Azor Ahai

Who is Azor Ahia? Since whe know they will be a descendant of Aerys II, it is either Dany or Jon.

Who do you predict it will be? Who do you prefer?

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Jon. He kills Dany with Longclaw, which becomes Lightbringer, thus confirming himself as Azor Ahai.

>retards still think theres gonna be an Azor reveal

>retards still think theres gonna be an Azor reveal
There has to be, it has been hyped up too much for even D&D to ignore. Kinvara even told the prophecy to Dany, and Meli spoke of it often. It's not like they'd just write it out with no resoulition....

Dany makes much more sense, so I guess it's her.

what about the wifes heart part

Rhaegar Targaryen. He shoved his "bloody sword" (his cock) into Nissa Nissa and created a "fiery sword" (GRRM uses "fire" as a way to describe life, and "sword" is a person. So "fiery sword" could literally just mean "living person), meaning Jon Snow/Aegon Targaryen HIMSELF is Lightbringer.

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has the azor ahai prophecy even been referenced in the show?

i feel like people are putting too much thought into this when it could very well just be world-building material.

I was in that thread when that post was made and I still don't understand the hype for it. It's cheesy as fuck

The night king is Azor Ahai

>D: That's what that user said to me, which only made me want to write it out even more
>D: Heh heh yeah

it may be cheesy but its better than what d&d are gonna show on screen

in the show its literally only world building and no one but stannis has been built up as the lord of light.
in the books it matters. in the show its to show that religion is dumb and god isnt real - even if magic exists

Good theory


yes, they even went so far as to mention that it is the "Prince, OR Princess, that was promised"

How the fuck is Danaryius going to be the top dude when she can't fight and her only 2 dragons can get killed by getting fucking ice sticks tossed at them? Her entire development died with her first dragon. She's no longer OP. Now she's useless.

Pleb Answers (most likely): John, Jorah
Woke Answer: Dany, Brienne, Arya
Unlikely But Posdible Answer: Jaime, Bronn, Gendry
"What a twist" Answer: Bran warged into someone, Ned resurrected by Mellisandre, Gilly's baby

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> predict
Arya Stark. The "three swords" are the development stages of her character.
> first sword, shattered by water
Arya gets her first weapon, Needle. She learns to become a swordsman and perform the "water dance" with Syrio Forel. Then her father is arrested and executed in King's Landing, capital of the Crownlands, land of river valleys and coasts where bastards are known as "Waters".
> second sword, shattered by a lion's heart
The lion is a Lannister. After the first season's events, Arya enters into service of the head lion Tywin Lannister. Afterwards, she flees the Crownlands, joins the BwB and is captured by the Hound; then the Red wedding happens, orchestrated by the Lannisters' minions the Freys. Hound vs Brienne happens and Arya flees to Braavos. She joins the Faceless Men, who worship the Many-Faced God, whose faces include the Lion of Night, which is seen in their HQ. Killing all the Freys as a Faceless Man, her second arc ends. She returns to Winterfell. Finally, Arya gets her second weapon, the dagger.
> third sword, tempered by Azor Ahai's lover
Arya gets her third weapon from her lover, Gendry Baratheon. She will probably have to kill him so he doesn't become a wight or something. Gendry's blood already showed magical properties that Melisandre used; the three usurpers she named died eventually. Gendry's magical blood will unlock Azor Arya.

> prefer
Azor Ahaisandre

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>Dany or Jon.
The internal logic of the story demands it to be Jon. This is a story of light winning over darkness, Mellisandre being the priestess of light. Her judgement that Jon is the boss and Dany just has a role to play is therefore the final verdict.
But the writers might decide otherwise for reasons of fanservice, PC or other jewish reasons.

>This is a story of light winning over darkness
That would mean the actual enemy of the Night King is the Lord of Light. But we only see him fighting that fucking useless raven. The Raven is neither light or dark but some meta level entity.

It's just another shock value, everyone expects Jon to be Azor Ahai so they're gonna make Jaime become him so normies say "WOW I NEVER EXPECTED THAT TO HAPPEN".

Or maybe they'll go all out so it turns out that Jaime is Azor Ahai and Jon/Daenerys are Prince that was Promised because it doesn't say anywhere these are one and the same entity.

Actually Mellisandre has no fucking idea what she's doing and she has no idea how her powers awakened in the first place. Imagined you larped your whole life you were a wizard and tricked people by being smart and educated, but then you wake up and can actually fling fireballs and heal by touch. That's Mellisandre, validity of her claims is dubious at best. She thinks Jon is Azor Ahai because of synchronicity of the events that led her to the Wall in the first place, which doesn't mean she isn't right but

"Azor Ahai? What's that?"
t. the average viewer

I wouldn't be surprised if Azor Ahai or the Prophesy are never mentioned again.

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B-but didn't the average viewer watch the episodes with Melisandre and Stannis?

Azor Autism is never being mentioned again. Enjoy dragons vs zombies and turn your brain off

ur cheesy

if they are pulling this azor ahai thing they would need to be speaking about it to remind normies what it was. They could bring melisandre back, that would help.

As for who is Azor Ahai, it will either be Dany or John. Given the fem craze over Dany I think they might make her Azor Ahai...

There's no way they pull that shit out of their asses with 4 episodes left.

You'll only see it again in the books. Maybe.

"Stannis? Was that Ramsay Bolton's father?"

fugg, so that's the normies' attention span? Do they at least remember what happened when Daenerys was a widow in Vaes Dothrak?

plz god make this happen

Jaime, as he and cersei are the mad kings bastard children. Book hinted this: mad king ruined his friendship with Tywin by 'taking liberties', and Tywin murdered his wife when she birthed him a trueborn son that was a dwarf. This also explains why the madking trusted jaime so much, even ordering him to kill tywin and to fetch the hand so they could burn down kings landing and be reborn as 'dragons'. Plus now Jaime and Tyrion both killed their own fathers, a nice link between them, and explains why he and cersei where fucking. Incest is a tradition that dates back thousands of years in old valyria, and might actualy be build into them.

there is no azor ahai in the show

What's the deal with everyone trying to figure out who azor is?
Literally everyone can be azor: Every character who has a person that's important to him can be azor. Azor could even be female. Stop trying to figure out a meaning of something that has no meaning.

Stannis was killed in the north. I fully expect him to be risen as a wight only to reject the night kings influence and kill him when all seems lost for the protagonists. He will then swear loyalty to Jon and rebuild house stannis as hand of the king.

"Like, before she had dragons, or when?"

It's Jon, it's not fucking Dany m8, the whole "genderless" shit was retarded.

The battle of Winterfell will go to shit when the Wight Dragon shits on everyone, main characters manage to flee with some not making it. They arrive at Kings Landing where Jaime demands to speak with the queen.
Jaime kills Cersei because he's fed up with her shit, thus creating lightbringer.

Screencap this.

Cant fucking wait to see them blow the budget on huge dragon vs dragon battles in one episode so the rest of the season is a huge snorefest

Had Dany ever even weilded a sword?

This is the only way they can save this sinking ship and would make for an absolutely kino scene, but we all know they're too fucking retarded and will go with muh strong (strongly hinted in the books to be insane) female character.

GRRM himself is too retarded to come up with any ending at all, what chance do Dumb and Dumber have?

Has this meme actually been mentioned at all in the series or is it book autism spilling over into the real world

No. But one of the theories is that Jon is actually lightbringer, the swords being the kids and the Rheagar was the actual Prince, Dany possibly being azor is extremely retarded and just fanservice for the show.
>GRRM himself is too retarded to come up with any ending at all, what chance do Dumb and Dumber have?
He already has an ending, but he just can't get there, he will die in his bath eating doritos and Elio and Linda will have to finnish the series in the format of Fire&Blood, mark my words, we will see the end of the history, but not in the format of the normal novels.

Fatty is just waiting to see the reception of the series finale, adjust his ending and make millions

Game of thrones is literally just Harry Potter for adults.

Change my mind.

I can't, since the only fantasy works you know are harry potter, game of thrones and LOTR.

>gets resurrected by rholler 19 times
>people still think anyone else could be azor

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He was meant to do one thing before dying. It will probably happen next episode and he will die forever.

yeah kill the night king save the world and shit

its 2019 are you saying jon cant be the wife?

I highly doubt theyll even bother with the Azor reveal. The show did a lazy attempt at it that most normies forgot about Azor. Show barely showed Stannis using his false Lightbringer, no mention of real Lightbringer having to radiate both heat and light. I don't even remember the show mentioning the legend of Azor making Lightbringer by stabbing lover in the heart. Normies would be confused as hell is Jon stabs Dany and his sword turns to fire

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Arya is killing gendry next ep so she is azor sadly , wont be anyone else. That is why d and d said arya is best warrior.

Fuck you Grrm

jaime stans being cringe. just ignore.
even D&D on heavy drugs and missing half a brain would come up with something better than this stupig cringefiction. unironically kys.

their son

>Ned resurrected by Mellisandre
watch the show casual

>jaime stans belive this.

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>Literally everyone can be azor
no dumb casual. needs to be from targ bloodline.

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>I fully expect him to be risen as a wight only to reject the night kings influence and kill him
how? by sheer anime willpower?

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it was a few times.


Its Rhaegar. A big point of the plot is that they get reborn, and are immune to fire. King's Landing burns down in wildfire, and Rhaegar is reborn in it.

>"Stannis? Was that the father of the guy who played in misfit?"
>Fuck bro I don't even remember Im just here for the battles

The Azor Ahai is going to be the friends we made along the way

You think the average mongoloid watching this show even knows what Azor Ahai is? It isn't hyped up in the slightest.

>You think the average mongoloid watching this show even knows what Azor Ahai is?
They know about the "prince that was promissed" the prince or PRINCESS" that was promissed

>Jaime steps between them, laughing somberly
top cringe material

what are those random links on his coat?

The Hound.

This series has to end maximally politically correc t, so it has to be a woman.

> Dany possibly being azor is extremely retarded and just fanservice for the show.
They can end this series one of two ways:
1. Please feminists and avoid all criticism from people scared of being declared anti-feminist.
2. Stick it to the feminists and never get a job a gain.

They will make sansa lord of winterfell even when it makes no fucking sense (apparently westeros got "woke")

>too much for even D&D to ignore
You have no idea how much they are capable of ignoring.

Looks like a form of ring mail. It's basically cheaper chain mail.
They obviously won't stop a thrust very well but they'll stop a slash pretty good.

>They will make sansa lord of winterfell even when it makes no fucking sense
Until Bran showed up, she's literally the legal heir. Then Bran did show up but made it clear that he's not interested, so call that an abdication, then it's Sansa again.

Jon doesn't get to inherit shit unless he's legitimised by a king (or queen).

I've had people ask me this unironically

>It's not like they'd just write it out with no resoulition....
If only you knew how bad things really are

Casuals off my board please

> It's not like they wouldn't give the characters a resolution.

user, I...

He watched too much naruto

This is totally it. Nissa Nissa died to create Lightbringer. Tell me, how did Lyanna Stark die?

Rhaegar was Azor Ahai. Jon Snow is the sword in the darkness, the prince that was promised, he is Lightbringer.

Except Jon doesn't love her enough to fulfill the prophecy
Jorah loves her way more, plus he was given heartsbane which has been given an eerie amount of on screen attention the past two seasons

As far as we know their idea of wrapping the whole Prince that was promised bullshit was with Melisandre reviving Jon and winning the battle of the bastards

>Fiery sword a euphemism for his penis
What like he contracted gonorrhea?

M8, Sansa can't get the land, she needs a man to marry into her. That's how the Lannister's got transformed into an ANDAL house, they used to be first men, when there's no heir the men that marry into big families change their names and lose their own family rights.

I agree with this.

Sansa can keep her lands and title without having a lord ruling alongside her. Pretty sure Anya Waynwood's husband is dead and she's still got her holdfast.
Main reason for Sansa to marry is so she can get an heir, otherwise if she dies all her shit goes to Arya

>Sansa can keep her lands and title without having a lord ruling alongside her.
Winterfell isn't a minor house.

Drogon is Azor Ahai, he will kill Dany