Why isn't Peni in the end song of the movie?
Peni Parker
Peni suffers for the sins of Spider-Man: Homecoming's invention of "Penis Parker".
If Sony had a bit of brain, they would be cashing in on this loli alone.
But the company is full of SJW retards who only pander to mentally ill morons who don't even go to the movies or buy their merch.
The neko-face ruins it.
Hell they hardly advertise miles and he’s the protagonist and one of the best versions of the character
She's how old, in the canon of the film?
Like 11?
I never bothered learning who peni parker is, but whenever I see her name written, I can't help but read
"penis parker"
Is that a bulge?
Maybe... you know the Japanese...
Penifags are mentally ill.
She is 14 in the comics. i don’t think her age was specified in the movie
>attracted to children
>calls other people mentally ill
ok weeb
She can park my penis
That's a some assumptions you faggot
>grammar? who's that? Does she have a nice Thicc dick?
Kill her Peni. You know you can hide the body
stay mad bitch
>you can legally fuck peni in some countries
I just want to pet her head
14 in artbook. 13 listed on movie website i believe
Whoever drew this has not been educated properly on vaginas.
News flash, the labia does not hang nearly as low as a guy’s testicles.
I want to give her a bath.
What the fuck is a "vagina"
What does she do when she's in the robot and she needs to go to the bathroom?
>Another creative twist
>can also be a big softy
>anime through and through
Bullshit obvious faggot, just put up the goddamn art & stop wasting space.
If Peter can create a webbing parachute, then Peni can sure create a webbing pee-bottle. Or bucket as the case may be.
>imagines 4-armed Penni voiding her bowels in a 60's-era Lizard-drug-induced LSD robot safety closet freakout.
bigger than it looks. probably mini toilet in there
>spider-shaped bow panties
But she is?
Space style toilet, after she poops her robot launches it out of it's rear with a jet of air.
Nice legs.
If she's 14, where her boobs at?
So is she smart or just pedo bait?
more like... forced into it
I need to go back to pixiv for Peni lewds...
That nip writing is hard to read, I think it's supposed to be "konpyuutaa" but the "n" looks like it could be a "shi" but that wouldn't make any fucking sense.
>comics penny is just an eva clone
>movie penny is a highly marketable middle schooler
>comics miles has no personality
>movie miles is a highly marketable quipster but not quite like peter
Why is it so clear that movie writers are better than comics writers?
You know it’s backwards, right?
Peni is disgusting. She needs to bathe. She stinks like shit.
I still need Peni in a Raisins girl outfit.
Its been so long since we've had a Penis Parker thread
Who said that was a vagina?
Yeah, I'm reading it right to left numbnuts. "Shi" has two nip-apostrophes in it, "n" only has one.
would the movie versions carry a comic better?
Miles movie version would be better simply by virtue of having a consistent personality/origin. Peni would probably need more thought put into it.
so, this is the 'Peni is ded' thread right?,well...
Peni is dead, she is not gonna appear in spiderverse 2, even if she does, she probably is gonna be a different character, or just the comic one.
Movie studios are stupid and dont care about how little screentime she had, therefore you can kiss her ass goodbye!
end rant.
they can just start over with movie peni
comic peni barely had any comics of her own and she does not come out as the most likeable character
There are only a few...
that's alright if I can see panty I'm good
It is mentally illness, in your case is even worse since you can't even see the difference between a fictional character and real people.
Get help.
True. Too bad cute girls being cute is seen as borderline creepy/pedo shit these days in the west. Even if it is done it always needs some feminist angle, it can't be done out of ernest cuteness alone.
Movie writing is a bit more cut throat than comics writing, so it makes sense.
You're right
If they were smart they'd be pandering to the mentally ill who actually spend money on shit
Why texture her hair if they're just going to cell shade it?
They probably didn't guess how much detail was going to stay
ya know the model kind of looks like Mavis from Hotel Transylvania
For a Peni solo movie, would you rather have the Spiderverse version, the comic version, or the Spiderverse Peni growing up to become more like comic Peni[/spoiler}?
Whenever anyone says that Peni should grow up, I can't but imagine speed-montageing her through the sorts of beating that Parker took daily, nightly, medically, magically, etc as Spiderman. She either becomes Daredevil or dies.
Peni and Penny should be best friends!
Peni on her own wouldn't work, I'm more interested in looking toward the sequel. But if, and it's a big if, she comes back for the sequel I would be delighted to see her interact with Supaidāman.
I've always wanted movie Peni to have her own adventures away from original comic peni and the spiderverse.
My interpretation would be twisting spiderman villains into kaiju or other japanese characters, to keep it bright and colorful. I think it would be a more fun spin on recent comic stories, and I believe it can still have room for character development and thrilling long-form stories.
I created a Peni comic a while ago, if people are interested I'll drop a link.
Always looking for something new to read.
It’s probably because Peni wasn’t popular enough among the regular population amongst those who watched and enjoyed Into The Spiderverse. Only waifufags and loli obsessed pedos liked her. The majority of those who liked the film liked Spider Noir, Gwen, and Peter Porker more than Peni (and we’re not even talking about Miles or original Peter Parker)
>something something lolis something something SJWs
yep, he's retarded
It's a pretty short read.
That was a nice little comic you made, I enjoy anything with a suplex in it.
I wish Peni Parker would deliver my pizzas.
Time to deliver a pizza ball?
How come Miles went after the boring blonde instead of the cute Asian?
pedos deserve the rope
Pedos? She's 14.
>Cute teenage girls = pedo bait
Spotted the closet pedo
that felt like one of those Electric company spidey comics, and I intend that as a compliment. Simple, action packed fun.
thanks for sharing user
Peni Parker? more like Penis Taker
Is she half Japanese and half white?
Because her name isn't Japanese.
>Her clothing is made of fabrics from the future
>The shirt has a technological sheen
ShInY pAnTiEs
Possibly Japanese Mother, Western Father; Peni does sound vague enough to pass as Japanese.
Thanks, hopefully I can make more in the future. I've written down a lot of different ideas for villain re-imaginings
The fucking hell? I think I just lost 20 IQ points reading that.
Oh no
You're cute
>the feeling of that soft synthetic red fabric against my face
one more
She literally goes to school with Shinji, Rei, Asuka, and Kaworu.
Would you let Peni watch your favourite movie with you?
Yeah, but it's a comedy so I'm unsure how that date would go.
I bet her robot's interior smells terrible.
What's she holding, there?
A flash drive
Wasn't SP//DR there?
She gets as beaten up and tired as Noriko from Gunbuster, problem solved
That's Emissary of Hell to you!
A gizmo.
Yes, but only for a few seconds and also we don't see her at all. I know she's inside the robot, but we ddon't see her.
That was nice user
I love to see people are still creating such cool things.
I like her shoes.
I need Peni
We need a team of hacker lolis
That was beautiful user
Hoshino Fuuta, the most beautiful man ever, drew this.
Sweet milk
>team of hacker lolis
Who else should be in it?
Peni has something to say to you
No Penny, i'm just stretching my legs on the window
How old is she? I've heard everything from 8 to 14.
It was said somewhere she's either 13 or 14.
Who is that cunt?
Go fuck yourself
No, you.
No, just you.
Penni is built formy cock
I have to politely disagree.
You're anything but polite
>that image
you just know
Why? Why would she wear anything other than white cotton panties?
Spats are comfy and easy to wear. I like to imagine it's actually a full body nano suit under her schoolgirl clothes that she hides as 'spats'. Just in case she needs to pop out of Sp//der and fight hand to hand.
thank you
Because people are weird about letting a girl's underwear get showed in any context.
Meanwhile, it's perfectly fine to have a little boy's ass or at least the crack of it be shown because "funny"
Not even a hidden one frame pantyshot
Cute, you should do more
I wrote out two comics with Reptile and Mysterio, so once I'm in a spot to dedicate time to them I will.
What do you think about Rhino in your version? What I'm thinking is either a western inspiration with a mix of space marine (40K, with how bulky) / crusader (Overwatch, energy shield and rocket boost)... or eastern inspiration like a gundam but bulkier.
Thank you! You're awesome.
I was really trying to come up with a Rhino concept, but I think I need to dive deeper into Japanese media to find a good idea for him.
I think a mecha approach is best, so I might make Rhino into an evil Sentai team of 5 robots that form into one giant Rhino bot. That way its different from Peni already being in a mech.
Not bad, not bad at all!
Should the combine robot be the sinister six though? I really like the approach of this type of rhino, but there's also a team combo right there... but it could also be too obvious...
I thought of that idea for the Sinister Six too, but with making Green Goblin into an Ultraman-like alien, and with several other conflicting ideas for other villains, I feel like putting them into a Megazord would be handicapping them. But that could all change in rewrites.
Fun fact, you can hear her sing in the Island Song musical.
Have you drawn for a long time?
Lisa (Simpson & Loud).
Ruri Hoshino
yeah, since 2013, and doing comics since 2015.
Hope to see more of you on 2020 and onward!
With a little luck, you might catch the eye of people who could ask you to work for them!
Movie Peni + Comic SP//DR
Peni's Mysterio would be a pink haired yandere pretty boy.
Or at least the "pretty boy" would be part of his illusion as he is essentially a little kid with a huge crush on Peni.
Lisa Simpson is smart enough.
Would Toni Stark be a magical girl?
Toni would be a toku hero. Probably all the different types of Iron-man would be different forms for one suit.
Like if
regular Ironman = Build
Hulkbuster = Build Hazard
No longer cute, though. She used to be rational, now she's just a nagger.
Thanks, I appreciate it.
Tulip Olsen
I imagine comic SP//DR could be like a beserker form.
During a fight Peni becomes un-conscience and the Spider she is connected to goes out of control and then suddenly Movie SP breaks open as Comic version breaks out of it like a shell.
I want to see all these hacker lolis dressed in trench coats while carrying katanas
How long does it take to make a page?
Coloring is what takes up the most time, so I can usually accomplish one a day, but if its not so involved I can do two.
I want to see Peni naked
Because you're a doctor or a scientist?
I envy you user, I got ideas for spiderman comics but I don't have the time to get anything done.
Not because you wanna get sexual gratification, then?
That tomboy Peni... She's perfect.
I'm sure you'll find time for it at some point. Just don't give up on it, you can always work towards a dream if you take it slow enough.
True while still hard to manage. Is there a way to contact you (like the site where your comic is published)?
Got some ideas that I'd like your opinion on!
This is a weird question to ask, but has ANYONE manage to find the full Xenia Pax song "Want it here"(the song that played when Peni was making the chip), aside from a few shitty poorly looped rips from the movie, it seems its NO WHERE to be found in full...
Yeah, in the footer of the site is my Twitter, just send me a message on there and we can talk about stuff!
I've written down an idea for Mysterio already, making him a delinquent rich-girl at her school. I don't wanna give out too much since I plan on making the comics, but I think everyone will get a hell of a kick out of it,
You just know she's getting railed out in her home universe
shame comic peni never really went anywhere
Late bloomer.
not cute enough
Yeah, Noir has no idea she's Japanese and part of the Axis.
OK late bloomer.
Because comic writers can get multiple tries in draft and multiple comic issues. The movie writer has one chance, and if they’re fortunate a sequel.
and not too interestingly written
So there are an obvious Easter egg, and this proves what exactly?
>Black Suit Peni
>The tentacles
Holy shit we need this officially.
Nice. Should've included "It's you who's out of it, Gobby."
my spidey banter is definitely not up to snuff
I found somebody for our team
most of Yea Forums is teen anyway
Yea Forums especially
Peni* Parker
So if the goblin is an alien, who's Norman Osborn in your world?
Osborn is still the head of Oscorp, and Oscorp is still the organization that Peni works under.
This comic is only a test run, but Ultra-Goblin is almost the same as Ultraman. He is an alien that came to earth, but fuses with humans through the "Gamma Capsule".
I'd like to continue this iteration of Goblin, with Oscorp handling the Gamma Capsule and testing it, only for Norman Osborn to go nuts during testing and completely fuse with Ultra-Goblin, becoming the true incarnation of it.
This would also eventually spiral into there being more Ultra-Warrior like beings that Peni has to face in the future.
Well I'm sold, I like your Peni Parker comic