>Go to the cinema in India
>ready to watch see my favorite Bollywood movie stars
>some Indians start lighting fireworks and screaming
>vid related: youtube.com
Why cant we have experiences like this in the west?
>Go to the cinema in India
>ready to watch see my favorite Bollywood movie stars
>some Indians start lighting fireworks and screaming
>vid related: youtube.com
Why cant we have experiences like this in the west?
sauce me bro
Here's even more: youtube.com
sauce this bitch pls
rosasweet02 iirc
god i just want to suck on some big milkers
>the virgin cinemagoer
>checks out mid-afternoon screenings in German subs to be alone in the room
>the chad Kinoman
>brings explosives, megaphones, stereos, pets and little kids to entertain each others while the flick runs in the background
They’re not as appealing when the takes them out bros, trust me
I'll be the judge of that.
id rather of been at DKR in aurora colorado.... can you think of how much it must stink it there and i dont mean from the fireworks
Indias entire existence is just one giant shitpost.
No milkers for you. Maybe in the next life.
god...i want to suck big squishy boobies so much
I'd rather trust my own observation.
why, because they sag fourteen miles? that's what ridiculously massive milkers do.
up and down up a down up a down up and down up and down up and down up and down
what a fucking kino experience, why aren't theaters like this in europe and america?
Because it's 'dangerous'. You do get the occasional kino experience in the US when someone brings a gun, however.
And that's why huge breasts are shit. Once they reach a certain size they become worse
Hell is being reincarnated as a baby in India.
Get to lay at home in sweats and gyrate your chest for an hour and she probably makes more than this entire board combined.
But the oppressive patriarchy is real
>not liking huge sagging tits
what the fuck is wrong with poo's
If you're lucky then you get eaten by a boar like in that webm.
She probably also has really gross black-colored bologna nipples.
They're not even at the top of the foodchain in their own country
How can white women even compete?
cmon man we are curious
According to stats, easily.
always found the asian guys going for latinas very interesting
Ching chong senorita
Probably because latinas are the hottest brown girls, and seeing all the hentai with brown girls, they seem to have a fetish for them.
There's a huge latino population living in Japan
I can't believe you'd let fellow milktruck lovers down like this
Sometimes I feel so bad for you, burgerclaps, and feel good to not be born there.
American women are the worst, no matter the race.
Even asian women become insufferable in the US.
Do you think her milk is spicy?
ugly mutts
thought that was just the hues living there
i went to school with a dude who looked just like those guys.
I'm not even a tits guy, but I want the source on this woman and I want to see them. I don't care. I'm asking for the source.
Yeah, american "white" women are much better.
and american kinoplex employees complain about having to clean up some popcorn inbetween showings
Oh it's the same tard from the other thread a few days ago. Look, stop posting this pic of your mom. Just because it's an anonymous site doesn't mean you should go overboard.
S _ _ _ _ _ _ G
It's a cultural thing.
America produces nothing but scum.
What's worse is that their culture seeps into the rest of the west like a poison, and eventually makes everyone as horrible as americans.
If you see any blue haired feminists in your country, it's because america poisoned your nation.
>implying the bother cleaning anything at all ever in pajeetland
they literally "bathe" in the Ganges my dude. if you've ever had to work with pajeet H-1Bs you'd also know they have little to no concept of personal hygiene and have to be educated on such matters in the US.
Nice example but isn't the current meme the one where European women are breeding Europe out of existence? The girls you posted seem more like they're trying to impress the men in their lives in this context.
LOL true
>america invented hair dye
>america invented cultural marxism
based eurobrainlets
No, you invented the modern form of feminism.
All the current cancer going on, from SJWs to refugees is because of America.
America is this era's Nazi Germany and Soviet Union, the biggest enemy of the west.
Are you guys who couldn’t find the source all retarded?
No, racemixing in Europe is almost non existant. The problem is if muslims don't stop having 8 kids.
Racemixing is a thing only in multi cultural shitholes like the US. where everyone is pit against each other.
>What's worse is that their culture seeps into the rest of the west like a poison
why are other countries so beta and just accept it?
She is a total fraud. Sorry lads
That's a different person, you faceblind autist. See
Well, you have things like when the CIA was caught trying to push for diversity in eastern european countries.
The USA must be destroyed at any cost.
China and Russia can wait.
>europe is accepting refugees because america
i wish this were true. it would only cement your place as cucked by the US.
>CIA was caught trying to push for diversity in eastern european countries.
I looked but couldn't find any information on this.
No, it's you who are distabilizing the middle east in the first place because you are the lapdogs of Israel.
Also the reason why so many of you are into racemixing, after all, the US is nothing but the jews' masterpiece.
no just lazy
hes thinking of that one article from estonia or some baltic country
Germany was coerced into taking in all those rapefugees I tell you!
>muh jews reeee
based brainlet
oh, so it's nothing. shame.
Of course an Am*rican defends the jews.
You are programmed to defend your masters, after all.
I bet you post on /sg/
>unironically doubles down on autistic /pol/ propaganda
>Why cant we have experiences like this in the west?
Too many white people. Give it a decade and the west will be as brown as this shit hole and you can sperg out to captain woke 7
Even now it's FAR from non existent, user. It honestly sounds like you are curating a world view for yourself. Remember that women are only loyal to the men in charge with 0 loyalty. In a few generations, when the brown youths out number the white youths 10:1 race mixing will "magically" become ubiquitous and you will be blindsided. My point is: stop LARPing and idealising "redpilled" women when they are the ones who will do the most damage.
>i-its just propaganda
Am*riclap in denial.
what are some films about deception?
>Germany was coerced into taking in all those rapefugees I tell you!
(West) Germany is literally a occupied puppet state for the US and always has been since WW2
>Even now it's FAR from non existent
Post stats, then.
shame that 99% of women with nice big looking titties actually look depressingly mediocre with their clothes off.
those are jews, not Christians
also go back to
This looks JUST like my ex.
pretty face
fat saggy tits
In a few generations humanity will be gone.
Thankfully, it's completely deserved.
>posts literal propaganda while claiming it's not
How is it propaganda?
>tfw no indian gf
it hurts bros
>white genocide REEEEE
head on back to your containment board, kiddo.
Holy cow
zoe khadier.
Was a good day when we finally got to see.
Prove that the replacement isn't real, then.
>10 second out of context video of a handful of jewish americans waving the flags of israel and america
>text uses the phrase "burger christcucks"
>created by and spread directly from /pol/ with the intention of causing anger or hate towards jews
wow, the studies about bigots being low IQ really are true.
>unironical usage of "bigots"
Oh boy, on top of being american we also have a millennial here.
Plese, go be cancer elsewhere and finish off your third world nation as soon as possible.
>Prove my baseless, sourceless, emotional fearmongering claims aren't true!
kill yourself retard.
>Theatricality and deception; powerful agents to the uninitiated... but we are initiated, aren't we Bruce? Members of the League of yraps! And you betrayed us by posting a girl with no penis!
Last night an indian man looked at my penis at the urinals and complimented my size. I nearly punched him and called him baka as I walked away. An elderly Japanese man pretended we both did not exist. Indians are a strange type of subhuman. At times they can be more intelligent than the negro, but they have a dull headed perversion. I wish Indians never came to my country.
>gibberish retort
holy shit you're fucking dumb. please stop embarrassing yourself.
>fill Europe with muslims
>muslims, who always have plenty of kids, far more than whites
Nice argument, millennial.
By the way, isn't your obsession with taking in refugees some stupid emotional response?
No, I'm very much a lefty by pol standards. I'm just trying to make user understand that as soon as he posts "beautiful" women who are on "his side" as some type of country argument, all credibility goes out of the window because women unironically have no honor or sense of belonging and will follow whoever's in charge. This is seen throughout history. It shows where user's true values lie and betrays his stoicism. I don't give a fuck about whites or white genocide desu.
So yes, we have an american millennial in here, a fascinating creature.
Are you hyped for le epic Avengers movie?
these faggots still arguing about pol shit?
*Counter argument
I can fap and argue all the time
need some sauce on this.
pls be in London
dios mio..
>muslims, who always have plenty of kids, far more than whites
How many kids did european whites have upon first emigrating to america? how many do they have now? How many kids to educated, westernized muslims have compared to their immigrant parents? Your entire argument is fucking stupid.
tl;dr every single studied group of muslim women who move to western nations see a sharp decrease in average number of children within just one generation.
Until that number is reduced to zero, there's no point in stopping.
They do not belong here.
why should we have any muslims?
my favorit one youtube.com
this is just hilarious
That unironically sounds like a chimp exhibit
>They do not belong here.
i'm sure they're quaking in their boots at the thought of a fat incel on the internet complaining about them trying to live their lives.
Why should we have anyone of any religion? Why should we have anyone at all? What are you going to do about it except wallow in your own misery while blaming others instead of yourself and pissing and moaning on the asshole of the Internet?
Don't blame us when more and more right wing parties keep getting elected and they get kicked out back to the countries that they cowardly ran away from.
If they are not willing to fight for their own nation, why would they have any loyalty to a foreign one?
indian chicks with huge tits are incredible.
dafa afdad adfadf
If you are still deceived by big boobs you're an inexperienced man baby.
Despite the saggy boobs, she could still get my dicke. And a lot of it too. Wew.