only hear from off screen. Still this reminds me of the darkest sketch robot chicken.
>If you watch the first couple of episodes Stu and Didi had a very dysfunctional relationship that you only hear from off screen.
Damn, got some examples? I don't remember anything about Rugrats.
>Chas fucking Deedee
Isgonna must be spinning in her grave
not him, but I can think of maybe some sorta example
>stu struggles constantly with his inventing, making money always taxing on the family
>hes been fired in the past, and has been unemployed basically
> I don't think his wife has a job til later in the show, stay home mother, think shes a teacher eventually
>live in grandfather adding in extra stress and no privacy
>his brother is married to a successful women whom while they have their own problems, money is not one of them
>Deedee has "first kid syndrome" badly, to the point she has a book writing famous doctor coming to her house to comment on her kids
DeeDee for being a whore.
>who was in the wrong here
>it's a kids cartoon
Adult viewers like you.
That's a pretty good Chaz impression
>Joined March 2003
What a chad
>Level: Angelica
no what the fuck holy shit that went from 0 to a 100 real quick desu ngl famalam they had us in the first half and then i was like hol up this shit aint wholesome keanu reeves big chungus 100 my childhood has been raped bruh....
Stu let a ginger jewess get him. The ginger distracts from the jewishness until it's too late. You hate to see it!
By the fourth episode we learn Deedee is a high school teacher
Do one about Barnyard
That has always been weird as fuck to me. The show makes it feel like she is constantly at home, not out of the house working from 8 til 3 five days a week. Also we never see her grading papers or doing any kind of off-hours teaching work. I think I’ve heard some people say she was only a substitute teacher, but I have no idea where their money was supposed to be coming from if that’s the case, because Stu did not seem all that successful.
All of the adults’ jobs seemed very out of whack, really. We just kind of vaguely maybe see them with important papers sometimes or shit, and a lot of them seem to need to be places at seemingly random times and other times are just around and they don’t seem like they have a schedule or anything. I guess that kind of thing could be intentional because it’s supposed to be from the babies’ perspective and they wouldn’t understand that kinda shit, but it is kinda weird that I can’t remember hardly any scenes where an adult is just coming home from work, for example.
i really like meatcanyon's last two parodies but this one... naw
how many times have we seen "unexpected domestic violence"? pretty predictable
stu was fairly successful. we just only ever saw his goofy toys and inventions, not his successful ones
Robot Chicken did TWO sketches exactly like this, one with the actual Rugrats.
I think I’ve already seen the sequel to this.
I dunno, there are a lot of scenes where Drew and Lu basically accuse him of chasing after a pipe dream and ask him when he’s gonna get a “real job.” And early in the show he kept saying “i just know this new invention is gonna be the one to put Pickles’ Toys on the map!” implying he hadn’t found his first breakout hit yet. I think early in the show he was struggling, and around the time when he made that creepy clown robot was when manufacturers started buying his designs and things started to turn around.
That and I think one episode where he gets a real job. He was a shitty inventor with some minor hits before he got a break.
this is super mario having a gun and being rapey tier
it's literally 20 years too late
>meatcanyon thread
Fuck off with your discount Oney
I think its because we mostly see things from the babies perspectives. That or most episodes happen during the weekends.
25 Cents....
Didi also never once makes any mention of any students or coworkers, outside of the one episode where we see her at work. I think she was canonically meant to be a school teacher only if the subject ever came up, but the writers mostly thought of her as a housewife and wrote her as such.
Who's this, another shadman wannabe?
>Pay tribute to the alpha male!
>Gee uncle Stu you're so forceful!
>That's right my little c-word.
Drew and Lou are just angry at Stu for marrying
a Jew.
he got oney to voice chaz in this
>TFW your parents are the most responsible in the entire show
that's /ourboy/ oney