if it's meant to be an anti-nazi movie why did theymake him so a e s t h e t i c ?
If it's meant to be an anti-nazi movie why did theymake him so a e s t h e t i c ?
Asthetically pleasing? That's not a reason to relate
>right turn only
what did they mean by this
how do I get this body type?
>why did theymake him so a e s t h e t i c ?
they didnt, you are being gay.
So it’d be more understandable why he got passed around prison like Halloween candy.
>skinny cracker with a BBT (big black tattoo) on his tit
Wow, talk about peak fashion!
*eye roll*
t. gorilla nigger
Neonazis don't even have anything to do with Hitler and national socialism. They sprung up from the holocaust myth.
eat on a caloric deficit and do pull ups
Join us, brother.
that board has mengele tier creeps pushing diy hormones and shit
no thank u
It was suppose to be about the cycle of hate but (((they))) couldn't have that.
Don't eat too much and do some dumbbell exercies at home
show me where he's wrong during the dinner scene
if anything he doesn't go hard enough
Have sex.
I do this but I have that pudge around my belly button that just won't go away
>passed around prison like Halloween candy
>one guy raped him
>anti-nazi movie
>last scene proves them right
sure thing arnie
it is, but hes not
in the shower he is.
All of the arguments he made both before they trashed the convenience store and when he was at the dinner table with his mom's new Jew boyfriend were completely valid.
what is it with nazis and homoeroticism?
>if it's meant to be an anti-nazi movie
the true red pill is it wasn't
the ending was meant to be norton shaving his head again after the nigger killed his brother but he refused
>the ending was meant to be norton shaving his head again
Thats because the movie was supposed to be about the cycle of hatred and violence but American movie watchers like you are too stupid and would have thought it was pro- nazi
mein negger
imagine being gay lol
lol better just cuck out and watch your family get killed and population replaced huh
what's the moral of the film as it stands in your opinion
>what's the moral of the film as it stands in your opinion
Like one of the last lines of the film is ''hate is baggage'' brainlet
>imagine going through the personal hell you experienced in prison to shatter your view on the group you were a prominent member of, to try and save your brother from going down this same path, only to ultimately be fooled that niggers just won't stop being niggers.
that doesn't deal with the fact black savages will never behave themselves no matter how much propaganda they pump out
The original ending had Edward Norton morphing into Darth vader.
>Like one of the last lines of the film is ''hate is baggage'' brainlet
Except without the original ending it just ends up sending a terrible message that basically says YEA OKAY BLACKS ARE MURDEROUS SAVAGES, BUT YOU SHOULD TURN THE OTHER CHEEK BECAUSE IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOU DO THEY'LL STILL KILL YOU. With the original ending it sends the message that violence only begets more violence and whites AND blacks are both responsible. So yea in a way, even with the voice-over at the end, this ends up being a pro-nazi movie accidentally.
You don't even know in what shape is that user to begin. Why would you just give that advice
Eating to much
if movie is some dumb bullshit i'm going to root for the character that looks the coolest
yeah that's why I rooted for the nigger in the basketball court.
So that when he got butt-fugged you'd get the hard peepee
wasted trips. God I fucking hate brainlets
Is it just me or Edward acting on this one was so trash