I don't get it
I don't get it
It was a dream, plain and simple. Don't listen to the fags who talk about how "it's not meant to be understood!" it's the most easy to understand Lynch film aside from The Straight Story.
no one gets it, not even Lynch himself.
Not getting it is fine. It's impressionistic.
it's an arrogant movie that pretends to be intelectual. Nothing much else to it
Yea Forums arrogantly pretends it means anything to sound intellectual. The film is what it is.
(OP) #
Is there anything more in the movie other than lesbian chicks doing lesbian shit lmao?
There's two realities, the real world where blondie kills herself, and her idealized dream world where she's the real movie star
first half is a dream/fantasy.
It was pretty understandable until the arc with the gay cowboy who wanted to murder Justin Theroux. What the fuck was that why did he needed to go alone at night?
Yeah there's tons.
She had her girlfriend murdered. She kills herself.
The Cowboy represents movie execs who are really the ones in control, not the talented creative people. It's all in Betty's head anyway, he's based on someone she met in real life
Everything is a dream
I did the same in highschool when I had to write a short story. That's the power level of Lynch.
It's about life and dreams and shit lmao
Shes dreaming of an alternate reality
she regrets killing her gf so she tries to construct a fantasy where everything goes her way but that just falls apart because the guilt and shame is overwhelming
but damn did it have some nice tiddy scenes
you don't "get" most of your dreams either
I watched this with my grandparents when I was 13. My grandma rented it from the library.
It's this the movie where it ends with the transwoman yelling SILENCIO?
post yfw
This. It's like when aliens aren't explained in 2001 and people get pissy about that.
Mulholland Drive was supposed to be the pilot for a TV show that never got made, Lynch was going to do much more with characters like the cowboy.
That explains everything.
>Implyong the first reality wasn’t real
>Implying the blue box didn’t curse her and ruin her life
I straight up started to get my dreams. I realized that my subconscious has unanswered questions and runs simulations to force me to make decisions and learn. After some pressing decision I’m always like ‘oh ya I could have done this better and I didn’t have to do that etc’
The pilot was the first 90 mins and the stuff he made up on the spot was last 40 some mins. You can kinda tell
Don't listen to anyone else in this thread, they're all faggots.
The first half is a dream made to look like reality (The hint is the pillow in the very first scene).
The second half is reality made to look like a dream.
sex fantasy
I don't see where it pretends anything. It's totally the opposite of a Nolan "intellectual" and arrogant movie actually.
I’m assuming this is bait but if you were actually confused by this movie, there’s no helping you.
It's a movie, not a book. Film has it's own language which is used to express things words can't. Lynch got ideas that resonated with him and put them on film. That's it.
one of the most dishonest films I've seen.
It was Lynch showing how easy it is to manipulate critics. Lost Highway got shit on but then he goes and remakes the movie but this time with lesbians and bam it's a modern classic in their eyes.
Lost Highway is truly a pleb filter
Reminds me of the image of the ghosts of laughing Hollywood Jews chasing Diane into her room before she kills herself
yes but she's not yelling
>no one has ever made hot lesbian webms from this
I don’t think anyone does to be honest, that was the worse movie I’ve ever seen. It’s like he wanted to be new and different but wasn’t clever enough to make it relatable to a general audience. No chance this didn’t flop
i knew it was fucking coming but it still scared me
yes, you can tell someone is a pleb if he pretends like it isn't shit.
the sex scene is unbelievably hot,never seen another like it
lesbians are gross
the Silencio theatre scenes are absolute kino
I have. I post them on /gif/ every once in a while.
fuck and suck
Like Lost Highway but bad and unfinished.
pls post
No, I don't want to get banned.