What really happened here?
What really happened here?
can you imagine the panic setting in?
It got posted to the wrong board, apparently.
fuck sister
I would have spent my last moments furiously jerking off to big titty milfs.
Reminder that this “false alarm” apparently came about because some guy “pressed the wrong button”. As if such a message could be sent out because of one guy’s finger slip.
Just a test for project bluebeam to gauge public reaction.
how do you think these messages get sent out?
emergency services arent run by the military its literally just some public-servant schlub in an office somewhere
t. fucking retard
it wasnt a finger slip, according to the official narrative, a drill was being performed, and the guy in charge of pushing the warning button wasnt aware of that and pused the oh shit just got real button
I was playing destiny 2 with a dude from Hawaii and he disconnected
It’s interesting that there was no panic at all. From all accounts people just ignored it. Not what I thought would happen
I need eye in the sky
>From all accounts people just ignored it.
People ran with their kids into sewer drains.
Some guy really wanted to fuck his sister and used this as a pretense.
This is based
Post it
What makes you think these people are any more competent than anyone else? anyone else read all those stories from the Cold War about how often and how close we came to launching nukes?
>The U.S. Pacific Command has detected a missile threat to Hawaii. A missile may impact on land or sea within minutes. THIS IS NOT A DRILL. If you are indoors, stay indoors. If you are outdoors, seek immediate shelter in a building. Remain indoors well away from windows. If you are driving, pull safely to the side of the road and seek shelter in a building or lay on the floor. We will announce when the threat has ended. THIS IS NOT A DRILL. Take immediate action measures.
Imagine seeing this warning on your TV at 8:00 in the morning, lmao.
Cast the inevitable biopic
How many babies were convinced and then aborted because of this event?
Can't even imagine. I shit my pants even from creepypastas like this
Convinced of what?
Convincing digits senpai
Probably a test to see how everyone reacted to prepare shit, if they sent the message and everyone goes to like a big building thinking it will save them then they know there is an issue
I just don't believe some tick box on some test was the real cause
The govt did this on purpose to experiment how the public would react in a real nuclear war
>not discarding humanity and going for the rape
beta even unto death
i am not convinced of this
All my Simpsons threads get deleted but this faggot shit stays up? Fuck jannys
You mean your sneed bait threads? Boohoo
The pack of geese over Alaska one gets me every time
They were just testing the reaction by the populace. That's why it happened in Hawaii where it's contained rather than the West coast where this would have caused mass hysteria from state to state.
As soon as I saw this in Hawaii I ran out into the street and raped someone and now I'm in jail for the rest of my life. Posting from prison as we speak.
Retarded Hawaiian's finger slipped, according to Tulsi Gabbard
That seems unfair. Your mental faculties were compromised by the incoming apocalypse. You should’ve gotten a better lawyer. Sad!
Ah, I see you’ve played knifey drilly before
Is there anyone dumb enough to trust the official US government narrative?
US government want to test it's citizen's alertness. They just picked the least important US territory with the unimportant Americans on it.
>Simpsons threads
Posting a quote from the Simpsons to bait sneedposters isn’t a “Simpsons thread,” whiny sneedfag
The US public
Which is more likely
>The evil gub’mint did it on purpose to test peoples response and shut up anyone from snitching about it
>Some retarded diversity hire chink pressed the wrong button
some retard made a mistake, more likely than some grand conspiracy only explainable by more grand conspiracies
only liberals
Some user fuck his sister iirc
>actually thinking this
your brain on america, everyone
>conspiracies never happen in real life
not saying they dont but for someone to make a conspiracy to counter the idea of some idiot ticking the wrong box/clicking the wrong thing you really start to have to go down some rabbit holes of ever increasingly retarded levels, opposed to some moron made a mistake which is the far more likely chance
not going out on the streets and raping big titty milfs
Is the government smart or dumb? I really can't tell.
a mixtures of everything. dumb people, smart people, good people, bad people, good people with good intentions doing dumb things, bad people with bad intentions doing "smart" things. life isnt black and white like a movie, as much as conspiracy theorists would like to believe.
Mostly dumb but wants to project an image of carefully planned mastermind
who the fuck would bother nuking fucking hawaii of all things
A guy slept with his sister.
Yeah man who would ever attack Hawaii.
Some Chinese girl told us at school that her sister was there at the time and just gave up. She read the news, went to her bed and was ready to die.
Yeah even if someone did it once by accident they would never do it again right?
t. Smith John
Did a user really fuck his sister? Was it agreed between them or rape?.
>The govt
But the guy who did it was some Trump-hating state employee.
>Reminder that this “false alarm” apparently came about because some guy “pressed the wrong button”. As if such a message could be sent out because of one guy’s finger slip.
The guy who sent the message was quitting and wanted to go out memorably. The statement was just damage control.
Sending out an automated warning actually does only require one person. It's not like launching a Hollywood nuke where two guys need to turn their keys at the same time.
It was a drill, and some retard pushed the button for real.
I’ve been part of similar drills involving simulated “disasters” of various kinds, and there are always a few retards who misunderstands the instructions and begins acting out protocol in real life, rather than inside the testing environment.
officially sure. probably the cause though that there was a real missile and they stopped it
If you don’t trust your government, move somewhere else.
They don’t. You’re telling me that the evil government plan was to fake a nuclear holocaust at Hawaii to... get a guy to fuck his sister? Evil France burnt its cathedral to get billionaires to donate money to rebuild it, thus wasting money? You think hitler and Mozart are still alive? Go back to
>I would have spent my last moments furiously jerking off to big titty milfs.
you and a lot of others
You don’t understand the context of a missile being fired. One missile being fired at Hawaii is a declaration of war against America and would be retaliated against within the hour. Sides would be declared, immediate UN summit would be called, borders would close, SOE would be declared and nuclear holocaust would be the reality by sundown. This will NEVER happen.
Kim Jong-Il launched a nuke at the US, it was intercepted harmlessly and effortlessly by some secret state-of-the-art defence system. At that point the Pentagon gave NK and China a call and told them NK was going to take steps to to denuclearise and reunify with the South or they’d get to experience some more secret space magic first-hand.
Not him, but saying there hasn't been any conspiracy ever just because the average complotist is a dumbass is also dumb as fuck. There are countless examples throughout history, from fixed battles to political murders through less major shit like economic cartels and a bunch of countless other examples. Saying that conspiracies don't exist is about as dumb and misinformed as supporting the most retarded of them.
Exactly. See nobody wants a nuclear holocaust. Especially not the US because they've got everything to loose in the event of a nuclear war. So maybe there was a real nuke and it was intercepted. The administration decides that the better approach would be to keep this a secret thereby averting a nuclear war and also using this as leverage in peace talks with N.K. Makes perfect sense to me desu.
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