"Don't try to frighten us with your sorcerer's ways, Lord Vader...

"Don't try to frighten us with your sorcerer's ways, Lord Vader. Have you ever heard about the power of a hyperspace ram?"

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>Starkiller's your ship
Nothing personnel Commander

>Pfft you really expect me to believe that giant organisation that existed openly for millennia up til 17 years ago and had a giant temple in the middle of the capital city actually existed?

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>Rammjäger are not only viable, but weapons of mass destruction in Star Wars
Sheev Heil, Kameraden

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"Did you see what General Holdo did to us with just one ship and a hyperdrive? Wake the fuck up Vader, war has changed and your hand waving and yes even choking me wont save us."

>Princess Leia: General Kenobi. Years ago you served my father in the Race Wars. Now he begs you to help him in his struggle against the niggers. I regret that I am unable to present my father's request to you in person, but my ship has fallen under attack, and I'm afraid my mission to bring you to the Fatherland has failed. I have placed information vital to the survival of the white race into the memory systems of this R2 unit. My father will know how to retrieve it. You must see this droid safely delivered to him in the lebensraum. This is our most desperate hour. Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope.
>Ben Kenobi: [to Luke] You must learn the ways of the white man, if you're to come with me to kill the niggers.
>Luke Skywalker: Kill niggers? I'm not going to kill niggers, I've gotta get home, it's late, I'm in for it as it is!
>Ben Kenobi: I need your help, Luke. She needs your help. I'm getting too old for this sort of thing.
>Luke Skywalker: Look, I can't get involved. I've got work to do. It's not that I like this degeneracy; I hate it, but there's nothing I can do about it right now... It's all such a long way from here.
>Ben Kenobi: That's the jews talking

Different times I guess

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How would Motti know about holdo

Reminder when he refers to the Force as an “ancient religion,” he does not mean that the students of the Force are ancient, but that the Force religions themselves are. The Jedi and Sith dichotomy goes back thousands of years, I think that qualifies as “ancient.”
It’d be like calling Christianity an ancient religion.

>you say Snoke, I say Xizor
>you say Kylo, I say Jacen
>you say Finn, I say Dash
>92% of teenagers have turned to Disney and the nuCanon. If you are part of the 8% that still reads real Star Wars, copy and paste this message to another 5 videos. DON'T LET THE SPIRIT OF THE EU DIE!

Why did Vader use the force to remove the oxygen molecules from his lungs? Wouldn't it have been easier to choke him?

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>Ben Kenobi: I have something here for you. Your father wanted you to have this when you were old enough, but your uncle wouldn't allow it. He feared you might follow old Obi-Wan on some damn fool idealistic crusade like your father did.
>Luke Skywalker: What is it?
>Ben Kenobi: Your father's canister of Zyklon B. This is the weapon of the white man. Not as clumsy or random as a nigger's gat; an elegant weapon for a more civilized age. For over a thousand generations, the Aryan Brotherhood were the guardians of peace and justice in the Old Republic. Before the dark times... before the Galactic Civil Rights Act.

Jesus Christ Lucas

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>Ruling is hard. This was maybe my answer to Lucas, whom, as much as I admire him, I do quibble with. Star Wars had a very medieval philosophy: that if the chancellor was a good man, the galaxy would prosper. We look at real history and it’s not that simple. Lucas can say that Leia became chancellor and reigned for a hundred years, and she was wise and good. But Lucas doesn’t ask the question: What was Leia’s tax policy? Did she maintain a clone army? What did she do in times of blockade and space-famine? And what about all these Stormtroopers? By the end of the war, Palpatine is gone but all of the troopers aren’t gone – they’re across the galaxy. Did Leia pursue a policy of systematic genocide and kill them? Even the little baby troopers, in their little space cradles?

Why is GRRM so autistic?

You're doing it wrong

And that's your opinion my man. I respect it. But that doesn't mean I have to accept it. But that does mean you have to accept this dick. I'm bending you over my coffee table and pulling your pants down. I'm lubing up your asshole and throwing out some bantz now. I'm inserting myself fully inside your anus, shoving deep into your rectum. Thrusting back and forth, in and out, grunting and sweating while you're moaning and bucking. Pretty soon I'll blow my load deep into your colon and we'll share a passionate kiss as I continue to fuck you, churning my milky cum into a sticky white froth.

kek goddamn

>Luke, did I ever tell you about the time Ziro the Hutt was brutally murdered by Sy Snootles? Hold on one goddamn second, Luke, I'll explain who that is! Ziro the Hutt was the brother of Jabba the Hutt, and was imprisoned by the Republic during the Clone Wars following a foiled kidnapping plot in which he conspired with Count Dooku to ransom Jabba's son, Rotta. I'll explain Dooku later, Luke! Anyway, the notorious bounty hunter and big guy Cad Bane took the senate hostage and freed Ziro, only to bring him back to the Hutts who put him in prison. Ziro exploited the affection of Sy Snootles, some sort of blowjob alien who sings good songs at Jabba's Palace along with a blue elephant and a CGI dog-man, and had her break him out, and the two escaped into the swamps, to the abode of Mama the Hutt, Ziro’s grotesque mother, who provided him with a starship so he could travel to Teth. Are you keeping up, Luke? Pay attention, Teth is key to all this! Anyways, Ziro was in possession of information important to the Republic, so I teamed up with Jedi Master Quinlan Vos, who was like a black version of The Dude, and we odd-coupled our way through this mission. We crossed paths with Cad Bane, but he proved too much of a big guy for us, and escaped. I guess there wasn't enough time in the episode for us to figure out where Ziro was, so in the end Sy Snootles gunned him down and took his holo-diary and we never worried about any of that shit again.
>Ziro was a good friend. Sy still is a good friend. Cad Bane was not, and may no longer be, a good friend.

>*gasp* *choke* J-jokes on you, V-vader. *gasp* This is actually my f-fetish *choke*

You have to go back.

>Mama the Hutt
>google it
>it's real

Which is better writing, "sorceror's" or "sorcerous"?