Why doesn't she do a film about Irish history or a role speaking in Gaelic? Is she ashamed of her heritage?
Why doesn't she do a film about Irish history or a role speaking in Gaelic? Is she ashamed of her heritage?
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Bitch needs to cover up and wear a hijab
Based and redpilled
She a self hating white girl. You better be mad white boys but you can't do anything so... stay mad.
this, she makes me fap every time i see her and it's becoming a chore
There isn't even an Irish culture anymore, it's just American libertarianism
hell yeah
I say that as someone from ireland, core fundamentals of Ireland current culture don't represent anything Irish
She needs Paul Dano in her life.
How do we meme her into being the new face of IRA?
Go outside of Dublin.
ehhh user i believe they are lovers classic lovers
>insh'allah anonkun, we are going to the mosque at Carlow. I hope you will join us!
>[The Delfonics – Didn't I (Blow Your Mind This Time) starts playing]
classic Paul Dano
Post her feet
Can't stand moderates like you, it's either the burka or the stone
It's Britain. The tolerance board will require ancient Ireland to be full of forced diversity, so why bother?
her lips look like pussy lips
Ashamed of her body
She played an Irish immigrant in Brooklyn
terrible shoop
Name one cunt you know that speaks Gaelic
Is there any good movies or TV shows about Sack of Baltimore?
Do you think they do mommy daughter roleplay?
Irish people haven't spoken Gaelic for hundreds of years
Reversed roles.
>Why doesn't she do a film about Irish history or a role speaking in Gaelic? Is she ashamed of her heritage?
Irish history pre-1700s just doesn't exist in Ireland. We don't care about anything that can't be turned into misery wank about MUH UPRISINGS or MUH CATHOLIC CHURCH. This country is culturally bankrupt, its language barely survived thanks to Anglo gentry keeping it on life support and is now spoken exclusively by snobs and inbreds, we couldn't care less about our Celtic mythology, and now we have a gay immigrant prime minister, we're pro-abortion and we've removed the barriers for slander against the church we fought for centuries to worship at. It's all gone to fucking pot. So you will never see any large scale ancient historical Irish language movie or TV series because we need to feel like smug little victims 24/7. The Irish really are niggers.
>if you're from a country that isn't mine you have to represent it constantly alá my arbitrary standards
What's wrong with Americans
I want Greta to take full creative advantage of her little Irish muse.
Non niggers aren't allowed to celebrate their culture
Of course. Saorise has to be a good girl or mommy will spank her very hard. What Mommy says goes.
Friendly reminder that Catholic girls are often the kinkiest, very into being disciplined.
>americans refer to irish as gaelic
It's just fucking Irish. Not Irish Gaelic, not Gaelic, just Irish.
This reminds me I made this some time ago...
Not a very good shoop so don't zoom in too much
Wanking to celtic mythology is for virgin larpers, it hasn't been part of culture for centuries and bringing it back serves no purpose outside from muh ancestors whose impact on modern culture is nonexistent
She should have been in the new Dune
This bitch only does oscarbait roles and can't show one shred of emotion in all her movies. She's a plank of fucking wood.
Not that long ago it was actually normal for Irish women to wear headscarfs
Only old grannies, not young women. I used to seem them all the time when I was a child, seems to have dissapeared now.
you are walking on very thin ice
hi, autism chan
I believe it was common for young women as well but only in places like the Arab islands
>Sheamus, did you know we've been Muslim all this time?!!
>Whats that cha say?! This farm animal I'm fucking is quite fucking loud! Now fix me supper before I beat your ass with a stick!
it should have been obvious...
*Aran islands
Eirefag here. There was a novel I read in school called Death and Nightingales about 19th century northern Ireland, and idk why I just thought her and Michael Fassbender could play the two lead characters, and given the right director it could turn out well. Idk.
Saoirse Ronan is in the ra
How many Irish history feature films are made? Those are usually TV, which she doesn't do, I think. And how many Gaelic films get made?
Read about the Gaelic Revival kiddo. At least Ireland has such heritage, progressivism just doesn't like it.