/trek/ Best captain since Kirk edition

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Other urls found in this thread:


Prediction time

>Discovery season 3 will be met with mediocre responses since what "saved" season 2 for the people who didn't like season 1 was Pike.
>Picard will be met with mixed responses - the people who have a cum sock that they named Stewart will love it while a lot of die hard fans will consider it a 'worse insult than Discovery.'
>Lower Decks and the children's show will go under the radar so much that the most you'll see on Reddit or Yea Forums is "Why isn't anyone talking about them?"
>Section 31 will become the most hated Star Trek of all time just because Robbinburry's veeshun. Discovery will join the ranks of 'true Star Trek' once season 1 of Section 31 is over.

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Since every fucking Star Trek to date including all announced so far are just about Federation/Starfleet people saving the day... Do something different.

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my gurrl

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Pick related. It's him without his makeup.

Fapping to Shapiro has nothing to do with Trek.

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you come off as angry and petty

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I'm sorry. I got carried away.


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help try to stop this from being the final product.

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gross and pedopilled

how accurate is this? left wing vs right wing fanbase

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You seem to be under the impression that I'll read all that. PS: I'm using darkreader because white pages hurt my eyes.

Lorca doesn't count because he's from the mirror universe. It's like you haven't watched the show.

>Lorca doesn't count because he's mirror universe
>Janeway doesn't count because she's a woman
>Kirk doesn't count because he's from the 60s
>Sisko doesn't count because he's black

Easy way to make it Picard vs Pike vs Archer.

I don't understand. Are you saying Pike is left wing? he's a hardcore catholic traditionalist.

Hell none of them are left wing, Picard is an authoritarian military man upholding the rule of law to the T where he can.

They all count but none are left wing.

>none of them are left wing
>Picard is an authoritarian military man upholding the rule of law to the T
>not left wing

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no mong. all the other chars are from the kelvin universe. It's like saying Lore is the same as Data,.

Lore didn't serve Starfleet. If he did, he'd be on a list of Starfleet robots same as Data and the EMH.

lets get serious can we?

Starfleet is not communist.
The left is not about upholding the rules but about changing society. Picard is about upholding rules as he believes they have a purpose. He even loves the classics and takes wisdom from books that are probably banned in 2019 because they say "nigger" in them.

You can say he's left wing but I think you'd be wrong. He might be the closest to left wing that star trek ever gets though.

EMH isn't a robot, you fat molester. He's a hologram.

He never reads Huck Finn or Uncle Tom's Cabin.

He's not leftwing but every single one of his fan boys are. They raise a glass of sa-hoy in his name.

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he read moby dick. pretty sure it has something offensive like "nigger" in it

No, but he's read his own his own personal logs.

>Personal log, stardate 4722.3. La Forge came by today. He can be a real--


>I may be blind, but at least I'm not a nigger.

What did he mean by this?

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>pretty sure
Go be a tourist on twitter.

the point remains, he read the classics.

At least I'm not a virgin. And no the Holodeck doesn't count

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T-t-the ho-ho-hole-holodeck -
wwhat i mean mean to say is
the holodeck counts sir

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Get back in the jeffries tube Barclay, then maybe I'll let you clean up Troi after I'm done with her

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Is it true? Is everyone on the Enterprise-D so pathetic? Makes me feel I was born in the right time...

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>Letting other men fuck your wives
We're the pathetic ones?

>white pages hurt my eyes.

God you sound like a wimp. Shatner would kick your ass.

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The left is literally about upholding the rules.

My species has many potential sexual pairings. Yours has one.

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Leftists tear down the rules of a right wing authority.
Leftists enforce a left wing authority.

Right wingers tear down the rules of a left wing authority.
Right wingers enforce a right wing authority.

You have to be a literal ape to think "liberalism is just anarchy and rebellion bro join the resistance."

Picard, Pike and first season Archer are all leftists. Picard is a far leftist though not quite an 'SJW', while Pike and Archer are closer to early 2000s liberals who are now considered conservative.

That's what you think

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>captain we've detected some space fungus in hostile space

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Commander, you don't know the holodeck like I do, Sir. *nosebreathe*

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pls no bjuly

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The dumbest part about VOY is that the showrunners felt they had to set it in a new quadrant, as though the Alpha Quadrant's been spent and there's nothing more to see there. In reality, One quadrant alone would contain far more worlds and species than one single show could ever hope to portray.

this guy was based

Not really. He ended up being separated from his sexpartner

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Literally stopped watching Voyager because of Janeway's constant bull shit. It's ok for her to do it when she feels like it but nobody else is a constant theme for the show.

this is wrong as fuck
nah you're just thinking that because todays leftists are all establishment without knowing it.

the establishment is reforming society from the past thats why its working that way.

usually left is about changing and right (conservartive) is about protecting what works.

no star trek captains are even remotely left wing. It doesnt suit a the starfleet organisation to be that way.

woman captain
the incel small

thats all female authority figure characters. get used to it. she wasnt bad though i liked her. the actress is a nice person too

No, it has nothing to do with change.

>the actress is a nice person too
irrelevant to performance. get out

you're an idiot. conservative, to conserve, progressive, to move on.

>sometimes /x/


And that has nothing to do with left/right nor does it really describe either of the parties' ideologies or practices.

Hm, that just sounds kinda angry and mean.

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Star Trek: Dimensions (2020)

Follow Captain Biff Rudiger and the brave crew of the USS Dauntless as they explore the galaxy, facing great challenges and incredible new lifeforms.

S01E01 (2020)
The Dauntless is on a mission to explore an uncharted star cluster in the Higgs expance when all of a sudden they receive an emergency distress-call from a Romulan bird of prey. On board is ambassador Martek and he has news that might have dire consequences for the entire quadrant.

What is happening to /trek/?

the std shills left cause its off season. we are adjusting.

First off, it's DISCO not STD. Secondly, not everyone who likes Discovery is a shill like you're implying.

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Everyone who calls it disco is a shill. Its STD like the aids it has not from the gays but from the writers' chronic drug abuse

I’ve seen worse at cons.

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kek i guess they forgot to tell you the series is over

I wonder if they have syringes in star trek still. I hate needles so much.

>Just go up to her and say hello Lieutenant. Works all the time.

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The Dubsminion has endured for 2,000 /trek/ threads and will continue to endure long after Janeway is hanged for her crimes.

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Wow. Spock looked bad in the original star trek.

Your dubs. Give them to me.

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I like the detail that the std shill is hit in his penis.

I for one, liked old /trek/ better. Spirited debates and the good old humor. This is tiresome and flat.

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We'll be fine.

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Bashfag was your nemesis. Without here you lack direction.

bash is a man

not every thread is gonna be gold baby. take a seat, put on some modern star trek music youtube.com/watch?v=ozv4q2ov3Mk and drink up.

>replying to chartfag
Explain yourselves

It's true. the current status quo totally advocates for the distribution of capital equally and benefits the working class you guys. Love me some rules.

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By Allah you are absolutely haram

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Into the oven with you

This nigga looks like he hads aids

If you gotta post memri at least do the sponge bob one.

She's a girl, dude.

I miss VF and her shitty memes. VF was a retard but she was always fun.

no. tranny possibly, actual girl no.

Maybe you should try to be fun yourself, instead of complaining and creating a bad mood in the thread? How about that old dusie, user?

I'd like to see a small crew




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Did you mean DOOZY?
This is what happens when foreigners try to use superior Roman...I mean American slang.

fuck /trek/

fuck tasha yar

and most of all? fuck the custodial officer

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>Selar-kun will never calmly list all 59.3 reasons why your penis is inadequate to satisfy her as you sit on the bed naked and sobbing

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which captain had the nicest ass?
the kind you would not hesitate to swirl your tongue around inside of

I've been arguing on the Internet for like 15 years, you think I couldn't convince her that my micropenis would be satisfactory? I can deploy every fallacy in the book

But that one is appropriate

With a penis

Youve argued with maladjusted human nerds. Youve never matched wits with a being of her ironclad logic. Plus, shes a doctor. So she like, you know, knows shit.

Lieutenant Selar has more important things to do than listen to anons make excuses for their micropenises. That's more Counselor Troi's thing.

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Actually, this.

I hated Picard as he was far too arrogant and elitist, and Sisko was crazy and too 'liberal arts' for me. The only contender is Archer he was pragmatic, strong and fair.

But Janeway was the most versatile well-rounded character of all. Inb4 naming those few episodes where she was inconsitent: its not the character's fault, it was the fault of the formula where every fucking episode is written by a different person, so of course, mistakes are bound to happen. But no one encompassed so many humane traits and knacks like Janeway.

Childhood is thinking Sisko was the most merciful.

Adulthoos is realizing Picard was the true altruist.

Janeway was a boring dumb bitch with stupid hair and a stupider personality, yeah congrats on having a vagina and a first mate with face tattoos, you're the manager of a small town walmart.

>this faceblind autist again

I've abandoned all of you for the Duel Links General in /vg/. I finally made it to Gold Rank in my shitty mobile app game. Take that people who told me I would never accomplish anything!

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I wanted to fuck Janeway.

>he doesnt enjoy /k innawoods and skinwalker threads

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Her hair was based, both the starting and the new one. The problem with your relentless hate is that you only enforce the SJW's narrative that incels and woman-haters exist.

You should realize that Janeway was fine then and fine now. If you have to compare (and you must in a way) to nu-treks bitch or plankface larson then you should realize how they are parsecs away from Janeway. If you don't give her what is due then how on earth do you want to fight off the SJWs poisoning our IPs? This attitude only serves them, the true enemy.


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>Janeway was a boring dumb bitch with stupid hair
Captain Janeway, or as I like to call her Admiral Insaneway, crippled the Borg and isolated them in the Delta Quadrant, stole Borg tech, pissed on the prime directive multiple times, and got her crew back home.
>stupid hair
May allah smite you

Hi VF. I know I shouldn't "like" you but you're my favorite.


Hi BF. We still love you.

You're a third rate duelist. You can't beat my Madolche deck.

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What if VF and BF are the same person?

Just saw Star Trek for the first time and was totally lost. Where the fuck am I supposed to start?

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TOS, then TNG, then Voyager, then DS9. Then don't watch any more. And don't watch any of the films.

>left is about changing rules
>right is about maintaining rules

Perhaps it could be worth pointing new viewers to TNG, or maybe even one of the later series?
Visually the original series is a little dated.

They never talk to each other, do they?

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What if VF and BF are the same person from alternate timelines?

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They should get Brad Pitt to play a captain before it's too late. Wouldn't even have to be a big budget flick or miniseries if they did like Seven Years on Bajor or whatever.

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The dumbest part about VOY is when the writers stopped caring about good scripts and were just filling the 26-episode quota.

The show died with "Equinox, Part II". That was the point where they just gave up.

>"I expect you to integrate into my crew and be good Starfleet officers from now on."
>never seen again
What did they mean by this?

There were a couple decent eps after equinox.

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because they were burnt out and just didn't care anymore but they were guaranteed 2 more seasons

A couple, but when you look at this whole list,
most of these are pure garbage or the blandest filler.

The left is about optimism. If we pool our resources together, we can feed, clothe, house and care for everyone. If we put our differences aside, we can work together, get along and do great things. We can make Star Trek real.

The right is about pessimism. Reality is zero-sum, so the only way to take care of yourself is to screw over others. Fundamentally incompatible with Star Trek.

Thanks, guys. I guess I'll just not watch Star Trek again.

Yeah, there's a lot of bad but more fanservicey than bland. Tsunkatse has seven in skimpier clothes, jeff combs AND the rock. It's not a good ep but they still cared about... something.

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oh and wasn't old hirogen training man martok? hertz.

You should probably just kill yourself.

Leftism comes with completely irrational beliefs like "eugenics/genetic engineering is intrinsically bad" (which is different from "eugenics/genetic engineering could be misused by the elites")

>Leftism comes with completely irrational beliefs
No, that's the right.
>fetuses have souls
>faith based politics

You're both retarded.

Ahem... fuck Trump and FUCK WHYPIPO

>politics again
interest... in... thread... waning...

Season 6 also has the most examples of zero continuity in the show.
>the Equinox crew, who we never see again
>the Borg chick who had a few months to live decides to stay on board, but we never hear of her again
>the Vaadwaur who they intended to set up as recurring villains are dropped like a hot potato
>Lyndsay Ballard, who supposedly died several seasons ago AND was Harry's waifu (despite him never having a waifu except his Earth gf Libby) is actually just made up on the spot
>the Borg baby
>Unimatrix Zero, a whole revolution within the Collective that could change it forever, is never revisited
Why didn't they want to commit to their ideas?

Leftism is also also anti-science. Maybe you haven't walked into a university in the last twenty years and seen how they speak the word "evolutionary biology."

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That's not true. Evolutionary biology also doesn't support your alt right ideas of different races.


>pro-bootlicking (wage slavery is my purpose in life!)
>anti-science (racial IQ differences dont real!)
>freedom of speech is evil
>feels based politics

>Evolutionary biology also doesn't support your alt right ideas of different races.

1) Do not label me in an attempt to dismiss my arguments that you find uncomfortable to confront.

2) Yes it does.

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sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0191886912000840 'Do pigmentation and the melanocortin system modulate aggression and sexuality in humans as they do in other animals?'
>Studies find that darker pigmented people avg. higher levels of aggression and sexual activity and lower IQ.

Human intelligence up to 75% inheritable

Human intelligence is highly heritable.

Scientific consensus is that IQ tests are not racially biased.

Black children raised in White households have similar IQs to black children in black households.

The avg. African IQ is estimated at 79.

The avg. African-American IQ is 85 compared to the avg White IQ of 100. IQ tests are not racially biased. IQ hereditability is 40-80%.

Genes for large brains, linked to high IQ, are common everywhere except Africa.

Intelligence has at least a 40-50% genetic basis.

The Black-White IQ gap is mostly genetic.

IQ is 75% heritable among whites.

IQ is about 80% heritable.

IQ is higher among asians and whites than among blacks. This difference owes 50-80% to genetics.

>Mongoloids are the most K evolved, Caucasoids less, and Negroids the least.

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TOS>TNG>don't care

>I post a confirmation bias chart
You like to use the term evolutionary biology in order to legitimize your racist anti-science stance, but it will never work. You should actually study biology instead of getting your information from /pol/ or whatever website you like best.

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excuse me but we're talking about this not commies and shit

I posted information from a peer reviewed, published, unrefuted scientific study. You are delusional.

Man, just two posts ago you were telling me how right wingers are the only ones who deny scientific facts.

Blacks may have the lowest IQ but at least they aren't in a trek thread spamming links to Himmler's blogs and economic systems which always get corrupted by tyrants who end up killing millions of people.

>economic systems which always get corrupted by tyrants who end up killing millions of people.

Yes, capitalism is indeed awful. However, you made a typo: it's "billions", not millions.

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What do the people on Earth do all day? What do they do in these skyscrapers if they don't have to work and get all their wants taken care of?

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Probably enjoy life?

fuck candle ghosts, post buttholes on snapchat, text each other all day while sippin iced lattes

Why did JJ make future Earth look so cold and sterile? At least when they filmed at the Tillman Water Reclamation Plant dozens of times in pre-2009 Trek it was bright and colorful.

London is cold and sterile even in the future

People still have jobs even if they dont want money. Some people work because they like it. Fucking bizarre I know.

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>ywn be Seth when he raped Halston Sage.

that boy ain't got no cards

I'm gonna binge Discovery next week, give it to me straight /trek/, how is it?

Star Trek has magic space machines that cure all of Earth's current problems. Contemporary politics is irrelevant to trek or any other sci fi show, alluding to current events only ever results in ham-fisted preaching.
>If we put our differences aside, we can work together, get along and do great things
The greatest force for both social and technological change is war.
>Fundamentally incompatible with Star Trek
Trek is not reality, it is a dream, which is why people like it. Do Star Wars fans think that society would be better off if we were ruled by space wizards with laser swords? probably
I am very right wing and I love trek, funnily enough my least favorite show is DS9 precisely because it strays from the utopian ideal of Roddenberry.

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>society would be better off if we were ruled by space wizards with laser swords?
it absolutely would be

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Best captain poll
Only including people who were captain (not acting captain) of the main crew of the focus of two or more episodes.

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Who here hyped for the Nickalodeon show? In 20 years, the teen-captain of that show will be everyone's favorite when a new generation of Trek fags say they refuse to watch anything that came out before 2020.


That proves they're not the same person since everyone on Yea Forums just samefag responds to each other. No one actually talks.

I'm a figment of your imagination

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fucking god I have to wait like four more seasons for Ro to come thru
why did it take TNG so long to create a good character

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TNG had 3 good characters, none of them Ro.
File name relevant.

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I'd rip your tongue out so you'd never be able to say something so abhorrently stupid again but I need you to tell me, o TNG expert, which episodes I can skip so I can get to Ro faster
Troi and Beverly episodes are out, that clip show, anything with Data learning how to be a real boy, early Ferengi episodes, stuff like that

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Best character coming through

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>anything with Data learning how to be a real boy, early Ferengi episodes
>wanting to skip any of those

You're a lost cause.

*beeps your path*


I'm rewatching TNG but don't want to rewatch all of it
don't have time for any of that rain man shit besides he dies so none of his development even matters

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>Ally with Dominion just for a laugh
>Attack Earth like a mad cunt
>Lose half your ships, give no shits
>BTFO puny Feds with based energy draining tech
>Remain loyal even after cowardly spoonies turn traitor and tech advantage gone
>Agree to surrender with Dominion even though Breen Confederacy is undefeated, because you gotta support your bros decisions
No other race comes close

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>Captain George Bush is more liberal than Sisko
Please clarify why this has been decided.

A) charts in this thread are all bait
B) Bakula couldn't sell it very well
C) sisko runs capitalist utopia in 3rd world tax haven

When did they get started on a live action Steven Universe?
That Pearl and Steven look great.

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oooohhh what fresh new hell is this

If trek is supposed to be an optimistic vision of the future why are half the cast autistic losers wanking on the holodeck?

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Kim doesn't even get to wank, holodeck time is super rationed and he needs written authorization.

They're fucking stranded and have to scavenge to merely survive, they can't run all their energy to a fucking dedicated spank bank.
He'll have to make do with tiny holographic pocket porn.

That poor son of a bitch.
I'm addicted to fapping so I've always used to my phone to fap before work, during lunch, before dinner, before bed, etc but recently I started streaming porn on my TV and it's like I'm really having sex. I can't imagine going back to just my phone.

the writers retconned it that he was fucking that one chick in season 4 though

If you fap to your imagination it makes your faps to real things more powerful.

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I wouldn't call london sterile

more like london should be sterilized

What kind of positive change could we make so the world is more like Star Trek?

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Maybe stop bullying people for being different?

We need Eugenics Wars first.

Michael Burnham is the linchpin.

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Do you feel bullied?

Some people here say "kys" when they hear an opinion they don't like. I'd say that's pretty cruel.

From the standpoint of someone who spent time helping to curate a very large fanfiction repository for a fair bit of time, I cannot express how basic bitch tier Mary Sue self insert garbage the entire story and especially the ending was. Like, holy fucking shit I am almost positive they copy/pasted it from something a 14yo girl would put up on that site.

>I'm Michael burnham and I'm the bestest coolest person ever and I'm misunderstood and hated because I care too much and my best friend is Captain Pike who always listens to all my advice and secretly my brother is Spock ( I helped with his dyslexia by reading Alice in Wonderland with him btw) and my mom is a space angel from the future and im a space angel from the past and my lover is actually a klingon but not anymore and his klingons and my other super besties save me and only my special genes can power my super angel suit to save the entire galaxy from an evil ai and no one ever talked about it after that because everyone loved me so much because I saved the universe

It's beyond appalling, and causes me significant physical discomfort to sit through.

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>left the old links in

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If you're this enraged by season 2, I can't wait to read your posts at season 7.

It's not rage, it's just disgust.

The point of a TV show is to elicit emotion in the viewer. In your case, DSC looks a success.

Come on, you guys...

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That does sound pretty savage.

It's not funny. Not when it's aimed at you.

>using the "merely pretending" argument of the entertainment world

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Commander Riker agrees with me. He even said it counts more than irl because you can up the difficulty level.

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No one's ever said it to me, I can't imagine how devastating and humiliating it must feel.

kys retard

I'm leaving. Done with this

Geordi, lying to yourself will not make it any more true.

Attached: man-of-the-people-hd-157.jpg (1436x1080, 325K)

You'll be back for more.

Could you call me "Geordi the Great" just once?

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He’s a computer program that manipulates his environment with machines, in this case, force field projectors. He’s a type of robot.

No I fucking won't! All I get here is abus

Hey guys, remember that user who wouldn't shut up about his personal life?

What's abus?

I hate that face she makes.

I never noticed her before VF started spamming her. Now I hate her and every time I see Selar it reminds me of VF.

What is up with this tripfag namedropping himself every two posts?

Who's VF?

It's business as usual foe e-celebs.

I'm kinda regretting stumbling over this general.

Gawd the smell of dirty vagina in that room.

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I want back the time I wasted here.

You've discussed a great show.

Hating tripfags is a time-honored tradition here, reddit.

There's too much drama and tension here. It didn't used to be like this...

Why do you resist me? Resistance is futile. Join us and we can have /trek/ back together.

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I want to cradle you and keep you safe from harm.

here we fucking go...

Hi BF. You're my favorite.

oh god, it's the "favorite guy"

She's my favorite gem.

I still have a few to go

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You can post pictures of yourself here without pretending to be your stalker, Bash.

>tfw you're BF's stalker and use her images to masturbate but you bed makes a lot of nose so the other tenants cough loudly to let you know.

She looks like she fucks klingon guys

barclay's google history
kitten disposal

Attached: Dads-google-history.png (960x540, 444K)

watch TNG first then either DS9 (takes place at the end and after TNG and is the best) or TOS or ENT

Her posture suggests she enjoys the degradation of hard anal sex.

Disclose free energy and replicators. CIA has them under wraps.

Hey Leia Organa what you doing?

Very cool, user. Thanks for sharing!

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this isn't what this thread is for

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I have to fap in the bathroom so my wife won't catch me, and keep all of the Bashirfaggot pictures in a hidden folder on my phone.

1) Sterilize all jews & remove them from power
2) Implement socialism (capitalism may be saveable without jews) - if that doesn't work, move to communism
3) Implement eugenics and genetic engineering. Sterilize races known to be more violent and less intelligent.

With this three-point plan Earth would be a utopia within a hundred years.

I want to plant my baby boy in Bash's belly

clever, I'll make a note of it.

Will you please post your ass since you love us so much?

you people

Bash please seize my means of production. My proletariat swells for you.

hehe, ok, that one was kinda good

How would /trek/ describe this tummy?

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Weird, for me that's exactly what breaks the illusion.
Too unrealistic.

I have scoliosis so yeah.
This is my thread. Always has been. Always will be.

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Looks cute. Shame about the piercing

>tripfags are e-celebs
not even close

Her bellybutton looks cancerous.

It's probably inflammation from having what it thinks is a wound.

If it's like that normally, I don't know why she would draw attention to it with a piercing.

Does Guinan pierce her strange, hair-absent eyebrows? I think not?

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Jews change their names

Would you fuck Guinan? Be honest.

There are no Jews in the star trek universe tho. They're all gone.

jj abrams looks like a goblin
he looks like he'll swindle you out of every last cent just by being near him

I'm not attracted to her, but I bet she gives extremely soothing handjobs. So yes.

A hand job is not fucking her, you downsy chomo.

Oh alright. I'm gonna consult your girlfriend for a handjob real fast. It's not fucking, so it's ok.

Joke's on you, I'm a virgin

it counts

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This meme is getting stale, "user."


What are you, some kind of retard gay?

kys fag

generate a new thread

I'm not falling into one of your stupid traps where you use someone's words against them and bully them. We both know who you are so I'm not going to name-drop your handle. Grow up, you're acting like a child.

My patience with these generals has reached it's limit.

"computer, show pusy"
*computer sounds*
"computer, this is a mirror"
why was the computer such a jerk?

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This is why I come here.

After this one reaches bump limit, I'm leaving forever.

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What? Get the politics out of your brain, sheep.

Voyager was nothing other than "Star Trek: Diversity".

Was crap. And they could never do anything but run away so it was lame.

apu, i sense something... something amiss... but it's too vague...

Lame enough for 7 seasons, chomo.

Please post your ass.

You guys give pitty (You)s?
If so, why?

Attached: one saurian brandy later.png (775x1165, 865K)

Not that guy but honestly I'm surprised Voyager got to have 7 seasons, considering they were only averaging about 2 million viewers towards the end, and it couldn't have been cheap to make, either.

Sometimes a $1 tip is more insulting than no tip.

stop being shitty to each other

I kinda love the Jem Hadar, they are such a tragic species

So true

Big reddit reply right here

They make you look good?

Yea Forums is basically reddit with swears.

My boy Sisko has literally the same political leanings as I do

Yes, and?

I find their singular purpose and unwavering loyalty really interesting, contrasted with the fact they aren't braindead soldiers but reasonable intelligent beings

You'd know, redditnigger

I just don't have any patience with these threads today. You guys seriously need to step up your game.

eat mah D, bromo

kys retard

He has a point. People yelling 'chomo' and 'faggot' really isn't a star trek discussion

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Charts guy

Leave him alone. At least it's content.

This is Yea Forums


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make new thread

New bread