"Problem number 35 with America. No universal health care. Problem number 36 with America. No metric system. Vat is zis, ze time of Charlemagne? Answer me, ja!"
"Problem number 35 with America. No universal health care. Problem number 36 with America. No metric system. Vat is zis...
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god i hate Europeans
And euros hate americans
You two can fight while we know what the real best, whitest race is.
>whitest race is.
So...Irish people with a tan?
A'ight, hope you crazy scamps survive the fires
Problem 34 was complaining that Americans drive too big, thirsty cars.
Your health care system is shit though.
Everything he said is right. The metric system is easier to use, too. Everything is set in groups of 100 or 1000. 1000 meters in a kilometer for example or 1000 grams in a kilogram. Compare that to the seemingly random number of ounces in a pound or feet in a mile.
>inb4 Burger reeeee
>And euros hate americans
And we don't care. Reddit normalfags care what europe thinks cause they're fucking faggots. We live in their heads rent free and don't want to cause America literally doesn't think about euros like they do with us.
>A'ight, hope you crazy scamps survive the fires
The fires are already over, we have floods now.
>we don't care
>guiz we really don't care
>watch how much I don't care
>I really really don't care
>a-are you watching me Europoors? I-I really don't care
I can't express how much I personally don't care if you want Americans to kiss your feet go to reddit where they apologize on their knees to euros for drumpf day in and out.
How the fuck is Finland that happy?
The sad incels kops themselves instead of ruinimg the statistics for everyone.
Australians don't need anymore enemies since their whole continent is trying purge itself of humans.
Man it's great not living in the USA.
Fun place to visit though.
No one here uses metric except when forced to do so. I wasn't even taught any imperial in school and yet I still know it. I even use hundredweight because it's a convenient measure.
These happiness/quality of life measurements don't measure actual happiness, they measure things which this organisation has descided make people happy.
I'm an euro and I love America.
Every time I think my country is pretty shitty, I just have to look at the stuff happening in Burgerstan and remind myself that there are people worse off and genuinely proud of it.
And where would that country be that's so much better than America?
Shut up on your containment island!
You aren't Europe!
Think what you want wojack poster.
Brainlet can't use base 4, or base 6
Weird to use a German for this. I mean we love complaining, but mostly about ourselves.
Hell is other people. We have understood this and stay to ourselves.
The retarded euros can't answer because they know their country is 100x shittier than America. The internet is just a place where europeans go to cope about their inferiority. Heck one just need to mention NATO and see what utter hypocrites and retarded the average Euros are.
Go to Finland for a week and find out yourself.
Don't you have a school to shoot up or something?
>poisonous water
>failing healthcare, education system and infrastructure
>Go to school, get shot.
>Leading the world in obesity
Just off the top of my head, places better than the United Slums of America:
1. Singapore
2. South Korea
3. Austria
4. Denmark
5. Iceland
>authorized by McDonald's
Okay, seriously? We have all the corporate dystopia of cyberpunk with none of the cool gadgets.
True, they have so much pride in their individual countries yet refuse to admit where they're specifically from other than saying Europe.
Japan,Iceland,Norway,Denmark,Austria,Switzerland just to name a few
I ask him where HE is from but thanks for the (you) I guess.
>No metric system. Vat is zis, ze time of Charlemagne?
I've been asking that myself.
So which one of those are you from? I'm genuinely curious for conversations sake.
If there is one thing I envy about America is that youre allowed to shoot people on your lawn
Easier and much more accurate.
Rural part of Germany near Czech Republic,not a huge fan of the big cities but our area is pretty comfy
>It's just an /int/ thread with no Yea Forums past the OP
Oh, sorry. My mistake then.
Honestly what did you expect?
yeah ethnic homogeneity is great and all but pushing that over here in the great colossus wouldnt really go over well i'm thinking
we're innovators in new national problems, everyones catching up in obesity, surpassed by some even. most'll get to where we are eventually.
Is shitflinging between Amerilards and Europoors all /int/ is? I don't go there since it sounds like a place where people just huff their own farts.
>everyones catching up in obesity
That I can admit is very much true. I personally will laugh when the growing Chinese middle class find themselves with hundreds of millions of obese citizens.
cucks like every other anglo nation. you just got less peer pressure being lost out at sea on a giant desert rock
brisbane was pretty neat though
The US uses both, ya ignorant euro. Americans just switch between the two depending on which is more relevant at the time. Want to boil something or gauge your meat? Temperature is checked in Celsius. Want to get a feel for how cold it is outside? Fahrenheit is the way to go. Use basic reasoning: if it seems silly to use to check when water freezes and boils, then it's obviously not being used to do that. Think about it: 0F is really cold and 100F is pretty hot compared to 0C's kinda chilly and 100C's everyone's dead. Same goes for feet and miles: they're ass to convert between because obviously no one converts between them, and they're used because they're found to be more useful for in the house and around towns. It's a more human scale, whereas metric is way more common for when we want precise and easily converted measurements.
/int/ is the worst fucking bosrd on the website in terms of pure cancer.
Wojacks/Soijacks with greentexts makes up 80% of the conversations. It's mostly shitflinging in the most shitpost way imaginable. Theres consistent traffic there which I have no idea who'd want to stay there long.
You're the wankers England didn't want.
the very shape world today in is because of the white man's inherent instinct to kill each other. now we just have a safer way to do it
>a German
>Saying "Charlemagne" instead of "Karl der Große"
>surpasses you despite being thrown into a literal hell island
>Thinking that Europe is one collective hive mind that gives a shit for what America is doing.
>No universal health care
>Fell gravely ill
>No chance to receive the appropriate medical treatment
>Become a drug trafficker to pay off medical expenses and not reduce his family to poverty
I can't see anything wrong with that.
Number 37: Too many city slickers
This is probably a bait, but America doesn't even make it to top 10 in human development index.
No of course not but America gets shit on a lot on this website which you can't deny.
'Australians' need to be wiped out and replaced by aboriginals.
Number 37 exorbitant College expenses resulting in nobody knows where the Middle East is.
Ich finde ja, dass wir unsere Beziehung mit Amerika aufbesseren müssen, aber der Typ hat nicht ganz Unrecht. Das metrische System ist dem komischen Inch/Feet System deutlich überlegen, ist nämlich präsizer und hört sich vor allem besser an. Eine allgemeine Krankenversicherung macht auch Sinn, würde das Leben von vielen Amerikanern erleichtern und auch ermöglichen.
Compared to the Scandinavians? Yes, but compared to the rest of the world we germans have a solid health care system. It should be bettered though.
Didn't you assholes lose a war to emus?
Thank god the chinese will rape americans to death.
Why are Euros so obsessed with him? I swear, the only reason people jack-off to him is because he stamped out Arianism and sucked the pope’s dick.
I think the fundamental disconnect between America and Europe lies in the idea of rampant patriotism.
Most europeans take the stance "I like my country, but there's a lot that sucks here."
Meanwhile in America it seems like you have to preemptively apologize whenever you criticize the "greatest nation on Earth".
And that's just baffling. Most of the time your country and your government do fuck-all for you to inspire so much devotion and pride.
well they did say the would be snooty to the Americans after burns stole that million dollar bill
I dont know, why do americans furiously masturbate to a toothless old slaveowner fag?
No American is going to understand you since they only speak simplified English.
Most websites are American centric, including this one. Shitting on America is a natural process if that's all that's talked about.
Ja,dieses Inch und feet ding ist ja wirklich totaler Schabernack.
Aber gibt es auch Dinge die wir von Amerikanern lernen könnten?
KI-Forschung? Da hinken wir nach.
you guys have a union that dictates all your trade and finances and all you retards do on the internet is bitch about Trump. is it really that big of a surprise when people view "you proud nations" as a fucking hivemind? now get bent by Coronavirus you retard.
Vodka, sauna and knife fights.
Suck my Alsace-Lorraine, cunt.
they drink. a lot.
Wenn ist das Nunstück git und Slotermeyer? Ja! Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput!
>Everyone dead at 100C
Have you never been to a sauna?
Die you bootlicker
>1. Singapore
Who gives a fuck about singapore?
>2. South Korea
Japan's backyard sweatshop
>3. Austria
Germany's half-brother nobody cares about. Also, literally Hitler
>4. Denmark
Who the fuck cares about Denmark?
>5. Iceland
Who the fuck cares about Iceland?
You point to these places that are "nice to live" because theyre all do-nothing countries that fit into the average american's backyard.
Floods are over now its a spider swarm.
Fucking plebs.
What the fuck is a human development index and how is it relevant to anything besides hand-wringing statisticians?
Because when people whip out these yardsticks they tend to be fucking retarded.
You look like a manly man and a rugged individualist, why are you asking to be spoon fed?
The fires will take care of them.
High suicide rates.
This scale is fucked right up.
>Who gives a fuck about [country I never learned about in mutt education]?
I'd bet money you literally don't own a passport and haven't been to half the countries I mentioned. Whatever, poorfag. Your loss.
I guess they don't count things like "sunlight" and "talking to people".
Then why isn't Japan higher? Cope mutt.
>month before day
This shit took me the longest time and I still find it to be the dumbest. I asked my english teacher once why would you put the month first, she just told us it was done that way. It seems nonsensical.
I can excuse the pounds and inches and all that shit since I'm never using them anyways, but month before day just seems silly and wrong.
fuck poor people
>yeah ethnic homogeneity
That's not the reason those countries are better.
I aint no snitch
Fuck off I'm euro and I love americans
America still has a higher cancer survival rate than you Hans.
I just assumed it's because of the way we typically speak our dates aloud in the US. We're more likely to say "May 1st, 2020" rather "The 1st of May, 2020."
If God had wanted us to use the metric system there would have been 10 Apostles
Prussia was best boy, then Germany and Austria
You're giving me secondhand embarrassment.
Of course sweden is so happy all the native born swedes get to rape all those evil oppressive white immigrants in their country.
>Will you niggers shut up about Flint that shit was fixed months ago.
>How about your country takes 50 million illegals who drawn almost a trillion dollars a year from your country.
>Go to public school, meet niggers, get nigged.
>Not mentioning it's a public school problem and not a private school problem
>Again Niggers raising the obesity rate because 90% of their sheboons are fatasses
Damn, it's almost like our country has a nigger problem.
Why do Australians always like to pretend they arent discount Euros?
user you bumfuck, celsius has -1 and so on, its based on the temperature in which water is freezing or boiling, which is 100C's, its simple, much simpler than whatever Fahrenheit is
>literally just putting your fingers in your ears and going "lalala not listening, don't care"
lmao mutts
>niggers niggers niggers
It's almost like you have a brain problem.
You're right. All countries of the worlds problems are all made up by tinfoil hatted racists.
Europe doen't have a mass refugee problem and the crime statistics in America are all made up by big meanie wacists. You're right dude, congrats.
You silly europeans do just the exact same thing when europe problems are pointed out by Americans.
>Not using the Babylonian base 60 system
Above 0C: not cold enough to get ice
Below 0C: cold enough to get ice
that's literally the single greatest dividing line between cold and not really that cold
And thank God for that.
I can't own guns freely, smoke indoors or draw an uncensored vagina there, fuck off.
the most logical date system is
Year - Month - Date
start with the digit least likely to change and end with the digit most likely to change
allows for easy oversight and important in the digital era it allows for easy sorting
>Leading the world in obesity
We haven't held that title for 4 years now. We were passed by Mexico and England
Yes, it's easier to use because it was designed to be quickly spread and used by illiterate peasants rapidly in order to solidify control of the Revolutionary government and to destroy old identities. However, seeing as it takes ten minutes for you to learn how Imperial works, I don't see the problem.
>quickly spread among illiterate peasants
oh please, peasants were the ones who resisted it the most, it was the scientifically literate bourgeois who were the driving factor behind implementing it during the revolution
and despite Napoleon later reverting all the other republican sillyness like the calendar, he kept metric because it was "that" handy
because there were 12 tribes in Israel you dumb fuck that was human thing not god thing
Euros who shit on americans never worked in tourism. Americans are funny and nice, and a breath of fresh air after dealing with french, chinese and russians who are the fucking worst.
I don't hate americas, really, just feel a mixture of amusement and pity for them.
chinese and russians I'll give you, but americans are worse than the french
because they cut out a lot of the complaints, especially anyone that complains about immigrants
In order to hold this opinion you either have to be:
1) a /pol/tard whose bum got burnt when he discovered /int/ is not an echochamber hugbox.
2) an american who couldn't take the banter and is still seething at mutt memes.
French people are notoriously awful for people who work in tourism. We suffer them a lot in Spain.
>statistics statistics statistics
You know, these posts are so overused im pretty sure you all just put this into a formulated text algorithm to make up new post that all say the same thing.
The right can't bait.
>it's another "let's fellate Scandinavia/Canada because of free healthcare" episode
to be entirely fair towards that, social healthcare does have a massive influence in overall happiness among your population
walking around with a problem while not knowing how serious it is, is one of the most stressful moments you can go through
that stress doesn't exist in those countries because going to a doctor is almost risk-free and even hospitals aren't that expensive
Hmm, you do have a good point there. I was just ragging on nu-Simpsons just being absolutely joyless and smug when it comes to travel episodes solely because it's about such.
Nope. SouthItaly and Spain
Flint hasn't been fixed.
You r right about that, but american kids are annoying brats.
What are you getting at? That these arn't legit problems?
>As of april 2013
lol yeah keep grasping for those straws man, you're going to find something there.
Flint will never be fixed.
>That these arn't legit problems?
Yes. And you're a faggot.
makes more sense
Sure a Day is a smaller unit of time, but you aren't categorizing those units based on how much time they are taking up--you're categorizing them by where they are in the relative scale you make up
There are more days in a month than there are months in a year--meaning that the number of months or the number that represents months varies less than the number of days or the number that represents the day, so on for the year
Months (1-12) / Day (1-31) / Year (0+)
this makes the most sense
He's got a point.
For better or worse, you're going to hear about america doing something. When we achieve something, the world knows, when we screw up the world knows. We may be the worst country in the world to your eyes, but that's the thing. You've at least heard of us.
When any of those countries you listed does something wrong or screws up, nobody cares. When's the last time your backwater berg did something to create waves?
Besides, all the world's most applied to universities, colleges and companies are in the US anyways.
>no metric system
We all learn the metric system in school and it's been the official system of the federal government since 1975. It's just that nobody cares enough to use it in daily life, we just prefer imperial.
Least we have the second amendment and a very explicit freedom of speech.
>You've at least heard of us.
Contrary to American belief, people hear about those countries because they have decent education systems
If an American hasn't heard of a country, it's not because they are small potatoes (hopefully that's a phrase Americans can understand)
>when you talk to a European online and they can't have you arrested for saying racial slurs
Based eurobro
>united kingdom
There are stupid people everywhere
It's spot on. I've seen so many smug germans abroad.
"Yes yes wee germans heff zä free helsskär and sä kultshure haha"
Typical german comment. You're literally the guy on the bunk bed.
>vat is zis? veee germenz vuld only zay karl ze great yuh kno
Fuck... germans are literally the worst people to meet abroad.
I love those comic especially later release when Binet made Raymonde her own character instead of just another hick like Robert.She's very touching in "Bidochon mère (môman)"
Yeah, places like Iceland are smaller than American cities. Iceland is probably a nice place, but there's nice areas in America with that many people too.
Germany has the most polluted groundwater because of massive roundup use basically all over the country, while having a huge population density and germany is pretty much the most obese country in europe.
Germans are so cocksure and smug but basically everything they complain about when it comes to the US is pretty much worse in their own country.
Bunch of brainwashed mouthbreathers.
You are not named "nobody" ,you are not the center of the world.It's not because your medias are stuck in their own navel that things doesnt happen outside your closed self-centered bubble
You litteraly cant put yourself in other people shoes,when a movie is succesful aboard,your first instinct is to remake it because you are pathologically unable to identify with anything non-american,your mastubatory comments are a prime example of that and embodies everything people hate about American and why people throw airplanes in your buildings
>having to compare yourself to bugmen to look good
the bar is almost on the floor there user
>Caring about some Kraut's opinion
I've only really encountered people like this only online, never in person. Going through the same arguments/complaints. Beating a dead horse. We get it guys, the metric system is great. It's not like we don't use it. Everything from school to just about anything job related uses the metric system. It's just we are used to using inches or feet for daily things.
I love this episode.
"How muchen to stay at your home?"
"How muchen ta got, Wolfgang Shmuck?"
"Uh, we can pay you fifty dollars a week."
"Fifty dollars? But thats not enough to cover all your eating, and clothing, and bathing..."
"Uh, yeah, last one is...not a problem..."
"Marge, you think we could..."
"Use this money to give those Germans das boot? Ja vold!"
"Um, excuse me? Please to have a new washcloth, schnell?"
"Who will put up with our nonsense now?"
"To Euro Disneyland, where we will heap the scorn on Goofy!"
Emu War
Australia is just the Texas of England