ITT characters you are certain were gay

ITT characters you are certain were gay

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the lizard

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Has Squidward ever shown attraction to a female?

Yes, "Love That Squid" from Season 7.

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Spongebob is gay, he loves Squidward

I always thought rabbit from winnie the poo and freeze were old women. Does that count?

He is, didn't you see that video that leaked?

Rigby, up until Eileen and him actually became a couple.

Also thought Freeza was an old woman due to the dub.

You know it

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Could be, it just could be he's a middle aged guy who hasn't aged well, hates his job, co worker/ neighbor and just preens over himself.

That makes no sense.

Guy character doesn’t chase the first pussy he sees = Gay

Freeza from Dragon Ball Z; also Zarbon.
They both have voices deep as fuck in my country's dub, but they still gave that impression.


In this day and age, all female characters are presumed lesbian until proven otherwise

user he has a girlfriend

Whom I am convinced is named Chuck.

Never been so sure

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I thought that she's gay, until she kissed the alien guy. I'm still not sure whether they are supposed to be a couple, or just friends. The alien guy seems too old for her, so maybe they have a father/daughter-like relationship? Their scene in the finale just made it more confusing.

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genderfluid icons


Ban everyone in this thread. There will be no transgender in this holy place.


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