Why does anyone like this stupid show...

Why does anyone like this stupid show? Even in the 90s when it was supposedly good it was just a south park and family guy clone

Attached: 220px-The_Simpsons–S23.jpg (220x220, 20K)

dunno lol

excellent sense of humour fellow 4channeler

Personally I like the sneed part

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sneed flanders


(Wife Formerly Alive)

That can't be a real smear can it?
What ep?


Attached: moe.jpg (262x234, 14K)

Attached: i heart sneed.png (200x252, 7K)



Attached: moe.png (262x234, 55K)

Based. I love Sneed.
Stop pretending to be me.

Attached: moe approves 2.png (262x233, 57K)

Hey zoomers. The Simpsons was the Rick and Morty of its time only better.

Fuck you, fucking sneedshitter scum. You're not me.

Attached: worst meme ever.jpg (640x480, 44K)

Get fucked Comic Book Guy. Your store is ours now.

Attached: sneed's dungeon.jpg (434x320, 122K)




oh he's sneething now

Attached: moe gun.png (598x417, 401K)

I can't imagine anyone watches it expecting to laugh anymore, I grew up loving the Simpsons and tried watching the new season on Hulu..didn't even crack a smile

mouth in a neutral uncracked expression (formerly smiling)

It's almost 5am time for bed everyone

Sneed posting is very snide ;)

shut up east coast trash. some weird bitch just put two dildos in her cooch for me on omegle, formerly chatroulette


Wtffffffffffff am I late to the Sneed thread?
