Piracy is back on the menu, boys.
Piracy is back on the menu, boys
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Da fuck? Is dis sheeeeeeeet
why wrap a chain around it i'm confused
There's a bunch of other good sites though
To not get kicked while pulling?
it's wrapping the chain around you user
Doesn't matter which site or irc server, just that movie piracy is on the rise.
Piracy is anti-Semitic and that's problematic.
it was never off
Kek did this retard think TPB was actually down?
Maybe he just found only just found out it was alive, thought no-one else knew and is excited to tell us?
Based retard with a heart of gold
What am I fucking looking at lol
Lmafo it never went offline you retard
A birthing. Probably a goat.
Dumb city slicker.
Why are they yanking it out with a chain
He's just gonna fuck it to death anyways, why not?
When you assisted in a birth you help pull it out as the mother pushes for humans as well as livestock but in this case you use a chain to help pull it out.
it was always on the menu
looks like the feet of a baby cow or goat coming out of its butthole
its coming by the legs by the looks, sometimes it needs help
Most stuff these days is not even worth stealing. It's like they don't want us to watch their propaganda.
How come these poor goats give birth to their big kids like that but human girls literally weep at the thought of giving birth without anesthetics
the pain releases bonding chemicals or something, it's really good.
Piratebay is trash though
There are much better places to use, even as public trackers.
Anyone have a good torrent for Ms office? So many are just malware
Whew, that was a close one. You almost went five minutes without posting about women.
why do you have this on your phone
I didn't say it was. Just that movie piracy rates are up and increasing.
Miracle of birth.
They use it to pull the calf out. It's kinda obvious, isn't it?
What's the best Simpsons torrent?
>High quality uncut episodes
Open office is just as good. I even prefer open office to microshit
>massive resolution
>no results on reverse search
based user posting his personal, self-recorded calf birthing stash
It is either a lamb or a kid. I doubt it is a calf.
>not using private trackers
>dont need to waste money on VPN
Season 11
No seriously
can someone explain what private tracker are?
do i need to pay for them?
is it worth paying for them?
does having access to them ensure better speeds on all torrents?
what are seedboxes?are they the same thing as private trackers?
are trackers in anyway responsible for better speed or is it only dependent on seeds and leechers?
Like what? Public, of course
Season 11
Thanks m8
1337 is better
>Muh private trackers
Unironically, factually and without projecting: only autistic virgins do it for the sake of recognition and e-fame that come with having good ratio.
DID SOMEONE SAY PIRACY? Time to post my favourite libertarian aussie!
It's quite the situation. I want to support the hard working artists, because the situation over there is horrendous. But at the same time paying $90+ for 4 episodes is insane
for me? it's RARBG
Yo what is th--yyyooooo bruh why
A private tracker is a torrent tracker you can only use if you have an account. They are free. Some require you to be invited though. Some will allow periods where any can register. Some have open registration all of the time.
A seedbox is a vps or virtual private server basically. You pay for a server you setup to download and seed your torrents because your speeds are shit and maybe to help sort of disguise your identity but mostly for the speeds. Then you download your pirated movies and games from the server instead of through the torrent.
so it knows its place.
Where do I download japanese comics?
What’s the best service for finding rare kino? Sometimes it’s hard to find the movie to purchase let alone pirate
They are called manga
Which film are you having trouble finding?
google it
Do any of you anons know how can I bypass the 5GB quota limit of mega.nz?
Mostly polish stuff recently. Tried to watch A Visitor To a Museum last night but couldn’t find any good torrents, also looks like early Wojciech Has shit is just nonexistent on the Internet
trips of trooof
It's subtle, they mostly wait until you're invested in the storyline to shit in the face of their audience. Don't confuse the 'passable' stuff with actual soulful media or pretty soon you'll have a scat fetish.
How bout you link Endgame too
There was an openload posted here of endgame but it wasn't watchable. Don't know if the trackers would be any better.
>white people
He took it.
what is a torrent
Why do you even want that trash?
A file for downloading other files.
what is a file
ones and zeroes
The chain is wrapped around the guy taking the pic so he gets pulled in
Thanks friend. Now I just have to wait a year the download to complete hopefully it has some sort of English option. Nah but foreal though that site has some good Has as well, will be using it now when I can’t find anything anywhere else
It has more than enough seeds, should be a fast download.
If there are not eng subs just go to opensubtitles.com and find them in a second
What's the best place for non-hardcore porn? Asking for a friend
French cinema in general.
Is there anywhere I can get a decent Endgame torrent, the only on piratebay right now are horrible, even by Cam standards
You're probably going to need to wait.
how do i open my email account
I got caught up trying to download some Has but I went back and your right it’s now moving much faster. Never even heard of opensubtites before. . . Am I an NPC?
It wouldn't be if movies didn't suck ass nowadays. Seeing a movie in theatres is generally a better experience than watching a shitty cam or waiting half a year for the dvd release.
>there are "people" who've never read James Herriot's "All Creatures Great and Small"
Go Pro
I wanna see Hulk dab and Quill quip about getting kicked right in the infinity stones.
whats the safest torrent client thingy?
it never left tho
I have had no problems with okd versions of utorrent
its a bondage thing, you wouldnt understand
Download? Just read them online. Use MangaDex. It's the best site because it's chosen as default site for upload new translations by all of the translation groups.
Also it's run by community for community. And they don't have watermarks unlike fags at mangafox.
safe client? qBitTorrent and it has search built in.
Torrents aren't safe in general if you have a static i.p. address or an ISP that cuts you off if you torrent. No point waiting around to find out. A seedbox is safer than a VPN because you might forget to turn off your VPN one time but will cost more if you keep a lot of stuff.
Don't tell people about mangadex
qBittorent. Don't listen to spergs who cry about uTorrent.
New version of utorrent are literal botnets with bitcoin mainers, while old that are considered "clean" are outdated as fuck and filled with security holes. And it was banned on almost every major torrent site because of this shit.
qBittorent is opensource, unlike that shitty uTorrent.
So it's safe and allowed on all torrent sites
>Torrents aren't safe in general if you have a static i.p. address or an ISP that cuts you off if you torrent.
This only applies to some "first world" countries. If you are 3rd world monkey you can pirate all shit you want
too late faggot I know it now!
>A file for downloading other files.
Does anyone even uses .torrent files anymore? Magnet links are way more convenient.
As much as i hate spoonfeeding i'd rather do that than let him accidentally google Mangafox or any other faggy site and give them ad views(if he doesn't knows how to google then i'm sure he doesn't have ad blocker )
>still using TPB
You not only do not get out the house you do not get out of your Internet. Pathetic
Well don't tell more folk, any more people and the servers will die again.
I sometimes accidentally click torrent and don't care enough to stop it.
Office 2010 is really easy to find and it was the last good version of office
>zoomers aren't in private trackers and have no idea how to even start
kek fuck you faggots have fun getting warning notices for downloading your marvel yiffys
I've been torrenting for well over 15 years now and I've never been stung by my ISP even once.
I dont read mooncomics anyway so your secret is safe