How does he get fat if he uses so much energy swinging around the city? Even if he eats more to compensate for his powers the human stomach is only so big so he can't eat that much more than a normal human?
How does Peter's metabolism work?
IMO Spider-Man should be lean but not toned. He burns a lot of energy and his super strength is a symptom of his mutation, it shouldn't give him a really visible cut.
You’re implying he was doing much swinging.
Dude stated he injured his back in his montage, which depending on the regen factor could have left him with less time to fight crime.
And you saw his diet habits after his divorce, nothing new really.
There really is no point in trying to apply real-life logic to any of this. The energy problem is probably the biggest of all, but comic book writers are generally very bad at even basic science.
Also: best Doctor Octopus ever
It was implied that this peter lost most of his hope. Not caring that Miles dimension will be doomed, not even wanting to hear "With great power comes...", being heartbroken and crying in his suit.
Thus he probably only went out fighting crime if he absolutely had to, but he probably never patrolled the city anymore
Spiders don't get fat.
Wasn't it stated somewhere he actually has something like a subcutaneous exoskeleton?
I'd always thought that Peter should be pretty slim and lithe, "like a gymnast." But then I realized that actual gymasts are not slim!
So I decided I didn't care about realism and Peter should be skinny because I think it looks cooler.
This is basically my No Prize for why there are very few fat superheroes, at least when fatness isn't their power.
Apparently lot of women thought he's really hot in this movie and that made me feel more proud of my belly
Consider gymnasts are all manlets(about 5’2”) so they do seem thicker than they generally are in muscle mass proportion. Peter is about 6’0” so he should seem leaner even with the same amount of muscle.
don't be. Just like the people who go THICC when there is an actual fat person in a cartoon, they forgot what real fat people looked like. They started to develop a tunnel vision for their fetish.
Same with these people. If they met an actual person who looked liked Peter B., they would never think of him as attractive
Depends on the era. Gymnast these days looked "jacked" simply because they add weight lifting to their workout routines as well. Go back to the 70s and the men have that slender tone you're thinking of. Although still able to pull off crazy feats just as well.
They would if he had the same personality, as well as a handsome face.
Eh depends on how he acts. Guys can get away with more if they have confidence and fun to be around. I know a dude who is
- A manlet
-Short dick
-Can't fuck
But funny as hell, dominant, and gets women all the time. Although I will admit that even though he is like 5'3-4, he is jacked. But point is women will put less emphasis on physical aspects than men. We're just wired differently.
Those words literally mean the same thing. Toned is a nonsense word when it pertains to physique. Women who didn't know fitness terms brought it into vogue a decade ago. The proper word is LEAN. Lean/cut/ripped means lacking fat so muscle definition shows more.
How do you know he can't fuck? You tried to fuck him?
I know the females that he fucked. They all say the same thing. Now they'd be considered THOTs by Yea Forums standards but that just gives more credence to the point that confidence/personality/influence matters more with females.
>not Spider-Man 2 Doc Ock
Alfred Molina was pretty good, I'll admit.
thanks for the info, historian of men's physiques by era and profession. whats it like being so gay you made a study of it?
Well you see user, one of the fun things about not being your average fat fuck such as yourself whose only lifted a bag of chips, is that you get /fit/ and learn various ways to get healthy and how sports evolved.
In my case I just happen to be into body weight exercises, perform amateur gymnastics, some martial arts and practice basic tricks like the planche, l-sit, etc. Now if you want, we can continue this rousing discussion of why anons with multiple hobbies threaten you or return to topic of an out of shape super.
it technically refers to the tension in the muscle in a natural/resting state. But yes, it's mainly used as a term by lazy retards who say they "don't want to get too bulky and just tone up a little bit" as if they will wake up looking like the hulk the day after deadlifting with heavy weight once
>whose only lifted a bag of chips
You DO know women say shit about the size of a guy's dick and sexual prowess when they break up with him as a parting shot to hurt him further, right?
Now I want a photoshop where only the top of her head is visible at the buttom of the picture.
What exactly you mean can't fuck?
its weird how a out of shape cynical boomer Peter Parker is oddly one of the more handsome versions of the character.
Smells of toasty pig
I would think the back strength necessary for gymnastics would always turn you into a living kite
Maybe these franchises aren't as rigidly bound to physical laws as the real world, so the authors can cherrypick when to ignore rules and exaggerate things for comedic effect.
Why is Olivia so perfect?
Peter B. still has muscles and a handsome face, just a bit of a gut
You'd be surprised how easy it is to eat 8,000 calories of food in a single day.