ITT: characters whose costumes would never work in live action
ITT: characters whose costumes would never work in live action
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idk, Psylocke looks really good in live action
It was the only costume the X-Men films even attempted o get right. I liked it.
Cover the belly and it would work perfectly god damn fine.
I feel bad for her, she fought so hard for this costume and role and they did nothing with her. Same with Storm.
She's had more practical costumes.
Pic related cosplay is literally better in design & materials then all the outfits in BOP combined.
And it even makes the exposed belly look reasonable.
the mouth
does it just end at the edge of lips?
just make him black
>And it even makes the exposed belly look reasonable.
I mean, it doesn't look terrible but how is it "reasonble" to expose it
Why not just get rid of the mouth entirely?
how are horse reasonable? we are talking superheroes not business casual
fuck me
>MUH: characters whose costumes would never work in live action
There are people who live their whole life in the basement and think that all women should be forced to wear burqas especially women in the fantasy world
Man, what a tubby
Gwenpool's costume looks weird as fuck even in less cartoony art styles so that would be a big one.
Costumes like Mister Miracle, Jaime Blue Beetle and with magic mouths will never not look weird in live action.
Other than stuff like that I fully support live action costumes being as accurate and goofy as physics allow.
I don't understand
I am not trying to be body positive or whatever but Psylocke rarely seems to have organs.
what? She looks very normal for hollywood
There's also the idea of the illusion of practicality and adhering to modern sensibilities to appeal to normalfags.
Most everything needs an excuse to exist ontop of needing to look like it has some kind of practical function, even if in reality it's as impractical as skintight spandex.
Like take the X-men movie for instance, they wore leather get ups that in reality the actors could barely even move in, but it sold as a cool modernization because it looked like something cool and real. Comics meanwhile have an aesthetic almost totally influenced by a completely different subculture and designed to work in a different dimension.
I think technology could totally make it work if you stylize the movie properly. The Batsuit turns Terry into an impossible shadow man. However they wouldn't do that because modern movie designers would want to make Terry look like he's wearing a cybernetic basketball and refuse to actually try to capture the simplicity of the cartoon.
>I am not trying to be body positive or whatever
I really hope posts like this are parody otherwise KYS for talking like this you pathetic emasculated fuck.
If I remember right, Terry was a cybernetic basketball anytime he took damage.
Honestly the costume sucks even in comics simply because she is supposed to be related to the Bat family as a non powered cape. Practical aside, she just has better looking ones that wouldn't make the viewer question if the movie is trying to use tits to make up for shit acting.
Are there any pictures of this bimbo without clothes?
She looks like she is made entirely out of pool float material and I am curious.
Drop the platform heels.
Give her low level bullet proof because wtf not
And its perfect.
Otherwise you get casuals asking questions. Even Bats explained why he had a bright yellow symbol on his chest
Which one?
yes, she has a young stage without the impants but still the latex and then the current stuff with impants and lots of nudes
fuck sorry, models name is Starfucked.
no ugly mask here, or inexplicable cape to go along with the stripper ensemble.
>>stripper ensemble
>>actually the outfit for a female athlete.
>>costumes would never work in live action
here's a bunch
The Arrowverse version had much better costumes.
These are both awful.
This is like a fight between Harmony Korine characters and a cheap Wal-Mart Halloween costume.
ya but Caity made the best of it
Self funded cosplayers on a limited budget do better jobs adapting superhero costumes to the real world than professional Hollywood costume designers. Then again, if they redesign the costume they can sell a new version and make more money for the movie makers. It's all a scam.
Imagine, kek
Fuck you! every costume can work in LA, the only reason they 'dont work' now, is because movie producers, alongside the SJWs want to homogeneize the world and shape it to their stupid whims.
when these costumes arent ok in even adult productions like BoP, thats when you know society is falling apart.
They both have dad bods
This movie looks like it smells like the fishbox in a Burger King restroom
t. doesn't go outside, and knows nothing about physical fitness or sports
these guys look worse than amateur cosplayers. it's such low-effort junk, I can't even recognize any of these retards, none of them match their comic counterparts
it's as if I'm looking at some cheap corner-store knock-off bought at party city
I don't know what he's doing here
This. OP is a faggot.
Gymnasts, runners, body builders, on live television wear less than these so-called 'superheroes' made by these corporate homosexuals moaning about needing "practicality and realism" inside their productions, which are just key words for "correcting the content we feel is wrongthink fantasy". these producers should stay away from comic adaptions because they do a massive disservice to legitimately faithful portrayals. these parasites want to milk these products for all they're worth yet they don't even want to put in half the effort into accurately transiting comic concepts into film.
Weird because Wendy Pini's Red Sonja is apretty early cosplay.
They're not really based on any comic costume and more Margret's horrible taste
I don't know if it would make it work live action, but the problem most artists have with Sonja is they don't accessorize her. Just adding some metal gauntlets, arm and thigh pads, a cloak, shoulder guards, etc make it look 10x better and like an actual outfit in universe given the number of dudes running around half naked as well.
>Gymnasts, runners, body builders, on live television wear less than these so-called 'superheroes' made by these corporate homosexuals moaning about needing "practicality and realism" inside their productions, which are just key words for "correcting the content we feel is wrongthink fantasy"
I realize just asking this I'm gonna get a response of COOMER COOMER COOMER but why on earth are people who have a problem with weirdos jerking off on the internet on Yea Forums? This is like the mecca for weirdos jerking off on the internet.
Same reason anyone makes fun of anyone, because it's funny.
The ab window is fucking stupid and it's insane you'd defend it
Fucking this. As just the metal bikini, it does look silly. But if you add the right gear as you state, it looks like classic sword and sorcery schlock.
Plus it makes more sense if you keep in mind the Hyborean Age is sort of post apocalyptic, being after the fall of Atlantis. It's like Sword and Sorcery Mad Max. So people are using whatever the fuck is laying around, and stabbing the fuck out of each other ruining the rest.
I dunno, I find it stranger that people are coming up with these elaborate declarative statements about how what they love is being altered and destroyed by nebulous groups beyond their control, over an issue that nine times out of ten basically boils down to "I can't get hard looking at this costume". I like Huntress' original costume but in no way was the skinship aspect of it an integral part of her character and you can still fundamentally translate what made her good in to other media while giving her a costume that isn't as fanservice-heavy.
t. robbie maggot
because it's a low-iq meme response, usually from some sort of neo-puritan retard incapable of saying anything different than pre-programmed responses
>implying what is said is wrong
>i can't get hard looking at this costume
It's always some roastie which reduces being accurate to comics as supposed fapbait. Being faithful to the medium you're adapting isn't fan-service, it's called basic service.
Gymnasts do not wear "fan-service". A leotard =/ fanservice. Neither do runners. Nothing they wear is "fan-service". Stop being retarded.
how many of them have ab windows.
So which is it?
>Have a scene where Huntress is taking down a room full of goons
>One tries to stab her in her clearly-exposed belly
>She grabs the dudes hand, mocks him briefly, and shoots him in the face.
There, justified. Done.
That's not really justification just dabbing on a nigga.
Do you have any that aren't illusion wear?
Practicality and realism be a false god. I suggest you not fall into the reasoning too much.
nobody is more sexist than feminists.
those are certainly closer