>The snap kills half of the universes life completely randomly.
Wouldn't it be possible for the snap to kill mainly insects, animals and aliens and leave most humans uneffected if that's the case
The snap kills half of the universes life completely randomly
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Not animals, they're natural resources.
Or why not make a bigger universe with 1 trillion times more resources?
Mind and Soul stones are the parts that select PEOPLE in particular.
Thats not how probability works
>wishes half of all life to die at random, killing around 50% of sentient life, but also killing around 50% of crops and live stock, putting everyone in nearly the same predicament
well shit...
>Universes entire alien population is presumably bigger than 8 billion
>7-8 billion total humans in the universe
>snap exclusively kills of aliens and 0 people
it's obviously very unlikely that 0 people die but shouldn't it be a large possibility that either more or less than exactly 50% of humans survive
This is one of the reasons I find that movie impossible to take seriously.
are you fucking retarded? crops and livestock is way easier to replace than human life
or is this bait?
yes it does you retard
Humans are super easy to replace, they fuck like rabbits.
>completely random
what algorithm did Thanos use to do this?
If everything had a 50% chance of dying and there are 6 billion humans, you would end up with almost or exactly 3 billion left. The variation gets less the higher your numbers go.
Magic rock math
I know what you mean, I had been thinking the same but then realized that it actually doesn't make sense. Every single living being has a 50/50 chance of being wiped out. It doesn't matter that there are infinitely more insects than humans.
You will probably get some weird outliers though. Roughly half of humanity will die, but it just might happen by chance that France loses 95% of its inhabitants and Italy only 20% or something like that.
because he's a fucking lunatic. Also, not mentioned in the movies, he is in love with Death, so he aims to please _her_
Imagine if thanos was randomly picked too
Does it kill half of every species? That doesn't make sense since "species" don't actually exist. Retarded movie.
The 2030 remaster will turn him white and only kill black people
Try in 2020 remake
because you can't create energy out of nowhere
Wouldn't basically everybody be negatively since bacteria are alive aswell and I would imagine losing about half of the necessary bacteria in your body would cause medical problems?
fucking doesn't make humans grow any faster. we're stuck in a stomach for 9 months and babies consume way less food than average adults
stop being a dum-dum
>dude its because he is retarded lmao
Peak writing
Obviously it's only life as in animals. But your average burger is too dumb to get that, so they just say life.
didn't it kill half of any life in general? that means some species aren't affected at all because it's pure chance
that said, I haven't seen the movie because capeshit is beyond retarded and I suffer too much secondhand embarrassment
Try looking up how long it takes to grow a cow.
>cows are the only livestock on earth
so what, let's just eat more chickens
>pure chance
>original avengers survive, everyone else die
What would have happened had thanos killed himself with this?
>I suffer too much secondhand embarrassment
I've never heard something this gay
Rock paper scissors
>half of the ocean's phytoplankton disappear
>oxygen production on Earth diminishes
>humans all die
thanos just made everyone super retarded lmao
well, I meant what it's supposed to do in theory. capeshit doesn't have the best writing
yeah, I'm gay because I don't stand up clapping when some dumb actor in a ridiculous costume makes an "epic" appearance for the thousandth time
I also watched the scene when brie overpowers some dude purely due to the power of emotions even though he was way stronger. it's so fucking embarrassing to watch
It's a superhero flick you dum dum. Just watch it halfassedly and turn brain off. There's no room for embarrassment
in a universe where time travel is real and people zip across galaxies like nothing
I have zero problem with the snap and stuff like that, I'm talking about scenes that are made purely to jerk their fans off
>not mentioned in the movies, he is in love with Death, so he aims to please _her_
irrelevant to his on-screen character however, because they didn't introduce lady death so they invented an entirely different motivation for killing so many
The snap is a very flawed concept which makes it quite obvious that Thanos just wasn't a very smart guy. Insanely strong and tactically talented, but he didn't really have basic logic.
Its not funny
no. imagine all life being lined up side by side. for simplicity, let's say they're in order, so you've got billions of frogs followed by billions of bees followed by millions of penguins...etc. followed by all the humans. then you go down the line and select every other thing. So first frog, then third frog, fifth frog, etc., followed by first bee, third bee, fifth bee, etc. so all species lose half.
Because increasing the amount of resources is a logistic problem that needs to be solved in some arbitrary way, and you also need to define what counts as a resource and what doesn't.
Are all plants resources? Does it mean you need to increase the amount of water to satisfy the need of the new plants? Where do you put that water, do you make the planet bigger? If you do, how do you account the variation in gravity?
Killing half of all life to solve the resources problem is dumb, but from a logistic standpoint it doesn't really pose a problem. There was a time when the biomass of Earth was far less than half of what it is nowadays. It's simpler in the same way cutting an arm is simpler than attaching two more to your body.
Didn't he said all sentient life at one point, or am I writing the script for Disney, although I remember it took me out of the first movie, because he could just create more if he actually does it to save life. All powerful mcguffins and time travel really are the worst copouts.
Nice headcanon
it is possible for humans to never be selected but the odds are 1/2^7000000000 so good luck
If he had the time stone why not reverse his home and bitchslap the ruling elite to prevent its downfall?
Banner literally creates energy out of nowhere when he Hulks out
literally nothing, did you even watch it?
killing him after the snap had no effect on anything whatsoever
He would have left the gems available to his enemies, who could have just undone what he did.
We saw Hawkman's dog dissaper with the rest of his family.
Animals were affected too.
But the Gauntlet was smart enough to know the population of every different species in the universe and just divide them by half.
Half of all dogs. Half of all humans. Half of all cows. etc
wonder if some countries just get fucked and others deal with relatively little losses. Or does his faggy glove break things down regionally and nationally too
If it's truly random, there won't be a noticeable variance when the sample size is 8 billion
It's like if you flip 10 coins, you shouldn't be too surprised if you get 3 heads and 7 tails
If you flip 100 coins you'll be somewhat suspicious if you only get 30 heads
If you flip 1000000000 coins and only get 300000000 heads you know something's wrong with the coin
Should have just killed the boomers. At this point they are just consuming resources and producing nothing.
It will probably say some shit like how it only takes half of those things with a soul. This is why there aren't mass tree deaths in forests.
>pure chance
>Literally every Wakanda nigger