/WTG/ - Wat Tambor General

Attached: TamborBoomHeadshot.jpg (760x876, 584K)

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based Wat

Ok this is epic

dude look like tooth lol

enamel or some lmao

whats a wat haha i made a pun kinda, a play on word

Lmao, aight, I'm bout say it

Thread theme

I congratulate the techno union for their victory in the dubstep wars.

This is that dude who twists his nipples right?

Attached: Wat_tambor_unmasked.jpg (296x308, 36K)


Literally the only reason I saw this shitfest in theaters. Once I heard Wat was gonna be there it was a go

He stole the Ark of the Covenant.

Attached: Ark of the Covenant02.jpg (1920x812, 262K)

big if true

Yo this CGI dumbass not real Wat

>Tambor Wat and his Techno Union
>Jango Fett/Boba Fett and their bass charges
>General Grievous and his voice modulator
>Droids in general
The Seperatists have supreme taste in audio technology

The Techno Union army *FSGQVSHBZUDBZUDBUZBDHVzhdbzubDNZINDUZBUBDZUbZUDb* is at your disposal, Count.


Attached: star_wars__attack_of_the_clones___wat_tambor_by_10th_letter-d637w6e.jpg (375x526, 63K)

what about yaddle?

Attached: iu.jpg (400x485, 28K)


no thanks man

Why did he move that knob and sound all retarded for a couple seconds if his voice was already fine and didn’t need any adjustment. His voice sounded the same before and after

it could be worse

Attached: Plo Koon.jpg (1440x1080, 93K)

based pusy poster

mad lad

I believe you mean to ask, "which tambor?"



I wish there was a bigger focus on B1s
they are so cool

Attached: B1 Commander.png (510x680, 241K)

war thunder general?