You finished? I mean it's so much self-pity Arthur. You sound like you're making excuses for killing those young men...

You finished? I mean it's so much self-pity Arthur. You sound like you're making excuses for killing those young men. Not everybody, and I'll tell you this, not everyone is awful.

Attached: murray.png (757x436, 428K)

You're awful, Murrlogic

How many times will you steal my car stereo? It don't even work you feel like a bitch dont ya

I vaccum all the broken glass up from my seat, I sit down I got a piece stuck in my butt cheek

Attached: Violent-J1.jpg (320x320, 68K)

>Not everybody, and I'll tell you this, not everyone is awful.
I have a hard time believing this

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I hate this movie. It robbed Joker of all mystery, and made him a reactive whiny manchild

Arthur really went downhill after he punched DW didn't he.

Who the fuck loses an argument in their own delusional retelling of events?

A nutjob, which is what Arthur was

The Joker barely had any mystery to begin with.

Because this isn't The Joker, and this is a recycled script.

>We don't know his real name
>We don't know who he was before the acid dip
>We don't know how he has the intelligence to create Joker toxin or the various gag weapons
Fucking casuals I swear

>rich guys get murdered in shit part of town
>poor people revolt

This I didn't understand.

It's not The Joker, it's Joker

The main point of the movie is that the story is clearly made up, how the fuck didn't you notice that?

It shown them they don't have to take it, they can use the hands they're given to fight back physically for vengeance thats how rioting works

never believe anything deniro says

I got it, which makes it a complete waste of fucking time. It's on par with "it was all a dream" nonsense

>Because this isn't The Joker, and this is a recycled script.
Both wrong, the project literally started as a Joker movie 2 years before the movie was produced. Scorcese himself said that and how he helped to make it.

Welcome to all of the Joker origin stories

I really don’t think De Niro’s character was a bad guy. I think he did care about Arthur and was giving him a shot to be in the spotlight. What do you anons think?

There were already class tensions to begin with, so people were "inspired" by what Arthur did. The media kept trying to portray the rich (both as a class, and the murdered guys) as innocent victims; while calling Arthur a monster, which the poor did not take well.

You're supposed to try to find what is truth or changed. It also reveal things about the Joker like his love for attention.

You're right, we had a director who doesn't care for comics at all, and slapped the Joker name on it to get greenlit

But nobody knows the context as to why they were killed. The public doesn't know they were harassing a woman and them started beating up a guy.

If you hear on the news "3 people murdered on subway, nobody knows who did it" and your first thought is that they maybe deserved it you're not a member of the disenfranchised, you're a sociopath.

Fuck off, you celebs don't care about us.

It's a fine movie, but a shitty adaptation you guys project more meaning onto

No, that would be misanthropy, not sociopathy.

Don't even start with this shit, the movie was clearly based on Alan Moore backstory, I never ever see this kind of retard comment on Thanos from MCU even though he's way less loyal to the source than Joker was, stop your bullshit shitposting.

Yeah, that’s the point behind why Arthur doesn’t care about the protests either. They care as little for Arthur as Thomas or Murray or every person he’s ever known. They were looking for an excuse to tear shit up, & the off-his-meds schizo going on a shooting spree was their perfect excuse to do it - without ever knowing or caring what made him that way
I don’t see you complaining about Jack Napier

Nah. I think what he said in was right, but he had been making fun of Arthur and wanted to bring him in for more views. He says that on camera but didn't act like that behind the scenes. Obviously, I don't think Arthur should have killed him or the others; and by that point he just wanted to kill people he felt wronged him. From Arthur's point of view, Murray is just saying platitudes, because Arthur hasn't really experienced kindness. I don't think Murray was a horrible individual, but not the best either.

>Don't even start with this shit, the movie was clearly based on Alan Moore backstory
Don't YOU even start you casual faggot. And you can fuck off with your company war deflection, because I could go on an entire rant of what the MCU got wrong. So you can kindly go fuck yourself
Yeah that was bad too.

It’s not about “THE JOKER” it’s a joker and how everyone could become a joker if their “society” doesn’t treat them as equals. (That’s why everyone started to put on masks) Who Arthur was/is doesn’t matter, he just sparked the riots.


Wacko Jacko would have been a Joker follower, leading the maniacal masses with HEEEE HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HAHAHA and his clown chimp sidekick

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Basically this movie didn’t even need to be a DC movie and it’s shit commentary on how today’s world is


Stay mad.

One of the main points of the movie is that don't really matter who the Joker is, he's a dangerous childish dramawhore maniac that want to have fun while being noticed, this is the core of the character.

You're awful Murray.
>"Oh yeah? I'm awful? How I'm awful?"
"Posting Yea Forums ontent to Yea Forums.
Roleplaying in board.
You just wanted to amuse me."

Nothing NEEDS to be anything, bitch nigga. But things are. So deal with it.

This film would have been stronger if it wasn't called Joker
Except this Joker is competent and never is in control. There's no cunning, or thinking, its just a sperg lashing out because he thinks the world owes him. That's not Joker. Hell I can easily rewrite the Murray show scene to be more like Joker.

Murray bend himself backwards to make Arthur happy, letting him keep his joker make up on and even checked up on him before the show. I mean there should have been a rehearsal, it could’ve changed the movie drastically.

As for Murray being mean spirited? It’s just banter between comedians. Or it would have been if Arthur didn’t take it personally and used it as a springboard for his own jokes.

In the end Murray was a father figure who was shot because he try to give advise and strong words about being an adult. It is a reverse Spider-Man and Uncle Ben moment. Joker didn’t care anymore who he turned into. It could be because Thomas Wayne who he thought was his father punched him, it made Arthur distrust all father figures from then on.

Attached: jokerdance.webm (480x852, 2.97M)

I lived through 2008.

I feel like I shouldn't have to see this again. What is it about that fucking clown?

Joker is one of those superfans who can't separate the actor from the character. Notice how Murray went back to his true self when Arthur said he killed the three dudes. The stage persona slipped, but Arthur didn't notice, because he has already made up his mind on who Murray was and what was going to happen to the man.

Printing this out as a motivational quote

If you don't like clowns you shouldn't laugh at people....hehehe, or else you just might get a real clown

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Now this is deep

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I still hate how that gook movie won the Oscar over this. But I shouldn't be surprised, gotta get those woke points.

I’m actually down for Yea Forums rewrites Joker to be more like the joker and less like a student film with vague DC inspiration

“Heya, Murr! I’ve noticed you and your buddies *gestures to the audience* have been all laughs about my past stand-up routine. Well, well, well here’s a REAL kneeslapper, Murray-boy! I’ve been off my meds for quite awhile...”


In my mind the Joker would have had theatrics, a joke instead of just shooting Murray with not much else
>Walk up to protestors and recruit them, feeding them bullshit about revolution
>Joker takes over the show and hosts it himself
>Set up shooting Murray as an actual punchline to a joke
>Escape in the chaos between protestors and cops raiding the studio

I know Yea Forumsntrarians will deny it because the movie is popular, but Joker is the best capeshit movie ever made

Attached: joker vs black panther.jpg (1280x650, 210K)

You’re a bandwagon faggot looking for (You)s. Joker is a film embarrassed of the material

The niggers are really happy to be there

It was the medias+waynes reaction to those murders that stirred the hate.

So is every single capeshit movie.

Actually based

parasite is objectively better than joker

>We don't know his real name
Jack Napier
>We don't know who he was before the acid dip
A hitman for the Valestra mob
>We don't know how he has the intelligence to create Joker toxin or the various gag weapons
He's good at chemistry

Why was the movie set in the 80s ?

>parasite is objectively better than joker

Attached: you.jpg (700x734, 107K)

>Joker deserved to win every award

Attached: 1583094055565.jpg (700x734, 203K)

>Joker deserved to win every award

Attached: YES.jpg (600x634, 58K)


both based and completely correct

Based Michael.

>The main point of the movie is that the story is clearly made up, how the fuck didn't you notice that?
No, it isn't.

>”How about one more joke?”
>”I think we’ve had enough of your shit posts”
>”What do you get when you cross a fat autistic loner with a image board that abandons him and treats him like trash? You get what you fucking deserve!”

>Has audacity to call someone a casual
>After he shows he is the biggest casual of all

Shut up faggot, I bet you buy bottled water at McDonald’s.

>people don't think it be like it is, but it do