cast her
Cast her
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More like casting couch
me as the couch.
>where you staring at, fat senpai?
she didn't even appear in that chapter
Muruta just likes to draw lewds of characters so he can fap to them later. Have you not noticed how he draws all his favorite female characters in a sexy pose in the beginning of most chapters?
Litteral goddes
Leslie Jones
I feel like casting a big name would be wrong for this role.
No actress would put that much effort into their appearance.
Bitch doesn't even look Asian. Nice bod though.
and the redhead in the OP is supposed to be jap? lol k
>Bitch doesn't even look Asian.
So just like the chick in OP's post then?
Why do people who say this think it ends the argument? She's literally Japanese, her name is Japanese.
she could easily be a forener from scandinavian and she just grew up in japan with a japanese name
Cope harder, ziplet.
Just give the non-Japanese actress that would play her the same name.
Not your character. No matter how hard you want her to be.
She will be. She WILL be...
Idris elba
Absolutely perfect thighs.
This, unfortunately
Chloe Grace Moritz.
Based perverted Taisho upholsterer
Bottomless girls are my fetish
literally zero asians have that bodytype
Brie Larson
Cast her
still the best
imagine blowing a load on her asshole
Holt shit I didn't even know there was a new chapter out already
Based Murata
Idris Elba
the japanese alpha female
Please tell me there's a hentai artist even coming close to this type of muscle art.
Every fitgirl shit I see is bad.
Brie Larson
no, believe me I have searched, there is no Hentai artist who comes close to Murata’s art.
What the fuck happened to second season of anime? It's absolute garbage. I mean story was weak to begin with but holy fuck that drop in animation quality. Basically unwatchable now.
krekk0v does muscle art. and it's pretty good, not hentai though.
people like you who want buy or pay for it, but would complain online
Of course it's not hentai, it can't be if it's good art.
Only one that comes close is real-xiii but he draws futa shit unfortunately.
it’s either girls with completely unproportional bodies with good to decent art or well defined proportions with shit art.
Or no hentai at all.
Hello Disney? I need a fat pasty white women.
Why would some fat slob like you want a muscly girl anyway? Wanna feel even less manly?
>she sees user staring at her thighs from across the field
Our kids will be strong beutiful AND smart you pleb
Fitness isn't hereditary you idiot.
Michelle Jenneke
>that face in 2019
yikes tbqh
>inb4 u gay lel
Would you unironically have a gf that is fitter and stronger than you?
I would need to be a cartoon character first.
Not a whole lot of them exist on this planet and I'm very much average strength.
But sure, if of the 100 or so women stronger than me who exist, someone pretty wants to date me why not.
That image would not be an example of such a woman, btw.
Note how I didn't say faster, or can jump higher than me. I said stronger.
No, ONE sucks.
I just now noticed she's wearing earrings.
I thought the people were overreacting at first but then I watched the first episode. What happened?
Looks height and brain size are
>Flag of glorious belgium in the back
Why is there almost no h-manga with fit women? Only horrible looking unrealistic bodybuilder abominations. You can't tell me that liking fit women is an obscure fetish. Are most artists simply too lazy/unskilled to draw proper muscle definition?
t. never been to a gym
your genetics play a big role in muscle development and overall athleticism.
because muscle girls don’t fit in the perfect looking girl narrative in Japan. It’s a fetish obscurity even further down the spectrum than stuff like futa, as funny as it sounds.
There is no such thing narrative. People have many preferences.
christ youre a dumbcunt
yes and there is also a (general) consensus on how something should look - even in Hentai.
Muscle girls are NOT something the Japanese enjoy on a scale where decent artists pick it up, it’s simply not popular enough.
There are many kinds of characters in anime/manga/games/porn. There is no singular preference that everyone has. Porn about athletic girls isn't as rare as you think. You have no idea what you're saying.
I can appreciate muscular women aesthetically, but there is nothing arousing about them. A woman is expected to be feminine - weak and helpless. It's socially accepted, it's natural, it's traditional and therefore it's arousing. In general, of course. When a special snowflake manages to become a decent hentai artist, he will be able to draw porn with his fetishes for a small group of fans, but that's a rare case.
Please only post babes that look like the character. Hideous insects have no expression.
what hentai is this
Aren't these "cast x" threads just thinly veiled off-topic threads with no actual intention to cast anyone?
Just because a woman likes to work out doesn't mean she isn't feminine... in bed, at least.
There's one hentai artist I love, but she isn't as good as Murata overall
Don't leave me hanging you fuck
Oh, for muscle girls. Disregard what I said, then
Iida Pochi, but she doesn't do fit girls or anything like that. Fantastic if you're into /ss/ and oneesans.
>but there is nothing arousing about them
Personally I can't be aroused if there is not some muscle definition. A flabby body is just boring because there is nothing. Also being fit means she takes care of herself which I think is hot. Of course if she does it obsessively like bodybuilders it stops being hot.
z-ton, thank me later
one pump man
It's actually physically impossible to lick your own armpit.
thats why me and my sister lick each other's arm pits
misaka all grown up
Wtf is with her armpits???
god i wish
There is a 100% chance he's masturbated to the telekinetic sisters
Could be a hapa? Just like the blonde girl from nisekoi and the redhead from steins gate
>That time he teased a naked Blizzard behind some curtains
>The released version was obviously him changing it
ask me how I know your a fat fuck that has never set 1 foot in the gym
He never released it. He gave it to a Chinese fan who them released it.
Animeonly go back to r*ddit.
Blizzard of Hell Fubuki then
>omg guise ive read one punch man manga, literally the most entry tier pleb manga that everyone has read, im such an elitist!!
god i fucking hate zoomers
Are you done?
Only ever heard boomers say that, though.
Anyone have that one webm of the sporty chick breathing heavily? I saw it on Yea Forums once, but haven't seen it since.
all the whores in this comic and you pick the one obsessed with the musclebound nigger baboon.
you are all cucks, no surprise there.
I'm 34. But people do tell me I sound younger because of the way I talk sometimes.
The legendary animation director and all the talented freelancers he hired left and so they gave it to a studio that is best known for producing romcoms.
bod is as boomer slang as it gets along with rad and sick.
>grabs all the male AND female attention in just 2 chapters
nothing personal, fubuki
Need to be more specific than that, user
wtf are you on about, "bod" is old people slang you dumb idiot
Ivana Spanovic
She looked like she was at a track and field event. Had green shorts, I think. Her arms were slightly above her head. Brown or black hair. The camera started a bit farther away, before moving in closer to her.
Biel fit again, mmmm
>Iwanna spankoff
this one? Just search "female athlete" in Yea Forums archives
That's it. Thanks!
It’s not fair. Why can’t this be me.
Why is there a OPM thread on Yea Forums?
>185cm (6'1)
Don't you have an assplug to sample sonewhere?
this thread is about incels and masturbation
Tatsumaki makes me ROCK HARD
Check out abs-olutely close range love or whatever it's called
Cast him
hey that's wraith from apex legends
crushing a melon monster between her legs
Want that to be my face
that lard ass couldnt run across the street
fuck off
>*beats you*
god i wish she would
That moistened bint shan't be doing any boxing!
Is it weird that I was hoping she would crush my penis with her pelvis?
no? unironically think it'd be weird to not want that
>100% chance he's masturbated to the telekinetic sisters
i do that weekly
Me :3
Based Murata
Yea Forums BTFO
Jokes on you, I'm a skinny fuck who has never set 1 foot in the gym
Fubuki means blizzard
>A woman is expected to be feminine - weak and helpless. It's socially accepted, it's natural, it's traditional and therefore it's arousing
That has to be the most low test basedboy shit I have read today
canonically not a black guy
>and Strong Beautiful
Is this some kind of untranslatable pun like most of the other names in this series?
wut it do I'm black now??
Beautiful and Strong you dope.
cast him
> muscular girls
anyone who likes this is unironically gay
you're attracted to masculine features
I'm sorry to tell you
The only realistic choice.
Nicholas Cage.
Episode 3 was pretty fucking good. S2 is never going to be on the level of S1 since the latter was a fucking miracle
+ 1-2 cycles of anavar
Those are some weird lats
Obvious Erza Miller
thread theme
I'm actually a pretty decent artist and could totally do this if I could be fucked. Guess how fucked I can be...