People do realize Brie Larson was hot as fuck in Tanner Hall, right? Granted, it came out a decade ago but still...

People do realize Brie Larson was hot as fuck in Tanner Hall, right? Granted, it came out a decade ago but still. She was 19 and ripe as fuck.

Attached: tanner hall jpg.gif (500x250, 1001K)

Other urls found in this thread:

6/10 at best. And that's being generous. Objectively a 4/10.


I don't know. This scene always got to me:

she has great tits and below average everything else.

even her eyes are brown. fucking disgusting.

____ ___

Her legs are pretty nice. Great smile too. She would have been an 8/10 in my school in LA.


blondes with brown eyes get my dick hard

Fpbp, incels need to stop jizzing so hard over this gross mayo bitch

I always liked her in 21 Jump Street. Chubby Brie Larson works my boner.

Attached: Brie Larson.gif (500x281, 617K)

I mean, shes okay

We get Jamal. You think white women are sexy.

She is hot in Captain Marvel!

Go see it if you haven't and you too will have a crush on her.

Attached: 1555988375148.webm (480x600, 104K)


Attached: IMG_2832.jpg (213x236, 9K)

>paired with fatfuck gnome Jonah

She looks like the kind of low tier actress who would kiss Jonah Hill in a third tier comedy reboot of a television franchise.

She's ugly on the inside. Not that that's good enough for Yea Forums, they have to find other flaws than her disgusting fucking personality for some reason.

she has chicken (and veiny) legs bro,

>they have to find
yeah isnt like she is hiding her lack or ass or goblin feet

I think she has a great personality desu. Why do you say she's ugly on the inside?

Attached: 1555982719342.jpg (1080x937, 123K)

Attached: PlayfulCrispDartfrog.webm (1420x816, 414K)

I think she gained weight purposely for the role so she could be a better match for fatman Jonah.

Such dedication to her craft. And then she became an insufferable SJW cunt for her role as Captain Marvel.

She looks pretty much the same now. It's her current personality and ideology that make her insufferable, not her appearance.

Damn, her tits are pretty nice. I was pleasantly surprised when her stuff came out during the fappening.

Smuggling grapes

>hey guyds, brees heerd
>asxks meandytang

Attached: 1554003218954.jpg (2156x2700, 501K)

>And then she became an insufferable SJW cunt

That's only to conservatives though. I think she's attractive inside and out.

Attached: 1555985195662.jpg (1080x1350, 158K)

The freaking incels in this thread can't handle an insufferable cunt. This is why you never got laid in high school. All the pretty girls with great smiles knew how to scare away the beta males.

Attached: brie larson jpg 2.gif (500x283, 742K)

Incels can't handle any type of girl, user.

stiff lil niples

Attached: Bogutbg.jpg (640x853, 75K)

No one believes that. Even kissless virgin SJW beta orbiter males.

>rock hard nipples with small areolas.

That's a great combo. She has patrician tits.

Imagine sucking on those as she looks at you in disdain haha.

Fag. Big areolas are for men

All right, I think I'm on the Brie Larson hype bandwagon now.

Big areolas look like shit when you age. Remember beauty is a depreciating value. Brie's tits are built to last.

She was funny during her interviews with Craig Ferguson. She must have went to too many Hilary campaigns during 2016:

I've slept with dozens of girls.
You're wrong, roastie cunt.

Attached: 1555944644265.gif (400x400, 1.64M)

It's easy to get laid with modern whores. But they can never get any emotional connection with men or keep a man around for more than one night. Emotion incels emcels are a plague of the current generation.

Damn her milkers are gorgeous

I can get over a mediocre body, even an ugly face, if the person has nice feet, or is at least hygienic.

In other words I wouldn't dick her if she fell down in my lap rn.

Attached: 1334872155757.jpg (256x320, 38K)


Yikes, you either are a fat woman or an Elliot Rogers type. Seek sex and or a diet pill.

And then she became ugly screeching hag. The end.

Looks ugly as shit with zero sex appeal

__ __

her head is very boxy

Have you guys ever approached a girl in broad daylight. Of course pictures are going to make their face look distorted. She's the perfect height too. 5'7

t. shitskin

They're fake, my guy

kys you pathetic basedboy

Would’ve been able to enjoy if it weren’t so fucking wildly inaccurate. Went to a girls boarding school and men, even male teachers, weren’t allowed in the dorms or bathrooms besides move-in or move-out day.

>you're hot at 19 but you look like an disgusting old roastie at 29
Shitty genetics.

How does a fat male virgin get into a girls boarding school? Are you a teacher?

Not true in the slightest. Watch Tanner Hall

This only applies to selfies or if we're talking about a pic or two, when you have a hard drive's worth of webms and pictures, where the person is with other people, and he's the only only that looks wrong, there is no chance he looks any better irl.

Check out interviews and talk shows, her head dwarfs the heads of those around her, you can see their necks straining just to keep their heads from being pulled into her head's orbit.

Depends. Are you prepared to be pushed to the brink of suicide by relentlessly cruel teenage girls?
Not even memeing, our French teacher (male who very much gave off the sense of being a virgin) had objects thrown at him, his water bottle spat in, and was pushed over in the middle of class just because a girl felt like it. Not to mention the baseless molestation rumours. Judging from your comment, you’d be gone on a sexual misconduct allegation and shot by some girl’s rich dad and his golf club buddies a month in.

Holy shit, they're bolt-ons. Have you ever seen a real breast, brother?

I guarantee if you talk to her irl you wouldn't notice her big head. She's 5'7. It balances out when approached in person.

Don’t do it user. Boarding school girls don’t have souls, even he young ones. They’ll tear you limb from limb.

Attached: DFBE9311-B7D4-4486-AF7B-4ABB4AF25A8D.jpg (750x711, 315K)

No wonder she ended up hating men.

Teachers by definition are cucks. I actually work in business. I didn't give up on life.

You obviously didn't get laid in high school or college. The tits there are perky and firm.

>fat male virgin wanting to sneak into a boarding school to diddle underage girls
>thinks he still has the right to declare other people cucks

Do you mean to say that you attended a girl's boarding school or did you teach there?

I was making fun of the user who said he went to an all girls boarding school. You have misinterpreted my reply and wasted about 3 more replies.

Holy fuck is English your fifth language?
>”I went to this school.”
>”what does that mean? Is it secret code? We’re they a teacher? What are they trying to say????”
I was a student, you illiterate dipshit

why is everybody dancing when they visit ellen degenerate?

Oh great, a fat catholic school chick who now probably goes to some shitty state college has entered this thread.

No wonder there are so many angry people in this thread. Brie is pissing off all the bitter fat girls and kissless virgins.

Technically it's my third. Also how have you not posted your tits yet?

grossly inaccurate
You first fatty

I know this is bait but 7/10 made me reply
Literally all nonwhale white women are 6+/10 in LA

Don't turn this pure thread into instagram. Get the hell out of here.

>not a webm

Attached: brie larson wet nipple.webm (1190x670, 1.1M)

Brie's hot. Reminds me of my step-sister who I smashed when I was 15. Grow up incels.

LA when I went to school was more like Beverly Hills 90210, not the spic/shit skin LA you're thinking of now.


>You first fatty
Ah it's another fag pretending to be a girl on the internet.

Her head of a lego piece and she is as flat as a board.
Your standards are fucking low if you think a fucking lego person is hot.

Attached: brie no butt mc'guu.jpg (600x799, 65K)

>thinking that simply looking good is enough to make you valid
Typical woman logic.

>hot as fuck
>American 10/10
>European 6/10
>English 12/10

She would have been a 5/10 in my school max, she actually looks a lot like this one quite weird girl i went to school with.



Because you have shit taste my friend

>Brie's tits are built to last.
too bad her face isnt.

she was hot in US of tara too walking around in little panties laying in bed with her brother and when her mom started to hit on her i fapped so hard

>she's 19 in that scene
Wowzers, early wall must've been hard for her to deal with

>left: soulless
>middle: soul
>right: transvestite

This was around the time when her chin and jawline still had contour.

Also around the time she hasn't overdosed on bluepills.

Clearly she's a thot who's bullying a poor teacher.

>Ellen looking at their asses and frowning

Ellen is literally me.

>hot as fuck
kek, no

Attached: hrrrgl.jpg (894x1030, 581K)

She's awesome and I'm not saying this as a cuck bur rather a handsome conservative.
That being said, you really have to familiarize yourself with her in order to see through to the real personality.
For the record, Yea Forums wanted to make her /ourgirl/ when Short Term 12 and Room came out. Ask any oldfag and they probably remember.

White genetics

Attached: Brie Larson Tanner Hall 2009 [07.30.000-07.52.000].webm (1250x1080, 2.99M)

Attached: Brie Larson Tanner Hall 2009 [07.35.330-07.51.763].webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

Attached: Brie Larson Tanner Hall 2009 [30.52.976-30.56.312].webm (933x720, 3M)

Attached: Brie Larson Tanner Hall 2009 [37.37.589-37.44.386].webm (1920x1080, 2.91M)


Attached: Brie Larson Tanner Hall 2009 [49.18.414-49.30.217].webm (1920x1080, 2.99M)

those eyes

those dead fish eyes

capt fungus has natty tits
t.its expert

Attached: Brie Larson Tanner Hall 2009 [53.21.490-53.33.961].webm (1280x720, 2.87M)

How much do they pay you?

She has good leaned nudes.

She was my fav as envy Adams.... I don’t really have a problem with her.

In fact I love the fact that she’s all fem warrior - but turns around and has leaked nudes haha.

Attached: Brie Larson Tanner Hall 2009 [].webm (1920x1080, 2.81M)

user wants milky

Attached: Brie Larson Tanner Hall 2009 [].webm (1280x720, 2.98M)

This is an american term for "not obese".
So yeah, she wasn't a fat fuck, good job.

Imagine rank a woman like this 6/10 and be on Yea Forums shitposting

Attached: images (43).jpg (345x337, 11K)

i want milky too
you get one boobie and i get the other