Avengers Endgame China Box Office

>First day Endgame in China: $28.18 million
>around 3 million admissions/views
>Infinity War first week was ~33 million views and $192.9 million in China
Is this stuff just late night previews or why is the number so low? It's less than 10% of Infinity War's week box office in China
english.entgroup.cn/boxoffice/cn/daily/?date=04 /23 /2019

Attached: Screenshot_2019-04-24 Boxoffice,China Boxoffice,China film Boxoffice,Weekly Boxoffice,Yearly Boxoffi (750x724, 56K)

People say this'll beat Avatar, but I'm fairly sure it won't. The audience is the same as that for part one. Looking at those numbers should give us a good approximation of the total B.O. Still substantially less than Avatar.

It's just the previews retard

It's not sold out in my city. Thursday is wife open and I got Saturday 930 tickets no problem today.

This is Alamo Drafthouse and they are showing it every 15 minutes this weekend but yeah.

It's just previews, brainlet. As of now it has 89mil first day and has more screenings to go.

Listen. As the Cameronfag I am, this is gonna hurt, but if there is a movie with a chance to beat Avatar boxoffice is this one. It's probably gonna make almost a billion in the first weekend. Fuck capeshit anyway

>>First day Endgame in China: $28.18 million
isn't it just midnight screening?

>Thursday is wife open

Excuse me

Except the audience is the same. The only difference is that everyone is watching in its first weekend.

>midnight screening in China
>already a cam rip out
based gooks

The big problem is replayability. Infinity War is much better paced and has better fight scenes than End Game. Also End Game is pretty long and a good chunk of it is mostly dialogue.

The Chinese are smart. No one can fool them!

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>Instant karma
What kind of idiot would pee on a control panel? What the fuck was his plan?

The chinks probably see the pattern with Captain Marvel. They know she's going to stomp Thanos' ass, which is exactly what happens in the movie lmao.

Is there a link for a full camrip already? I want to spoil the Black Widow's death scene on FB.

He wanted people to touch piss soaked buttons,user

>People say this'll beat Avatar, but I'm fairly sure it won't.

it has a better chance than any blockbuster since then but I'm still doubtful, the main reason being the bump in box office avatar got from so many people seeing it in 3D just isn't there anymore, sure there are still 3D showings but nowhere on the scale that avatar had.

His wife goes out every now and then to a "Maiden's Matinee" for married women. Thursday is her next "movie".

>Infinity War is much better paced and has better fight scenes than End Game. Also End Game is pretty long and a good chunk of it is mostly dialogue.

How do you know? Did the entire 3-hour long movie leak already?

People like me have already seen it half a day ago
t. germanfag

It has a good chance of becoming Marvel's first flop. Capeshit fatigue is at an all-time high (Alita, Shazam and Hellboy all flopped massively) and nobody knows who Endgame is.

It will beat Titanic, but it won't beat Avatar

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Muh Avatar

yeah plus people dont wanna watch the deaths yet again. this was not the case with infinity war

Why did it open on a tuesday?


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If endgame doesn’t best avatar, then no other movie will surpass it. Episode 9 has no chance due to the failure of TLJ.

>then no other movie will surpass it
Avatar 2

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It's not gonna happen because of the dollar
Check out the exchange rates for the USD back in 2009/2010 compared to now, the dollar is worth almost 30% more now than it was 10 years ago
So Avatar has a 30% bonus on all foreign box office numbers compared to this
The USD is worth 10% more now than it was last year too so Endgame is really handicapped by this