Yeah I'm thinking he's back

Yeah I'm thinking he's back.

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Other urls found in this thread:

He never left

why is preston such a cuck bros

have you seen him irl? he's a fucking chad

very entertaining chap

Isnt his wife hot?

preston and ideasoficeandfire are the only good GoT youtubers

everyone else is cringe


That Talking Thrones faggot is just the absolute worst. I can't make it through one video of his. His ugly accent and the way he says LITERALLY EVERYTHING like it's some fucking dumbfuck question makes him insufferably awful to listen to.

alt shift x

Preston recorded and uploaded his entire wedding like some kind of insane person

When is this hack gonna release the E2 Watch review

>watches the leaked episode
>has days in advance to make his episode review
>still delays it to the middle of the week because he knows making people wait makes them want it more
preston is a genius... and reads these threads

>turboautist preston has a cute asian waifu
what the fuck it's not fair bros

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Hes a lanklet balding fag with a huuuuge head who hates drumpf and voted for hillary(in hindsight it doesnt make a difference with zion don not doing anything ever)

Shes some jungle asian tier it literally looks like he order her thru mail

Attached: Preston.jpg (1600x1600, 437K)

the king of /got/

Yeah that guy just sounds like a droning retard any time I hear him

he's tall, looks good, and has a cush job as a diplomat

I like watching some of his videos except for those with Carmine. Guy is such a insufferable cunt

i think that guy's okay he just comes off as really smug and faggy sometimes, definitely a person you wouldn't wanna hang with

preston makes me think GRRM is either a mastermind genius, or a complete hack who makes so many mistakes that someone like preston could misinterpret almost 90% of the theories

most of the times, I want preston to be right because it gives the series so much intrigue

and r*ddit hates him


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New video when?

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I always imagined him to look like that fat guy from screen junkies who was raping hoes and got fired

never, preston is retiring and redteamreview is taking over his channel.

I wonder what his wife thinks about his got autism

>open borders
>pro racemixing

Yeah, nah. Not for me.

That guy is legit 90 iq

I used to think Preston was autistic, but then I saw Dragon Demands who is basically the Chris Chan of the GoT fanbase

I think I remember him mentioning this, apparently while it's not like she has no idea what he does in his spare time, she doesn't know the extent of his work online

I hate D&D as much as the next bookfag. But Linda takes it to a whole another level.

Then you have Dragon Demands. He's the supreme autismo.

because you have to get circumcised goy

diplomat really? i thought he was in admin?

I started reading the books after watching his videos, if at least the Dorne theories he has turn out to be true I'll be happy
I can take or leave the sci-fi, dragonglass microchips stuff

When will preston meet with elio and linda

I've heard that Elio and Linda hate him, but the podcast episode where Preston and his normie friend supposedly talked about it is patreon exclusive

>open borders
>pro racemixing
link me a video with a timestamp where he says this shit. You're upset he broke your safe space and seeking acceptance with your virtue signaling bullshit on a vietnamese rug weaving forum.

God damn the hateboner TDD has for David Benioff is insane. He made a biographical documentary of the guy ffs. Granted a lot of what he has to say does make sense, and his perspective is interesting since he watches the commentary videos for wiki stuff so he’s more in the know than most.

Fill me in with the dorne plan

*master plan

It’s a long one and I may forget some details, but basically Doran, Oberyn and Qyburn (yes Qyburn) are conspiring together to bring down House Lannister with the long con being seating Arianne on the Iron Throne. A lot of it has to do with minor background details such as the books Arianne receives in the tower which were supposedly hints at the tools Doran intended her to learn, as well as the queenmaker plot being purposefully engineered to fail by Doran planting a spy in Arianne’s camp to betray them (Darkstar is apparently innocent). Essentially the theory goes Dorne will make a case for Dornish law to Cersei, Cersei being a woman will be open to it as Dornish law would make Cersei heir to Casterly Rock, and some how this translates to Arianne getting popular support for the throne. Qyburn is supposedly from Oberyn’s mercenary group, and during his time at the Red Keep his whispers are primarily about the Faith, plus some telekinesis shit, therefore Dorne engineered the Sparrow movement. And then there’s something about the marriage pact being a total fake and the Quentyn quest was also engineered to fail for some reason (Quentyn is alive apparently). Then there’s Cersei’s trial by combat, which Dorne hopes to manipulate by incapacitating the KG until only Robert Strong is left, who will be revealed as unGregor and everyone will hate Cersei. Supposedly Dorne engineered Jaime’s hand being cut off, plus some other minor KG like Arys and Balon Swann. Supposedly Dorne knew the Mountain was undead because of some spun sugar skulls served to Swann which take a long time to make proving they knew in advance they would receive a skull, which may well be a dwarf skull and not the Mountain’s. I think that’s about it

That's too intricate for George.. He gave away the right of his show to D&D because they guessed R+L=J right.

The show did it better


>and r*ddit hates him

Is this true? Because he's critical of the show?

They hate him because he's critical of the show but he's also critical of most normie theories, the kinda stuff 99% of Game of Thrones youtubers shit out, like R+L=J, Preston isn't into that.

que porra é essa?

the way he speaks comes off as arrogant and he presents his theories like its 100% true which pisses off reddit

based preston pissing off plebbit with his autism

Double yikes. That guy is only in it for the dollars.

>he presents his theories like its 100% true
He says "I'm probably wrong about half of this" in like every theory video he makes.


Why do people like Preston's shit so much? He likes to make connections where there are none and likes to stretch GRRM's past writings that are tangentially related as much as possible

>Sansa likes lemoncakes
>Dany remembers a lemontree
>could they possibly be lesbian lovers working together in cahoots?

>Oberyn's spear was red and gold
>Tywin had constipation so he was shitting red and gold
>could they possibly be working together in the Grand Westerdorne Scheme?

While you're right overall, Oberyn poisoning Tywin isn't even remotely a stretch.

literally neither of those things are remotely similar to anything preston has said.

Kinda funny since Carmine was literally disgusted with him when he said it

Glidus is pretty good but I only say that because he obviously lurks /got/. He doesn't have a lot of stuff out there, but what's out is quality and rather funny.

hahaha you pleb. As for Dorne, you have to assume an absurd amount of surplus writing for most of the autist's theories to not apply here.

time stamp?

Not him but it's right fucking there.

reminder that Carmine is Brazilian so it's literally in his DNA to be like that, but it's funny he's antimixing so he's probably southern Brazilian i.e. white

LastRiver is pretty good


Preston's a big guy

I am Gylbert Farwynd of the Lonely Light.

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Preston is kind of handsome. His face and body don't match his voice at all though

>in season 7 where preston made up his own season using forgotten characters from the show
what a madman

Reminder Quentyn is the Martell equivalent to Theon Greyjoy and he will survive.

d&d need a restraining order against dragon demands. dude is fucking unhinged

I think there is some truth to the Oberyn being the one who poisoned Joffrey. Man was on a suicide mission and was taking out every Lannister then and there. Only issue is whether Joffrey's assasination was planned or if it was a spur of the moment for Oberyn getting too ahead of himself. Joffrey did get pricked by a scorpion shaped piece of jewelry at the wedding I believe...Maybe it was coated in poison.

/ayywatch/ and atomic bombs.

Didn't he get into a fight with Linda and the other people from the westeros website? Guys honestly MauLer-tier in terms of obsession.

You seen his 'beta documentary' against Benioff? He's genuinely scared HBO will sue him and his family.

>Oberyn killing Joffrey
I don't think he ever suggested that. His view on the purple wedding has been that Littlefinger tried to kill Tyrion to make Sansa single again, but Joffrey ate his poisoned slice of pie. The pie itself wasn't poisoned, way too many people would die if that were the case, but the whipped topping that was prepared for Tyrion was. The wine was just an unintentional misdirection and it kinda worked out since Tyrion got the blame and would have been executed for it.

Is R+L=J gonna be true in the books? I didn't expect GRRM to pull a secret hidden prince trope

>author known for hating generic hero tropes
>succumbs to having the most generic one in his magnum opus

If it's true, Jon will either stay dead, or resurrect and not give a single fuck about the Iron Throne. R+L=D is a better story though

I think that was the history westeros people, the girl there had all his videos striked for not crediting artwork.

>check GRRM's blog
>he's going to tap this instead of writing TWOW

honestly can't blame him

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How can you possibly be so fucking out of touch that you think this brazilian normie would care about "race mixing"

even I don't do that, is obviously about putting pictures of yourself online, the thing they were talking about seconds before

its a hour and 5 mins, im not listening to all that. When do they talk about race mixing and open borders?

im sure he would die if he tried

the link directly links to the timestamp..
unless you're a phone poster

they don't talk about open borders, Preston makes a joke about how his kids will be half Asian and that's it

the timestamp is in the link that guy posted, he fucked up trying to link to the specific time, check again

why is he worried theyll sue him?

>who hates drumpf and voted for hillary

He's saying some mean things about one of the show writers

Because he accuses Benioff of having Narcissistic Personality Disorder co-morbid with bipolar disorder and blames the bad writing on Benioff being mentally ill and having a brown woman fetish.

The Dragon Demands has actually dived further into Benioff's history than all of media journalism combined. The things he's discovered should make Benioff unhireable. It's kino.

>Elio & Linda hate Preston and have specifically called out “Quentyn is Alive” as the dumbest theory
>History of Westeros are a hyper SJW classical guitar player and his cunt girlfriend who striked Preston’s vids out of jealousy
>LML won’t talk to him
>Reddit hates Preston
>GRRM ignored his questions at Balticon
All of this is proof that he’s right and all other GoTubers are resentful of him pointing out how nothing will have a satisfying conclusion.

based preston working all the jabroni marks into a shoot

Quentyn's death is there to establish that you can't just steal a dragon like a horse, or even come near it.
And then the show just lets Jon mount and ride one and nobody, not even Dany, is in any way astonished

>Elio & Linda hate Preston and have specifically called out “Quentyn is Alive” as the dumbest theory
Any links for them talking about preston?

She has Harry Potter autism.

Preston is 9/10... Is that his wife? Did he really marry a 3/10?

>Preston teams up with The Dragon Demands
>The Deadly Duo destroy every hater's career
>Preston's book is bought by HBO and becomes their next flagship show

No that's a fan his wife is

Except it's not too intricate for GRRM. The Thousands Worlds Book Club videos show that he actually did convoluted stuff like this before.

Not necessary to establish, we know that dragons can’t be ridden by just anyone. Only Targs can ride them (Nettles is a Targ bastard, still counts.) My bigger issue is that Preston’s use of the testimony in front of Barristan is really spurious evidence. Traumatized people often can’t recall events clearly, ask any police or first responder that when you interview 20 people at a scene you will get 21 different stories.

so is Arianne going to kill FAegon, or seduce him?

Faegon is gay.

thats jon conington

Aegon will get Cersei's show storyline and be the power in the south during the conclusion of the series.

those arent illegal claims are they? they dont fall under slander/libel?
any key nuggets of info on his unhireability? also what about the other hack? does he go into him?

maybe in the show,in the books if you have blood from old valyria you can ride dragos,like the house velaryon

Jon Con raised Faegon, and like most gays he's probably a pedo and raped Faegon making him a gay too.

isnt sad that the most interesting drama is around the asoiaf community rather than what happens in the pages because the FAT HACK HASNT RELEASED ANYTHING IN HIS MAIN SERIES IN 7 YEARS!

They don't if you word them properly, which the autist is paranoid he isn't doing. He literally spergs out for a good 10 mins, terrified as if he's said some srs info.

GRRM is liberal as hell so that definitely won't happen in the books

>any key nuggets of info on his unhireability? also what about the other hack? does he go into him?
TDD only focuses on Benioff, D.B Weiss is pretty much an underling and yes man to Benioff.

TDD goes into detail about Benioff's lack of actual screen writing qualifications, his sexual obsession with brown/exotic women (and why he edits the show to include more), his relationship with his father and why Tywin was changed in the show.

The Dragon Demands is very autistic, he is obsessed with Benioff to an unhealthy degree. However, he knows Benioff better than the man knows himself now. Still, he's kinda ranty and weird at heart, even some of his megafans post walls of texts in the comment to tell him "Hey dragon take a break dude, you don't need to do this."

GRRM has written about child abuse and dangerous power structures in relationships before. Him being a liberal doesn't mean he can't say some gays are bad.

All the Martells have Targ blood but that was like 5 generations ago when Dorne joined the seven kingdoms. Quentyn mentions it.

Nitpick harder FAGGOT
>All other Valyrian Dragonlords are dead or the few who weren’t present for the Doom are still unaccounted for
>No imporyan Velaryon characters appear in the 5 main books, GRRM is not introducing any more PoV’s in TWoW
>No dragons left in Westeros and Velaryons have had their Valyrian blood irreparably diluted
>Even In TPATQ they suck shit at riding dragons and get fucked up, more competent as a naval force.


yeah looking at the comments, he seems to have realised he went crazy overboard. Although a jew getting a writing position with lack of qualifications is just standard hollywood nepotism.

But i cant really remember many brown women really. They cut the black hooker and her daughter from kings landing and only made missendi strip because they aged up the character. theyve race bent more male characters if anything. also, how has tywins relationship with tyrion been changed, thought it was fairly faithful to the books.

It's this episode where Carmine and Preston talk about Preston almost losing his channel and he mentions Elio and Linda hate him because of his SJW tendencies and theories.

Attached: BASED BERIC.png (550x700, 305K)

>GRRM ignored his questions at Balticon

what were his questions?

The tywin stuff is actually pretty small but matters a lot
>Scenes with arya where he says he personally helped Jaime learn to read
>Scenes where he acts a grandfather mentor figure to tommen
>Changes his final scene to be less brutal and mean to tyrion
Tywin is Benioff's dad, or what Benioff wished his dad was more like. His father and he don't have a good relationship, yet his dad is a high tier dude at goldman sachs and Benioff wouldn't be anywhere close to where he is today without daddy's money.

The brown women stuff comes a lot from his own novels, Dragon Demands has an entire hour long video on the topic. Some of the stuff he wrote is awful and really degrading and racist. It ties in partially to Dorne, and why Ellaria Sand became a major character there, because Benioff likes her as an actress (as in he likes exotic women)
He ignored a couple, and for some he just kinda laughed them off like "haha I haven't thought about those books in years."

>Elio and Linda hate him because of his SJW tendencies and theories.
Wut? They're stereotypical SJW's as well.

I shouldn’t be spoon feeding you, but here goes:

Robb Stark's wife was changed to a brown girl

Well he's not wrong.. Benioff is kind of a nutcase, look up the ""palm play" accident. That scene where the sand snakes are pplaying the palm hands game is an allusion to some dumb shit he did on set. Long story short, he went full retard and broke all his fingers doing thatt while drunk at a party wih the actors. Guy is seriously fucked in the head.

his made up subplot is still the best thing about GoT

> tywin schooling jaime like a little kid while skinning the stag
> tywin pimp-counseling king joff
how can one man be so based

talisa is brown? thought she was charlie chaplins granddaughter

she is mixed British-Spanish-Indigenous American

thats barely brown at all

yes it is, amerimutt

When will this autist drop his video

probably tomorrow based off last week's timing

I like to imagine that the gottubers have high school style cliques. Like alt shift x is the popular sellout that nobody likes, lml is the guy who pulls all the strings etc.

>he isn't a patreon slut for daddy preston
>he doesn't get all reviews 2 days early

is it already out on patreon?

no i was hoping to make you upset, preston doesn't paygate things behind patreon like cucky carmine

You’re actually totally right. Elio & Linda see themselves as the successful nerds who talk down to the former high school football QB.
>LML and HoW are completely insular and have inferiority complexes. ex. Aziz’s fb is not private so you can see that he literally spends all day arguing politics with his family.
ASX is actually based and put himself over the top working the marks, doesn’t bother with little bullshit since he is the King.
>Preston has to ally with super normie Carmine since he’s the only one which will talk to him

Doesn’t sound that fucked in the head. Anyone who gossips about other people is infinitely worse.

t. pennyoff