Why didn Bran just stop children at that moment?

Why didn Bran just stop children at that moment?
There would be no Night's King.

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And then? There was still war with the humans. They would have just waited for him to leave and pick another guy

>This is the spic brain trying to formulate a question
I find it funny how you guys don't realize the reason your IQ is so low and still sinking is mainly due to the stuff you force your brain to undergo, like game of thrones

Because The creepy cripple just wants to watch the world burn

which episode was this?

I'm sure I've seen all of them but I don't remember this part.

What if the next one wouldn't be so powerful.
Night king is definately:
a Stark
a varg
I think its really hard to find someone like that moreover bind him to tree and poke with dragonglass. Also they are a tiny as children.

Because the extent of his abilities to change the past are getting his dad to turn around for a second, and turning Hodor into a retard by accident.

Bran hasn't done one thing useful with his brand new power

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he created a closed-loop, isolated incident to showcase his powers, what do you mean?

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>No nightking
>No common threat to both
>No pact between first men and children of the forrest
>No peace
I dont think he really knew that, but i think its a vision not really the past he sees. At this moment its more like someone reading a book and scribble something on the page.

He got a fat person to hold a door.

Because the Night king exists.
Its how time works. If he would change something it would be already in present time.

The rape though

Probably because changing an event that important that far back in history would probably result house Stark never existing.

Idiots, at this point it is obvious that Bran's the Night King and the blue guy marching with the corpses is just another empty shell Bran uses.

Do we know if this is just a vision of the past or really Brans essence visiting the past?

Is all you have to do to make a Night King is stab someone with dragonglass?

The ink is dry, you can’t change the past, even though you apparently can



*stab a Stark with dragonglass

The Night King in that flashback isn't the same Night King. One always arises in time of great war and unrest, and his goal is to unite the houses of men against a common enemy. The current Night King is Rhaegar. Its why he won't harm Jon. The Prince Who Was Promised is always the son of the Night King, and rises to slay him.

So let me get this straight.
This happened like thousands of years ago when the First Men who were like hunter gatherers at the time or some shit.
Why the fuck is this guy then clean shaven and with cool hair?
I'd imagine he'd have to look something like pic related.

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so the night king could be Danny's brother, yeah?

Neverminding that this guy is obviously an Andal

But didn't the war with the tree elf kids happen before the andals came to wreck shit?

And it looks like they perform some sort of magicall ritual.

Because the last time he interfered with the past definitely turned out great, right? Its not like it was an entire scene dedicated to the fact that messing with the past should be avoided, right? Literally changing something like 1000 years of history is a good decision, right?
retard, its like you need everything spelled out for you

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What if he was shaven, his hair burnt in a ritual?
Just like an operation your hair is shaven, hair need mostly reduced to allow the ice to consume the host and look like a baby. Thats why they take babies, they are already mostly hairless and can be reborn!
Honestly its just the actor and this looked better.

If you go this way, Hodor was essential for Bran to transform into the three eyed raven.
It turned out as helpfull.

Yeah, which is why I was pointing that out.
But also, the war with the children of the forrest was thousands of years before the white walkers appeared, which was itself far before the appearance of the night king as he was himself a lord commander of the night's watch (but they maybe just took the name and he's R'hllor enemy, the Great Other)

Wonka told him not to touch his chocolate river.

Whatever happened, happened

So the latest preposterous theory is the Night King was a Crow. You incels need to breed.

So the Children create the Night King, who for some weird reason needs to be sealed beyond the Wall by them with the help of humans after all?
And with help of Bran worging into ancestors of his, he'll build the Wall?
what a bunch of lulz tier theory imo.

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That's not evidence of changing the past.

There is no proper time travel in the series. Everything that happened already happened. He couldn't have prevented Hodor, nor his father vaguely hearing hints in the wind. This is how it is in the books, he tells it to Bran.

If the show does genuine time travel, it's plainly flawed.

Its the analogy of taliban. They made the nightking to fight their enemies. But it backfires and it wants to kill them too.
Maybe transform an enemy with a shard of glass forcefully into his hearth wasnt pleasent afterall. Who could have thought.
I guess the children numbers dwindled with a reason if every plan backfires.

>So the latest preposterous theory is the Night King was a Crow

>The Night's King is a legendary figure known both in the Seven Kingdoms and among the Free Folk dwelling Beyond the Wall.
>The Night's King and the Night's Queen enslaved the black brothers and performed human sacfrifices
>According to legend, the Night's King was originally a Lord Commander of the Night's Watch who found in the Haunted Forest a cold woman with bright blue eyes, seemingly a female White Walker. He took her to the other side of the Wall and declared himself the "Night's King". For thirteen years the two ruled over the brothers of the Night's Watch, performing human sacrifices. The Free Folk rallied under the banner of a King-Beyond-the-Wall and marched against the Nightfort, which the Night's King had taken as his seat, defeating him with the aid of House Stark
What the fuck are you on about. I said that they aren't the same character

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The results are back. You've tested positive for homo

og three eyed raven said that because he doesn't want Bran to do the same mistake he did, whatever that was.

Or the reaction he sees is what his mind make hm see.
The only interaction n this vision is woth the knight king. And this is some sort of present time happening.

was it ever explained why the ritual with dragonglass gave them ice powers specifically?

So they're going to do some freaky ritual, but clean shave and give him a haircut lol
From what I can tell of the lore, the Night King was made to wage war on the humans, but got out of control and the elves and humans had to unite to beat him down.
The Night's Watch definitely came after him so he can't be a crow.

Let's be real. Dungeons & Dragons just fucked up casting him a fucking husbando looking bro dude instead of some unwashed hobo barbarian. But still, pisses me off.

maybe the real white walkers were the friends they made along the way?

>the Night King was made to wage war on the humans
Yes, but the point is that in the official timeline (well until they changed it), the WW didn't appear until thousands of years after the first men made peace with the children of the forest, and the children and men were united against the WW when they appeared. And as you said he's supposed to be a First Man, so swarthy, darker, and not that clean looking.

Why do all these dumbass shows need to exposition everything?

The night king exists, stop trying to explain every molecule of why shit exists... it removes from the mystery and makes everything a clusterfuck

The only retard here is you

people literally shaved with sharp rocks 10k years ago user

The timeline in the book don't make sense. 10 years go the First Men had already bronze weapons and armor and domesticated horses, and now they're still in medieval times. Granted Valyria was much more advanced but it was because of magic, it was still late middle ages at best technology-wise.

Sometimes you dress your sacrifice lamb properly.
Magic is always a state of presenting and appeal to the gods/demons.

It's a mystery to me how anybody before the invention of the safety razor would get the idea of wielding a sharp-as-fuck knife in his own face

> oy vey, how could this happen
now that would be too predictable drop of a glass ball.
Thou what was the point of letting that one baby stay alive and be turned into one of them? Is he able to grow and continue Night King's title? Is this WotLK all over again?

What if the nightking can get replaced by another white? Thats why he now came he needed to unite all white walkers.

So they've still not explained what happened with Craster's baby. He wasnt dead yet was still turned by touch. We have to assume he'll keep growing up because what use would the Night King have of a baby

Besides mystery, people like to know stuff.

> There must always be Lich King
I see it already and it's terrible desu

But we know Craster has been feeding the walkers babies for uears now. Is there a white walker school somewhere with all the turned kids?

That would at least explain Night King's exceptionally well preserved homies who do barely jackshit but keep his pose for real

magic in game of thrones makes no sense. too bad the show really made it look silly. fucking fireball slinging elves just shoved that D&D feel into it. awful.

Wrong humbleness. Like IS is so far defeated that other armies think now to stop while syrian army says that noone should stop now to hinder a regrow.

Obviously his Generals were turned babies.

They look older than Craster himself

Attached: White_Walker-Game_of_Thrones-S02-E10.jpg (335x299, 20K)

They are probably not craster's children but craster's children were probably not the first turned.

>turning Hodor into a retard

so Bran is the seven kingdoms' first vaccine?

We dont know how many there are. And in the series 2 died already.
Maybe they fight with another too. Or they grow like humans.
Maybe there is some sort of village with whitewalkers? Or what if they are encased in ice and grow while sleeping?

A causal loop is still time travel.

What if this is their standard look?
And i always thought the whites are synonym for neanderthaler.


Why not turn a giant into the NK, just imagine the power level

> the series 2 died already
wut? You mean that prequel series they had high hopes for?

At least in the TV series it's said they made peace specifically to wage war on the WW.

First men were OP as fuck, they build many wonders like the Wall, Winterfell or the Hightower

why even get more kids when they decided to attack before they can grow adult

The Brindled Men are the neanderthals of the series.

'twas "The Door" s06e05

Future attacks if they fail.

And the Night King is a lanky 5,1 underwear model.

Read the entire sentence
> And in the series 2 died already.

the writers wouldn't pay mind to this but also Lann the Trickster, the progenitor of the Lannisters, is known for being blonde and this happened in the time of the First Men
it could be purposefully anachronistic and the character could actually be an Andal just with a confused timeline, similar to how people mix up King Arthur

So the prequel is apparently going to be all about this. Only how do I know it's going to be complete contradictive shit.

This means
>Barbarian humans
>Kingdoms of not!elves
>No Valyria, it wasn't around, unless HBO retardation

It's going to be sticks and stones, fucking boring shit.

Nobody really knows anything about Lann though, who knows if he was even a natural blonde or blonde at all

He's very clean shaven and showered for a First Man. This is a guy who lives in an early iron-age world where a place like Winterfell is just barely a ringfort, run by Stark ancestors that are little better than savages themselves. He basically looks like he got lost in present day London cruising for dick in Hampstead Heath.

I've posted this many times now and nobody has given me a single reason about why the humans deserve to win the war

The white walkers are supposed to be elegant, cruel-looking, elf-like people with a culture and a language of their own, yet in the show they are mute ugly ice-zombies. I dont know why they made that change

that's the Ibbenese, they're described as basically Neanderthals even having issues interbreeding with other men
Brindled men are probably a bit similar and another form of hominid

I know! I bet his teeth a completely straight too. What do they fucking take us for

White walkers don't do shit when dormant.
They don't build villages or train new recruits.
They literally just stand and wait.
Because walkers are in fact just magical constructs, fairy terminators, undead machines programmed to kill and reanimate life. A curse that just got out of control.

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I always liked the idea that they're just some natural species and phenomenon, it makes them see more terrifying and unstoppable
the show has fucked up literally everything about them
especially favoring "White Walker" over "Other" which sounds much more ominous

You're not clever. Just make the man look like a wilding, at least, is all I ask.

> all of it will just a analogy of humans destroying nature with their selfish warfare
> only because Martin let everyone believe all of the writing to be a analogy of climate change through (and due to) media

More like vikings i guess.

>yet they somehow find the time to forge useless armor

Get out

lol cry more bitch nigger

Simmer down, bro.

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Why do you sure they forge it and not just took it from someone? Or maybe they had it from the start. The first walker didn't even care to wear anything besides rags on his peepee.

Bran goes to job center to pick up his dole.jpg

I always thought he is an evil ice version of Oberon while reading.
Guess they got more inspired by walking dead than ghostly minions.

>can choose every dead animal in existence as a mount
>ehh, make it a horse.

Because he couldn't. GoT time travel works in a fixed timeline as we saw in the Hodor reveal. All the changes Bran will ever make to the past have already happened.

Makes sense, since their first fights there could be alot of armor left.

>>can choose every dead animal in existence as a mount
You seriusly believe there are mounts better than horses?
Also he mounted dragon after that

>Bran wargs into an octopus
>Suddenly the octopus is pulled out of the water and stuffed into a Japanese girls ass.

Giant spiders like in the books

This scene is iconic as hell
anyone agree?

He is visiting the past.


> Nature creates the climate change that kills all the men & nature itself
what did GRRM mean by this?

>no elephants
Fuck them. Where are the goddamn spiders?

>stuffed into a Japanese girls ass
God, I wish that were me

Like in the Remake of RE2 they were taken out.

Don’t know if they exist


You can visit the past with a vision in the present. And since he can walk, it might just be in his head.