so...are trans welcome on Themyscira?
So...are trans welcome on Themyscira?
have guys ever been banned
They would probably be viewed as men trying to disguise as females so probably not
The stories have been going since 1941, so you get weird "oh but this ONE story said..." shit, but overall... nah. The Perez relaunch even made a point of saying that the island, when it opened itself up to the outside world, encouraged people from all over to come and find out about the Amazons. Men and women went.
Eh, depends when the story takes place.
For a while, DC seemed intent on portraying the Amazons as batshit crazy killing machines. Trannies probably wouldn't be too welcome there.
But in their other incarnations where they're supposed to be especially enlightened, they probably would be open to transgendered people
but lets say they really went to close off the from men. would they turn away trannies? (even the most passable trannies)
See, with the Amazons advanced technology, and philosophical teachings, they can cure them of their condition.
Would they cure their mind or their body?
Was it Simone who said trans women were welcome on Themyscira? I know some writer tweeted about it once and she seems to talk a lot.
Depending on which version of the amazons though. Most would probably see a man wanting to be a woman as a net gain and maybe they have the magic to actually make it happen.
>Was it Simone who said trans women were welcome on Themyscira?
why does simone get to decide making these decisions for characters older than them?
Probably their mind
>Okay, but let's say they're written unlike how they've usually been written...
Okay, you're mentally retarded.
They're fictional characters, and can be written however the fuck the author wants them to be written. But with the exception of Azzarello's weird blip and the universally reviled "Amazons Attack" nobody at note from DC has written them as being hateful toward men. For the vast majority of the characters' nearly 80 year history, they're not thrilled with the direction the outside world took, but not misandrysts either.
Before 10 years ago the answer would’ve been absolutely. Though Wonder Woman herself is characterized by her compassion for others, the rest of the Amazons are firmly committed to the idea that men are the driving force behind world hardship, and considering all Amazons are biologically female with all frame of reference for masculinity being bad, they would probably scoff at the idea of a man calming to be a woman by tucking his penis back and growing out his hair.
Nowadays though there’d be some bullshit metropolitan excuse for why an island of stuck in ancient time Greek chicks would understand shit like “gender identity”.
But gender isn't an identity, it's a classification.
That cunt has been throwing her weight around on social media for close to a decade making sweeping statements, biting the hand that feeds her, and ignoring any contradictory information offered as “mansplaining”.
dumbasses like to believe that Ancient Greece was this super leftist paradise and not some ultra rapey shithole
>why does simone get to decide making these decisions for characters older than them?
I'm laughing my ass off at this. Wonder Woman was created by William Moulton Marston. Now Yea Forums has iffy knowledge of the man, with a few people floating around that have decent knowledge about him, and a lot of idiots posting with vague recollections of what they heard, and a few people talking outright nonsense. But not many people have read his academic work. His last big publication as a psych professor was "Emotions of Normal People," which was notable mainly for being absolutely bizarre for the time when it was published. Marston suggested utterly kooky shit, like... people that think that they're mentally a different gender from who they are physically? People that are attracted to the same gender? Those folks need to stop being ashamed of themselves, need to stop thinking of themselves as horrible deviants, and should accept themselves as a different kind of normal.
I guarantee you, if Marston was around today he'd be fine with transexuals on the island, would be decidedly unthrilled with the violence levels in the book (it was created to be an alternative to books where violence always saved the day - seriously, that's how he pitched it to DC, a way to smooth things over a bit with growing anti-violence would-be-censors), and would be frankly pissed with the daughter-of-Zeus origin.
Tell that to the left. If it wasn’t an identity then they would be so angry about the concept of a binary choice. Like say if your hair is red but you want it to be black, if you don’t dye it, then people are going to call you a red head. I don’t care if you’re a brunet on the inside, physically you’re ginger. So either dye it the color you really want or shut the fuck up when someone ”miscolors” you.
>Okay, you're mentally retarded.
actually im autistic
Moulton Marston is a cuck lol
I literally said that as stuck in ancient times Greek chicks they wouldn’t be progressive by modern standards. Pay the fuck attention.
I sincerely doubt you were reading Wonder Woman "before 10 years ago."
Rucka would not be down with what you're saying. Nor would Jimenez. Nor would Len Wein. Nor would George Perez.
...You might get John Byrne on your side, but his run was pretty poor.
>would be so angry
"Tranny" is a derogatory term. OP even provided the correct term to use.
>He's a cuck!
Man walked home to his wife and said "honey, this is my mistress, and she's living with us from now on. You're interested in having a good career, and a divorce would be bad for both of us, right?"
He may have been into weird as fuck shit and god only knows what kind of dom-sub stuff happened in his bedroom, but he literally had his wife and bedroom sharing the same roof and raising his kids.
The only depiction I know of this kind of situation is when that exiled Amazon in Demon Knights fell in love with Ystin, believing they were a girl.
Wife and mistress, rather.
I wasn't disagreeing with you.
bitch i've been here since 2006
And you're still getting triggered over 'tranny'?
no, they're men and as such are responsible for all the shitty things in the world
>that marvel comic where they shame Hercules for hitting on a chick with “what would your father say?”
I don’t get these people, have they literally not read anything about Ancient Greece at all in their lives?
An enlightened society would see how stupid the trans movement is and try to make them come back to their senses.
Of course not. They ignore/argue with anything that doesn't agree with their worldview.
I know that too much /pol/ rots your brain, but having a wife and a mistress living with you under the same roof only makes you a cuckold if you Alan Moore it.
as long as conservatives sit as directors of big pharmaceuticals giants and leftist morons are more than willing to do make sure the big pharma scam keeps rolling without a hitch, this will never be the case.
Well our society is far from enlightened. We're currently in the other side of the spectrum, this is the latest version of Romanticism and Baroque. The triumph of irrationality and feeling over thinking.
Then understand that inquiring with anyone but the author about the hypothetical stance of a vaguely and inconsistently, even wildly contradictorily described fictional people on a topic never addressed in the original work is beyond meaningless.
Hell, the various writers at various points in time may even give completely different answers.
Well, half right on that one.
Doesn't that comic also have Hercules think about it and then imagine Zeus saying way-to-go son?
I'm not "triggered" at all. You're the one getting booty blasted about being wrong.
>no u
What ever you say, buddy.
Thanks for conceding to my point :)
Depends on continuity? Some would reject them, some would purple ray the shit out of them then act depending on what they came out as. Or whatever.
Still a cuck
Well, let me put it like this
I know trannies consider the word "tranny" as a slur.
I just don't give a fuck, and if they are triggered by it, even better.
If they were to make an arc about today it would probably be a few Amazon objecting spouting off word for word TERF talking points. They would make tranny a complete crybaby. Then something would happen where the tranny saves or defeats the TERFs. They learn the error of their ways and accept the tranny as a woman and as an amazon. So basically, yes they would be welcomed.
Amazons are literally warrior Terfs...So no.
Grant Morrison approached this exact thing on Earth One. Diana was all like, "Yeah you're fine, don't worry about it" and Morrison is a hardcore TERF so if even he accepts it, I'm inclined to believe that this is canon linewide. Then again, Diana is extremely kinky in Earth One so that might have been his intent.
If you don't want to use that as evidence, then let's say that it's an extremely fraught question on Themyscira, like it is for women in real life. Some Amazons wholeheartedly support trannies, some of them see them as men infiltrating, some see them as women cursed with a false manhood, some think some other thing. It's dumb for any single group to have one opinion and one opinion only.
>women cursed with a false manhood
This is the first post to write something that I could see an Amazon actually saying in the comics.
Now they’re all terfs.
It's 2020 so realistically they wouldn't be written as excluding trannies (except maybe if they wrote some offshoot of amazons as TERF villains).
>Morrison is a hardcore TERF
I don't remember for sure if it was her I just remember seeing a writer tweet about it.
And to be fair I don't think too many people were thinking about trans women in a fictional all women society decades ago - trans issues only seemed to come to the forefront in the last few years.
And yet you think a derogatory term on Yea Forums is worthy of note
He dated a terf in the 90s and came out hating trannies. That's where the U-Men came from.
>mutants trapped in human bodies
>takes X-gene hormones
>actually a creepy sex cult that kills young mutants to harvest their organs
>can't exist outside of life support exoskeletons
>have ruined their lives with their own inadequacy and fetishism
He also refuses royalties for Invisibles and Doom Patrol out of shame for creating Fanny and Danny, which is why they never go out of print.
Naw they dont care for that trans shit. They are pretty fuck you overall.
Source please for doom patrol info
Whatever, tranny
I support trans rights and all that, but dude, we're on Yea Forums. Do you really think this is the time and place to fight this battle?
>Amazons are literally warrior Terfs
They're not that at all though.
No; Just like everywhere else.
If you don't think the amazons have some kind of sex change ray then you clearly don't know the amazons.
These are the correct answers. I particularly like the purple ray post because it allows everyone to be at least a little right.
>actual tran? Cool you're a woman now welcome to the club sister
>came out as a dude? Okay, now your mental illness is cured, go back to Man's World, please never come back.
Okay Terf.
But what if this is a man and not a feminist?
No, let it keep talking. Terf autism is even funnier than tranny autism.
The Father Ted guy is a terf despite being a man. Plus, the Ben Shapiro types get mad when you call them a terf, which is a bonus.
This would be a good early WW story.
>Diana invites other Amazons to hang out in Man's World
>they bring the sex change ray and use it willy-nilly
>conflict ends with them being satisfied that at least some of their victims like it.
I always thought he was a bit of a tranny-enthusiast, what with Lord Fanny and his scathing comments on that one Howard Chaykin book(Black Kiss?)
Chaos magick has cross-dressing as part of its rituals to challenge people's assumptions and the status quo. He probably thought being trans was an outshoot of that.
>becomes an actual discussion
What the fuck is going on, did I fall into a pre-/pol/ time warp?
Some versions pretty much are though.
At the very least a version where Amazon's would kill all of the males of a population and keep the women they are clearly not going to like Transgenderism at all.
You know I wasn't thinking about trans men at all - honestly with how pro-woman they are I could see them being horrified by one of their own suddenly going 'actually I'm a man'. Could see them encouraging said person to reconsider/stay a woman.
Wtf, I knew Morrison was based but this makes me like him even more
Oh yeah the sick ducks who hate trans people need to be fought everywhere they cant have little miserable dens to crawl back to if we want to improve society and stamp out this kind of shit we need to check them no matter where they are
I was thinking more like, transphobes that think all trannies are mentally ill could be correct in that some of them become cis when they're Purple Rayed, but I could see that becoming a problem. I'd like to think they'd be disappointed but understanding, or see them as men that don't want to aspire beyond their station.
If that's no good, it would be interesting if they have like, a whole cluster of trans people waiting for Purple Ray treatment, and when they see how the amazons react to trans men, the trans women would be like, "what the fuck did you just say" and get pissed on his behalf.
Cool. So you're here to shitpost and derail the topic. How are you better than /pol/? Besides being right.
Epic. I hope it does. These idiots don't know anything about ancient cultures. In mythology, Greek gods were prayed to for prowess in battle, good crops...and to PLEASE leave our womenfolk alone!!
Personally, I assumed he was joking.
Incidentally, was Yea Forums created 2006 or 2007?
nah, trans aren't women
Only if they are as hot as a woman
that's a big girl...
2006 or 2007. I remember us being established enough to do Blue Lantern memes by the time Obama became a national figure.
You guys know that upon being asked that, the wind was knocked out of Herc's sails and he realizes he was being an asshole, right? The joke was Captain Manchuria's complete lack of understanding for Greek mythology outside of what Hercules boasts about.
>how do you think the Zeus you keep boasting about would react to knowing his son is acting like a drunken assaulter of women? hmm?
"way to go, son!"
Speaking of trans, who is the captain america looking person?
Captain America 2099. She's cis. Her husband's an Alchemax agent that turned her into a super-soldier sleeper agent. You tell her "dismissed" and she shrinks back down to a normal woman that doesn't know she's Cap. "Assemble" and she gets swole and her programming activates.
And no, we never actually see her transform. I know, I was disappointed too.
I suppose the op and vein of discussion were less obnoxious than most
What the fuck is cis?
Cisgender. Not trans. Like heterosexual vs. homosexual. It's an actual word, not something they made up.
A municipality in Italy and 2 villages in Poland.
i kinda had question in the back of my mind for a while now. thought i hear what guys or gals think
Well, trangenders women yes because they're cured from the male disease.
Transexuals probably not because they don't want to hate the gender they were born into
what tranny and tranny-enthusiasts call normal people to contrast them with the gender-confused
Amazons preach love. They preach peace.
Their failure to forgive, to turn the other cheek, their choice to take an eye for an eye, was the sin that they were banished to Themyscira forever for.
The Amazons were created to embody the type of world where all are accepted as sister and brother.
The original curse for them to lose their immortality if a man set foot on the island was... Inspired by Marston's beliefs in the sanctity of woman, and to explain how they could remain an all female society. I think the character has evolved past that now, as feminism has evolved.
Wonder Woman has always been about leading the world to a better way, not creating a better way just for herself.
What issue is that image from?
Why do right-wingers jerk-off over individualism and call people they don't like npcs but when it comes to trans people they are literally reduced to arguing that an individuals concept of self identity doesn't or shouldn't exist?
the hair makes me think it's a Jill Thompson illustrated one
Yes, a Jill Thompson one. #48, where Diana and Donna first meet and fight Circe.
There are lots of reasons, but mostly it's that they're hypocrites that just want everyone to have to follow their extremely limited worldview.
>No, not like that.
I think most of the MAJOR anti-trans figures (Shapiro, Linehan, etc) are secretly chasers that are afraid this makes them gay, but who knows really.
Both left and right want everyone to follow their shit views and cry when the other side does the same.
It's hilarious to watch them throw shit at each other the retreat to their twitter/discord circlejerk group claiming victory.
Why does Yea Forums seems to be unable to think or talk about anything but trans cock nowadays. Does the constant debate about black cocks stealing your woman away stopped making your pee pee hard ?
I don't fucking care if they put trans women in media as long as they are hot
It's the new right-wing wedge issue, like fags were in the Bush Jr. era.
/pol/ has infested every board on this cursed-ass site.
Do the math.
Based. 100% based
>She's cis.
Nah, sounds like trans with extra steps.
Cis itself refers to a molecule chain that bounds same atoms, like a double double carbon.
Got used by a German peer review paper to denote straight people. The alphabet community uses it as a double entendre insult/name for straight people.
>used by a German peer review paper to denote straight people
Is there anything on this planet that Germans didn't destroy?
This all sounds like complete bullshit, user.
>Nah, sounds like trans with extra steps.
How? She's a woman, straight, and has two kids. You can't get further from trannies if you tried.
I swear, in a couple months you guys will want to ban women from comics just in case any of them are one day retconned to be trans.
No but don't tell them that or they'll have a meltdown
That's not a bad idea.
Oh, yeah, I like the sound of it. Let's do it /pol/ros!
Trannies are biologically male or female. So they would reject mtf and probably also ftm for seeing them as weak
That would be fitting and explain why she is the peak female form. And also hot considering a dick and tits
Dunno. I reckon you'd have to ask them.