Remember that time hayley dated her fathers clone?

remember that time hayley dated her fathers clone?

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Actually he was a body double which is a very different thing.

Also, the whole restaurant scene with Haley and Stan still gets me to this day.

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Not a clone, body double. It's not incestuous at all, Bill probably had plastic surgery to look like Stan. But to answer the more important question, yes it is hot.

it is pretty incestuous
that is Seth's kink, he even has his daughter voicing Haley it's fucked

Holy crap

From everything I've gather about Family Guy and American Dad, Seth seems to have 3 easily spotted fetishes that repeatedly pop up:
1. Incest
2. Asian women
3. Large breasts

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>no episode where Gwen gets revenge on Francine by seducing Steve

I'm seeing double!
4 big guys!

Give em time. I'm sure he or his staff will find a way.

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Does this relationship ever gets anywhere? In all the future Steve timelines Steve is never seen with Akiko.

Meanwhile her brother has a free pass to Francine's pussy lmao

Seth’s got some good taste in fetishes.

>"You finally learn another language Toshi, and you pick French?"

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That he does.

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For some reason Steve just isn't allowed to get laid. Fucking Klaus gets more sex than Steve.


Seth is a loser who has dated many women only to flame out and never produce a real relationship. Better to be a neet than to fail as hard as he did.

>Seth is a loser who has dated many women only to flame out and never produce a real relationship.

Hold on a second. Well groomed... Loves showtunes... Has never been in a lasting relationship with a women... Uh, guys? Don't be alarmed, but I think Seth might be gay.

Eh, I'd say he's bi or pan. I feel like Roger and Stewie are actual good examples of how Seth identifies his sexuality.

Good point. They make a lot of jokes about Stewie being gay but he's only ever had girls as love interests.

I want the return of this bombshell.

here, me too.

yeah well yung hee watched a bird thats also her dad bang her step mom for half an hour.

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yung hee is god damn freak. i guess she gets it from her father.

American Dad writers need a hobby

I think weight gain is one of his top three actually.
>Francine had a WG episodes
>Hayley had a WG episode
>Lois has a WG episode
>Roberta had a minor WG B plot
>Numerous scenes focusing on fat women in all three shows

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All women want to fuck their dad

forgot Meg had one too that was implied to make her whole school fat

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but do all men want to fuck their mom?

No ,they want to fuck their daughters.

You used to watch Sesame Street

Also Kendra's character
I think Donna is the only female main cast Seth character not to have a WG episode.

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I appreciate the running gag of Steve never getting laid even though hes been extremely close many times.

It was funny at first but it's happened so many times, it's just gotten boring.

Why are Seth shows always filled with incest?

IIRC Seth voices Stan/Steve and Seth's sister voices Hayley, which makes the incest plots/jokes around those three more than a little weird.

Seth doen't voice Steve, he voices Stan and Roger.

I remember them once being asked something about awkwardness in regards to that subject at a con 10-15 or so years ago and they brought up how on Family Guy Seth played Stewie and Rachael played Olivia, so I'm sure if there was any awkwardness at first it's long behind them now.

He’s saving himself for Snot, subconsciously.

the double looks more like mad than bane