Why don’t you have your own reality show?

Why don’t you have your own reality show?

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No one wants to watch a show about a guy who goes to work, dicks around online on image boards, goes to the gym and browses tinder and Grindr while watching movies alone

Because who the fuck wants to watch somebody sit at a computer every waking hour arguing with strangers on the internet?

I'm not a cool guy with lots of money

It's crazy how similar they look with his grandfather. Especially the young Parker.

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Adam Driver has a reality show?

I dont think it would be compelling to see me edge from 9am till 7pm on exhentai.

Because I didn't have a gold mining operation handed to me by my grandfather who spent decades building it from the ground up while I did next to nothing to earn it.

>someone wants to fund this Truman shitshow

its cartel laundering money isn't it

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So should his grandfather have given his business away to the state or something? Are you stupid?

If it wasn't for the money, a chink looking guy like that could never bang an hoe like this

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Didn't say that. I said that's why I don't have a tv show.

You think she actually let him touch her and wasn't in it just for the tv show and fame?

what show does kylo ren have

shes a fookin aussie

Yo parker we need to sluce

Don't forget to act like a spoiled brat constantly. It looks good for the TV.

we need gene cheeseman

It's almost as if they were related or something



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She seemed to be more comfortable around Chris, the gold shack guy. It wouldn't surprise me if Parker constructed a hole, out of gold, to fuck.

eh parker you got my money ok fuck you

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Listen you guys we need twuny ounces or our seasons over, il let you guys get to work while i sit on my ass
Hey dad say a prayer

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Big red's down again!

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Where did this fuck keep getting money? He always had brand new equipment too.

discovery channel. he was one of the originals from the first season so he was pretty popular

Volvo eventually became a sponsor.

They wasn't actually working in the mine. Their job is acting and Discovery and Volvo give them free shit for playing around a bit.

I love Tony for the sole reason that he shits on Parker.

I haven’t watched that show in years, did the Hoffman’s finally go bankrupt and leave the show?

Why do people hate this guy? Every time he has a conflict with other people in the show he isn't in the wrong.

hes a fucking asshole greedy buisnessman. i mean fuck parker but he treated the cheeseman like shit

He does treat his employees unfairly sometimes. Like those two guys who disassembled and reassembled the first dredge. He screwed those guys over.

He can dab on Parker all he wants though.

Would you?

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He didn't.
You underestimate how much money the Discovery Channel makes with that show.
It is sold all ofer the globe.
I bet my ass that the Discovery channel gave the money to parker to start his own operation.
And him becoming an asshole comes mostly from the fame. He wasn't such a bitch in the first two seasons.

Based tony

We will make it big this season you have my word and god is on our side. Ok I didn't pay you for three years but this time it is all different I promise.

They got millions from being on the show.
They didn't had to find Gold.

Seems like you'd get tired of her shit real quick, or at least I would.

I'd fuck some of the guys before I'd touch that.

Don’t know that there is a market for watching someone sneedposting for 16 hours a day while eating tendies


his grandfather did have a mining claim and they turned it into a theme park

Needs more Photoshop

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Theme park?

I don't say he did start from zero.
What I say is that the TV money was the reason for him to go to Canada. I am pretty sure big nugget would still be a place where he spends some weekends to get drunk with his friends and he may would drive a truck for his dad today.