Nikolaj Coster-Waldau edition
Nikolaj Coster-Waldau edition
Azor Jon/Aegon
those tats look terribly mismatched
This is the thread
previous thread here because op is a faggot
Whens the ep 3 leak going to happen?
>making the same mistake 2 times
more like OP is a newfaggot.
When will Jaime IGNITE THE FLAME
I think the show is going to end with the iron throne being abolished and a new progressive democratic system replacing it. It would be a good parallel to draw to the evil of Trump's america, and all the people fighting the walkers represent all the strong and brave people resisting the republicans
Why the fuck did the show tip its hand with the Crypts?
Why can't they just let us be surprised? Why do they always have to tip redditors off with some minor detail?
They will chain Euron on the Iron Throne and throw him into the sea.
What's that formula?
>womyn instituting democracy
I'm going to lose my mind if this is the end game. then again, idk what else GRRM couldve meant by "breaking the wheel"
Azor Theon
Anonymous 04/24/19(Wed)09:10:32 No.113419050
Don’t Arya and Jon have one of the strongest/closest relationships in the books, their reunion in the show was short and disappointing. Plus they haven’t had any personal scenes together since. The fuck are these writers doing?
Brienne knighted was a pretty good scene
>Azor Jamie saves the season and the show
High in the Halls of the posts that are gone
Janny would dance with his trolls
The self worth he has lost and hot pockets he has made
The posts that upset him the most
The healthy weight thats been gone for so very long
He couldn't remember his face
They spun him around on the damp blue board
Spun away all his money and days
And he always does it for free
Always does it for free
He always does it for free
Always does it for free
what do you want them to do? arya is an edgy anime character while jon is pissed due to finding out he's a targ, and they're about to get swarmed by an army of dead men and ice zombies
the Crypts are totally safe though, Its mentioned about 15 times in ep 2.
>Put most of your army outside of the walls to battle a larger army
>When they die they turn against you
>By the time the outside forces are defeated, regardless of how many undead they killed your remaining force will still be outnumbered heavily except now facing armoured undead
what is the end game here?
He had it made for a movie role.
I worked on set assistance for one particular scene in season 8 that I suspect will happen in episode 3. /got/ will go absolutely mental. There will be a lot of ash, you know what I'm talking about when you see it. For anyone that can't watch the episode live stay away from Yea Forums before you watch it or you'll definitely get spoiled.
i think melisandre will appear at the last second in the next episode with a large group of firepriests and they will do some fire magic stuff and the night king will be forced to retreat since he's made of ice, and fire obviously counters ice
didnt Ned said something about the defense of Winterfell if it's attacked?
how do you go from this...
This is actually the Soviet Estonia flag, yikes.
thanks Azor Jamie.
>literally Gandalf saves everyone in Helms Deep
to this
to this...
...a finger in the bum
fire doesn't do anything to white walkers, only the wights
They were lesser men.
>Rush every man woman and child outside the bastion walls and rush the enemy, hoping to kill their commander
Wise words, Ned..
Can /got/ record this part (always does it for free) so I can make a choir or something?
ass dance! ass dance!
(24/7 shinchan stream over on
Gentle reminder that Jaime/Loras catfights were more entertaining than Cersei/Margaery catfights.
>"This is no concern of yours." Ser Loras shoved him aside.
>Jaime grabbed the boy with his good hand and yanked him around. "I am the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, you arrogant pup. Your commander, so long as you wear that white cloak. Now sheathe your bloody sword, or I'll take it from you and shove it up some place even Renly never found."
>Jaime hated that smile. "I was better than you, Ser Loras. I was bigger, I was stronger, and I was quicker."
>"And now you're older," the boy said. "My lord."
>"I saw you in the yard today," said Jaime. "You rode well."
>"Better than well, surely." Ser Loras poured himself a cup of wine, and took a seat across the half-moon table.
>"A more modest man might have answered 'My lord is too kind,' or 'I had a good mount.'"
>"The horse was adequate, and my lord is as kind as I am modest."
>"I learned from the White Bull and Barristan the Bold," Jaime snapped. "I learned from Ser Arthur Dayne, the Sword of the Morning, who could have slain all five of you with his left hand while he was taking with a piss with the right. I learned from Prince Lewyn of Dorne and Ser Oswell Whent and Ser Jonothor Darry, good men every one."
>"Dead men, every one."
>He's me, Jaime realized suddenly. I am speaking to myself, as I was, all cocksure arrogance and empty chivalry. This is what it does to you, to be too good too young.
We missed out.
based and incestpilled
Fucking hell too good to be true.
>Rush every man woman and child outside the bastion walls and rush the enemy, hoping to kill their commander
and people trying to tell me that he's the son of Rhaegar and Lyanna lmao
he's obviously the little shit of Ned and Ashara
Not into the Briennefaggotry, but otherwise this is good.
>idk what else GRRM couldve meant by "breaking the wheel"
Look at Dany's face when Jon tells her about his lineage. Look at her behavior each time she is challenged. She's too power-hungry to ever accept a future where she's not on the throne, even if it means killing everyone else.
I would love it if it turned out he really was Ned's bastard kid and everyone was just fucking with him, the 3ER had the wrong vision and sam messed up in his record check. The big twist at the end would be Jon Snow standing in front of the dragon, claiming hes fireproof and getting burnt alive.
Loras ended burned by oil in Feast of Crows right?
Don't be ridiculous you sexist pig. You just can't cope with a strong progressive female leader on the iron throne you fucking incel. Get out of here now.
Yeah Cersei sends him to get fucked up by the Greyjoys, I think
Probably a lie told to Cersei so she lowers her guard about him. There's no proof he got that injured in the siege of Dragonstone.
show version will run with R+L=J
it's just a good headcannon for bookfaggs and Tully-haters.
Yeah, still alive tho
I think ultimatle the tragdey (or possibly comedy) of the show is that everything has somewhat been planned out from the beginning but due to the scale of the story things haven't organically gone in the direction that was originally intended.
Due to a combination of the direction and the performances it feels like some characters that are now of pivotal importance to the plot has a lot less emotional investment from audience.
Ironically the writers would benefit from watching and understanding professional wrestling , if a character is not creating the emotional connection with the audience as intedned (danaerys/sansa/arya/jon/tyrion) you have to change course and allow those that have gotten "over" with the auidence to flourish.
Yeah, Cersei sent him to retake Dragonstone as a condition for her to allow the royal navy to fight off Euron from his home. It was supposed to be a suicide mission, but the madman managed to survive.
I have never hated a face as much as I hate danys
You guys think we will have Winds of Winters when the series end? I-I hope so... I want more Euron and I want to know what's it's going to happen with Jaime and Lady Stoneheart.
>can't tell if she's intentionally laying it on thick and acting badly to show that dany is being dishonest in that scene, or if it's just emilia being emilia
I think that we'll get TWOW, but not DOS, which is even worse. GRRM is over 70 and overweight. The only saving chance would be if he's writing DOS at the same time.
I think we'll get Winds yeah, probs not A Dream of Spring tho
hope he's just blueballing everyone and only release the books after the show ends
>their reunion in the show was short and disappointing
Neither character has a personality. What did you expect?
So Cersei fucked up by paying back all the debt and they're gonna betray her at some point, aren't they? I mean now that she has paid back all that was owed, the bank has no more reason to support her. First off they're setting up schemes with the Iron Bank
>"Some of the iron bank will be disappointed. They've grown rather fond of your interest payments."
>"If [Tywin] was so clever, why didn't he take Highgarden the moment your gold mines went dry?"
or just the general sarcastic tone from the banker guy, or how Tywin wasn't really worried about the iron bank even though he owed them money
Second off its because there probably isn't enough time or budget to have a battle between the north and the crown, and the GC stabbing the lannisters in the back and opening the gates would be fairly poetic as this is the exact thing Tywin did to the Targaryans and what Cersei and Littlefinger did to Ned Stark with the City watch
Even fucking "let me tell you about how cold it is beyond the wall" or "in Braavos they have a big statue of a figher" would have been something.
H-have faith bros, never lose the faith...Maybe he ended both and he is waiting for the end of the show. I always had this idea in my mind.
After she paid off the existing debt, she was free to take a new loan to pay for the Golden Company. GC supposedly never broke a contract and were founded by Blackfyres so they might hate Kelly C on principle.
I tried to read LOTR a little while after finishing ASOIAF, but I couldn't get into it. After like 100 pages I was thinking to myself "where is the incest? No crippled children? WTF man! Booooooring."
I think /ourguy/ it's going to trick her.
Where did this start about GC betraying Cersei?
>A world famous merc company, reliant 100% on it's reputation, not only breaks a contract but murders the contract holder and sacks the city they were employed to guard
makes zero sense
>Put vulnerable people in the crypts
>When fighting a guy who raises the dead
Golden Company broke their contract in the books.
swashbuckling french pirate from space
I think that's possible for WoW but not DoS. No way he wrote both of those in 8 years going by George standards
>small dick edition
He'd make such a great Flashman if they ever wanted to make more of those
Spoil it you roleplaying faggit
Poor summer child
>fellow estfag appreciating the tully regime
They all get murdered by the Nightking and then march into the city as an undead company.
Ned Stark gets zombie'd
No its not the GC that betrays them, its the iron bank. Like i said now that Cersei has paid all the debt the iron bank has no reason to support her, and can go to the side with the Dothraki and Dragons.
This fucking scene was first to really bring it home how much I hate her, and how fucking old she's got over the series.
She was genuinely cute (though still miscast) in S1.
>Hey, I killed your dad and brother.
How does *anyone* like this character??
Daenerys went from Dragonstone to North of the wall in like 10 fucking minutes? In a continent the size of South America.
>ned stark arises
>head falls off
>flailing around like a madman
>knocking over jugs and wine
>littlefinger laughs
Do they atleast describe the food in LOTR?
People that like entitlement.
LF gave his bones back to Cat and she sent them to Winterfell
Yeah but why would the Bank, now free of having to protect the Lannisters to get their gold back, continue to support Cersei, and not the side with the dragons? Why would the writers choose the one mercenary company thats currently invading Westeros behind a Targaryan? Why would the writers put in lines of dialogue like that of Olenna on why Tywin never paid back the debt with Tyrell money?
Oh hey, if Ned gets zombies, so does Littlefinger. That's cool.
We're not really the people to ask, I think most of Yea Forums is still on team Stannis, team Jamie or on team loli bear
>Dragons are her children
>Gets over it immediately when one dies
>have some really important character and story moments like dany confronting the man that murdered her father and who is going to ride the dragons
>gloss over it in a couple of mins
very disappointing
>thinking I want an answer and not just reinforcement of my opinion
>continent the size of South America
>catelyn goes from kings landing to the inn at the crossroads in three days
yeah no. gurm fucked up the scale of the world before dabid even got their hands on it.
painfully out of key
>capable of deep, lingering, complex emotions
All she feels is a desire for immediate satisfaction and frustration when said satisfaction is denied to her.
were you expecting good singing from a Yea Forums vocaroo? i was surprised it wasn't just incoherent screaming
Didn't the iron bank profit off of slavery which Dany mostly ended? Wouldn't they want to stick it to her and topple her so they could return to profiting from slavery?
Sooo...a woman?
the fat fucks fucking around rambling in his blog every couple of days. he's not working on the book.
Tywin never paid the debt with Tyrell gold since he still had use for them. They fed the capital. In his chat with Cersei he talks about the Iron Bank with respect. Braavosi have a real good reason to hate anything related to the Valyrians since they are descendants of slaves who escaped.
Does the queen's Myrish swamp smell like it's metaphorical namesake?
Muh sex lol
this all stems from him writing in the 90s when people couldnt easily watch porn right?
>Tywin never paid the debt with Tyrell gold since he still had use for them. They fed the capital
Yes but if the took care of Highgarden he could feed the capital himself. Also he had enough justification for war, i mean the Tyrells literally allied with Renly.
>Braavosi have a real good reason to hate anything related to the Valyrians since they are descendants of slaves who escaped.
The Iron Bank deals in arithmetics, not sentiment
Last time there was a war the IB backed Stannis and we know how well that ended in the show.
>took care of Highgarden he could feed the capital himself
He was already at war with the Starks. Do you really want him to pull a Hitler and open up a new front with people that would otherwise be allies with you?
Spoilers for episodes 3 & 4
Cersei sends them North to finish off whoever comes on top of the battle for Winterfell. Starks manage to fight off the first wave of White Walkers, but Night King doesn't show up. Golden Company starts besieging Winterfell. Night King shows up, kills them all and raises them. so fucking stupid that it would actually make me pop a blood vessel. There's so many different, better directions they could go in
Chadolaj Chadster-Chadau
That Cersei sex scene was pretty good though. Pure crazy bitch kino.
>Ten thousand of your children perished in my palm, Your Grace, she thought, slipping a third finger into Myr. Whilst you snored, I would lick your sons off my face and fingers one by one, all those pale sticky princes. You claimed your rights, my lord, but in the darkness I would eat your heirs.
>Taena gave a shudder. She gasped some words in a foreign tongue, then shuddered again and arched her back and screamed. She sounds as if she is being gored, the queen thought.
>For a moment she let herself imagine that her fingers were a bore's tusks, ripping the Myrish woman apart from groin to throat.
>It was still no good.
a literal KINO dabid daaaabid moment
>Euron redditjoy didin't actually kill the dyke so they could rescue her
I'm not even mad, really, it was so obvious that they would do it
I hate this frame. She looks exactly like the boat whore. Do not reply to this post with pictures of the boat whore
Am I the only one who feel like they are taking this whole fucking thing too lightly?
>yeah bro let's do some sword training
>hmm how about we get something to drink
>hehe we did what we could right guys
While an undead army is right at your doorstep.
>Euron redditjoy
damn thats good
Right after he kills Dany. Right?
No, you're not. The entire last season is a joke now, it became too normie, even normier than it originally was. Now its just a big quipsciclopedia.
At this point I wouldn't even be trying desu. almost all fighting men are dead in various wars anyway, halls are full of shitskin horsefuckers, the food is burned and spent, and even if the zombies get repelled somehow, everyone is likely to starve to death afterwards anyway. Might as well get drunk and die.
thank you based user for carrying op's slack
Is Cersei gonna go full Hitler on us and burn the whole fucking realm to the ground?
The whole point of Brienne's character is that she doesn't really want to be a knight and it's cope for her not being a lady, yet they make her a knight in the show and she cries like she's so happy.
The whole point of Cersei's character is that she is a narcissist who fucks people to get ahead and yet Lena Headey thinks Cersei is out of character when she fucks Euron.
Does anyone on this show understand their own characters?
I wouldn't say she doesn't want to be a knight, exactly. She has complicated feelings about it, she feels like a freak, but she always strives to achieve knightly ideals for a reason. She probably would cry like a bitch if she had a room full of people appreciate her talents and achievements as they are with no hint of sarcasm or derision.
>Rightful King of Westeros
Targs lost their right when Robert got the Iron Throne through Conquest.
That would have been okay if that was the atmosphere they were planning on creating.
user the GC is canonically made up of exiled Lord's and Knights of Westeros from before Bobby B's rebellion.
It doesn't really matter who the hell they keep their contract with anymore. They are home. I wouldn't be surprised if Euron and the GC had something to say before the season is over. I mean the mountain can kill like 30 guys but they have a few thousand.
This entire war is fucking retarded
>you're outnumbered like 10:1 so what should you do? You move your entire army OUT of the castle
>you put all of your armies and civillians into a single castle that can be easily surrounded from all sides
>you put your civillians into crypts
>you start making silly shit like dragonglass swords and axes, when you should make shitton of arrowheads and train archers to pick off White Walkers specifically
>Targs lost their right when Robert got the Iron Throne through Conquest.
This, true rulers of westeros are House Estermont
Dabid will ignore the zombie raising power of the the NK in favor of cool actions scenes.
This I don't know about Brienne not wanting to be a knight, but she certainly wants to prove her worth and courage. She was happy in that moment not really because she has a title now, but because she was surrounded by people including Jaime Lannister who unironically acknowledged and recognized her achievements
Maario Naharis
She was taught how to be a ruler but never how to be wise.
The entire focus of her power comes from giant reptilian WMDs. She could never rule without the threat of nuclear fire like any Targ. Plus she's predisposed to craziness.
Oh shit maybe she's an allegory for Hillary.
>night king approaches winterfell
>battles ensues
>bran flees from to the castle
>jamie pushes him off the castle walls
>rest of bran's bones break as his chair shatters on the ground
>night king tumbles, undead follow suit
how long are the episode lenghts going forward?
I think next episode is 80-90 minutes long
it's like barely a /got/ meme never understood the appeal of this meme
the real one!?
Denaerys has become more of a tyrant as the show progressed. Her beginnings were heroic enough, rising from the slut of a tribal king to its leader, then freeing slaves and liberating cities from dictators, etc.
However, killing the slavers and burning down the Dothraki settlement marked the start of her lust for power.
Killing the Tarlys was the peak moment, where she gave the choice of joining her cause or dying. Despite everyone telling her not to, she did it anyway.
Now in Winterfell she's not getting her way as much as she likes, contrary to how she's had things in the past. Not only that, the realisation that Jon is a Targaryen with a stronger claim to the throne than her has impacted her ego - especially since she found out after she let Jon ride one of her dragons.
Let's not forget that it's wide belief that the Targaryens have insanity coded into their bloodline, that becomes more pronounced as they grow older. She's becoming more like Viserys every day.
Dany is going to be put down. D&D aren't going to finish the series without her getting any retribution.
I hated how in s08e01
>"hey it's me, Jon. This lady has been saving us and fighting ice demons with dragons and shit and she wants to protects as queen and i believe in her and stuff"
>Little bear girl: "hold the fuck on a minute JONnnnnn. Who is this bitch. Who are you now. Y'all don't get to make decisions without my fucking approval"
then in s08e02
>hey...the brother/lover of the Queen who sits on the iron throne who wants to crush us if we survive the ice monsters...he just walked up in here
>little bear girl:
And really i just use this as an example of the over all shitty writing. They don't look at the situations and determine the most realistic or interesting events that would unfold from that situation. They just go "let's have Sansa feel uncomfortable *this* time to emphasize *that* aspect. I think Jamie Lannister showing up in Winterfell is a big deal. I feel like the earlier seasons would have treated this as a whole episode. I don't feel like things unfold in a world building way anymore. It very much feels like the single thread of the viewer forcibly being manipulated to specific moments that don't really tell the full real story. Would really those characters have sat by a fire together, as in that specific group, on the eve of a full on battle? This show is fucking garbage and yet most people just hoot and holler and clap at it. It's fucking bonkers
I was told there was 100,000 in the Night King's army, Jon says this number at the dragonpit.
I was told there was 100,000 Dothraki, 8,000 unsullied, plus the vale knights (I'm guessing 10-20,000), plus whatever fighting men the north could muster from all the houses.
How are they outnumbered exactly?
nothing matters, everything is possible when the plot requires it
The big twist in the next two episodes is that while Bran sees the past, Night King sees the future. The weirwood tree of Winterfell is the one where he was originally created, and it needs to be destroyed in order to kill him. Night King actually wants to die.
Why didnt they just equip the dragons with dragon stone armor?
is it socially acceptable to tell people at work that this guy is my fav character or will it make me a pariah
what would normies think of a dude who said he was their favourite character?
when I was asked I played it safe and said Jamie and slay queen sansa
What? Do you want them to sit there crying and rocking back and forth constantly for 2 episodes straight. Not only would that be idiotic form a writing perspective, but also from a logical one. All of them there have seen them at least once, and have already panicked in some. Just remember Jaime shouting at Cersei how they're gonna kill them all if they do nothing now for instance. At this point training, drinking and looking for comfort is what most people would do.
>you're outnumbered like 10:1 so what should you do? You move your entire army OUT of the castle
We hole up in our castles, a wise move, only a fool would meet the Wights in an open field. They leave us in our castles. They go from town to town, looting and burning, killing every man who can't hide behind a stone wall, stealing all our crops and livestock, enslaving all our women and children.
Also they can just wait outside and freeze them to death.
>you put all of your armies and civillians into a single castle that can be easily surrounded from all sides
Winterfell is a really defensible castle where everyone can easily retreat to quickly. Where else are they gonna go? They can't move their entire population quickly enough to outrun the White Walkers which constantly march without resting in that climate, at least not to another major castle.
>you put your civillians into crypts
I guess we'll see if that matters next time, but the crypts themselves are pretty defensible and the dead in there are mostly dust and in stone coffins.
>you start making silly shit like dragonglass swords and axes, when you should make shitton of arrowheads and train archers to pick off White Walkers specifically
They are making a fuckton of arrowheads, but they're also making melee weapons for when the dead eventually swarm them. Small Axes are great in close quarters and the one they showed was specifically made for the Hound.
I dunno the dragons arent eating or something? wasnt that like 1/3 of the first episode? I mean they were told they werent eating then they went all the way to "investigate" but there was a Jurassic Park scene of sifting through shit they just went on a CG ride and then kissed through Zero chemistry. WHAT WAS THE FUCKING POINT!!!!!!
I don't think it would make you a pariah. Pariah is like if you said Ramsay was your favourite character, or you thought burning shireen was the right call
Can't wait for Victarion to show up and beat the Night King 1v1.
>cucked by his first wife
>cucked out of his home by Ned
>cucked by Dany with Daario then Jon
>cucked by Jon by being a superior son to Joer
>cucked by Lyanna out of his title
How are they going to make him more pathetic?
He is going to die first without killing anybody
Robert has Targ blood and that was his claim to the throne dumbfuck
dogshit show
>tries to die heroically to save Dany
>cucked out of a noble sacrifice by Grey Worm
Bet on it brother
So which dragon will die?
He's been portrayed on several occasions as a piss poor fighter so cucked there too.
Being Lord Commander of the now useless Night's Watch at the end.
it's still a different dynasty
Undead Stannis soon
dany hopefully
>Unsullied=4000-7000(lots of them died in Meereen)
>Vale=1500-5000(First number is the initial one but they might have gotten reinforcements also those are just their knights and not the whole standing army but everytime they are mentioned it is just about their knights)
>Freefolk=1000-2000(lost of them died but other have to fight now or migrated south later on)
>Northmen=5000-20000(not a single mention so this is a rough estimation)
>Army of the Dead=100000(Hardhome)+whatever they added beyond the wall and in the North
Dude should have more acting gigs, one of the best actors on GoT if not the best.
all of them
What? When? He was shown as a good fighter during that gladiator shit and his valor was known before joining her
New Night King theme leaked
Baratheons are a Cadet House of the Targaryens, so it is a different House but not a different Dynasty.
Dany is going to go full mad king and attack Jon, where Jorah will be one of the only people remaining at her side. In the end, he will almost kill Jon, and then Lyanna mormont will be the one to kill him
so did all the visions in the house of undying end up coming true?
Tyrion also got made Hand of the Queen and not Jorah. Doesn't he stop at one point and ask himself "what's the fuking point anymore?"?
For sure, but I mean in next episode
azor jaime!!
>gladiator shit
He's getting completely manhandled by the sword dancer until the spear man gets him in the back and then fat rolls his way to luck. He gets manhandled in Vaes Dothark and Daario has to bail him out. Even the fight in the first season he wins because he's wearing armour and the Dothraki can't cut through it.
>There’s a game of Thrones spinoff already in production
Is this why there will be only 8 episodes this series?
in the event another dragon dies, it's basically guaranteed NK gets a second one, isn't it? you can't burn the body
Did Preston die? I need my fix
Jesus Christ now I'm going to be disappointed because this is too good to be true.
Could you imagine if that's how that Jurassic Park scene went down?
>hey the triceratops is sick
>i'll go with you to check it out
>hey...ever ride a triceratops?
>just grab on
>ya know it's awfully jurassic up here for life to uh...find a way
>so you better spare no expense
>*they kiss as a dilophosaurus stares and rattles at them*
Fuck off Preston. Stop spamming your gay channel here.
6 episodes
he's not stannis levels social pariah
why didnt they give wun-wun, their greatest asset by far, any kind of armor or weapon at the battle of the bastards?
Were there even any visions in the show? I can't remember. I know in the books she has a lot of visions of shit but in the show she just saw Karl Drago and her son, and the Red Keep rekt and getting snow inside.
"A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms" was one of the best episodes we've ever had. Hear me out
>Second through the breach at Pyke and got knighted for his valor in that battle.
>Joined famous sellswords after fleeing Westeros.
>Killed the mouthy Bloodrider after Drogo died.
>Took Yunkai with Daario and Grey worm. >BTFO the arenas in Meereen twice.
>Didn't spear Kelly C by accident when he killed the harpy dude.
>Killed whights in the fight beyond the wall.
Nah bro, Tyrion is better than.
Replace this with Dany pulling a sword out of a dead Drogon. It bursts into flames (ensuring NK doesn't get a second dragon) as she becomes Azor Ahai and raises up Lightbringer
Also, i'm still not done complaining about the name Drogon. It's like naming your rabbit, Rabbat
>Baratheons are a Cadet House of the Targaryens
if you're implying this is because orys was aegon's bastard brother this hasnt been comfirmed. rhaelle was roberts grandmother but that's it as far as we know. by your logic velaryons could lawfully take over the throne as well
Lord Varys is based, you're fine. I particularly enjoy the scene where he had the sorcerer who castrated him shipped to King's Landing in a box
it was the right call
Varys is the best, even if I'm not convinced that he was a Targaryen loyalist all along.
Preston Jacobs. Preston Jacobs. Preston Jacobs.
Because if the whole dragon was made out of the same material as the black box, it couldn't fly.
He named him after Drogo. I agree though, if GRRM planned to have Daenerys name her dragon after her late husband he should have given him a different name.
Bravo Dabid!!!!
Orys was probably Aegon's bastard brother, but House Baratheon was founded as a successor to House Durrandon, not as a cadet house to House Targaryen. Aegon didn't legitimise Orys and give him his title, he conquered Storm's End and made his own house.
cast her
At some point there will be a "motherly love conquers all" moment and Viserion will turn on the Night King at a pivotal moment in the battle. Something similar will happen with the Stark zombies.
Those were implied to be the best 5-6 fighters in Essos, and Jorah basically did a walk on. We watched him manhandle the minor leagues fighters without even trying just beforehand. Not being THE best in Essos doesn't mean he's a jobber.
In Vaes Dothrak he's beginning to feel the effects of greyscale and is missing his sword, against a younger and bigger opponent.
Jorah is among the most skilled fighters in the realms. That's why he and Ser Barristan were able to keep up decades after their physical prime.
>asking /got/ what is and isn't socially acceptable
that's a gamble at best
Howland Reed
The reason Robert got it over Ned or Jon Arryn was that his grandma was a Targaryen. If the Velaryons had been very competent and powerful rebels during the war of the Usurper they could easily have had a claimant.
You realize that literally every body becomes the night kings. I don't know how you could really fight against something like that. If I have 100,000 and he has 10,000 and I kill 5,000 of his men by burning them but he kills 5,000 of my men and raises them I'm now down to 95,000 and he's still at 10,000.
Even if they are close to the same numbers that means the night king has them outnumbered by a lot.
We got Daario being a douche to horses instead.
Why do only virgin alt-right nerds like this guy?
He literally burned his daughter
also based
>almost everything in the crypts is bones by now
>the few that still may have a trace are bones entombed in stone
Where did this meme that hiding in the crypts is stupid again? The freshest corpse is Rickon I think and after that is Ned that is missing a head and died like 10 years ago
Rule #2 for every single horror movie scenario.
If people talk about how a certain location is the safest over and over and over then it is not safe.
>virgin alt-right nerds
you're implying a whole ton there.
also read the books, stannis is by far the best character
remind me again, how is an axe a good choice for a dragonglass weapon when you could literally poke them with a stick that has a shard tied to the end?
Well yes I have no doubt the crypts will be broken into, I just don't think it will be the bone and dust inside the tombs that is going to slaughter everyone hiding inside
yes, and it would've been a new dynasty
If he is so best why is he dead?
he isn't
Robert took the throne with his hammer. Ned didn't want it, Jon didn't want it. Robert had a better claim than Hoster, had won more battles than Hoster and killed Rhaegar himself.
Honestly, Robert's claim didn't matter to the lords.
delete this
You have to get into the mind of Dabid. The dead Starks rising from the crypts is not incredibly obvious but a small plot twist. A great opportunity for a shocking moment which Dabid loves and it got hinted on with Arya in the trailer and past episodes.
reminder that AFFC and ADWD were supposed to be one book, and they both took around ten years to write. George had to split the one book in half to get a release out.
TWOW is taking so long because Gurm isnt splitting books up again because splitting characters up by geography was fucking stupid. He wants to deliver quality this time bros.
when bran's dick starts working
The three eyed raven's dick doesn't work, and also the three eyed raven doesn't feel anything for her because he is not Bran.
Nah fool she's running from dead Gendry. If you had been paying attention you would have noticed the foreshadowing with his conversation with her about how scared he is of the night king and the undead while she went full edge-lord bad-ass telling him how unafraid she was.
>we missed out on all the times Meera had to clean up Bran's piss and wipe his ass
Wasted potential
>He wants to deliver quality this time bros.
Proceeds to shart his pants in talkshows when he could be writing the episodes. Fucking salad dodger.
>let me stay on these islands while ya'll fight the undead
She's the smartest person in this show.
So he will give us a book that only Robert Baratheon can lift?
Who is hotter, him or Josh Holloway/Sawyer from Lost
sometimes i think GRRM is a lot further along with the book than he lets on, and is just waiting for the right moment to 'drop' it on everyone. he does like to subvert expectations.
but i only really think that because even he has to realize he doesn't realistically have enough life left to finish these books. he either acknowledges this and simply isn't finishing them out of apathy (most likely) or he's prepping us all for a ruse cruise
he wrote about that too?
is the entirety of ASOIAF a thinly veiled scat fanfiction?
Jaime mogs Sawyer
Georgie boy looks the type don't you think?
No, Bran just gets horny for Meera
He's a lazy fat hack. The nigger got a golden ticket selling the series to hbo and now doesn't even need to finish the books.
Fuck off fake Southerner I would kill you if I could
What is Dany's tax policy?
Bring it bitch. Pussy coward.
What's the difference really
>start of episode 3
>shot of undead army standing on the ridge over Winterfell
>cut to Night King riding from the back of the horde all the way to the front
>as he takes his position, another horse and rider appears from behind him and stands next to him
>it's Cersei
>she isn't a wight
Gimmie your taxes or muh dragons will burn you
>Fuck off fake Southerner I would kill you if I could
How can you tell on the internet you fat fuck?
/ourguy/ Jaime.
imposes tax on the slave trade iirc
WoW is done already he's waiting for series to wrap so he can finally publish it without fucking up the contract. ADoS will be forthcoming, he didn't see much point in concentrating on it when it wouldn't be able to be released until after WoW anyway so he kept himself busy with prehistory filler.
Martin loves his fans, he'll do right by them.
Nikolaj has a god tier jaw
he loves us and we love him but he’s still an incompetent, overambitious fatty who is likely to let us down
fake like the fact that I fucked 100 women
Read my post you illiterate Yank bastard. If you don’t see the problem you are absolutely a fake and I would still kill you
Reminder that Jon killed Stannis.
He offered Jon to make him Lord of Winterfell and that would have ended the Bolton's rule in the North. Stannis would also have manned all the castles that are by the Wall.
But what is her tax rate? Does she plan on instituting a stimulus package to rebuild westeros after the war? If so how will she pay for it? I doubt the iron bank will loan anymore money. Will she devalue the currency? How will the rise in inflation impact the already high grain prices?
>And all the bastards and usurpers will look up and shout "Save us!".
>And i'll whisper
we have 4 episodes left to make Euron an intimidating and worthy villain to end the series with
what would you do with our remaining time left to make him more interesting and villainous?
keep in mind the next four episodes are all around 80 minutes in length, however there's a possible chance he won't be in the next episode.
>Start of episode 3
>Everyone has focused their attention North of Winterfell at the undead army before
>Star wipe to the Night King
>He's running through Winterfell with a big grin on his face
>Heading towards the gods wood to fuck bran
>Trips and falls, scraping his knee
>2 minutes of him writhing in pain, holding his knee gasping in pain family Guy style
>Tormund, having see the entire thing, laughs and shoots Giants milk out of his nose
>Peter dinklage looks into the camera and says "now that's comedy!" Then begins to tap dance
daily reminder there is no proof Stannis is dead.
Gape Cersei’s butthole and murder her for no reason, smash some children against rocks, do some flaying to get that Ramsay effect, capture Asha and make her eat her own fingers, find some cute girls and burn them alive. If you condense it down you could get that done in a half an episode.
>It's 2029 and the fat man finally released the books before he passed from heart failure
>A different network bought the rights for ASOIAF from HBO and is remaking it, to be truer to the source material
Who would you cast for who? I pick Sasha Luss as Dany
steal a dragon bum the queen
can somebody post that night king taking aim at brancopter pic
Replace him with Mads
easily die to yara in the next episode he appears xd
We don't even have episode 3 yet, your grace...
Idris Elba in a wig as Ned Stark
Yes we do. I just watched it, shit was so cash.
ASOIAF should be remade as an animated programme
More quips, your grace?
Implying the 3rd was leaked?.?
someone post that webm of a guy talking to ramsay about how stannis is undeniably dead
apart from jaime's weird facial hair that's pretty kino
it was leaked yesterday you idiot, keep up at the back
why do you weebs want to ruin everything?
>ASOIAF should be remade as an anime
>headless stannis comic relief
where is ep 3 link?
>character designs based on the show
They could make him legit scary like in the books, give him the dragon-controlling horn and etc
either anime or western animation style
the series works better animated than live-action. imagine enormous direwolves appearing in nearly every episode. castles that look just as impressive as the book described them.
anime makes everything better
>All that same face
You'd think they'd learn to draw before posting something so embarrassingly bad
b-but spear doesn't look as cool as an axe
Cool in theory, but the dialogue would be even gayer than it already is
and yet that doesn't stop a lot of major artists from being successful
>imagine enormous direwolves appearing in nearly every episode
sounds cringy
>castles that look just as impressive as the book described them.
drawings are never impressive
New thread
weeb site nigger
Yea Forums - television and film is not Yea Forums or any of the Yea Forums boards. anime is for little girls and all weebs are disgusting beta manchildren
>sounds cringy
Confirmed retarded.
>drawings are never impressive
Kindly off yourself.
the bar isn't set exactly very high when it comes to asoiaf fan art
if you get this triggered its because you know I'm right
who cares I tell everyone Littlefinger is my favorite character and I'm getting my dick sucked right now
>casting a 36 yr old as a 13 year old
>truer to the source material
>u mad
God I hate retards
Milking is already in full force i see.
>God I hate retards
said the weeb
how did i lose my shit to this?