"fuck art" kinda scenes

hey guys, so i need to find some movie scenes that shit on art (painting, sculpture, etc...) for a project
the only ones i can think of is the gallery in La haine and pic related
it can be about art being pretentious, boring, stupid or anything like that
pls help me

Attached: 500shit.jpg (1280x540, 85K)

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here are the examples i mentioned, so you can get an idea

"The square" 2017 is a whole movie about post modern art in action

>so i need to find some movie scenes that shit on art
poor phrasing

got one more in mind. ill find it. i'll probably think of some others too.

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Velvet buzzsaw is heavily focused on shitting on the contemporary art world

That episode of louie where he presses the nigger button?

Unicorn store, actually

Mon Oncle
Assuming it's a film school project you should be ashamed to not know this.



Nocturnal Animals

The main character is an art curator and she absolutely hates the garbage she sells. She doesn't say it in this clip, but she does elsewhere in the film. It's a really great movie.

this one?

Attached: uh oh.webm (1280x720, 1.81M)

yeah, film school has really showed me i don't know shit
also thank you all for helping a brainlet get a passing grade

All of Velvet Buzzsaw

Reminder that contemporary art is so shit because the industry is run by jews, who revere ugly and profane.

I went to my local museum recently, the first exhibit was 19th century American. It was beautiful, each painting a moment to the awe-inspiring landscape and to a healthy-white nation. The change was abrupt, it all went downhill through a doorway.

Attached: ED7A4CE0-34F1-40B4-B5E2-4098C380B740.jpg (480x360, 15K)

not a movie but real life
guy would paint and sell 'lost works' of famous painters, sold this for $7 million

Attached: 11.jpg (479x276, 52K)

Here you go OP, from In Bruges

do you regret your art major or what

I remember seeing this. Really interesting.

Its also shit, so it should fit in

wow, saddest post i have ever seen

It's 'shit' because most modern artists value expression and creativity above literally anything else. The average layman only knows how to appreciate a piece because of the technical skill put into it. So when that's absent, as it is with a lot of work now, they feel resentment.

Salo was a fuck you to cinéma as an art form

/pol/ BTFO

Strongly recommend that if you're going to film school you do a lot of production design stuff.
Knowing CAD, welding, carpentry, and the technical side of lighting and sound design puts food on the table and builds great contacts.

I don't get people who hate on contemporary art. I value the diversity. It's interesting to see what kind of interesting compositions some artists come up with and how they mix different painting styles and media. There are always galleries that display classic painters and contemporary realist painters or painters who make "pretty" art. You just have to look.

Attached: daniel greene.jpg (453x640, 310K)

>Knowing CAD

Fuck you. I am going to FILM school and not FLICK school

It's money laundering. Anyone who owns a Picasso is doing some illegal shit.

We've heard the story a million times. Artist dies in obscurity, his paintings are valueless, and then a few years later, poof! They're selling for millions. It's like the aluminium industry. It's just money going round in (((circles))).

Ever try to withdraw several thousand dollars from a bank? They get incredibly suspicious. They think you're doing something illegal. They want transaction records. What are you buying? Why do you need cash? Just use your credit card. Are you buying drugs? Weapons? Paying ransom?

But with modern art? Nothing suspicious here, Agent. Just selling these cocktail napkins to Saudi Kings for the price of a virgin girl-- not that I would know how much it costs to traffic a virgin into the middle east.

only if you're a brainlet

>struggling in film school
dude this is pretty pathetic. if you're going to film school dont you basically have to be at the top of your class to actually get a job other than starbucks?


I think there was one in "along came polly" I don't really remember

joe pesci make a fun of a modernist house. hilarious scene




>You're so ugly you could be a modern art masterpiece!

This thread, here's my Joker art

Attached: JoggerJoker_colorr.jpg (920x665, 144K)

The Square (2018)

Just... the whole.. movie. Here's a clip tho


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