Who played him best?

Who played him best?

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Michael "Mr Bronson" Sheard. He also played a mean Himmler.

Anthony Hopkins



why does that guy in the middle remind me of idris elba


Hitler escaped to Argentina, got a tan and is not subverting western media by being cast in every role under his new alias.

Idris Elba


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this guy

Attached: speech.webm (640x360, 2.77M)

Donald Drumph in the sequel.

Bruno Ganz, user. Non-germans playing Hitler is pretty bad

when I first watched this I thought it was a woke hitler condemning jokes on immigrants

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Helge Schneider

>Bruno Ganz
He wasn't German though, he was from Switzerland.

t. tranny

the carlyle one was fake canadian shit hence why its being turned into africa n china

>inb4 buttblasted German will claim that Switzerland is German too

I actually am German and no it's not.
Austria on the other hand...

Nope. Alsace-Lorraine is tho

says the dude that needs to take hormones constantly in order to not kill himself

Based and Tedpilled


Bruno Ganz then rumplestilskin ..

No contest here.

Attached: 2004-spielte-bruno-ganz-in-der-untergang-adolf-hitler-.jpg (1639x921, 155K)

Oh shit you're right, user. Well, at least he was german-speaking. My german is awful though, so I can't tell if he's got much of a swiss accent or not.

Hitler was austrian-german anyway

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these 2, with honorable mention to my waifu inge

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moe howard

Did the person who made this do it right after mutilating their genitals and then blaming guns for gun-crime?

Attached: Liberals on Crime Rates and Guns.jpg (564x767, 59K)

i miss when the trannies werent everywhere

thankfully she chose death before being raped by the fast approaching Mongol hordes
she is in Valhalla now

This guy.

Attached: The Man In the High Castle Hitler.png (1008x720, 445K)

Attached: agent hitler.jpg (800x450, 40K)

have sex

Lose weight.

>I was conquering the world when your only struggle was to survive in a womb

Attached: Adolf_Hitler.png (481x349, 76K)

The Democrat Party itself bills itself as "the party for the Mentally Ill", though.


the stooges were lampooning hitler before it was cool

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post hog

post chromosomes

How can one man be so based?

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2019 incels

Makes illiterate zoomers seethe

You have to pay money to enter the cemetery, not to visit his grave specifically. Marxists AREN'T in charge of that cemetery and have no say in the fees, Marx also didn't have a say in where he'd be buried.

Attached: 171130-1751-2414157.jpg (1060x1017, 172K)

me tbqh.

>Over-privileged aristocrat LARPS as working-class all while refusing to practice basic hygiene or even bathe
>Only legacy is an ideology that has killed more people in peacetime in the 20th Century than most diseases

Wow, so based.


communist trannies on suicide watch

jaime is the only good character

jon used to be good but when he became king he just became a shitty bland pushover

retarded /pol/yp

seething trannoid

Yeah, his grave is in the UK which is capitalist. Generally, you need money to sustain things in a capitalist economy. That is the idea.

This is the best

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me on the right

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That guy from one episode of Forever Knight.

Carlyle, though I love him as an actor, was hilariously over the top as Hitler. Saw some of it back at school and it became an in joke amongst everyone who saw it.


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I chuckled at how much of a sperg he was to the point where I questioned how his character would even be seen as charismatic at all, the scene with the Enabling Act was pretty spooky though.

>gets a couple hundred million chinks and ruskies killed
yeah, I'm thinking he's based

Why do Jews love dressing up as Hitler so much?

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Marx wasn't a Marxist himself

marxists on suicide watch

big if true


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