Infinity war Thanos>>>>>>>>>>>Endgame Thanos
Infinity war Thanos>>>>>>>>>>>Endgame Thanos
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Nice newsflash faggot, literally everybody has been saying this
Gee Golly Gee I just got out of the kinoplex
Any villain from literally any other movie>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.Infinity war Thanos>>>>>>>>>>>Endgame Thanos
so i take it he dies in this movie in some dumb way?
owwie zowwie, right in my infinity rocks
Nope just changes his motivations and character. "Hurr durr I just wana kill humans now because I'm evil LMAO" "also you know how you thought I cared about Gamora and my adopted children......wrong I just kill them all in an airstrike anyway coz I'm crazy LMAO"
Hurr Durr my punches do no damage to Captain Toe Fungus coz shes stronger than me LMAO
>they had to hard nerf Thor because he would have soloed the end fight if he was Infinity War levels
nerf thor so that captain anti-white can show feminist pwwrrr and make thanos, canonically one of the highest IQ characters in marvel, into a dope tard
Spoiler reader detected. Thanos' goal is the same in this movie as it was in the first.
Avengers: Endgame, while it may have entertainment value as a spectacle, is politically contrived in its portrayal of Carol Danvers, Cpt. Marvel, as an all-powerful mary sue style hero. The creators chose to overpower Danvers above and beyond anything seen in the comics for good reason. Feminism. Disney CEO, Bob Iger, is making big bucks - 65 million payday - off of pushing social justice.
The once mildly decent integrity of Marvel has fallen to corporate converged profit-seeking, social justice conformist cancer.
Did he finally decide to create more resources?
have sex
why didn't they buy a gun and shoot him in the head
Yeah but first he had to nuke the whole universe and make a new one cuz this one was full of ingrates
yes goy, dont even consider the political contrivances in big budget films, dont worry, just get your peepee wet.
Everyone knows, that's not an excuse for user being autistic.
I did, so?
oh sweetie you try so hard, only to have people laugh at you even harder
Is it true that Chris cuckman cried at endgame?
Lmao, imagine crying at capeshit, there wasnt even a single dogo kill.
Right in my kidney stones
fuck off tranny
why did they make Thanos a POC?
lol, please never stop being you
fuck off reddit
Autists are important for society, telling someone to bang doesnt mean anything, and is probably a sign of low IQ.
thats the good stuff, have any more in you?
the only you here is your ass bitch
Laughing hard over comments in a thread isnt too common.
you can do better than that my love
>my love
and you seriously want me to think that you're not a tranny?
I saw the movie Mr Russo your storytelling is inconsistent, Thanos literally said in Endgame I'm going to destroy earth because they annoy me.
Everyone above this post needs to have sex
But the tranny doesn't have the tools anymore :-)
>Infinity War
>Thanos is a layered, interesting and eloquent antagonist
>Thanos watches a Let’s Play and gets pissed
ahaha yes, if there is one thing which is important to me it is your opinion
have sex
He gets one of the better deaths of a Marvel villain. Mainly because it results in a phyrric victory for Iron Man.
This guy is going from thread to thread, trying to socially influence impressionable men to not question the political agenda undergirding disney material. Remember, comments like those quoted don't actually mean anything - its like saying "its all relative" - thought terminating cliche.
>if there is one thing which is important to me it is your opinion
>have any more in you?
Did the hormones make you retarded?
It’s also because he realized that his “merciful” act of halving the population of the universe didn’t actually improve anything or lead to anyone being thankful, so he decided to become god instead and start from scratch.
Thanos becomes Dr. Manhattan? Neat.
more please
One big fat problem is none of thanos plans ends up making sense, judging by the leaks. Infinity war thanos seemed to make some sense, and was shown to have some clear logic behind his motivations, however unusual.
Now, what? Disappointing they didnt explain why he didnt just double the resources etc.
They meddled with the comic narratives too much. Should've stuck to a better story.
Nah, your reactions are boring now being the same answer over and over, see ya tranny
goodbye, hope your life isnt utterly miserable!
I'm here getting entertainment from your replies. It already is utterly miserable.
>Thanos watches a Let’s Play and gets pissed
lel wut
It's shit, he decided to destroy completely because he finds it annoying
Someone post spoilers so I don't have to watch captain marvel garbage
have gender
feel better!
have sex
Thanos dies in the first five minutes, but has already destroyed the stones, so they go back in time and get the stones. Then, Scarlett Johansson dies, and Nebula from the past switches with the future one and brings Thanos back from the past through the time machine. Hulk uses the stones to bring back everyone, and Thanos fights them with his army. Thanos gets the stones, but Iron Man gets them back and kills Thanos with them, but dies in the process. Captain America goes back in time to return the stones, but stays in the past and now he's an old man.
Saved you a trip to the cinema.
how the fuck is thanos at all any of those things in infinity war
god damn you faggots are delusional. like it wasn't bad but it wasn't a fucking modern classic and thanos, beyond the good performance from brolin, was just as stupid as any other marvel villian. his motives make no sense at all
>Captain America goes back in time to return the stones, but stays in the past
good ending for cap
>it results in a phyrric victory
what? no it doesn't, it's just a self sacrifice move
nebula goes into the past, but her mind network is connected with past nebula, who is still evil
so they use her to watch her memories and basically watch the last few marvel movies
the past evil nebula steals future good nebula's time travel shit and sends herself and then past thanos into the now
That part was ridiculous. CM got her powers from an exploding tesseract engine. Thanos has the space stone. How the fuck did she get stronger when Thanos has the original source of her power?
he doesn't have a vagina to properly absorb the power like she does , also he's white
they fucked thanos, just a dumb dingdong villain.
I thought they would develop or at least provide something additional to Thanos in this movie, but he actually got downgraded to another big baddy that has nothing to say and dies like a retard at the beginning
fuck marvel and fuck you niggers for paying money for it
such a fucking shame, I thought comic Thanos was rather stupid but I REALLY liked what they did with him in infinity war, shame he just gets relegated to a bad guy punching bag instead of actually getting his ideology proven wrong
Also Thor killing Thanos cmon man, Thor's a jobber compared to him.
>This nigga finna dab on Thanos
Did they not read time travel 101? This doesn't make any sense.
>they go to the past to get the stones
>but then captain america goes back in time to return the stones
that would invalidate everything
>thanos snapped people
>then they go back in time to catch the stones before thanos
>now they snap thanos
wow, this is really the most cerebral marvel movie ever made
>it's just a self sacrifice move
Its an "I'm sick shit of staring in these capeshit movies" move.
But what about the Cap from the past?
Maybe he should have increased the universe's recourses rather than killing people?
>our recourses are limited, I will kill half of the universe to fix the problem
>oh wait the recourses are still limited and people hate me
How will Marvel ruin Galactus?
After they've used them you mong.
CM got her powers from a terrestrial fungus
Why the fuck didnt Thanos give himself invincibility before destroying the stones? It seems retarded that he would just destroy the stones and allow the Avengers to go on a time travel quest