Marvel's Ultraman Comics
Title: The Rise of Ultraman
Co-writters: Kyle Higgins and Mat Groom
Artist: Francesco Manna
Marvel's Ultraman Comics
Title: The Rise of Ultraman
Co-writters: Kyle Higgins and Mat Groom
Artist: Francesco Manna
I really like the lil dudes on the towers waving their arms frantically, trying to tell Ultraman that he's facing the wrong direction.
Good thing Higgins didn't learn his lesson with the autists from PR and decided to go with the superior show.
Dude on the left is Alien Baltan and the dude on the right is Gomora. Gomora is the best monster.
So TsuPro really is diving into trying to make Ultraman an official worldwide brand starting this year. With this comic series and an official english Ultraman Twitter account they're pretty much on the way.
Looks normal as fuck. Which is very fucking good. Glad it doesn't look like woke trash at all. Similar to power ranger series.
Let's hope they pull it off this time. The last time didn't do well for them in the 90s.
TsuPro keeps a tight leash on things. It'll be forgettable at worst and okay at best. Which means it's a homerun compared to most of what Marvel is putting out right now.
Forgettable at worst and ok at best is like 90% of marvel’s output now though. The only really fucking bad ones are Avengers and anything to do with Iron Man
Hey, I'll take forgettable any day. I'm really glad it's just the one miniseries and not something like that lazy Attack on Titan "crossover".
I wish it was something other than a modern reimagining of the original Ultraman. Mainly since we've had great reimaginings of the basic premise before (The Next, Neos, Max and (to a certain extent) Tiga).
I bet we can fit the entire audience for this comic book in a single thread!
Like five people not named Akira Yoshida will buy the book. It'll be a big ol' flop.
I'm not really sure about the blatant superhero build. I dunno, maybe that's kind of the point considering the fake pecs on every Ultra but I honestly feel like they didn't really have to give them generic superhero builds here.
I only care if this has any crossover with the rest of Marvel later. If not, meh. It will be just another Ultraman comic.
How many pages in before some degeneracy or annoying niggers?
looks great.
I would wager that the SSSP being entirely Japanese is not diverse enough. Muramatsu will probably be a big black dude. Arashi will now be a no-nonsense latina, pardon me, "latinx" woman. Not sure what they'll turn Ide into. Hayata will still be Japanese and I'm pretty sure Kiki is just a weird nickname for Fuji.
So what are the chances this will be gloomy as shit like japanese supaidaman
will with peni parker. trust me marvel japan verse will come in the near future.
These designs make me hype. Hopefully the stories are going to be "weird scifi stories that end with giant monster fight".
Not against an overall story, but I want the Science Patrol to constantly be in weird shit at first.
My only exposure to ultraman is the netflix cartoon. Garbage. man does not get big once.
Redpill me on "Ultraman"
What are the chances that the writers will try to insert SJW stuff into Ultraman like they did with the Power Rangers comics?
But he's on Ultraman
Looks like they're following the plot of the original series. That's cool, if that's the case the run will probably be a retelling of the first show as a means of introducing newcomers to the series.
What if Abin Sur fused with Hal Jordan instead of dying and giving him the ring. The duo(?) proceed to hunt down both the alien criminals that escaped from Ultraman's crashed ship and new ones that seek to invade earth from distant stars. Complicating matters is that the Hal Jordan equivalent is part of Earth's earnest but badly outgunned fledgling planetary defence force, so much secret identity shenanigans ensue.
>not black or a woman
Imagine if the Outer Limits or Twilight Zone had a connecting linchpin in the form of a team of scientists and professionals who investigate and deal with the problem. And that the problem ends with a giant monster and the alien space officer fighting it.
still thinking Mangaverse Captain Marvel was a waste of a chance: should have been Rick Jones fusing with the alien Kree Cop Captain Mar-Vell and switching places for up to 3 minutes\day to fight various monsters and aliens
Sounds good, thanks anons
Can't be much worse than the more recent shows.
When did Boom Rangers become "SJW"?
tfw it's just a re-imagining of classic Ultraman and not marvel making their own Ultraman character
Outside of lore issues I don't really see what's so bad about Ultraman Taiga
>Outside of lore issues I don't really see what's so bad about Ultraman Taiga
Who cares about lore? Lore in Ultraman has rarely ever mattered outside of merch pandering. I just think the New Gen shows are boring. The only stories they seem interested in telling 80% of the time are the ones about Bandai's profit margins.
Doing a kind of reboot of the original series is a bit of a boring move to me, but it all comes down to the writing. Manna's art isn't anything terribly special but he's competent.
>Renaming Fuji as Kiki
For what purpose?
As long as my main man Baltan gets a cool appearance, I think I’ll be happy.
I'm guessing it's a nickname derived from Akiko. It's terrible and cutesy, though.