Fuck you Sally

Fuck you Sally

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oblivion was better than it had any right to be

PG13 film.
Allowed one 'fuck'
Obvious line is obvious.

Still might be his worst film.

You're thinking of Vanilla Sky or something

But vanilla sky is great. Not very deep but very good.

MI2 is his worst film, Oblivion is pure kino.

That's possible, I really can't remember MI2. MI1 and MI3 were really good so I just assume it can't be terrible. Oblivion's got some ultra bad writing though, it looked "okay".

Attached: cant bruise the cruise 2.webm (640x266, 2.9M)

what's the quick rundown on the recent MI movies

The recent MI movies are just Tom Cruise trying to one-up his own stunts ad infinitum, which will probably end with him dying in a space shuttle explosion or something. They're great.


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Rock of Ages is his worst movie

Pure fucking kino

Absolutely. Only contrarians like MI2
>This isn't mission difficult Mr. Hunt, it's Mission Impossible

Attached: cant bruise the cruise.webm (1280x528, 2.88M)

God tier visuals and god tier soundtrack. Thats good enough for me.

I hated this. But pic related wasnt too awful. Yandere villain. Mgtow ending. Airstrikes. Yah

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movie blew my mind as a kid

My incredulity was due to it looking identical to its own parody, also starring Tom Cruise.

Not when The Mummy exists

>the mummy (2017)

Can we at least agree that Knight and Day is underrated af?

t. Massa poster

I'm very biased against Diaz except in Sweetest Thing so I abstain from judging it.

it's trash dude

Decent movie until the final scene

I don't get who the target audience was supposed to be.

Jack Reacher best film. Tom Cruise best actor.

that's not how you spell top gun

Edge of Tomorrow


GOAT fusion of visual design, score and audio-visual motifs, I'm Sending You Away still gives me incredible chills.


I'm so glad I got to see this in theaters when I had the chance.

plz watch less capeshit.

>tfw going to see this in the theater next month

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Don't talk to my daughter like that!

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>less capeshit
>judge worst tier scifi schlock highly