>24 hour Endgame screenings
So I have to clean piles of trash because some people have no respect for cleanliness
24 hour Endgame screenings
fuck you , clean it up
But that's your job?
Considering January through April have been overall abysmal at the box office, you’ve had enough of a break. Time to earn that paycheck.
clean it up, janny
This. Get rekt OP. I will be buying a bunch of popcorn just to spill it and force people like you to clean it up.
I’m going to get a big drink so I can pour one out for my homies!
Get another job or stop complaining
I like to drop kick a bucket of popcorn in the air as the wagies enter the theater. It's a good time. Sometimes I even dump a soda in the popcorn to make it stick everywhere.
Clean it up wagie, and don't forget the shitstains I left over the chair
This is why I always do a shit job and just enough to not get fired but not enough to make people happy.
I purposely make a huge mess so wagies like you have a job. No need to thank me, wagecuck. I do it for me too. You see I need wagies like you to pay taxes so I can keep getting my NEET bux. It's the economic cycle. But I don't expect a wagie like you to understand.
Last week before the movie was over I went and refilled my drink just so I could tip over and let it run all the way down the stairs.
Fucking jannies, clean it the fuck up, my shoes are getting sticky.
*dabs on your seat*
If people didn't make a mess you wouldn't have a job. This is like a firefighter complaining that things keep catching fire.
Just sweep it under the seat for the ukrainian janitors to deal with, user. Always worked for me.
Also don't complain, being an usher is one of the comfiest part time jobs you can do. I really miss working with qt girls in uniforms that consisted of shirts, skirts and nylons.
> Complaining for doing his fucking job.
Push it all under the seats and leave it for the no-speaky-english overnight janitors. As an usher just get popcorn bags/tubs off of seats, pick up empty cups out of the holders, and make sure the aisle is clean
>minimum wage
>not minimum effort
Just do enough to not get you fired
brown people litter a lot
I'm going to smuggle a bottle of milk in and pour it all over the seats and carpet. Janny will be fuming!