They are gonna keep making her the Mary Sue femgirl service, aren't they?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Arya: I'm NO ONE

Now, everytime i see her face i remember that worldwide dykes end up utterly and eternally BTFO. And this makes me happy.

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and then she disappears
good times

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i cringed so fucking hard during this scene

She will die but not a virgin death


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No she dies in the next episode.

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kinda hard when she's gonna die

I really hope 90% of them dies and we will get a bad ending...normies will be so BTFO some of them will probably an hero over this.

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I think this line is foreshadowing to Gendry getting white'd and running after her. Arya will finally understand that even with her La Forma El Sonico Nino, she isn't as strong as she thinks she is.

>A bad ending, he doesn’t know jon and dragongril kill Tyrion after they take the iron throne.

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What about this face.

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>she wants to experience sex before the end
>tell her okay, we start by you putting your forehead on the floor and keeping it there

problem solved

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Not her

>I can’t believe these nerds still want to see this goblin naked, I can’t believe I need to do this.

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I do hope they don't drop the fact she killed a recruit of the Faceless Men, broke her training and pledge, and just fucking left with super powers. They might not have the gall to kill her this way, but dying without doing anything while watching her friends/family fight by being stabbed in the back by a Faceless Man would be perfect.

Exactly my thoughts.

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this is so retarded it will definitely be there

>it's okay when tolkien does it

Tolkien didn't do it

It's more a homage to Homer's Odyssey

>Gendry was impressed with some knife chucking after seeing a literal zombie horde

>no man can kill me
>I’m not a man.
Stabs scary black helmet man in face.

>tolkien made the movies
are you retarded

this was quite pointedly established in the second scene of the first episode of the first season

It went a bit differently in the books and the sword is what killed him not her womyn powers

she's not a dyke

This girl is way more insufferable. It's the TV version of "My 7 years kid is really Woke" on Twitter

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I'm sure as a native of flea bottom and someone who trades with armour/swords he must have had the opportunity to see the fookin legend Carl Tanner in action at Gin Alley.

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arya has plot armor and badly written lines
but this cunt is literlaly spouting about how strong she is and she is in charge and is the lady of bear island and what not and the writers make all the adults comply to her as if she has any clue what's going on
completely out of place

It was the plan of the faceless men all along.

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We appreciate the critic, OP. However, despite not being many people's favourite character, Arya did have 7 seasons of building up. She might have always been a tomboy but she was never overpowered from episode 1. Yes, she was shown to be good at archery, but that's not quite a particular thing. She has suffered enough and went through a lot of shit.

>She has suffered enough and went through a lot of shit.
So did we seeing her on screen every episode.

She's shown running in fear of something in the trailer, so I'm guessing she's not just going to be going all Darth Maul on the army of wights.

This. Fucking movie fans actually believe Hackson was faithful to the books.

>La Forma El Sonico Nino
i dont know what this means, but im already laughing

It was also retarded when HACKSON(not Tolkien) did it

Remember that time she got mortally wounded lmao

>stabbed in the gut
>swimming through sewer shit water
>is totally fine

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She's (was?) the hero of the dykes around the world because they claim Arya a lesbian but after last episode...BTFO.

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well that was pretty specific

I hope that tweet is real.

could be worse
imagine they pull of a lord of the rings "i am no man" shit with dany

It is.

yeah this. she failed but jaqen/faceless god lets her live because she's doing what they wanted anyway. she's going to die like a bitch. shame because I liked her character (in the books). then again at least 80% of the cast are going to die this season so what does it matter?

my spanish is quite bad but I think that translates to "the shape [of] the little sonic"

Am I the only one who got really disgusted when Arya started to undress? That goblin gave me physical shivers, I was dry heaving.


Its actually very well done in the books

>Éowyn: Be gone, foul dwimmerlaik, lord of >carrion! Leave the dead in peace!

>Nazgûl: Come not between the Nazgul and his >prey! Or he will not slay thee in thy turn. He >will bear thee away to the houses of >lamentation, beyond all darkness, where thy >flesh shall be devoured, and thy shriveled mind >be left naked to the Lidless Eye.

>Éowyn: Do what you will, but I will hinder it, if I >may.

>Nazgûl: Hinder me? Thou fool. No living man >may hinder me!

>Éowyn: But no living man am I! You look upon >a woman. Éowyn I am, Eomund's daughter. >You stand between me and my lord and kin. >Be gone, if you be not deathless! For living or >dark undead, I will smite you, if you touch him.

Based and redpilled.

all women in GoT are mary sues you retard

Best character in the show but redditfags will still complain.

>Bad ending

what is gonna happen is that Bobby fucking B is gonna come back from the dead thanks to some magic shit and he will BTFO the night king himself and the serie will end with him laughing and drinking his wine on the iron throne after having made Daenerys docile with only one taste of the BOBBY D

face it this would be the best ending ever in any work of fiction

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she just became unattractive and a fraud by actually having consensual sex and taking control, don't worry about them, lol.

That's way too much power and being a Mary Sue 101. (ツ)_/¯

I believe shes just overconfident in her abilities, and thinks that the white walkers aren't that big of a deal. However, when Arya actually sees them, she'll be terrified and completely break down.


Has he backtracked yet

No, he doubled down.

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Europe really is going further and further right isn't it? I just hope the same happens in my country before some pozzed politician ruins everything

man, what a well written and poetic dialogue that conveys actual emotion and character rather leaning on political tropes to draw in an audience

not woke enough tho get out

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Quite based. Hope he keeps it up

Is posting this chick the new Baneposting? I see her everywhere


>Europe really is going further and further right isn't it?
I think its the normal, most reasonable, response to clown world.

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>tfw DABID lurk here and they probably took note of this one

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Why did they think anyone wanted to see Goblin Queen of British genetics have sex with Thorium Brotherhood blacksmith


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The difference is that she has to act tough because she's the Lady of her house and has to lead all those tough veterans. You can even tell she's unsure of herself sometimes. Arya on the other hand just walks around with that smug look on her face and her superpowers

>a shithole in the Mediterranean

Learn to read, discord tranny.

If literally any other faceless man said that you’d be fine with it

You madman, you just called it

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Mary Sue starts off perfect, Arya had an epic arc and the culmination is her being a badass.


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What’s sad about TV is they didn’t read the books so they don’t know he’s referencing a warning Glorfindel made in the second age to Earner of Gondor to prevent him from chasing the Witch King to his doom after Angmar.

Since Glorfindel isn’t even a character in the books this whole back story is not present and the line doesn’t really make much sense which makes it really easy to read as feminist when it’s not.

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I wager my left nut that these parents pushed him to wear dresses and makeup and he didn´t naturally choose it. And now they go all out about how progressive they are.

Would you fug her?

>what's your name Night King?
>that is my name.
>who are your people?
>I have no people.
>You have no one.... so you're.... Solo
>welcome to the army of the dead Night King Solo

>family minister
u wot

This is the lamest shit you retards have pushed in a while. And the best part is no one one will ever love you faggots in any way.

>tfw born after the agricultural revolution

>Night King and his army are outside the doors of Winterfell, Sansa is at the front gate.
>Sansa: I wish to speak to the Night King
>Night King: Give up your kingdom and die peacefully..
>Sansa: I am waiting for the Night King
>Sansa: I will wait then
>Camera focuses on Night King's face as his troops are snickering behind his back

And also the enchanted Barrow-downs dagger Meriadoc was wielding severed the Witch-Kings connection to Sauron, allowing Éowyn to kill him.

Seems logical, considering globalists are attacking the traditional family like never before.

I just think it's funny that Arya had sex before all you losers.

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Night King: That's cold...

>just her
it;s every woman on the show user


mmmmm what a sex symbol!!

>Ice to meet you

>forgetting the "Hello, ME" before "I'm NO ONE"
do you even d&d?

They did that with Dany in an earlier season. Something like
>All men must die, but we are not men.

>I think its the normal, most reasonable, response to clown world.
You. are. the. only. user. that. says. clownworld. Bitch.

what's so funny about a girl getting fucked before us? that's bound to happen to every person with a vagina - free sex, all the time, with whoever you want (within reason of course).


It was in the books, though not as on the nose.

Wow a woman got a dick in her vagina? What an accomplishment.

It was also the same in the movie, WK only went down after merry stabbed him with the dagger Galadriel gave him which I guess filled in for the sword he got from the barrows in the books.

Jesus fucking Christ.

don't have to be faithful to the books when the film trilogy you're making is actively better


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My pussy hurt for an entire week after I lost my virginity. I cant imagine a worse prep for the biggest battle in history.

>Wow a woman got a dick in her vagina? What an accomplishment.
And by demanding it.

I am going to go try that today. Wish me luck.

you'll never pass.

but that's a boipucci user.

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Unironically, this might just happen.

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