What happened?

>Around the time that the Wachowskis (then the Wachowski Brothers) were producing the film adaptation of writer Alan Moore's comic book miniseries "V for Vendetta," they contacted Moore about arranging a meeting to discuss the movie. He refused, being famously reluctant to endorse adaptations of his work.

>Unfortunately, Warner Brothers then made a press release claiming that Moore was enthusiastic about the upcoming film and working closely with the Wachowskis. Moore flew into a rage, and immediately severed his last professional associations with DC Comics, which had sold the film rights to Time Warner.

>There are also reports that Moore, who claims to be a magician, had performed a strange ritual on his Northampton estate to hex the Wachowskis, in order to "unleash a spirit of confusion upon them."

>The Wachowskis' careers entered steep decline after the premiere of "V for Vendetta," which some claim was a result of the prejudice they faced after publicly revealing they are transsexual. A series of high profile, big budget box office bombs such as the ill-fated "Jupiter Ascending" sealed their fates as mainstream filmmakers, and they recently closed the doors of their Chicago-based production office.

>Moore is currently preparing to release his third novel after the highly celebrated and bestselling "Voice of Fire" and "Jerusalem."

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Other urls found in this thread:



yeah, one brother becoming a tranny in his 30s or 40s is already very odd. but BOTH brothers coming out as trannies is not a coincidence.

thats some high level wizardry shit.

they are doing a service to humanity.
what they did just proves that trannies are retarded and should be killed.

they were punished for what the matrix did for exposing irl power structures

they also punished Keanu by killing his wife

If he is such a great wizard how come he couldnt keep his wife from running off with their "mutual lover"?

Cuck Magic is the strongest, darkest magic.

>fuck two women in their prime
>they're out of the house as soon as they start to get old
I can't see how the situation was not advantageous to him

It wasn't enough he was consumed by the abyss, he had to lure his brother in too.

>Not Wachowski sisters.

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Weren't there some pretty detailed leaks about the Wachowskis being into really weird shit well before that?

>the ill-fated "Jupiter Ascending"
What were they thinking though? That movie sucks so much.

Wachowski - 1 male
Wachowska - 1 female
Wachowscy - plural, neutral

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lol this is a great post; I forgot what that pic was though, her son with a furrie suit?

That's how Polish names work, I didn't do anything.

They got turned into sissies by some hollywood dominatrix.

I mean based off their Matrix movies I always assumed they were into weird fetish shit. Doesn't seem that odd where it ended up considering all the money.

Too many red pills.


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They had to be sexually abused as kids or something, right? Although I'm sure SJW types would still insist that they were actually born trans all along or some such nonsense.

there isn't a more depressing picture on the internet than this one

oh man, I had forgotten about his bearded father looking down, this pic is a depressing journey

>Raised by a "hardcore atheist" father and an "ex-Catholic turned Shamanist" mother,[78] the duo once described their religious beliefs as non-denominational (Christians).[85] Lana is a vegetarian.[182]

>>Moore is currently preparing to release his third novel after the highly celebrated and bestselling "Voice of Fire" and "Jerusalem."

Jerusalem is a hell of a book. Haven't read Voice yet, but I'm interested in his next book.

The first one (lana?) got deep into sissification with his professional dominatrix. She then left being a professional dom because she could live off this one freak for life. Apparently all the people in the dom community were disgusted with her because she was literally just being a private prostitute at that point.

Both were definitely into fetish shit. Just look at the outfits in the films. The club scenes are all shot inside actual fetish clubs and the extras are just regular patrons wearing their usual fetish shit.


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Now that I think about it, the Wachowskis' descent was even steeper than Shyamalan's. Really sad things turned out like this, Matrix was legitimately amazing, I remember being blown out by it even as a kid.

>not Wachowski creatures

>expose the truth
>get humiliated

what did our robot overlords mean by this?

It was a fluke user, The Matrix was mind blowing at the time, the second and third are good at best, V for Vendetta was good too, but I doubt you can attribute that to them.

Thank god we never got Matrix spin offs, prequels or fucking movies, if that shit had been released today it would be milked till it turns to ash.

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>Dios me Ayuwachowskis

dickgirl larry doesn't look bad

It's because the one started dating a dominatrix, don't know about the other

The matrix was a good concept applied to scenes and fighting lifted from eastern martial arts films.

Then they had to shoehorn in bullshit philosophy into completely unnecessary sequels.

Can you explain to me the "turn to ash" phrase? Sorry


inb4 halloween at retirement home pic

Matrix 2 and 3 being odd wasn't really their doing to begin with. It was supposed to be one movie, with the third movie being a prequel ("the second renaissance" from the animatrix). cant remember the details anymore but the prequel was denied so they cut the second movie up into two movies and extended many scenes and added a bunch of odd ones that went on for far too long.
They should just have kept the sequel as one movie instead of two like originally planned.

I heard the one on the left, Larry / Lana, got in a relationship with some dominatrix in California or some shit and she turned him into a crazy fetishist sexual deviant.
It's probably bullshit though

There were Matrix prequels, Animatrix, and they were kino.

Very odd how parents like this almost inevitably turn their children into fucking whackjobs. Really makes you think.

Nah its 100% true, as said.

>not pails of water

what were the spells?
that's what's important here!

Lana a cute

Cloud atlas was kino If only for Hugo weaving in yellowface

The truth is, there's no ONE reason one becomes a homosexual. Decades of trying to figure it out has been inconclusive. Hormonal fuckery in the womb can be a factor, as homos are statistically more likely to be younger sons with older brothers and the womb showers male foetuses with less testosterone every succesive pregnancy. There can be a genetic predisposition, but this is also not likely a common cause - as it's rare (but not uncommon) that in a set of identical twins BOTH are homosexual.

Homosexuality can occur due to childhood trauma - molested girls are more likely to become lesbians later in life. I thinked a study showed male rape survivors sometimes get "turned" into homosexuals.

I see no reason why homosexuality can't be a learned behavior either, a life style choice.

>rare (but not uncommon)


>before trannyism
Good movies.
>after trannyism

I don't know what produces ftm transsexuals, but most mtfs have a sissification fetish and are essentially choosing to base their entire lives around it

ketamine, not even once

>It's probably bullshit though
It's pretty well documented, several articles and pictures of him on a leash in drag at a red carpet event.

why would they? he was just an actor

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>they were punished for what the matrix did
of course, because the ebil conspiracy is powerful enough to punish them, but not powerful enough to, ya know, just prevent the movie from being released in the first place.

every time I see this retarded theory I lose a little more faith in this place

>>Forced to become girls under a stern dominatrix.
We need the manga version of this, not the real version.

He looks a little like Nick Nolte.
But this is a sad picture.

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was speed racer before or after because it rules

They took the pink pill and reached heights you'd never believe possible. I took the jump recently too it's unironically the greatest thing to ever happen to me

daily reminder that the Matrix is a transgender allegory

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Daily reminder you can’t retcon the past to support the woke brigade you utter faggot

>Moore is currently preparing to release his third novel after the highly celebrated and bestselling "Voice of Fire" and "Jerusalem."

What did ((Moore)) mean by this?

fuckin gross dude

Post it

Comin' for your manhood and your career.

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>What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad

Wachowskis have always been trans. Their first movie was a lesbian Noir so that should've been obvious.

Well they’re into anime as well so you might be onto something there

Sounds hot apart from the buck angel shit

Disgusting that the father didn't beat that thing to within an inch of its life and demand it choose a more respectable version of sexual deviancy like faggotry or cuckolding.

Attached: Pathetic.jpg (301x329, 9K)

I thought you were joking but is true

>One night in January 2001, Larry Wachowski, co-director of the blockbuster Matrix movies, walked into a dark club in West Hollywood, where the rules of identity easily blurred, just like in his films. The Dungeon served the devoted BDSM — bondage, discipline, sadism and masochism — community in Los Angeles. It was a place where power dynamics between two different types of people were regularly played out: eager submissives, or slaves, and the dominatrixes who, for an hour or for a night, took complete charge of their minds and bodies, using ropes, whips, chains, knives and needles. Wachowski fell into the former category. And, friends say, he liked engaging in his pastime while dressed like a woman.


but who was camera?

They had to chop each of his dicks after they had 2 big box office failures:
First was Larry with Speed Racer's bombing at box office.
Then was Andy with Jupiter's Ascending box office bomb.
It's just (((Hollywood))) things guys, move over

Yeah something is fucked up. No way they weren't the victims of some psy-op or other mental fuckery. Maybe they were both abused as kids.

The matrix is such a fucking obvious allegory for becoming trans that its amazing how many people were surprised by them

How the hell is it an allegory for trannies?

Who would be looking for that or even thinking about it, though?

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Then Ghost in the Shell movie, which they ripped off, is also a trans allegory then.

>mfw 6'3, bearded, bear mode first born son

Feels high test, bro

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IIRC the argument is:
1. The idea of your true self not being what's represented to the world, and your self-image in the matrix being determined by your own brain
2. The minor side character "Switch" is apparently a woman in the matrix and a man outside of it, idk if this is true I could never be bothered to go back and look.
3. Upon being set free, the humans always choose new names, which is the same thing that trans people usually do when they come out
Idk if I buy it, but then again both brothers turned out to be trannies so maybe they were putting some of that into the movie.


>The idea of your true self not being what's represented to the world, and your self-image in the matrix being determined by your own brain

Yeah except everyone looked the same outside of the Matrix including Neo and Morpheus.

Reminder: Alan Moore is not a fucking wizard. He worships a dirty old sock that he calls "Glycon". He's a right nutter.

Not saying I agree with it, just that this is the argument that gets put forward. Personally I think it's bullshit.

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Moore has acknowledged that Glycon was a hoax from Ancient Roman times. He's not really a believer.

Cursed image

identical twins have a higher chance of both being gay than other brothers. this suggests a genetic component

People here are also failing to mention that Speed Racer wa1 phenomenal and Cloud Atlas was respectable.

Wachowskis are actually some of my fav filmmakers, this tranny thing is a huge disappointment for me.

The irony being that, although CA philosophically spoke honestly about their own feelings, and shared the most with matrix than any of their other films, Sense8 and Jupiter Ascending were the most personal in terms of their own taste and they sucked rightfully.

What shocks me is how people can share a worldview and see such different outcomes. Is trannyhood a way to spite the powers that be? Like, you can actually believe you were born to be in another body? ESPECIALLY if you believe in reincarnation, which implies you've likely BEEN a woman in another life anyway? Wouldn't those people take each life as its own learning experience? This is how I know they failed. They couldn't make peace with this reality, and so they are prisoners in it.

>the dom community were disgusted
kek, now degenerates have morals

she's hot desu

No, they're autogynephiliacs, it's one of the most common fetishes (probably more common than homosexuality since it's a modification of heterosexuality). There's no "born in the wrong body" crap obviously, it's just autoerotic sexual arousal at the idea of embodying your sexual fantasy. It's a narcissistic masochist thing

it's the reverse fetish, autoandrophilia, where they get off at impersonating a man and getting hairy. penis envy plays more of a role in ftm retards, most of them end up "gay" for a reason.

>Speed Racer wa1 phenomenal
sure is pleddit in here

lesbian Noir = Trans.
I'm sure the lesbians will buy that.

dumbshitpilled: illuminati
>TPTB made the wachoosks get trannied up cuz they were gonna pull back the curtain! they totally werent fetish freaks before! bound never happened!
mehpilled: ilsa strix theory
>the cali dominatrix hijacked larry's mind and forced him to shit up the sequels, took over the family's finances, and eventually pulled andy into the fold of sissydom
wokepilled: moore's magic theory
>the eventual collapse of the wachowski's careers was a consequence of alan moore's black magic, as V was their final big hit and a string of costly bombs followed from it
>the fucking fabric of the universe abominates the wachowskis so much that it summoned forth their literal evil mirror twins in the form of the nolan brothers, another sibling creative team from chicago who stole the career and legacy they were meant to have out from under them by adapting the batman series the choosks were tapped to drive at first, turning a profit on a literal matrix ripoff ten years after it was hip, and even stealing their meme value on the chans by replacing V with baneposting

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Imagine destroying your entire life over a fetish. Then think about what you're doing to your father. It's disgusting but it is also very sad.

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That movie is prime AGP material. It's hard to accurately describe. You have to be AGP yourself to see it, but the writing is on the wall.

because trannies see everything as an allegory for being trans.
because that the only case in the whole world where people are hiding something or repressing a certain side of themselves.

most trannies become "lesbians" in case you've never met a tranny

>larry always throws in a reference to high heels in every public appearance he's ever given
>literally the first location in their entire oeuvre is a closet full of women's clothes
>literally the first thing we can clearly see is a rack full of women's shoes

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again, I'm sure the lesbian community would totally agree that it isn't about lesbaians and is really about trans people.

If your son comes out a trannys then you must have failed as a father in some way

Trannyhood and transcendence, transhumanism, perhaps it is the shared trans prefix, or perhaps it is this idea that identity can be so easily transformed when you go online. I feel as though it is a delusion they choose to immerse themselves in. Like choosing to be in WoW or Second Life or VR Chat forever. There's also the possibility that they do it to feel powerful, like how children lie just to see if you'll believe them.

As for switch, she was "trans" in the screenplay, but that fact was disavowed in the final film and never addressed.

Matrix is an allegory for any sort of awakening and understanding. It's as allegorical of DMT or going into nature or growing up as it is for trannyhood. Learning about ones """true self"""" or true nature of the world.

>Decades of trying to figure it out has been inconclusive

That's becasue it's like running tests on why someone likes vanilla ice cream instead of strawberry. There wotldn't be so mcuh emphasis on questions and explanation if it didn't happen to be a mindlessly snowballing social taboo.

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what do the lesbians matter? it was written by a tranny guy, not a female lesbian.

>He doesn't think speed racer is phenomenal

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>vanilla ice cream instead of strawberry
Only faggots like vanilla over strawberry. Prove me wrong.

It's not "about" trans people. But it's clear autogynephiles made it, in a distinctly different way if it were a lesbian director or just a regular director.

They like anime so that's a given.


twitter.com/JakeIsEarly/status/1119321595024166912 lol

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The Earth is a hypercube. You are now proven wrong. Checkmate penguin tamers.

t. gatekeeper

>squash conspiracy theories
>a few get out and then more people are on to you
>let all conspiracy theories get out
>add even more to the mix to muddy the waters
>they all look crazy
Ever notice how anytime something is legitimately questioned stuff like flat earthers or antivaxxers immediately jump in?

Nah, the dominatrix stuff is totally true.

Nice job putting a conspiracy about conspiracies on top of the conspiracies.

Amazing. They were ugly men before and now they are ugly women. Great transition.

Or it could be there are actually a shitload of retards out there. Just look at this shithole.

The first brothers Dominatrix had heavy input into the story line too, so don't omit that part.

>>a movie about lesbians
>>why do the lesbians matter?
No, this ain't about you trying to claim shit for yourself. I guess Brokeback Mountain isn't really a gay film since a straight guy directed it.

are autogynephiles and trans people the same thing?

Why should they be killed user?

Only about 80% of the time.

Pretty subpar with some nice stylistic chioces
Perfect chaos of a bunch of passionate pros in their respective areas (stunts, graphics, sound design, photography) getting the budget to work on a really simple but engaging script
>Matrix 2 and 3
The script is weaker but the craftsmanship+enthusiasm of everyone involved is still something to behold
>Speed Racer
Sincerity kino
>Cloud Atlas
Admirable effort
>Jupiter Ascending
Tuned out 15 minutes in
Mildly interesting first season, zoning out during most of the second one

Shitloads of bored people, more like. Some idiots pick up on it because Poe's Law.

The bored people are an interesting case. This world is the hub world. We get to meet and disucss our fantasies and our stories, and we get to rad, and watch, and play, and experience them in all sorts of ways. But some people are not satisfied with that, and want even the hub world to be about a narrative, and they want it to be about *their* narrative. It's kind of selfish when you think about it. Because there are billions of people, why would it be your narrative? By what right?

So in a sense, the NPC meme of the right was inevitable. you essentially do have to view people as NPCs to claim ownership of the entire world's story.

About conspiracies... most "evil plans" are simpler achieve without a conspiracy.

most trannies are autogynephiles, some are homosexual transsexuals, maybe 25% or less, aka gay people who are so spontaneously flamboyant that they decide it might be socially advantageous for them to transition. Drag queens might fall under this category when they transition, this used to be more common when gay people weren't as celebrated as today... These are still masochistic fetishists, but their sexuality isn't the transition and social transformation fantasy... it's more like, self-masochism as a form of gay bdsm, if that. The gay trannies are more common in SE asia, and some other cultures.

God I wish that were me

it depresses me how shitty that house is
>blank walls, no artwork
>no vent above stove
>sickly yellow paint job
>exposed conduit
>big bag of open dog food just sitting on the floor

this does not inspire joy

why the fuck shouldnt they? theyre freaks that provide no usefulness to society, and whine about stupid bullshit so that we cater to them all the time. Theyre a group of bottom-feeding parasites that spread their degeneracy and disgusting beliefs everywhere they go

So you're advocating for genocide?

they're already self sterilizing out of the gene pool

Shitty genes, poor upbringing, hung around a bunch of faggots.


>provide no usefulness to society
>spends his time advocating for genocide on a mongolian saddlemaking forum

They don't give a shit about us so why should we care about the genetic freaks when all they do is attack us?

People wondered why faggotry has been "attacked" over the years, it's EXACTLY because faggots want to prety on our children and don't respect our laws.

Faggots are cancer that should be cured from society.

this guy probably has less real achievements than most trannies

Not saying that I support that shit though

They got MKULTRA’d because The Matrix is a about the JQ


*Zion Theme intensifies*

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>willing to cull genetic freaks from society
That user does have use.

NatSoc would have prevented this on multiple levels, unironically.

Maybe it’s both

Imagine having millions in the bank and still not being able to pass

The COPE is hilarious.

Kill yourself LARPfag.

Such power, this has to be the work of two wizards

Internet "willingness" is not a use. It's a anonymous verbal diarrhea from public verbal constipation.

It's basically coping.

Dominatrixes are basically prostitutes and completely at the whim of their clients desires. They have this "strict code" to make themselves feel better and to pretend they're not just sex workers.

>As for switch, she was "trans" in the screenplay, but that fact was disavowed in the final film and never addressed.
IIRC Americans are dumb and Warner Brothers pulled the idea because a tranny character selecting an in-matrix gender based on residual self image would have been too confusing considering the plot and scale of the film

I don't want to believe but, then again, Philosopher's Stone -> Sorcerer's Stone...

>matrix bad
>also fulfills directors' fetishes in universe

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I thought autogynephiles weren't trans, they just thought they were, but really just had a fetish for wanting to be a hot chick. Isn't that different from actually feeling like your the wrong gender and not caring if your attractive or not as long as your body and brain gender match up?

where do you think the "feeling like the wrong gender" comes from? men don't know what it's like to be a woman, how the fuck can they want what they don't know? it's all a fetish.

the problem is that even if there are millions of people on this site who recognize the scourge of degeneracy in this country, we are too divided to actually do anything about it. It'd be almost impossible to organize and take this country back by force even if we wanted to. We have to wait for a spark

Lana has pretty good legs for someone that didn't transition till their 50s. It's also obvious he was coached by a woman.

>it's all a mental disorder related to faulty chemical and hormone regulation

It's sad how they're so willing to give some faggot womens hormones to make him a bitch, and yet they don't administer male hormones to make him feel more like a man instead of a bitch.

Doctors that do that shit should lose their license and be hung by the neck til dead in the town square.

I'd fuck the one on the left if she still had his dick

That's why he said component, not root cause.

test makes dysphoria worse dude. comes with it being a fetish. lots of AGPs are soldiers, bodybuilders, ultra masculine guys. but hey, let's go lynch some doctors for fucking up in this one area and not for overprescribing opiates, amirite.

That's what's funny. It's the definition of a mental disorder. Gender reassignment is supposed to be the cure for it but it couldn't be more apparent it doesn't work.

Tbh the ultra masculinity in those examples is a symptom. Its not autogynephillia there, its outright body dysmorphia. They will NEVER be happy with their body. They went to the extreme of masculinity and still weren't happy, so think they must actually be women. They're like the people who feel they shouldn't have a specific limb.

point being test isn't a perfect solution.

>hey, let's go lynch some doctors for fucking up in this one area and not for overprescribing opiates, amirite.
Why not both?

Neither is estrogen and trying to convince the entire planet that they should be treated like a bitch instead of a deranged faggot.

we're in perfect agreement on that, it's easier to say what isn't a solution than what is, and hormonal intervention is not the fucking answer in either direction

if doctors are shoving hormones and surgery at people before suggesting they try seeing a psychiatrist first, then yeah, they should be held accountable.

There are also a few different "types" or classes of homosexuality that are partially exclusive.
Think about the difference between feminine girly homos, prison gay "straights" that are basically low inhibition or overly sexually driven and don't care what hole they fuck, "straights" with a fetish for dicks, borderline predatory hypermasculized homos. Then there's the obvious degenerates that got bummed by their uncle and had it imprinted upon them.

fetishism is a function of testosterone, this is why women barely have any

>hormonal intervention is not the fucking answer
I don't agree with that at all. I'd argue that chemical imbalances are exactly what causes some of these issues.

Regardless, the answer isn't to butcher them or feed them hormones from the opposite sex and tell them to pretend they aren't what they were born to be physically.

Estrogen is literally the cure, though. Both for AGP and true transgenderism. Just because it makes you seethe doesn't mean it's not the best available solution.


It's the only way to rule out external stimuli. Until science advances to the point where there's just magical consciousness transplant and 3D printed bodies or some even crazier shit, all you can do it rule out issues stemming from definitions inherited from culture and the peer pressures of society.

Say you happen to be more effeminate in behavior but your conservative father beat it into you that the definiion of a"man" cannot possibly include that, so you cut your dick off because you think that means that you cannot possibly be a man so you must be a woman. Nice job breaking, it hero. If you weren't a fucking closet-faggot yourself your son might sill have a dick, he'd just be wearing a skirt like the fucking Scottish. That's surely not a social construct that doesn't actually fucking matter at all. Boomers are literally autistic. They car about everything that doesn't fucking matter and nothing that actually matters.

Exactly how many percentage of this mess is shit like this? Hyper masculinity as a coping mechanism against social expectations of being a man, flipping into trans shit. Female empowerment resulting is bucks because they literally cannot help but equate power with masculinity. These are all the constraints of social gender roles weighting heavily on people's ability to be the gender they are yet exhibit any behavior they want.

There's always gonna be that one person that just wants to have a vagina instead, but exactly how many percentages of this is not actually that case, and instead just people far simpler minded than you being confused and controlled into insanity by society's insane desire for "order" instead?


If estrogen isn't making men feel like normal men, than it's not the "cure", no matter how much it makes you seethe.

>he thinks his gf getting memed into watching 50 shades because it was the hip thing to do qualifies as a "fetish"

oh no no. . .noo no no. . .

or pimozide

he probably means that guys who take estrogen even if they don't transition lose their "gender dsyphoria" which has to be the dumbest word ever thought up, aside from cis, I guess.

It doesn't though. It's a bit convoluted but it's far from bad.

>thinks it's about sex

Good read

then two sisters should be Wachowskie, I guess?

Not reading all that shit, dude.

I don't care that much.

They should be helped at the very least. They’re not well and most likely suffering if they go to the lengths they do to “try and feel like themselves”

Imagine this except it's 2 hours long. Would be cool as fuck


Looking her up led me to this


Holy fuck, I went deep down the rabbit hole.

Comics were also great.

would you cut your balls off for her

what the fuck...

Buck Angel's wife turned Larry into a tranny? is Isla a tranny too? lol I hope this is real

I watched this recently and it honestly felt like /pol/ wrote it, but ironically

that sounds funny

100% real. Buck's talked about it multiple times now. Multiple sources that knew Ilsa have spoken about it. It was well known in the BDSM community that he went from "cross-dresser" to "trans".

It's not supposed to be funny, but it is. It has everything "progressive" and dials it up to 11. Comedy gold.

>be me, yuropean
>have a little brother of whom I'm very close
>we both trashtalk America and SJWs constantly
>he's autistic and really into drawing
>uses tumblr to get commissions
>meets a (then female) FtM tranny online
>they start a long distance relationship
>fast forward a few months
>she tells him she was thrown out of her home and asks him to send her money
>he does it, works so hard to get money that he fails his illustration school my parents (not rich) paid thousands for
>he flies to the states to meet her
>she actually still lives with her parents
>they still get married, come back here
>we never hear from her parents again
>she looks like a fat 13 years old retarded hobbit with a shrill fucking voice
>since we have no money we all live with our parents
>she acts like she owns the place
>won't learn the language
>talks to me like shit, orders me around
>one day it gets me into autistic rage
>destroy their door with a bike lock
>she tells everyone I'm crazy and tried to kill her and it came out of nowhere etc
>says she's gonna press charges even though she's still illegally in the country
>asks 800 bucks to my parents (who are still poor)
>my father says fuck off but my mother actually does it
>they then actually try to get me institutionalized
>our parents refuse so they fuck off
>our parents don't want to lose a son so they pay for their rants (have been for two years)
>she still hasn't learned the language
>she still doesn't have a job
>my brother who could have been an artist is working in a fishery now
>haven't heard from my brother since then
This is how I learned that /pol/ was right about trannies and that the US should be nuked.

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wow lol wtf

>woman ""fetish""
>not about sex

checks out

The saddest words of tongue or pen

Pol was right again.

that has to be one of the most obnoxiously fake nonsense I read in some time mate, lurk more and learn to post more interesting larp stories for (you)s

>There are also reports that Moore, who claims to be a magician
remind me why anyone takes this hack seriously

Sadly it's all true. Not sure what makes you think that.

>How the hell is it an allegory for trannies?
It's not but there was supposed to be an actual tranny that was cut.
Originally, Switch was supposed to be female in one world and male in the other (because of the residual self-image, their self-image was the opposite). I can't remember which was supposed to be which but that's why Switch is kind of androgynous and dressed in white completely different to everyone else. Also why she's called Switch.

The BDSM community are big into sexual ethics. They play with fire after all, so they have to be pretty careful about consent. Also, it makes it easier for them to spot the guys just into it to get away with shit they couldn't otherwise, or just be able to rape.

>The club scenes are all shot inside actual fetish clubs and the extras are just regular patrons wearing their usual fetish shit
They may or may not have been fetish clubs but I can confirm that 90s goth clubs really looked like that and people really dressed like that. The white rabbit kids and club-scene was pretty much a normal Friday night for me and my friends, minus the spooky hacking.

Your brother is dumb, end of story.

I think he just lacked life experience and got manipulated hardcore by an insane person

None of it makes sense, its the type of shit you would post on your first year on Yea Forums, re-write in a away you would tell your real life mate's in a pub while they would question you and ask you about all sorts of details, its fake so don't get caught to much on specific details, but just enough to pass of the story. For it to stick on here it has to work as interesting read for an audience of pathological liars that spent a better decade shitposting about ultra-realism

I wish you were right about it being fake. Amazing that you took the time to post all this about a story that is actually true. Go on, ask about any details you paranoid fuck.

>they then actually try to get me institutionalized
They were probably doing the right thing

2 years later and he's still doing it. I'm sure your brother is a nice guy but you have to admit he's stupid.

no, but i'd dress as a girl for her

I have no interest in it mate, it some pseudo ultra realist reality where one would have to be so beta and cucked and his own family member would get poz'd into dating American girl on top of that his family would have to be okay with the fact that one of their sons is now a fucking pederast that brought home, not to visit, but to fucking live with them in a full fucking apartment a degenerate person under the same roof
The fact that you do nothing, the fact that your mom does nothing, the fact that your dad doesn't beat the fuck out of your brother or kick's the girl out, there so many people in this story that just don't fucking care about whats happening, there has to be some alcohol induced stupor for it to even remotely touch base with reality, you also have to be Swedish or something

why the fuck would you do that shit instead of forcing HER to do some stupid shit for YOU.

Quit being a bitch.

Single mothers should all be culled.


>why the fuck would you do that shit instead of forcing HER to do some stupid shit for YOU.

But user...
She would be doing something for me, she'd be forcing me to dress as a girl.
Shit is cash man.

>reality where one would have to be so beta and cucked and his own family member would get poz'd into dating American girl on top of that his family would have to be okay with the fact that one of their sons is now a fucking pederast that brought home, not to visit, but to fucking live with them in a full fucking apartment a degenerate person under the same roof
>you do nothing, the fact that your mom does nothing, the fact that your dad doesn't beat the fuck out of your brother or kick's the girl out, there so many people in this story that just don't fucking care about whats happening
But your analysis is spot on though, that's literally how it went, we are very weak/peaceful in this family and weren't prepared for a manipulative psychopathic American tranny. Just because it doesn't make sense doesn't mean it's fake. A lot of things in life don't make sense.

Also the constant mention of being poor but nonetheless coming with money for a travel to the USA and getting 800 bucks out of the blue. So a fake declaration of poverty for sentimentality and empathy or a fantasy where poor people can get money easily.

Yeah, fake. The poster could have made it funny but I doubt he has the talent for that.

If you haven't yet watched it, watch Assassination Nation. Trust me, you ain't seen nothing yet.

>get fucked over by a tranny because your brother's an autistic dipshit
>"better adopt national socialism and blame all my problems on the jews I suppose"
You're basically a parody of /pol/

Post a picture of your house, faggot

His IQ is literally 145 though he knows everything about old war history for some reason, but he's the kind of self-hating unwashed autist who thinks they have to settle for someone disgusting
We're poor but we still live in the 7th richest country in the world. Pretty sure he got the money from our family and his commissions. I'm also sure the 800 bucks came from our parent's retirement plan. Our parents got much poorer after all this. It was actually the end of the era when we could pass as middle class.

Why the fuck would you let some BITCH "force" you to do anything? Just grab that bitch by the throat, throw her down, and have your way with her already and be done with it.

You need to change your mindset and quit letting people assert themselves against you.

It's not like you trannys actually offer any net positives to anything other than AIDS and Suicide Rates.

>never heard of this
>google it
>wikipedia is the first entry
>let's read a bit about the plot
>"The film opens with a montage of trigger warnings that show brief scenes depicting topics ranging from toxic masculinity to transphobia. "
lol'd, this is going to be great

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145 IQ and knowing some facts doesn't exempt you from being an idiot that does stupid things.

>implying im a tranny
lol the autism continues

listened to too much rage against the machine

>7th richest country in the world.

I'm not meme'ing or exaggerating at all when I say that if you wrote a parody script of what you think some "nerdy" tumblr user obsessed with Hillary and feminism would write, it wouldn't be as extreme or over the top as this film

That sounds boring as fuck

There are theories that the Wachowskis never wrote the Matrix. The film, like a lot of other stuff, was written by a committee, and the Wachowskis are just a couple of rich kids that got the credit so they could be famous.There's also the idea that the Wachowski sisters are not the brothers, but are replacements. The elites try to fuck with the public's sexuality by introducing trannies to them.

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That’s a hell of read!

Switzerland is (officially) the 19th richest country in the world as of this year

The tranny cope from this post is hilarious

You don't provide any usefulness either. Just kill yourself if you are this motivated.

Reminder that the Matrix Trilogy is the greatest trilogy of all time and yes it’s greater than LotR

d-did you just describe yourself?

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Blake reference?

imagine being so mentally ill you cut off your penis to make the voices screaming in your head go away

You still feel with an inverted penis.


Care to explain ?

They are anime fans. Of course they were trannies. Also Switch was supposed to be a tranny who changed her gender upon entering the Matrix. So it was long before Moore used his gay magic to curse them. Also dominatrix fascination is obvious by Trinity's leather clad.

slightly underrated

>The Wachowskis' careers entered steep decline after the premiere of "V for Vendetta," which some claim was a result of the prejudice they faced after publicly revealing they are transsexual

They didn't go full tranny until their careers were already in the gender-neutral toilet.

Because they stink and I don't like 'em.

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>The film, like a lot of other stuff, was written by a committee
writers rooms produce garbage
look at the new star wars films, produced by a writers room of hacks

talmudic inversion principle. Union of opposites is divine in kabala.

Trannies being hideous is their number one problem

Why can't they all just look like Bailey Jay

theyre jewish occultists

This is from Assassination Nation

Attached: 1544339939225.webm (940x392, 2.83M)

cursed images

And this is from Sense8

Yes, the series begins with an establishing shot of San Francisco, followed by a black lesbian vigorously dilating a transsexual with a rainbow striped strapon dildo

Yes, it's kinda hot

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That's absolutely disgusting.



Based on what you christ fag


target acquired

Nah it'd be disgusting if they weren't hot

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I fucking lost it when they showed the black girls "family"

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>Not Wachowski transisters.

i need to thank her for putting monica belluci in those outfits.

You shut your whore mouth, Buck is /ourgal/.

yeah its sad
his parents probably had to work really hard to afford that gay ass costume for their faggot son

This is why Alan Moore is so salty

IIRC the guy spent the money that was supposed to pay his tuition on the suit.

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Shyamalan is actually a talented auteur though just a very mercurial one, the Wachowscy were talented and lucky but have degraded all of their potential forever with their sexual dissolution

So how can she afford or even apply for health insurance if she's still illegally in your country? Did she quit transitioning?
Also, on the very small chance there is any truth in this - this is what immigration authorities are for, should the rest of your family feel the same about her.

Two years later and she's still here illegally because they were too retarded to do the proper paperwork after their marriage in the state. I heard that French authorities wouldn't bother American citizens as much as third world immigrants. But I also heard that she would have to leave the country before regularizing her situation, which is kinda good news. Dunno about her transitioning nor about the health insurance, but it's pretty easy not to be left with nothing here in France, I'm sure there were some loops to jump through.

unironically this

No one, not even lesbians, care what lesbians think because they don't exist. 90% are too ikked out to get a bf but will get over it eventually and 10% couldn't get the thirstiest beta on Earth if their life depended on it

True, for any residency title she would have to be outside of France to apply for it. Thing is, marriage alone does not qualify her for that, she would have to prove that she can support herself financially. Otherwise, your brother would have to do that, and it does not seem he can. Also - your parents should make any family funds unavailable to her, just my opinion. It is generous enough they are still supporting your brother, but his wife is non of their concern.

And yes, still not sure if your story is real or you're just playing. But I'm bored and I'm going to indulge you.

>Otherwise, your brother would have to do that
Interesting, I guess that's why my procrastinating autist of a brother suddenly decided to get into fishery work. Being completely under her influence and all.
>Also - your parents should make any family funds unavailable to her, just my opinion. It is generous enough they are still supporting your brother, but his wife is non of their concern.
I argued the same a while ago and they were like "we can't control what your brother does with the money we send him", which is true

You do make me think in my crappy french.


At least he finally got himself a job, I guess? So that's a positive.
Also, I don't want to get this thread deleted by derailing it, so good luck and back to these weird directorial siblings.

>gender reveal

so he literally turned them inside out?
how based can one man be?

Reminder that The Matrix was a complete fluke that required a lot of time and effort to even be considered decent by studio standards. It followed the same path as Alien when it was still called "Starbeast" or whatever that hack Dan O'Bannon called it.

Shocking and tranniespilled

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This is why child transition should be caught and encouraged early on.

Otherwise, you are _literally_ responsible for creating the epidemic of manly ape trannies. If you stop puberty they will grow up looking identical to natal females.

Nah gay kids are what happens when you cum off-rhythm.

it's not

anyone that claims it is, is a tranny themselves desparately clinging to anything to validate their redditcore sexual identity

also the dominatrix larry married was previously married to a FTM tranny pornstar. I read somewhere that """"he"""" was apparently fucking PISSED off at larry lol

here she is on joe rogan:
this is the trans man that got cucked by larry wachowski

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Aren't there already studies saying about 70% of those kids turn out to be gay and not trans?

now that's an autobiography I would read.

wrong. cringe and bluepilled.

i sessioned with a dominatrix last week, shit was pretty cash. she pissed on me

Yup he’s a sissy sub. This is the article that talks about it from rolling stone. This article has now been totally scrubbed from all official sits but still turns up


>that voice
That's the one thing none of them can transition out of it seems

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>directors write a giant gnostic sci-fi fantasy story about how our human bodies are meaningless and reality we live in is false
>surprised when they reject the gender of their physical bodies

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How dare you assume their gender!

"> "My greatest accomplishment in some ways," she once said, "[was] putting 333 needles into a single penis." "
Reading on, thanks for the link I guess.

you should kill yourself if you get the chance.