>604 days until Avatar 2
604 days until Avatar 2
Big milestone day.
blue Zoe best Zoe!
whoever does these threads. if i would find you standing in front of me - i would punch your fucking lights out.
getting close now boys
Neytiri... with a FAL?
based and robust
Go into hiding, sir. You're too important to be caught.
Huge day guys how are we gonna celebrate
Muh Avatar
>tfw about to break into the 500's
we're gonna make it bros
You can't keep this up
>we will see 500 in our lifetime
Feels good bros
t. capefaggot redd*tor scum
Based user
Funny how I remember seeing these threads for years. Now we're nearing 500 days. Feels good man.
Pretty soon we'll be past the 365 mark. All in all, pretty fucking based and robust my dudes.