Why did Wonder Woman make so little money compared to Captain Marvel? Is it because of star power...

Why did Wonder Woman make so little money compared to Captain Marvel? Is it because of star power? Meaning people didn't know who Gal was but have know Brie for a while. Same could be said for Shazam with people not knowing who Levy is outside of America.

I refuse to believe that the character of Captain Marvel is bigger worldwide that Wonder Woman. What surprised me the most was the fact that Captain Marvel did more domestically (in USA & Canada) than Wonder Woman. Honestly I can't explain that one. I really don't know how that happened. It can't be bad word of mouth since Aquaman made a billion, but truth be told it didn't do that well domestically. So maybe that's why WW didn't outgross CM? Still why didn't WW make more worldwide then? Maybe zoomers just prefer these flicks to the other flicks. IDK. Thanks for reading this blog post

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Captain marvel was more or less positioned as both a prequel and sort of appetizer to the last avengers movie. I think that gave it something like a 50% bump.

because its riding the marvel hype train and people thought they might miss something in Endgame if they didnt watch captain marvel.

Outrage advertising works really well with men.

If you call men incel shitballs instead of be nice to them they will share your movie all over the world and keep doing so for months.

WB didn't buy out their own sits. They aren't on Disney's level when it comes to marketing.

It's this: Not this: Most people watching are literally only watching it because her logo was the end credit scene of Infinity Wat. Myself and most of the people in the theater didn't even know what we had just seen when the logo appeared. Only one guy in the theater knew and was confident enough to say "oh that? That's Captain Marvel" whenthe rest of us were scratching our heads. Normal people don't give a shit about how batshit Brie may or may not be.

If you do end up watching Captain Marvel, watch it for Sam Jackson. The movie is as much Fury's origin story as it is hers and he knocks the roll out of the park.

No, it's this:

This is a fact that is well known in the advertising industry, just that they don't want people to know how profitable it is to be shit to your customers because once they know they might stop reacting the same way.

WB dont have the money to buy their own seats.

But even if Disney "bought the seats" that doesn't or shouldn't mean that CM would make so much more money than WW. I was under impression that WW was a character known all over the world like Batman and Superman. It seems like people don't really care if the character is known rather that is a part of some universe. Even so CM is a literally who to normies and people like myself who don't read comics. At most the movie should have had Shazam numbers, but because it's from Marvel/Disney and is a part of MCU it made/ is making more than movies about characters that are popular all over the world. Then again I bet 1k that Birds of Prey featuring Harley Quinn will not make more than 500 million worldwide.

Because WW was an awful flick.

And CM is any better?

Because DC is shit and Marvel is not.

t. general society

Motherfucker jackson was funny. He carried the movie.

im just glad an all american girl beat a jewess

Because wonder woman had bad dc movies before her, while captain marvel got a free ride in between infinity war and endgame.

CM's numbers are padded, fool. That Green Lantern clone wasn't as well-recieved as the media and shills would have you believe.

Plus to further hedge its profits, Disney released CM so close to Avengers that those who didn't want to miss any part of the MCU had no time to wait for home video, so you either saw it in the theater or you missed a part.

>But even if Disney "bought the seats" that doesn't or shouldn't mean that CM would make so much more money than WW.

Pic related. How adorably naive.

Reminder that movie tickets are the perfect money laundering system...no one's going to say shit about empty theaters except a few confused movie goers. The theaters are desperate to stay alive, in the face of streaming.

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>Because wonder woman had bad dc movies before her, while captain marvel got a free ride in between infinity war and endgame.
If you go by that Aquaman should have flopped not make a billion dollars.

Well, WW earned a positive reception before Aquaman was released and the former didn't at all, DCEU-wise. Yeah, JL bombed but I think the fact that Aquaman got a fresh rating was enough. Audiences can only go a few months without capeshit like they're fucking junkies now. And Aquaman just absolutely murdered it overseas, the chinese ate that shit up and it also positioned itself well in that fairly open holiday corridor to do well domestically.

>didn't at all
didn't have that with other films before it is what I meant.

The theory that Disney bought out all those seats or gave away free tickets is plausible though. These companies don't give a fuck, when push comes to shove they'll do whatever it takes to at least salvage the situation. I'm just surprised the retarded executives green lit captain marvel in this incarnation. Aside from Larson being a cunt they gave it the blandest story possible; I'm open to the fact that the Feige brothers didn't want captain marvel shoehorned in their but were forced to (adam warlock from GotG 2 being the original idea).

You could ask why it's done better in it's first go around than almost every MCU A-lister's first vehicle despite not being a really notable character. It's down to timing and positioning. And maybe some funny business, who knows.

They are both meh, but CM is meh all way through and ends with ps4 cutscene action, while WW starts better but completely falls apart near the end and has ps3 gameplay so you leave remembering movie at its worst. Also while women like Chris Pyne and romance plot, just fucking look at social media, they are going batshit crazy about Captain Marvel the character, they are giving one of the best legs of any capeshit to her and late 30s early 40s crowd is also lowing this shit (mostly for nostalgia, Sam Jackson and cat).

What social media are you on? Don't tell me you pay attention to the shills with the Carol avatars and take that to mean anything.

>perfect money laundering system
>lose 50-75% of money
>there are more departments monitoring it than most drug shops
>actual money laundering in industry is and always was production since nobody monitors what and how you spend during it
>polcels pretending to know anything

Go to twitter, instagram or facebook. Try searching something other than #NotMyCaptainMarvel

You act like that shit is out of the ordinary. That kind of shit pops up for every movie. And then it's onto the next flavor soon enough. I remember sudden fans of Aquaman and profile pics of the movie everywhere and gone the next.

>they are going batshit crazy about Captain Marvel the character
Why is that? If anything WW is or was a feminist icon, so why didn't she receive this kind of treatment from those people? I'm 100% almost nobody had even heard of CM before last year.

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>What surprised me the most was the fact that Captain Marvel did more domestically (in USA & Canada) than Wonder Woman.
Captain Marvel: 401,380,764
Wonder Woman: $412,563,408
What did OP (Overdosedon Penises) meant by this?


In the publishing world there have long been PR outfits that buy up a set number of copies of particular books in order to get them on the JYT Best Seller's list.

It's like that but for movies.

>I'm surprised no one's set up a fake movie house or two in order to cash in on that btw.

People watch anything Marvel. It's completionism. They aren't actually interested n half this shit.

A non Marvel/Non DC cape shit movie that was actually better would be a major flop compared to the next Marvel movie no matter how awful it is.

Because WB didn't buy their own tickets

>they are giving one of the best legs of any capeshit to her
it's not even doing 3x

Because everyone hates DC

Black Panther tier legs hombre

>hy did Wonder Woman make so little money

people were expecting Gadot would be in shape
but everyone got frustrated
Wonder Woman is synonymous with woman with big tits, big tits, fat ass and some muscles
the male audience did not go to see

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she's still far more attractive than cheese larson

only soibois find them attractive
they might be more attractive but they refuse
maybe they think they are super models

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Ironically it was because of the haters. CM fans, most of whom are sjws, want to prove them wrong so they worked extra hard to get people in the cinemas and watched the film more times than usual. WW didn’t have a lot of negativity surrounding it, the only controversy was a disgruntled former employee calling it a mess, other than that there was no political furor unlike Captain Marvel. I suppose you could say that Marvel should thank Yea Forums or /pol/ and the alt-right in general for causing such an effect.

Wonder Woman did really bad internationally compared to domestic which is very rare for Capeshit

people are expecting something like that

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Marvel is a bigger franchise.
Marvel has build up to Infinity War conclusion.
Marvel spent absurd amounts on marketing.
DC squandered a lot of good will with their shit films.

lol no

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>Myself and most of the people in the theater didn't even know what we had just seen when the logo appeared.

This desu. I didn't know what it was until someone explained it in some YouTube review. I watched CM because I was curious about how they'll do a severely overpowered hero, how overpowered she'll be, and because it was posed as a kind of buddy cop movie where she teams up with a young Nick Fury.

I don't give two shits about the fucking /pol/ outrage, I grew up on Buffy and Captain Kathryn Janeway I have zero problem with badass female protagonists. In fact we could do with a few more. All these hero groups look like a sausage fest with that one token female character that's barely utilized and barely relevant, like Widow. I was happy when they added Scarlet Witch and I was hoping for a Rescue after IM3 because I heard that's a thing in the comics. Bit sad it took this long for that to happen. And that it's just a parallel reality version.

Marvel/Disney is really not that good on the liberal front. Like they do a lot of lip service but doesn't put their money where their mouth is.

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Because DC films had an awful track record beforehand while Marvel has been riding a continuous high. It's not about the character, it's about the brand. You could have a literally inanimate plank of wood be the main character in a Marvel film and it'll still make shit tons of money.

wonder woman and more famous in the world than 90% of the marvel characters
So Wonder Woman should have made a lot more money.
but warner seems satisfied

that pic doesn't look good tho. It makes her look fat

Wonder Woman could make more money if she had
> Best Action Stories
> best fight scenes
> a more physical fight at the end of the movie
> Gadot with blue lenses
> leotard suit could be used at least once

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You have to think about the male audience.

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>Why did Wonder Woman make so little money compared to Captain Marvel?

Wonder Woman was a good movie that came after a long line of shitty movies.
Captain Marvel was a shitty movie that came after a long line of mostly good or at least OK movies. It also came right before the finale-movie of the series.

Simple as that.

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>All PR = Good PR

This is asinine logic that is contradictory to reality.

Captain Marvel was positioned to make money no matter what, and if anything the antagonistic marketing made it under-perform, rather than over-perform.

gal is cute

how fake is this pic?

same multiplier for both though, meaning both liked it, but it opened really low overseas

90% of people have no fucking clue about the "outrage" nobody reads this shit like you think they do. you don't know what the fuck you're talking about because you're an idiot who lives in a bubble.

This is true, but she is playing a fucking Amazon "The" Amazon
It is sad to see the lack of commitment

Not only the leg day stuff
But she needs to work the hips too


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