Repeat bait thread about something vaguely controversial about women or new thing that you hate

>repeat bait thread about something vaguely controversial about women or new thing that you hate.

Attached: tenor (3).gif (498x437, 1.94M)

Other urls found in this thread:

>it’s another spinel thread

Attached: E417CEFA-48C3-48AF-ABA0-541AB913D408.gif (640x480, 211K)

It's that they like the character so much, and that they don't want to get Spinel slapped with the fotm label. Because somehow not being talked 24/7 means you are forgotten.

>it’s a stealth naruto thread

Attached: 7C0E5E68-9ECD-4FA9-8588-25FF8EF85EC8.jpg (1601x1080, 133K)

>another star vs. thread
>it's about how fucking bad the finale was

Attached: 1582993661625.jpg (450x333, 16K)

>thread with OP baiting about women, gays, or minorities
>always hits bump limit within hours

Attached: 1582172104606.png (658x652, 273K)

>don't want to get Spinel slapped with the fotm label. Because somehow not being talked 24/7 means you are forgotten.
>they're so cucked about bait and other people's opinions that they have to go out of their way to spam because they're afraid of abandonment

This is why nobody but them likes them. They really do embody the character.

Attached: 1490992849939.jpg (308x302, 22K)

>it's another fucking big tits thread

at least the thicc thighs thread was a breath of fresh air..

Attached: 1BK6AoC.jpg (340x255, 16K)

>It's another East vs West thread
>The OP doesn't even have a western character

Attached: y335co0dgsg21.jpg (456x386, 57K)

>something vaguely controversial about women
Did somebody say they were funny or smart or something?

Maybe you should take the hint.

>Yea Forums refuses to watch a god tier show for fear of another general

Attached: EOmDbxbUcAE5xNj.jpg (1680x945, 157K)

>god tier show
>it's just furry shit with underage girls
You're a disgusting piece of shit, user.

>another Goku vs. Superman thread

Attached: bunny.png (680x498, 354K)

Angela is a 22 year old vocalist and performer who is dating her manager and renting her own apartment, the only underaged character is Ginger and Darren

Attached: Screenshot_20200204-002528_YouTube.jpg (2220x1080, 869K)

>Another Sailor Moon thread

Attached: 1540284019362.png (500x766, 401K)

It never gets deleted and reaches bump limit.

Those threads are the most active no wonder (you) hungry savages constantly make them.

Maybe you should go the fuck back to /pol/, shitstain.

I firmly believe that if the MCU wasn't as popular as it is, comics would've been too niche for the culture war


Shitstain is a racist term. Why are you a racist?

>it's another thread about a show that we can't talk about on here anymore due to forced and unfunny memes

Everything is racist now. Haven't you heard?

>if you try to do the same in Yea Forums you get laughted at and deleted

Tbh, I don't think I would've ever heard of that site if it wasn't for Yea Forums.

wow that left pic is ancient

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Fuck off Angelafag, no one is going to watch your shit no matter how much you spam it

Attached: 158303880593.png (834x1184, 182K)

>at least the thicc thighs thread was a breath of fresh air..
Agreed, that thread was great. Though personally I don't mind the big titty threads, its the regular cheesecake threads that suck hard.

Attached: 1582938772877.jpg (1022x781, 96K)

women bad

>Posters complain about how Yea Forums is full of prudes and how they're being persecuted despite there being multiple big tits/cheesecake/thicc threads every week

Attached: 0f8.png (680x486, 473K)

persecution is a little much, but I feel the whole recent-ish coomer/cumbrain meme more annoying


>when it's a Naruto thread but you want to give your opinion on Obito

Attached: 1578169395276.jpg (512x384, 35K)

Obito fucking sucks and his motivation doesn't make sense.

>that one autist that spams that fucking cave woman every goddamn cheesecake thread

Attached: 98eed59ee3f6ed112b6f116a8ba174c137eaff21d04f4ee537324417dfcac120.jpg (240x240, 10K)

>Yea Forums got so predictable and samey that you started browsing less and less
A thread on another board reminded me to check up on here, and it's the in the same state it's been in ever since around 2014 or so. There's still some gold now and then, mostly the storytimes and seasonal spirit threads, but the gold is microscopic compared to the metric fuckload of cinnabar-flavored shit that repeats itself with nothing new or interesting. Nearly every board on this site suffers from that outrage "culture war" thing and giving too much of a fuck about normalfags on social networking sites, but Yea Forums being slower means those threads almost always hit bump limit, because mods don't do their jobs and Redwood is a faggot.
What keeps you guys coming back, if you're an active lurker or poster?

Attached: 1582513546692.gif (367x346, 424K)

>What keeps you guys coming back, if you're an active lurker or poster?
I enjoy making posts on upcoming animated movies and looking for megas

As you said, pretty much all boards have seen a decrease in quality, and even if Yea Forums has gotten worse it still hasn't declined as steeply as my other main board

>What keeps you guys coming back, if you're an active lurker or poster?
I treat /ck/,/tg/,and /diy/ as places you go to only if you need ideas or a specific interest to look for. Plus this place, /biz/, /his/,/qa/,and Yea Forums are easy to just lurk and comment in since the topic is easier to fake through and not be a complete faggot.

>my other main board
I'm gonna take a guess. Is it Yea Forums?

No, Yea Forums. Which makes for a pretty rare combination

>giving too much of a fuck about normalfags on social networking sites
I long for the day when Twitter screencap posts are banned

I mean both involve reading so it's not a complete stretch.

I'm a cartoonfag though, not a comicfag. My two main hobbies are watching children's cartoons and reading 19th-century literature. Just today I read some Hugo and watched two episodes of She-Ra. It's like my interests are the extremes of high and low culture with nothing in between. I haven't a clue what life experience caused me to be like this.

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I do my part and report every screencap thread I see, unless it's just an announcement on social media or something along those lines. Yea Forums is absolutely awful with those threads, but the good news is that mods usually give at least half of a fuck to delete them if they're obviously excuses for shitflinging and wouldn't even make for a fun off-topic thread. Not to call mods competent, its just great to see the bare minimum of moderation compared to how this board handles it.
I've checked up on Yea Forums about twice the past few weeks, and I've seen four threads on that Mike Wazowski looking chick in that new Pixar movie. Not discussing the movie or Pixar's overall library, just discussion on how much they hate dykes, statistic posting, all of that. Bump limit, every single time.
I've never checked out Yea Forums myself. All I know about it is that saga of the book reviewer getting scared off of the internet by weird anons on the board sending pictures of their piss jars to her.

Well it's time to put your interests to use. Animate some classic literature.

>A thread on another board reminded me to check up on here, and it's the in the same state it's been in ever since around 2014 or so.
Compared to a huge swath of this site that isn't entirely a bad thing. Yeah, this place is shit, but the fact that it isn't drowning in Wojak spam makes it more tolerable compared to shit like Yea Forums, Yea Forums, etc.

Wojaks have been getting pushback for a while now, at least where I mostly see them. Not sure how Yea Forums's doing, but knowing the typical quality of the board, it's probably not doing so good.

I still see a handful of them on Yea Forums. Yea Forums has bad parts, but I feel it is one of the more chill boards, relatively.

I've never been artistically talented, the closest I got was doing some pretty basic stop-motion when I was a teen. My pipe dream is to be a writer someday tho
The Katie fiasco was cringy but amusing at least. That can hardly be said for most of the recent trends on that board

>It's another "user spams X threads and complains about how the mods don't like X threads anymore" day

Friendly reminder that feminists are actively trying to destroy comics and turn the medium into a vessel for misandrist propaganda.

Attached: unsolicited opinions on israel???.jpg (600x555, 135K)

>Can't have a thread for a certain show without moderators/janitors monitoring every fucking minute and deleting posts that aren't in violation of any rules

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he wanted to fuck a 12 year old girl whats not to get

user, I get why you don't like that. I don't like it either, for fuck's sake, that writing is dogshit. Can you at least contain it with a single fucking thread? Some people want to talk about comics and cartoons, not about politics or cultural slapfighting.

>faggot mods delete thread for no reason

Attached: guy-loading-gun-13900734.jpg (1300x957, 105K)

Okay. And I am containing it to the
>repeat bait thread about something vaguely controversial about women

Also comics and cartoons are now politics and cultural slapfighting. This was not our decision, but we must live with it.

Attached: where do you think we are.jpg (600x889, 73K)

>Also comics and cartoons are now politics and cultural slapfighting. This was not our decision, but we must live with it.
How did this happen, though?

>It's a /pol/ thread disguised as a Yea Forums thread

Attached: 1582823454429.png (356x256, 200K)

>And when you call it out some faggot greentexts you with a wojack edit.

Attached: Not amused.jpg (800x533, 39K)

All the boards aren't prepared for political shitflinging, but my god this board is the fucking worst with that shit.

Yea Forums is way worse with that shit, honestly. They don't even pretend to have biases against certain threads there. Shonen threads in general are totally unmonitored cesspools while anything else can get shit deleted at random in mere minutes after being posted.

>its a gay bad thread where anons are unironically getting on soapboxes to preach morality
>is a 99% wojack thread
>its a thinley veiled political thread
>its another godamn su thread with nothing but speculation and headcannons birthed from the fact that no one has seen a recent episode in months
>its an ntr thread

Attached: 1545024434325.jpg (500x367, 67K)

It used to be completely different. Shonen would either get deleted on sight or saged to death, and now it's perfectly acceptable while things like Sakurafish are banned. There are Naruto threads on Yea Forums now. NARUTO THREADS.

>it's a Stonetoss thread

Attached: 1582850131272.jpg (396x628, 113K)

Feminism. They're goal is to take over everything so they can spread their misandrist propaganda. They've taken over the left, they've ruined Hollywood, they control universities, they won't stop until their misandrist movement has complete domination.

Attached: Thor feminist.png (2000x1032, 3.37M)

>its an ntr thread
Luckily these only flare up sporadically now. It's not as bad as it was a year ago where there was one user who would constantly make cuck threads as a thinly-veiled excuse to beg people to write him cuck fics.


One day we will be free again.

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Attached: Screenshot from 2020-03-01 22-13-17.png (647x471, 261K)

Damn, Carol got swamp ass bad.

Attached: lickitung.gif (500x360, 883K)

>new cartoon airs and Yea Forums wont tinder threads unless a character from the show makes their peepee hard

>Yea Forums shits on a cartoon years before it comes and when it finally comes out its decent but people refuse to discuss it

/(he|she|they).*(f(are|air))|fit best in/i;boards:co;op:only;

Comics and media has always been about cultural slap-fighting. We've literally had novels that started wars and invigorated change and social movements. Most people who make media have a point to make and some scrubbed apolitical bullshit comic would just be straight awful.

This is not a new occurrence and it will never go away. Look a little bit outside yourselves please.

>Yea Forums shits on a cartoon years before it comes and when it finally comes out its decent but people refuse to discuss it
Summer Camp Island in a nutshell.

>It's a Jojo crossover thread
>everyone is civil and pleasant

Attached: c83cc76f-7f74-4975-9e14-4634affb08ad.png (640x471, 387K)

>Yea Forums shits on a cartoon years before it comes and when it finally comes out its decent but people refuse to discuss it
Green Eggs and Ham? Though honestly I blame Netflix's cancerous bomb format if anything. That shit almost always stifles discussion.

>it's a power level thread

Attached: admit it.png (333x293, 81K)

Attached: 2.png (500x656, 610K)

>just make your own threads bro
>be the change you wanna see bro

Attached: compare and contrast.jpg (1572x852, 272K)

>it's a power level thread
>it's a death battle thread

Attached: 1582220935659.gif (500x349, 1.95M)

wait... is this the girl from that squirrel web cartoon? I don't even remember what it was called or if it still exists, but it looks like her.

Attached: Screenshot from 2020-03-01 22-51-04.png (155x115, 30K)

>Raven thread
>it's the same 50 RRR images as always

Attached: 1577284103300.png (684x1872, 30K)

Redwood left ages ago bruh

>Carol Tuesday threads

Attached: It+looks+like+either+a+really+bad+animatronic+or+a+_abc009e65b29eace56149316eebeffbc.png (326x326, 154K)

>thread about fictional gays
>people bring up real life statistics and issues

Attached: 1571900978163.jpg (640x480, 41K)

Yea Forums is one of the few places where threads about my interests - be it shows or movies or whatever - move fast. Plus the lack of any sort of name makes it more fun. The culture war shit is old as fuck though, it was years ago. It's just a fucking rotted dead horse by now.

>"Could Steven redeem them?"

Attached: 1923741293741.jpg (896x896, 69K)

That Carol faggot made me stop going to this board for nearly a year.

>mfw I've made threads like this multiple times before and got immediately hotpocketed
>somehow this one survives

Attached: 1580034710211.jpg (326x319, 16K)

>that one autismo who pairs that sparkledog demon girl with Doomguy whose whole life revolves around killing demons in gory ways while also making that fat fag of Steven and that genocidal cuck of Star, their children

Attached: 1497471359877.jpg (948x809, 70K)

>Xemnu threads

Attached: 239712397123.jpg (642x645, 43K)

the opening image is family guy

Attached: 1574973952798.jpg (304x225, 7K)

People are just angry I guess.

Attached: Old World Think.jpg (680x801, 39K)

>Horrorverse threads

Attached: stop.jpg (768x1024, 87K)

I was in the bojack thread. That reached past 500 posts.

Yes, Neurotically Yours, and it's still going on.

>janny protects waifu thread from dissident posters
>his constant deletion of posts lets the thread survive for a week

Attached: 10 dollar.gif (400x286, 1.9M)

>it's a "what are some cartoons that have X trope" thread
>half the responses are anime, some are live action movies
it's like Yea Forums doesn't even read comics or watch cartoons

i dont read comics but ive watched every single cartoon to ever come out in the past 15 years

Attached: 1554488864334.png (5152x3412, 324K)

What's your favourite underappreciated shows?

It's the same 20 people too dedicated to trying to still mass spam her
It's really sad honestly, she's FOTM and the rest of the board absolutely detests her but they refuse to let go

I'm here for duck threads and just about entirely duck threads
Sometimes I get into or start other discussions

>uuid filename
What's that?

I'm a former Spinelfag and those guys turned me off the character because the threads just have that little substance to them

>What keeps you guys coming back, if you're an active lurker or poster?
Yea Forums has pretty rational and tame users for Yea Forums standards and the board goes at just the right speed
Look at Yea Forums if you want to have an autism fest

Ruber threads were kino.

>It's another East vs West thread
>Twitter screencap-esque image comparison where the east has high quality fighting genre/OVA from the 90's or 80's and the west is some comedy tv show that has nothing to do with the east beyond being an animation

Attached: 1567384032536.png (512x384, 192K)

the thing about Yea Forums is people will try to talk about anything and honestly thats enough for me.
>favorite underappreciated shows
Prisoner Zero

pic related

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I wish I was there for them. They sound like a hoot.

>Yea Forums is tumblr because it's not my safe space where everyone just mindlessly agrees with me
>Yea Forums is /pol/ because it's not my safe space where everyone just mindlessly agrees with me

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 87K)

Double dubs confirm.

Attached: 2973192731.jpg (383x366, 11K)

I can still remember laughing for like 10 straight minutes in the thread where they posted that still of him at the round table.

Attached: 1582230578829.gif (338x252, 2.78M)

I'm fine with people saying faggot, nigger, etc, but trannies is getting close to needing to be filtered with how such a default response to any slight its become.

Attached: law.png (722x688, 105K)

habit and pure boredom but despite what literally any other board says about this one it's not nearly as bad as everyone makes it out to be
Yea Forums is still shit because it's just people still trying to recreate banepositng which is why sneedposting exist and Yea Forums which is nothing but wojak posting and hating anyone who enjoys anything while also using the "Yea Forums is not a single person" excuse even though that's the majority of how Yea Forums acts regardless

The worst this board has to offer is constantly pushing the idea that SJW are somehow still behind everything Yea Forums doesn't like. Like when faggots started complaining about Love Death and Robots even though that was like a celebration of animation

Attached: 1564245220629.png (320x287, 107K)

>but trannies is getting close to needing to be filtered with how such a default response to any slight its become.
I feel the same, I suggest replacing it with Baka.

The only people who mention "Yea Forumsmblr" unironically are those out of board tourists upset they can't spam off-topic wojaks and political shit

Getting defensive?

Yea Forums is calmer due to the less traffic and on average there are less shitpost/porn spam threads than other boards. The popular ones like Yea Forums or Yea Forums seem like fucking moshpits so I rarely lurk there.

Though I also stay for the 3x3/recommendation threads that pop up. Those are usually fun, provided people aren't posting the same shows/comics.

Attached: WOAHWOAHLESSAGO.jpg (514x328, 56K)

I always assumed those filenames were due to the systems used for Twitter or some other social media site.

>That guy who compared the celluloids of a Japanese animated movie from the 90's to a newgrounds animator fucking around with Rick and Morty vectors
>Thread was on Yea Forums and Yea Forums and both got archived

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I remember when they'd spam that image of some moeshit vs big mouth then someone found the show it was from and they stopped posting the image lmao

>not liking something anymore because of the fanbase

I think the real issue is that people need to stop calling anything that moves a "fotm". The term does nothing but encourage people to spam their waifus nonstop and get even more defensive about it, because otherwise you don't care for the character or some shit.

The Spinel hype probably would've died ages ago if people here just let people enjoy whatever character they liked without saying it won't last.

>What keeps you guys coming back, if you're an active lurker or poster?
Looking at what Yea Forums hates the most on any given day is usually a good way to find great new shows or comics. The more bait threads these morons make to try and trigger people the easier it's to tell that something is probably worth a watch/read.

The issue also is that with only ten episodes of the show and with the how the movie ended, she's never gonna have a major appearance again. She'll only get a minor cameo at best in one episode. She won't be able to shed the FOTM label because she won't ever have any significance to Steven Universe. Hell none of the movie has had any impact on Future's plot other than a crater on the cliff where the Injector was, making the movie pretty much pointless.

I always wondered why people do that. Both mediums have their strengths and weaknesses. It's shit like that that just makes them look insecure.

>it’s a “let’s get horny about whatever ten-year-old girl exists” thread
God I don’t get it. They rarely draw these characters with eyebrows or hips or anything even remotely feminine, and it only gets worse if the male character designs are the same style. How the fuck do people get horny over this shit every day.
Also no, that’s not fanservice, that’s your cum-drenched mind looking for excuses to masturbate in a children’s show.

I just find it hilarious that this board has a holier-than-thou complex over boards that are more culturally relevant than this place could ever hope to be.
>lol we don't care it's better when it's slow
If that were true then this thread wouldn't have been made.

Attached: 1574039437975.png (500x644, 28K)

>How the fuck do people get horny over this shit every day.
Personality, that's all it ever is. The body itself rarely ever matters, that's what fanartists are for. When a cartoon waifu pops up, it's because they have something people can actually latch on to. You simply can't get that with a character made for porn already.

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>/pol/ users overtake a comfy thread with their bullshit

and it always hits the bump...

>Literally a top 10 board by traffic even with forcing most of our shit out of the board
Lol ok, keep pretending /int/ has ever been relevant

>I just find it hilarious
Are you a woman?

I haven't been on there in a while, are you serious?

As a phoneposter, I'm quite capable of capitalizing. Make spelling errors like nuts, tho.

>culturally relevant
It's a goddamn internet forum, why the fuck would that matter? I'd rather this place stay irrelevant if your idea of important is nonstop wojak spam and ever increasingly low effort shitposting.

Attached: b45.gif (800x450, 663K)

Honestly I can tell the cartoons with the most fan support are the ones that have discussion that far outweighs sexualizing girls
Shows like Star Vs, Hilda, Amphibia, Glitch Techs, etc seem like they have alot of support with the frequent threads, but then you look and it's entirely just people talking about fucking the girls and you realize they have no support

that'd actually be awesome desu

I mean when it's gotten to the point where a lot of Amphibia generals now start with 'NO PEDOS ALLOWED', it's kinda easy to realize where the real interest lies.


Where did they mention ages?
How old is Tom?

I just find this hilarious

>Spinel threads
At least threads about Pearl or Peridot make sense

>more culturally relevant than this place could ever hope to be.
This place invented bronies, user.

>culturally relevant
user you really need to go outside every now and then if this site means that much to you

>Hilda, Amphibia
>All everyone wants to talk about are fucking the girls
I get that the series are in hiatus but come the fuck on! I'm fucking dreading the threads when season 2 for both shows drop.

Attached: 1378513723521.gif (400x220, 1.29M)

It's a shame, because Hilda has a lot of good discussion points that would make great threads. But it's a fucking image dump.

>Is there any character in all of DC that could beat this guy?

>Someone spams blacked shit
>Everyone immediately gets in an argument when someone points out that being into blacked cuckolding is incredibly racist
They're not wrong, but it's always a shitshow when they point it out.

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The problem is this is what happens when the shows are airing too
That's what gives me the implication there's no interest in the shows themselves. Sexuailzation happens for all threads and series, but it's when it's the large majority of threads

We have to ban this character from Yea Forums

Attached: 1582268750628.png (678x1200, 1.07M)

>Relationship drama is cucking
>Characters moving on from a relationship is cucking
>Any time a relationship is depicted as being anything but completely harmonious and conflict-free is cucking

I hope cucking stops being such a beaten to death meme. I'd say it's on par with scat and diaper fetishists at this point, except I don't even hate those weirdos nearly as much because they have the decency to stick to their own little corner and bust nuts at the wall.

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I mean, it pretty much WAS pointless, it was obvious from Day 1 that Spinel was basically just an Anime Movie Villain(tm). Still, I enjoyed it far more than anything Future has to offer so far. If the show ended at the movie it would've been a much more fitting finale than the trainwreck that was Change Your Mind.


Yea Forums becomes more bearable when I start hiding threads I'm tired of seeing but then the board looks like barely anyone is posting. What really annoys me are the repeat threads because they come every day and then die and then come back the next day. I still see bait threads about stuff that happened years ago. Yea Forums manages to be the best and worst board that I frequently visit. It's like /pol/ left their child at a Gamestop. Yea Forums is just whatever, I can never understand the anons on there. It's like a collection of gated communities and everyone ignores anyone that doesn't conform.

>SCP thread
>It turns into a massive battlefield between trolls and SCPfags

Attached: t0U3Y7g.jpg (256x352, 17K)

>anons always applaud when a comic has political views that they agree with
>as soon as it's something they don't agree with they complain about politics in their comics
>if a character believes in something that an user doesn't agree with then they'll cry about it and make a thread that hits bump limit
Thin skin and hypocrisy always annoys me. We're at a point where anons think everyone is out to get them and they can't handle hearing someone's opposing opinion.

It's a mix of trolls and people just sick of power level fags against the SCPfags.
They genuinely lack self awareness and believe SCP is better than any fiction before and after.

you say that but then people wanna fuck the mom from Onward from the first trailer.
I don’t know if there’s any enjoyment to be had from female characters anymore that isn’t inherently porn-based.

>And when you call it out some faggot greentexts you with a wojack edit.

Attached: 1567912591905.png (280x305, 28K)

I kinda miss Legion of Doom threads

Attached: lXSWGjR.png (1092x1037, 65K)

Oh, you mean that cocksucker going into a frenzy over fucking cartoons? Yeah it was pretty hilarious

Attached: 1560368227204.webm (1280x578, 2.83M)

No matter what you believe, a roleplaying thread will remain a roleplaying thread.

>pays voice actors thousands of dollars to make baby sounds higher pitched than actual babies

>you say that but then people wanna fuck the mom from Onward from the first trailer.
Eh, I've seen those commercials a million times by now. I can sorta see the appeal since she's an extremely overprotective single mother. You can pretty much see her whole character in the commercials alone since this looks like the move vapid and shallow Pixar movie to date, but that's still something.

Hell, if you think that's crazy, some people waifu that Queen watevra lady from The Lego Movie 2.

why is there so much tomato juice in the walls of the griffin house?

Tom and Ben are 22 they were all in the same class
Season 1 had the details

>This place invented bronies, user.
MLP craze was ten years ago grandpa

I only come here to actively shitpost

Hopefully my efforts will drive board quality so low that it becomes the worst board unanimously

>It's another Homestuck thread that gets cut down prematurely because of one autistic janny when the thread doesn't break any rules
I just want one fucking place to talk about Homestuck that isn't Reddit or some cuddleboxed Discord server.

Attached: hnnngnsgsng.gif (326x280, 1.51M)

These basically.
Anyway. the lack of quality threads means I can spend my time doing other stuff, pop in every few hours or so to see if anything interesting got posted, maybe leave a couple threads open if they're worth my time.

And yet this place can STILL feel the effects of it. Until that global rule goes away and Barneyfag fucks off forever the whole importance argument is nonsense.

>it's another waifu thread
>it's another thinly veiled fetish thread

I'm convinced 90% of Yea Forums's mind is filled with waifus

Attached: 1446067894345.png (67x163, 15K)

RRR is such a fucking hack, seriously.

I remember being so disappointed by the direction in which the Emmy threads went even though it should have been 100% obvious that's what would happen.

A glorious day in Yea Forums history.

Id like an archive link or a screen cap of this

>it's another jojo thread
Fuck this and also fuck "how would eastern x fare in west universe" shit

Attached: SgQu4ydAwjI.jpg (977x822, 273K)

joke's on you i'm a mangachad who fucking hates the animelets

>vaguely controversial about women
Ahahah, i see what you did there!

This was the thread that blew up.

Attached: ruberposting.png (1666x3444, 1.71M)

>Yea Forums poster is unwilling to admit the problems with this board are completely internal and blames another board or website.
case and point
>fuck off /pol/
>fuck off Yea Forumsmblr

>I'm convinced 90% of Yea Forums is filled with waifus

I swear to god those threads are just that Rodstow tripfag same-fagging to death

>that Rodstow tripfag same-fagging to death

Reminds me of Channel Tan. What happened with that?

KSBD threads

Attached: 1582448457246.png (2164x1754, 3.79M)

Meta threads are pure cancer because at their absolute best, they consist of nothing but complete retards with horribly sorted priorities incessantly and impotently bitching and moaning about a board's quality instead making a worthwhile attempt to improve it.
Furthermore, meta threads at their worst are a divide and conquer tactic employed by trolls where they complain about problems that they themselves are directly responsible for, they do this in an attempt to persuade anons to either stop coming here or join in on their sociopathic crusade to ruin this site purely for the sake of acquiring a fleeting sense of sadistic pleasure. They possess the exact same mentality as a common drug addict. Since they think like a drug addict, they should be treated like one and either be rehabilitated of their unacceptably anti social behavior, removed from society, or outright euthanized if they prove to be beyond saving.
Also, meta threads are against >>>/global/rules/8 and >>>Yea Forumsrules/1 so they should be reported as soon as possible and as much as possible.

>mods deleting threads for old, good cartoon they hate like Tiny Toon Adventures
>they have no problem with the countless tumblr cartoon and LGBT shipping/couples threads

Attached: Tiny.Toon.Adventures.S01E37.DVDRip.x264-PLAiD.mkv_snapshot_01.52.849.jpg (704x478, 152K)

>Cartoon titties = Bad, instant ban
>Cartoon faggots = Good

Attached: Tiny.Toon.Adventures.S01E44.DVDRip.x264-PLAiD.mkv_snapshot_16.13.111.jpg (706x476, 170K)