Lets push all politics aside and just think about it logically. We have people in the real world who are so dedicated to changing their gender they will mutilate their own bodies to get this goal, as much as people joke about the 41% it goes to show just how many people are so willing to take this risk just to get some form of happiness, and it sadly doesn't work out for them. Now lets take this sort of dedication, and put it into a world where Magic is undeniably real and science has gotten to the point of basic reality manipulation, and you start to see the problem
Surely if someone is transgender in Marvel or DC, they will eventually stumble upon some sort of Magic spell or potion to change them. Something like that has to naturally exist, the byproduct of a pervy wizard who liked being a girl more then a guy, or a witches spell for punishment, whatever the reason is it fits in the universe due to magic being fucking magic. Or if that's not the case, then they would just invent some way to do it. It's Magic it can do anything if you put enough effort into it
But the problem doesn't end there, if people make as much noise about transgender issues in comics as they do in the real world, then surely someone would just invent a machine to change peoples genders completely There are so many Super Geniuses with hearts of gold out there that surely one of them would want to fix a problem people claim to have, and with how smart they are it would be easy as all fuck. Hell you don't even need to be a good guy to do this. Someone like Lex Luthor can easily science a solution up and Boom, hes won over a small but influential part of the population. From an ego stand point alone that works out.
And yet instead, this sort of Rule 63 fuckery is only used for depressing stories, characters being 'punished', or it's just ignored entirely. Why is that? Why must an obvious solution be pushed aside for representation that just doesn't fit in-universe?
on another topic it's weird how nightmarish rule63 can be, yet to some people this is wholesome to them. To each their own though we all get off on weird shit
The problem isn't that it limits storytelling or SJWs demanding their representation be a perfect mary sue. The problem is that if anyone tried to do something interesting with the idea, faggots like you would never stop screeching, and for some reason most comic companies think you guys are the majority rather than normal people that don't care one way or the other.
Xavier Edwards
Who gives a shit?
William Bell
I genuinely have no idea what you are on about user, but you're the only one screeching here. In fact I have never seen anyone who is anti-transgender get ANY sort of say in comics. The minority that people listen to are the trannies themselves not the much larger group of people against them, where the hell did you get that sort of idea?
Levi Rogers
I miss Suzie and want her to get a redemption story.
Just off the top of my head... >Full body costume with a 3/4 face mask. She has two masks, one that shows her jaw but not her eyes, and one that shows her eyes but not her jaw, she alternates depending on how bad her stubble is that day, but we wouldn't expressly say this other than maybe showing her initial sketches and design notes for her costume. Hair is exposed and loose When she's further along in her transition, maybe she could switch to something that shows more skin, but this is the starting point. >She's out as a trans person in her normal identity and faces mild discrimination and occasionally has to deal with actual passionate transphobes. Not sure if terfs or Ben Shapiro acolytes would be better, but this has to be an occasional thing, not a constant problem - If transphobia dominates her life, why wouldn't she just be her hero identity full time? Her parents (or other family members, but not both) are struggling with it and convinced that it's unnatural, but are being won over. >Her costume hides enough and her figure is androgynous/feminine enough that she can easily pass in her hero identity. Nobody suspects she's trans. She's paranoid about her voice but either nobody notices or nobody cares - This might help the paranoia, since she can't exactly ask without giving it away. As a bonus, this makes the struggle with a secret identity more appealing. She doesn't want to abandon one identity or the other, but definitely wants to fully transition and pass in her normal one. >Never reveal her deadname, except maybe family getting the first syllable out before interrupting. Her name shouldn't be a feminized version of her deadname. >Powers don't matter, but it shouldn't be tied to her trans-ness at all. >Use the Lex Luthor transition plot OP suggested, but make it one of her villains in particular.
Comment cut me off, or I'd come up with more.
Cameron Cruz
>Surely if someone is transgender in Marvel or DC, they will eventually stumble upon some sort of Magic spell or potion to change them. Barbara Gordon was crippled for year.
You are trying to apply medical logic where none apply. Not everyone befall on magical items and rarely the one with the effects they want to.
You are not making a point, there.
Leo Morgan
I feel bad for genderbender fans, the only official comic they get is extremely depressing and ends on such a sour note. Still, plenty of stuff for them online at least
Jaxon Wilson
Oh, that reminds me, our hypothetical trans hero shouldn't be such a crybaby as the Batgirl character that burst into tears over being misgendered once by accident.
James Taylor
Exactly this. Magic or magically advance technology in capeshit is exactly as rare as it needs to be to make the plot happen.
Kevin Gomez
I gotchu senpai
She passes and is recognized as a woman in her hero identity and is afraid of ruining it if she outs herself by asking all her new superpowered friends for help transitioning.
Thomas Jones
>Trannies don't work in comics book universes No, user. Chop-your-dick trannies doesn't work, but magical trannies work just fine.
Brandon Scott
Yes that is the exact point I was trying to make. Being transgender doesn't work when you can literally change your gender vis magic or science, so any trans characters they make for representation points just doesn't work
I think that would not fly if it were today, but since it was making a point about race in a time where civil rights was the big thing, it gets a pass.
Blake Butler
Scientist and sorcerers in capeshit never do anything game-changing ever
Evan Nguyen
>transsexual >hero Pick one and only one. The kind of self-centered mindset brought on by gender dysphoria doesn't allow for altruism unless the sufferer feels some sort of kinship with the second party.
Hunter Nelson
But the lesson is terrible, sure Lois lerned what was to live a day in the shoes of a black person, but the person that truly had an arc was the black guy that learned to trust the white people.
Even the punished stories are few and far between nowadays since portraying sex changes of any type in a negative light nowadays would be seen as problematic now. It is probably why 1610 Spider Woman never got a big push and was eventually quietly buried in the end despite how well she was recieved at the time.
>billionaire >hero >Pick one and only one. The kind of self-centered mindset brought on by having more money than you can spend in a lifetime doesn't allow for altruism unless the sufferer feels some sort of kinship with the second party. The point of a hero is that they rise above their vices to try to selflessly help people, you gibbering retard. That's what makes them exceptional. Though, I wouldn't object to the Die Cis Scum guy being a recurring villain.
Levi Brooks
>The kind of self-centered mindset brought on by gender dysphoria doesn't allow for altruism unless the sufferer feels some sort of kinship with the second party. Marsha P. Johnson was more altruistic than any of the women that wanted "equal rights" but not for black people
Dominic Adams
Fuck trannies
Oliver Garcia
Op here Yeah basically
Ian Sanders
Billionaires can and often are the beneficiaries of inheritances. Self made billionaires are the minority.
Angel Ramirez
I would with an ugly one
Carter Sanders
>Billionaires can and often are the beneficiaries of inheritances. Self made billionaires are the minority. bernout please
You wouldn't be a tranny anymore if you could turn into a full on woman with perfectly functional reproductive organs, you'd just be a woman at that point.