Writing thread

how is your original work or fanfiction going?

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>using grammarly
fucking ESL faggots need to die

grammarly uses predatory copyright practices

you dont have to be ESL to make simple mistakes


people that read fanfiction are all coomers
>make a lewd early in the fandom when there are no others
>literally becomes the most viewed fanfic in the fandom
>spend time and energy making a real story without lewd

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>have so many character ideas
>have no idea what to do with any of them

How do I even get started on developing a plot without just blatantly ripping off another show?

I can't get it beyond a semi-fleshed-out outline

Seems you don't have as many ideas as you think.

You probably need to read more novels then.

No, I said I had ideas for characters, but not plots.
Like, I could probably make a toyline, like they did in the 80s where they just handed off the toys to someone else and said "you figure out the story"

Honest advice here, no ideas original, they've all been done to death. So, start off by ripping something off and then start changing core elements of that thing, piece by piece, until you've got your own original story.

Ex. Start writing a fanfic of your favorite media. Then change the setting. Then change the characters and character arcs. Then change the villain. Then change the Maguffin and how they're going defeat the bad guy. Ect, ect.

Chang enough things and eventually you have your own story. It sounds strange, but this process is often easier than trying to make something from scratch.

Pick one and only one

I started writing a Hiccstrid fic that I decided to make into an original thing. I got 30k words into it before scrapping it and starting over. The new version is currently sitting at 13k words.
This is pretty much what I did.

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no, i pick both

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I'm 100k words into a rwby x Shin Megami Tensei fanfic and I'm getting close to actually finishing it

Is it sad that I started writing festive gay fanfic based on an user on this board instead of any actually original fucking ideas

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Blatantly rip off a classic.

Literally ANYBODY in the world could do this. "I have some ideas" is base level brainstorming and frankly I bet they're shit and prefaced on out of character writing and retcons. Idea men are a dime a dozen. Plot points aren't plots, read more novels watch more films and write full stories with OCs that are just barely different than the characters you have "ideas" for if you can't think of a new cast. Basically just do the outrage shit the Big 2 do lately by with OCs and just sex change a few, change a skin color or two, names obviously, and start writing your not-Batman story.

But most importantly, make no mistake, nobody gives a fuck about your "ideas" if they're not in a written work.

It's sad if you wanted the latter and ended with the former.

>Having never so much as hugged a woman

Idk who these characters are but they sure as hell are reletable

Working on the next chapter of my OC web serial today. I seriously need an editor or beta reader at this point because even though I'm generally satisfied with the core product it's still insanely rough around the edges and not ready for publication at all. The problem there though is that the story is so edgy that I'm extremely hesitant to show it to other people for fear of coming across as personally unhinged.

Where do you post something like that? I've got some old school pulp styled stuff in the works for which I've been trying to find a home.

Not sure yet, I've heard good things about Wattpad.

>I've heard good things about Wattpad.
i hate wattpad


>Have several projects that I have a deep passion for
>no artistic ability whatsoever
>building up skill and experience with a fanfic comic of wakfu
>will have several years of thinking and planning the other projects to ensure their quality as long as I have the talent/money to go with it

its just shitty compared to other fanfiction sites.
there is no real way to just look for the thing you want to look for, the only thing you can look for is tags, and the organization of the tags makes no sense, its algorithm is shit and puts stories with 100 views right next to stories with 50K

Not that user, but the site nags to sign up/login instead of just letting people read (and even comment) without an account like FFN or AO3. After I got an account just for checking out their content, I was unable to find anything worth reading; the search feature was useless. Either all the good stories were hidden and impossible to find with their search algorithm, or there were no good stories because the site was entirely populated by 10-year-olds. Oh and the site layout sucks too.

Been writing fanfiction for the past 13 years and decided that enough is enough and try to write an actual book.

I just need the dedication and commitment. I got ideas and plot out the ass now.

Is not going because I'm a lazy fuck.

Maybe you should make more lewd, stick to your strength kinda deal.

Pretty good. It's currently going through second pass editing where we're expanding certain parts and fixing up anything that doesn't make enough sense in its current context.
Bit of a slog since communication between the two of us is slow.

>write my magnum opus
>draw the first issue of the comic
>submit to publishers
>no replies
self publish or hire a real artist?

I've got an outline and all the characters worked out. I just need to fill in the blanks.

I haven't made progress in 5 years.

im still trying to think of ideas for supporting characters (mainly the friend circle)...

Depends. Artist are expensive, so how much cash are you willing to shell out? Also, are you prepared to accept that even if you do shell out the money, you comic still might not get picked up by anyone?

If this is more about money for you than a labor of love, then you might want to rethink your strategy. Send it to some beta readers for feedback and see if you can make it more marketable.

Look at what your main cast of characters needs to grow and develop/what will push them to their limits and start by making stereotypes of that, which can be fleshed out later.

For example, if you have a character who's was all about justice have one of their supporting cast be a compulsive liar or someone is very secretive, or who takes that justice to an absurd extreme. Later flush them out and come up with a backstory that explains why this person is part of your main character's life.

Another option is to look at professions that might come in handy in your story. If your story is set in a sci-fi Space Opera, maybe have a side character who specializes in space navigation, or futuristic medicine, or ship repair. Developing professions for your world can also help you with world-building as well.

Try looking at art of your settings for inspiration. I know when I was struggling to write a plot for an urban horror series, finding pictures of abandoned buildings and picturing how my characters interacted with that environment really helped.

Why are you even in this thread? Project your self-loathing elsewhere.

>Project your self-loathing elsewhere.
This is the internet, user. This is where people from wealthy countries go do that because they've fucked up their social skills. Don't expect retards like him to go.

it's going alright, I'm not very good but I'm putting my heart into it and a few anons said they enjoyed it. I'd link, but I got a warning last time for it

No, that user's actually being realistic. Tough love hurts, but it's still the truth.

No one really is going to care about your ideas as much as you do, and if you aren't willing to put in the work to make your ideas cone to life, then it's silly to think that anyone else would.

Doing gimmicks like arbitrarily changing a persons race or sexuality to a token minority is actually very marketable right now and will generate buzz. If you're only in this for the money rather than doing it because you have a passion for your story, that would be the route to take.

It sucks, but it's true.

Do the mods still bust ass for linking pastebins? If not link it in that.

>No, that user's actually being realistic.
Stopped reading right there samefag

I did link it through pastebin, that's what brought the warning on

>everyone that isn't me is a samefag.

I was in the thread earlier because I was pooping and it was a thread tha seemed interesting. As usual people in it are way to focused on coddling fools than telling them to get to fucking work. Nobody cares about ideas, they aren't unique - the stories are the unique part not the plots or plot points.

The project im doing is i think more of a family friendly action comedy affair. the only info i have is she's a girly girl with oddly weird interest in horror and creepy stuff...and most of the friends she has are boys because of that.

though i was thinking of one guy is this cool, chillax dude who goes along with all her weird schemes while the other is the voice of reason who secretly has a crush on her.

Depends how you posted it before. If you started a thread to shill your shit and then led to a pastebin link yeah I can see why.

>I'm writing the life I wish I had: the post

mods are just fags

I didn't, I just linked it in the thread after some anons talked me into giving writing a go. the warning said it was "non co related" discussion. I ain't gonna complain though, I'd rather not get a 3 day vaction. it's on fanfiction anyways and when my email is processed, arheive of our own. Then all can see my cringe writing

i hope the owl house fanfiction scene picks up once the season ends.

>friend wanted to convert a comic of mine into a cartoon
>advises I try out screenplay style writing in order to better help write animations
>give it a try, feels fine but the problem I was having was the switch to making the idea alot more comedy based
>I am NOT naturally funny so this was a challenge for me
>write up four skits as a test run, was only really satisfied with one of them
>decide yesterday I'll switch back to writing it in a comic format
>suddenly was able to map out an entire plotline for an issue or episode
>now stuck wondering if I really wanna commit to the cartoon idea or just go with the comic like how I originally planned

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Sounds good. If this is just a concept, here are some things that you should think about. Is this is going to be a series of short stories involving the same characters, or is there going to be one central plot that's the focus for your book /comic?

Who is the main antagonist or what problems do your characters have to overcome? What are the stakes? What do they risk losing if they fail, and what rewards will they get if they succeed?

How does your world work? Is the creepy stuff unusual and rare, or is it something that everyone knows about? If it is unusual how frequently is it going to appear and how will characters who consider it unusual react?

..it's literally ben 10 but monsters and urban fantasy

her friends don't know she can turn into monsters until like maybe 11th chapter/episode of the comic

Is your main characters love of creepy stuff central to the story? Because if this is a story that deals with ghosts and monsters and such, good supporting characters might be occultist, policeman, detectives, hippies who are into all that Crystal healing stuff, maybe Park Rangers if a lot of this takes place outside, historians if you're dealing with a lot of ghosts.

Maybe even have one of your supporting cast be a supernatural creature, like a warlock,or ghost or shapeshifter.

Anything processed through grammarly is automatically saved to their servers, and their EULA or whatever basically says they're allowed to use anything you put through it, if they want to.

i've put a halt on my original work because of school and the fact i don't really know what to do with it right now
this lupin iii fanfic is going well though and i'm gonna post it to ao3 later today

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That sounds interesting. I'm assuming that the reason she can turn into all these monsters ends up being part of the central conflict towards the end. Is it cryptid based, or more alien-ish, or mystic?

Do they travel around the country Scooby-Doo gang style, or is there a central location or town that most of their adventures take place in? If it's the former make sure that they're aged appropriately so that doesn't feel too weird that they're out of school. If it's the latter make sure to develop your town like you would develop a main character.

unlike the og ben 10 series, it's mostly in one location (a small town in pennsylvania) apart from some instances like going on a trip or a another dimension.

monster of the week mostly with some recurring antagonist.

>it's mostly in one location (a small town in pennsylvania)
Shit, user. That's where my story takes place. One of us is going to have to change it.

In all seriousness though, there's a lot of fun local Legends in that area and lots of Cryptid sightings so I would recommend doing some research on that before writing your story. I think there's even a town called Eerie there.

Monster of the week is a fun formula, but keep in mind that books are structured a bit differently than cartoons. Try to make sure that there's enough hooks in your story to keel a reader interested rather than feeling like they're just reading a bunch of filler.

And on that note, you should probably develop your main antagonist before you go any further because your antagonist determines where the plot goes for the most part.

Some typical main antagonists for your protagonists are government spooks, cultists, mad scientist, or extra-dimensional beings. But if you want to switch it up maybe have a more unusual antagonist like a time traveller, or Supernatural Bounty Hunter.

Also, try browsing /x/. You might find some inspiration there.

Posted a short Owl House fic last night. It's my first fic and mainly wrote it in order to de-stress after work, but the responses I've gotten so far have been pretty positive, so I'm plotting out how to expand the story from a one-shot into a comfy multi-chapter slow burn Luz/Amity deal.

As for my original work, trying to revive a sci-fi project a friend of mine wanted us to work on a few years back. My laziness at the time killed the momentum, but I plan on surprising him with a bunch of character and environment sketches I've been doing in a month or two. It's basically about two friends who decide to go on an interstellar road trip instead starting high school.

are you the user who wrote the library fic?

If you mean the pastebin one that's been floating around the recent threads, than nah.

I used to be good at writing,or at least mediocre but a me to churn it out quickly. Now I can't start and my ideas are all premises or climaxes without much intervening story. Characters are even harder, I've totally forgotten what I'm doing. What do I do? How do I start again?

Start small with some short stories, just like anyone beginning to write should. You can do fine starting with a climax in those. Something that stuck with me from Gaiman's masterclass is a quote, I don't recall who it was from, about how all the best short stories are the last chapter of a novel that was never written.

Like any muscle just need some exercising. Try using a random prompt generator and write about a 2-3 page scene surrounding that prompt. Don't try and make it big or epic, just make it about the characters interacting and getting to know each other.

Recently passed 80k words on my original fictipn.

I haven't written in years but I decided to take a gander at the pit that was the kpop genre and I precisely remember why I don't read shit about real people. Apparently the shipping wars were so bad in Chinese fanbases they got AO3 blocked in their country.

Holy shit, that's hilarious.

>real person fics
Not even once, user. I still have a Justin Bieber erotica fic hidden somewhere that a friend dared me to write back in high school.

Exactly my sentiment hence why I never stooped to the unfortunate depths of your spoiler. Lord have mercy on your soul.

Recreating the comedy of a show for fanfiction is hell.

>fics of real people
how pathetic can you get?
i won't even degrade myself by writing fics of anime its western only for me

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Pro tip, don't. It just doesn't translate. You need to write the comedy differently and base it more on wordplay, character interaction, or situations that play off the readers imagination.

what if you just insert memes into the writing instead for comedy?

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Too blatant, Baneposting is eternal.

I mean to each their own, but if you're going to do something like that, make it blatant and stick out from the text rather than trying to stealth hide it in there. Otherwise, the joke goes by too fast and just comes off kind of cringe.

If this was 2007, I would've left you a mean message. :(

I've been trying to write some slice-of-life stuff, but the problem I have is that I never know where to end the story. I feel like I set up a situation, some stuff happens, and then... that's it. Like there's no point or anything. And then I end up losing interest in that story and move on to starting another one, and the cycle continues.

is it too blatant or not blatant enough? make up your mind

I write both fanfiction and original fiction, and also poetry. I don't write much fanfiction these days because these days I'm basically a "real" writer. I've had several short stories and poems published. But I will still write a fanfic every now and then, when the mood strikes me and there's a show or comic I like. I tend to shy away from longer fics these days, because writing a huge long fanfic takes up time that I could be using on my original fiction.

Right now I'm working on a work that I hope will be my greatest work. I frequent Yea Forums a lot as well, and I have high aspirations for this work as a work of art. My real dream is that it winds up as the greatest work of literature of the 21st century, but I can only hope that I have the talent to pull that off.

Create a problem that needs to be solved and have the story revolve around it. The story ends shortly after the problem is solved and the characters have reflected on the problem and what the experience means to them/why the story mattered.

It's basic, but if you're having trouble then it might be best to go back to the basics.

I think it would be funnier if you went more over the top and absurd, but it really depends on the rest of your story. Is it silly, or do you want it to be taken more seriously with a light hint of comedy?

I have like 4K words for the first chapter of my Green Lantern/RWBY fic.

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Thanks for the warning, I'll avoid it like coronavirus.

> I've had several short stories and poems published.
Must be in another fucking language because the amount of repetition and redundancy you've shown in a single post is astonishing.

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Until you hit it big, you might want to set your expectations to something a bit more realistic. I have my own magnum opus I'm working on, but I can still be satisfied if the only one who really likes my series is me.

Becoming the next JK Rowling or George R Martin really is a one in a million thing.

Haven’t updated or wrote any more in two months.

pretty serious

>Becoming the next JK Rowling or George R Martin really is a one in a million thing.
Those guys are gay, I wanna be the next J.R.R. Tolkien.

That's even more rare user. You have to have a really great story to get everyone interested in your autistic world building and lore. Actually if I'm remembering correctly, didn't Tolkien start off with writing a fantasy language and then write a story around it?

>didn't Tolkien start off with writing a fantasy language and then write a story around it
Yes. Dude loved making up new languages.

Then you should probably drop the meme entirely. It just takes the reader out of the scene.

Yeah, I'm seconding this. Even if you want to instill levity here and there in your story, really overt references to other works like that can mess with the tone in a way you may not want.

...That said, a dumb aside like that is still in character for Hooty, so I dunno.

I'm busy with irl stuff so I haven't really touched my MML AU for a while

My problem is, i have so many characters with alot of things to do, it will blow up the story structure.

Maybe make it a series? Different stories following different main characters all contributing to a single central plot?

I'm thinking I'm gonna try to really drill down on the outline tomorrow.

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Kinda have it as a series.
12 issues chapter than a 10 year time skip.
Next 12 issues.

This is how you end up with Jerusalem.

Several critiques. Firstly, do a paragraph break for emphasis, not this ....... stuff. It doesn't really work in the middle of a paragraph.

Secondly, addressing the reader with the 'did you know', 'I know what you're really thinking' comes across as kinda tacky. If you're intent on using it, then do it Aladin style have a minor character addressing the audience to introduce the story rather than the writer doing it directly.

Thirdly, when describing why archaeologists find dumps to be valuable for information about an ancient culture, maybe give some examples to help the reader understand the significance.

Also, the ending line of 'if we don't build libraries on top of them all' isn't as clever and doesn't have the impact that I think you were going for.

Sorry if that came across as to mean. I'm not trying to be.

Sounds neat. What bookends your chapters? Is it defeating a major villain or coming to some sort of revelation about the plot? Big events in the story can be used to connect minor plotlines for a lot of major characters without necessarily having to show things from their perspective, if that makes sense.

It's fine. I should have explained that this is for a parody of JRPGs, so the monologue is purposely stilted (and also on a virtual post it, so devoid of the eventual formatting). I take the rest of the criticism, though I'm wondering if it's because my point wasn't conveyed clearly enough. Would you please explain what you think I was trying to say? So I can see what to change.

What Jerusalem? From Moore?

It kinda is defeating villians, but it is more a "Who dunit" revealing who it is in the end. So there are too many characters to set it up and giving us red herrings for the heroes to solve and building mystery boxes up.

The connection between the Presidential Library and dumps feels a little underdeveloped. Maybe you could give some examples of dumps giving insight to the lives of people like bones telling what they ate, or scrap iron showing an ancient smelting process, or jars showing an old process of making yogurt.

Basically have lost knowledge be the connecting bridge between the two and do a little more to emphasize this. Maybe parallel it with the great deeds of a president and how that would be shown in a library, vs something more mundane that could only be found out about the president only through their garbage.

Ah. I see how that could be a problem. You might have to do some trimming then.

School and Work wreak havoc on my writing schedule. It's awful

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Yeah, Moore's. It's the story of his neighborhood with each chapter following a different character from prehistoric times to modern day.

Indeed. I thought about putting some just as background characters rather than important parts of the red herring.

I heard the title but never read it.
Need to check that out.

Stuck on my current work. The first few prologue pages ste good but I'm having a hard time finding my MC. I know his personality and how he works in the story but getting his face right I'd fucking with me.

Okay, so it's not an obvious thing. Got it, thank you.

So, this takes place at JFK's library (the one pictured, where this actually happened), and it's really just supposed to be a metaphor for how America itself is built on the remains of what was left behind by American Indians. I'm /hoping/ that the symbology is more obvious taken in context (which is an American "Journey to the West" that takes a similar tone to BSAJG in exploring contemporary "American-ness" from angles that don't really get touched on or by taking things to ridiculous but logical conclusions).

But thanks, I know I need to focus on setting up that context. Probably via more obvious allegories earlier on.

If i was a good writer i would write the autistic crossover-verse of my dreams and then never share it.
But since im not im just gonna write an original story and possibly share it.

I'm working on fanfiction right now to sharpen my writing skills so that way I can finish my original works one day with the skill and zest I feel they deserve. I don't plan on ever getting published, I just write what I would want to read and get the ideas out of my head.
My Hellboy fanfiction is probably extremely autistic as in I'm trying to make it so that even though it was never published,it wouldn't break canon. It's shit, but it has a lot of love put into it.
Is there a good place to post that stuff? I've got it on Wattpad now because that's what my girlfriend in high school used, but the other anons in this thread are right in that the site kind of sucks.

I'm pretty confident in my writing skill, just completely new about sharing it online. Any decent sites to post? I have some original story outlined I have intention of publishing officially, maybe physically to make a living off of, but to get my feet off the ground I'm considering some fanfic stuff first. They're not sexual though have some graphic violence, the one I'm currently writing is a sequel to Pacific Rim because I hated the actual sequel. Any suggestions?

FF.net is good for non-sexual fanfics. AO3 is a bit better for pairings.

Original fiction works well on royalroad, is where I post mine.

I can never feel like I have a story premise even interesting enough: I highly doubt I'd be able to slog through writing a 50k-250k word book on something I don't find personally worth the read.

I'd love to use it, but it costs money, doesn't it?

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here, after working out the latest chapter and having some beer, I'm ready to start soliciting critique for my projects. First off is my serial which is still in production:

>An ongoing series about an emotionally and mentally ill-adjusted thief turned quasi-vigilante serial killer in a dystopian cyberpunk city. Inspirations include Ichi the Killer, Punisher MAX, American Psycho and Hotline Miami.

There's also my novel, which is a finished manuscript but in need of editors and beta readers:

>A hard-boiled cyborg mercenary with a troubled past takes on an ethically dubious job that offers the chance to turn his life around along with three of his old war buddies. Inspirations include Punisher MAX, Escape from NY, Reservoir Dogs, and Tom Clancy novels.

>find an interesting crossover fanfic for once
>last updated: 2016

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Only the extra features. Base features are free.

What kind of beta readers are you looking for? I have plenty of experience in Scifi, horror, and some cyberpunk, but I'm not really familiar with the source material you listed. I'm not sure if I would have a proper appreciation for the genre you're trying to write in.

Just write a premise already used but do it differently.
I'm writing an isekai(base premise) but it has a MONOGAMOUS relationship with a monster girl. Also MC isn't some super genius but he isn't an idiot ether.

That's actually great, because I'm not particularly well-read in terms of genre fiction or familiar with general conventions, so a more "inside" perspective to my "outsider" works would be just what I'm looking for. Any way to get in contact?

Shit, will I get banned if I link a burner reddit account? username is Horrorsofwriting

I don't use leddit tho

I don't usually either, but it's a good way to send private messages. Do you have a burner site you'd rather use?

Thank you, I'll check them out

Not really, I just kinda hang out on Discord and that's about it. Used to have a twitter but lost it after saying some unkind things about Hong Kong police officers during the university sieges, unfortunately.

Would a burner discord account work? Same name, no caps.

Haven’t written fanfic in ages. Thinking of starting and focusing on something small. Most of my ideas are for video games though, not cartons or comic books (at the moment). I’m reworking my original ideas trying to figure out something people would plausibly enjoy. I like world building for its own sake but it’s dreadful to read without a story to hold it together.

user why would I read your work without Lewds? The only reason to read fanfiction is if the story you're looking for can't be accessed from the producers, or the producers are doing a shit job with an IP, and people only make fanfiction for good IP so the first option is all you got. What do you have to offer other than transgressive content a polished editor doesn't?

I dunno if you can add random people directly on discord. How about an email?

[email protected]

I’d swear it used to not be so bad too. Lewd always existed but the landscape was more balanced. I think it’s a self perpetuating cycle. People who are interested in fanfic and haven’t dabbled in it check it out and only see coom so a bunch of people drop out from disinterest. The only people who stick around are people who really like coomshit. And then they are the one show later write (and of course it’s more coom). I think ao3 splitting off from ffn really kicked this into overdrive because it became a repository for smut, but ended up being the de facto site for new fandoms and newer fandom culture was based off what was already popular on the site.

Awesome, I'm done for the night, but I can send you stuff tomorrow. Are you more interested in the serial or the novel or both?

I haven't updated in two weeks. Feel like a failure.

Wattpad is for 12 year old girls and is insanely oversaturated. The average user would be more successful on literally any other platform.

Let me run my idea by you guys

>show is your typical modern bullshit with a happy go lucky protagonist that tries to befriend all the antagonists
>except it’s set in a mostly realistic medieval time and everyone is generally unhappy, an asshole, dumb, and/or uncaring
>the bad guy is the king, a perpetually frustrated spoiled brat of a young man who is the only sensible character. Kind of the Squidward to the protagonist’s Spongebob, except more of an angry cunt because he’s surrounded by morons and has never experienced genuine affection.
>story follows the kid trying to be a hero and ending up oblivious in fucked up situations (almost getting molested by the local cardinal, witnessing a man feeding his butchered wife to his pigs, etc.) and trying to handle problems in the typical way a character like him would. They only end up working because everyone’s and idiot and pure luck. Most of these creeps answer to the king and the kid, only vaguely aware of evil being afoot, tries to stop him.
As the show goes on the Kid keeps avoiding all the King’s plots and generally driving the bad guy insane. It ends with the kid accidentally killing the king and cheerfully declaring himself a hero while a knight sneaks up behind him and swings his sword.

Most of this shit would only be implied though. I’d want to pass it off as a regular modern kids show with the satire and mockery of the formula being more of a below the surface thing

I haven't written anything since October, and those were spooktober fapfics people requested. I can't find the joy in writing anymore because I hate what I create, constantly retooling, until I'm sick of looking at it. I don't get paid for it, so what's the point? I'm told I'm a decent writer but at this point its just easier to just pitch ideas on Yea Forums and see people happy, building their own stories around it. I'm also fairly certain I came up with the names "Shazamily" and "The Flash Who Sits"

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>key sentences
Do people actually write like that

Most writing goes through a drafting process. Trying to extrapolate the quality of someone's Yea Forums post towards the quality of their published writing is assinine, but you know that. Oh wait you don't that's why you made that retard comment just now.

Where can I post work, get feedback, and perhaps a following?

Youtube. Good luck.

Fanfiction is a given, but does anyone here write screenplays? I'm working on a big WOY fancomic and I've been writing scripts of the episodes to start off with, so when I start drawing I know what to do ahead of time.

I'd recommend WriterDuet if you're interested.

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>how is your original work or fanfiction going?
Not well.

More interested in the novel. I know next to nothing about comic serials.

Word will do all the basic grammar stuff, and the more advanced options you can turn on in the grammar and style check options are worth reviewing, even if they're not always useful (or even strictly correct).

Okay, but if the satire isn't meant to be the main focus and is mostly meant to be in the background then you need a plot that's going to be in the foreground. What is your happy-go-lucky Paladin character doing? Solving local problems, having slice of life adventures, just hanging out with fellow peasant friends?

I can see it working, but it needs to be fleshed out of it more. I do like the idea of the King kid character a lot.

Considering EL James made a billion dollars on what began as Twilight fanfiction, the industry doesn't seem to distinguish.

Plotters do. I'm guessing that you're more of a pantser?

I'm about a quarter done with the first part. Its about a boy meeting a fairy in the forest outside his home in Texas, sometime before 1910.

This is a strange dichotomy you've presented. Not that I disagree that it exists, but if the goal is three dimensional characters reacting earnestly, start with the characters, and let them figure out how to navigate a situation. Outlining too much plot is probably going to force otherwise three dimensional characters into making nonsensical choices.

Oh no it's not a comic, it's a written serial. But sure, I'll send you a manuscript once I get off home from work/working out tomorrow evening!

So you are. I could never do that. I always have to write the main story first and then the characters that fill it. It's less organic than your approach, and yes there is a lot of danger of characters just acting a certain way to suit the plot, so I have to be extra careful of that when editing. But I love foreshadowing, so I have to know where I'm going ahead of time. That, and plotting just makes everything more cohesive in the end in my experience.

Ah, ok. Sure, send me both then. I'll be looking forward to it.

Unusual setting for a tale about fairies. I'd read a story about cowboys and fairies though.

Different user, but I guess I would fit on the pantser side of your dichotomy, at least sometimes. But you don't need to plot heavily to foreshadow; just add that stuff in on the first revision.

Depends on what's being foreshadowed. Overarching themes or character parallels are hard to edit in last minute without dramatically changing the structure of the whole thing.

I mean, that's sort of what revisions all about. I wouldn't expect anything worth publishing to look much like it's first iteration. I take your point, but the work of a writer is the crunchy, iterative process.

Unusual yes, but mostly conventional. The first part is about him growing up with her as his friend. She's a little taller than him, with light green skin, a traditional leather outfit on, and antlers breaking from her head. Together they share stories and play the days away when he can. At the start of the Great War, however, he lies about his age to enlist as a Medic, saying he'll be back by Christmas.
The second part is then from her perspective during those four years.