Are there any kinos about Elagabalus?

>Elagabalus (/ˌɛləˈɡæbələs/), also known as Heliogabalus (Latin: Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus; c. 204 – 11 March 222), was Roman emperor from 218 to 222

>His mother and grandmother became the first women to be allowed into the Senate, and both received senatorial titles

>He aroused further discontent when he married the Vestal Virgin Aquilia Severa, claiming the marriage would produce "godlike children". This was a flagrant breach of Roman law and tradition, which held that any Vestal found to have engaged in sexual intercourse was to be buried alive

>In order to become the high priest of his new religion, Elagabalus had himself circumcised.[46] He forced senators to watch while he danced around the altar of Deus Sol Invictus to the accompaniment of drums and cymbals

>The question of Elagabalus' sexual orientation is confused, owing to salacious and unreliable sources. Elagabalus married and divorced five women, three of whom are known. His first wife was Julia Cornelia Paula; the second was the Vestal Virgin Julia Aquilia Severa

>Within a year, he abandoned her and married Annia Aurelia Faustina, a descendant of Marcus Aurelius and the widow of a man he had recently had executed. He had returned to his second wife Severa by the end of the year. According to Cassius Dio, his most stable relationship seems to have been with his chariot driver, a blond slave from Caria named Hierocles, whom he referred to as his husband

>The Augustan History claims that he also married a man named Zoticus, an athlete from Smyrna, in a public ceremony at Rome. Cassius Dio reported that Elagabalus would paint his eyes, depilate his body hair and wear wigs before prostituting himself in taverns, brothels, and even in the imperial palace:

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>Finally, he set aside a room in the palace and there committed his indecencies, always standing nude at the door of the room, as the harlots do, and shaking the curtain which hung from gold rings, while in a soft and melting voice he solicited the passers-by. There were, of course, men who had been specially instructed to play their part. For, as in other matters, so in this business, too, he had numerous agents who sought out those who could best please him by their foulness. He would collect money from his patrons and give himself airs over his gains; he would also dispute with his associates in this shameful occupation, claiming that he had more lovers than they and took in more money.

>Herodian commented that Elagabalus enhanced his natural good looks by the regular application of cosmetics

>He was described as having been "delighted to be called the mistress, the wife, the queen of Hierocles" and was reported to have offered vast sums of money to any physician who could equip him with female genitalia

>By 221 Elagabalus' eccentricities, particularly his relationship with Hierocles, increasingly provoked the soldiers of the Praetorian Guard. When Elagabalus' grandmother Julia Maesa perceived that popular support for the emperor was waning, she decided that he and his mother, who had encouraged his religious practices, had to be replaced As alternatives, she turned to her other daughter, Julia Avita Mamaea, and her daughter's son, the fifteen-year-old Severus Alexander.

>Prevailing on Elagabalus, she arranged that he appoint his cousin Alexander as his heir and that the boy be given the title of Caesar. Alexander shared the consulship with the emperor that year. However, Elagabalus reconsidered this arrangement when he began to suspect that the Praetorian Guard preferred his cousin to himself.

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>Following the failure of various attempts on Alexander's life, Elagabalus stripped his cousin of his titles, revoked his consulship, and invented the rumor that Alexander was near death, in order to see how the Praetorians would react. A riot ensued, and the Guard demanded to see Elagabalus and Alexander in the Praetorian camp.

>The Emperor complied and on 11 March 222 he publicly presented his cousin along with his own mother, Julia Soaemias. On their arrival the soldiers started cheering Alexander while ignoring Elagabalus, who ordered the summary arrest and execution of anyone who had taken part in this display of insubordination. In response, members of the Praetorian Guard attacked Elagabalus and his mother:

>He made an attempt to flee, and would have got away somewhere by being placed in a chest had he not been discovered and slain, at the age of eighteen. His mother, who embraced him and clung tightly to him, perished with him; their heads were cut off and their bodies, after being stripped naked, were first dragged all over the city, and then the mother's body was cast aside somewhere or other, while his was thrown into the [Tiber].

>Following his assassination, many associates of Elagabalus were killed or deposed, including his lover Hierocles. His religious edicts were reversed and the stone of Elagabal was sent back to Emesa. Women were again barred from attending meetings of the Senate. The practice of damnatio memoriae—erasing from the public record a disgraced personage formerly of note—was systematically applied in his case. Several images, including an over-life-size statue of him as Hercules that is now in Naples, were re-carved with the face of Alexander Severus.

Its to late now, he is to problematic.

This is why you can't trust the trannies. They're too horny, it takes over their entire life.

I know I like to give the praetorian guard a lot of shit for being basically an assassination service, but after reading shit like that, can't say I really blame them.

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Most of those are probably made up stories in order to make him look bad. That's usual practice at the time really

shut the fuck Elgabalus' mum, you fucking wench.

>unironically defending a tranny

>Fathers job was collecting taxes in Britain
>Father died when he was 11
>Batshit crazy mother
Yea totally natural and transexuals has been with us for millennia :^)

>tranny gets appointed to a position of power
>spends his whole time crossdressing an fucking everything with a pulse
These "people" have always been nothing but sexual delinquents.

She also enacted feminist policies. Fuck that cunt.

Or perhaps he wasn't a tranny and people just got butthurt he fucked a vestal so they made up shit about him after he died.

>Boy, I sure am glad I saved the Republic
>wonder what it's gonna look like 200 years from now haha

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yeah, because a roman emperor being batshit insane would NEVER happen, right?

Yeah antiquity ""historian"" making shit up would NEVER happen, right?

Why were ancient romans so goddamn fucked up?

Yeah it's impossible to say if any of this is based on reality.

Do you also think Julius Caesar stopped for 2 years at Bithynia because he liked bottoming for the King of Bithynia so much?

>cassius dio

user is arguing that most of the crazy stuff you hear about them is made up to slander them. Every emperor that pissed off the senate seems to be a fucking weirdo, what a coincidence

of course, what am i saying. Nero never murdered his mother and Caligula never raped half the imperial palace. It's all conspiracy theories
>t. InfoBelli.comus

is this supposed to be an outlandish statement in any way?

Read Winterlings caligula book and not wiki, brainlet.

>A peculiarity of the work is its inclusion of a large number of purportedly authentic documents such as extracts from Senate proceedings and letters written by imperial personages.[84][85] In all it contains around 150 alleged documents, including 68 letters, 60 speeches and proposals to the people or the senate, and 20 senatorial decrees and acclamations.[2] Records like these are quite distinct from the rhetorical speeches often inserted by ancient historians – it was accepted practice for the writer to invent these himself[86] – and on the few occasions when historians (such as Sallust in his work on Catiline or Suetonius in his Twelve Caesars) include such documents, they have generally been regarded as genuine;[87] but almost all those found in the Historia Augusta have been rejected as fabrications, partly on stylistic grounds, partly because they refer to military titles or points of administrative organisation which are otherwise unrecorded until long after the purported date, or for other suspicious content.[88][89][90]

>The History moreover cites dozens of otherwise unrecorded historians, biographers, letter-writers, knowledgeable friends of the writers, and so on, most of whom must be regarded as expressions of the author's creative imagination.[91] For example, the biographer "Cordus" is cited twenty-seven times in the History. Long considered to be a real, but lost, biographer until midway into the 20th century,[92][93] with a couple of minor exceptions where material claimed to be sourced from Cordus is in reality from Suetonius or Cicero, every other citation is fake, providing details which have been invented and ascribed to Cordus. Cordus is mentioned almost exclusively in those Vitae where the History used Herodian as the primary source, and his appearances vanish once Herodian's history comes to an end.[94]

>The author would also misattribute material taken from a legitimate historian and ascribe it to a fictitious author. For instance, Herodian is used more often than he is explicitly referenced in the History; in addition to the ten times he is correctly cited, three times his material is cited as "Arrianus", probably to multiply the author's sources.[23] Further, not only does the author copy from Herodian without citation (either direct lifts, abbreviations or supplementations), he often distorts Herodian, to suit his literary objective.[23

>Then there is the deliberate citation of false information which is then ascribed legitimate authors. For instance, at a minimum, five of the History's sixteen citations of Dexippus are considered to be fake, and Dexippus appears to be mentioned, not as a principal source of information, but rather as a contradictory author to be contrasted against information sourced from Herodian or the Enmannsche Kaisergeschichte. In addition Quintus Gargilius Martialis, who produced works on horticulture and medicine, is cited twice as a biographer, which is considered to be another false attribution

>The untrustworthiness of the History stems from the multifarious kinds of fraudulent (as opposed to simply inaccurate) information that run through the work, becoming ever more dominant as it proceeds.[52] The various biographies are ascribed to different invented 'authors', and continue with the dedicatory epistles to Diocletian and Constantine, the quotation of fabricated documents, the citation of non-existent authorities, the invention of persons (extending even to the subjects of some of the minor biographies), presentation of contradictory information to confuse an issue while making a show of objectivity, deliberately false statements, and the inclusion of material which can be shown to relate to events or personages of the late 4th century rather than the period supposedly being written about
nice primary source "bro"

>Winterlings ist ein deutscher Althistoriker
I see, so you're one of those enlightened people that read one contrarian "author" and think all of written history is a spook.

Why is it always Germans, too?

>it's fake because there are some names in those documents I have never seen before
>we know all the names of everyone from 2000 ago btw
>not those names tho
>that means it's been fabricated
Is this the professionalism of modern academics?

Are you stupid on purpose for the sake of the thread or were you born that way

fuck off discord tranny, we're on to your lies

Nah bro, I'm sure Winderlings is a meister detective, glad he could crack the case of the 2000 year old document forgers. Will be on the lookout for his biopic on ZDF

Is that statue a "modern" take on him?
He looks very much like the cute twinkish boy of today

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So from this we learn that trannies either end up killing themselves or get beheaded by praetorian guard. Fuck trannies and fuck jannies too


there still is probably a lot of truth to it considering how much information there is about it

because the rest are useless shits that amounted to nothing

>He became known as Elagabalus, because he was the high priest of the deity El-Gabal, possibly the Syrian sun god Baal

damn, I fear that homos cling so much to paganism and occasionaly satanism throughout their lives. This kid had no direction or guidance, he did all of this before he even turned 18. I'm gay myself and sometimes I wonder if this is a curse that is in our nature that we can't do anything against. I hope I stay a christian devotee for the rest of my life I really do

>In the Quadrigae Tyrannorum (Four tyrants: The Lives of Firmus, Saturninus, Proculus and Bonosus[118]), the author includes Firmus, said to have been a usurper in Egypt under Aurelian.[119][120] There is no certainty that this person ever existed; however, there was a Corrector named Claudius Firmus stationed in Egypt in 274, about the time Zosimus states that Aurelian was dealing with some trouble in that province.[121] Nevertheless, the History's wealth of detail about him is considered to be completely invented.[122] For example, he would eat an ostrich a day, he had a carriage drawn by ostriches, he would swim among crocodiles, he built himself a house fitted with square panels of glass.[123]


Yes, Hanz, you are indeed very relevant.

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>there's a lot of lies so some of them must be true

The Augustan History is complete bullshit.

Early most retarded post of 2019 contender right here fellas

I'm glad I offended an atheist american/homo in denial that good and evil exists so easily, but I can't get enough satisfaction of something so easily predictable

i'm sorry. i will hashtag a #TriggerWarning next time

His description matches the activity of the homosexuals and trannies I saw in real life and online

That is indeed a wacky response, that makes good use of the latest memes. I have no choice but to submit to the superiority of German banter.

Not an atheist. You do not know what God is, and likely never will in this life

Ironic that somebody who says stuff like that thinks of himself as a holy man. you are just fodder and the great tragedy of your life will most likely be die as fodder

epic victory Royale

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>>He aroused further discontent when he married the Vestal Virgin Aquilia Severa, claiming the marriage would produce "godlike children".
Wonder how big her can was.

>Will be on the lookout for his biopic on ZDF

.....The Zambian Defense Force?

He probably means Zweites Deutsches Fernsehen (Second German Television).

just a classic "witty" reply by a german that doesn't want to be "german" on the internet.

one of the most german stereotypical traits possible


everyone in this thread is cringe.

in case you didn't notice

sry Hans to expose you like this