Online recommendation engine

Is there a good online recommendation engine?

Where you just type in the name of the film and it spits out other similar films?


Attached: wind river.jpg (500x741, 80K)

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Yea Forums is great for that.
for wind river? id recommend any one of these

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From Wind River you recommend Master and Commander and Pumping Iron? Fuck off mate.

>t. wymyn

When are they going to get together?

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Wind River

Pretty sure women hate romance

the outsiders was written by a woman

>last samurai

the movie wasnt.
movie > trash > dogshit > book

This movie is generic garbage, so I recommend you stop watching films.

Just write "wind river similar movies" on Google. It recommends you films.

wind river would be pure kino if it weren't for a few scenes, especially this part
>wheres your wife ?
>in there
>walks in and she's cutting her wrists bleeding everywhere
>closes the door and leaves her to it

> (OP)
>wind river would be pure kino if it weren't for a few scenes, especially this part
>>wheres your wife ?
>>in there
>>walks in and she's cutting her wrists bleeding everywhere
>>closes the door and leaves her to it
That whole movie has problems. I won't even mention them

its a cultural thing you bigot

Hold the Dark should be the first rec but you've probably already seen it

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please list them, not denying it just curious, i have seen it too.

my gf loves point break and stand by me though

Great. Whats your point?

> (You)
>please list them, not denying it just curious, i have seen it too.

Guy tells girl, he's a hunter. A man who hunts predators. Great. Sure it's realistic, but it's still a movie.

Who do these "predators" end up being? Some guy that stalks women and/or children and kills them?
Turns out a group of men raped her on their break from work.

She apparently walked to the cabin on her own at night before being assaulted.

But...when she left she wasn't chased apparently. Why did she die?

The racial element felt forced sometimes. Not saying it shouldn't be there. But really,

"The only thing native about you is your ex wife and that daughter of yours that died" or something.

Was his daughter raped and killed by...workers? This was never explored very well..not even the mystery was examined.

Letting the guilty rapist run a few yards and fall over was silly.

Also, the girl in question, the dead one. She was raped and died or was killed. That's a wierd way for a so called "warrior" to die. I don't see why the fbi girl would cry at the end.

The dudes working shot at an fbi agent. That seems really stupid. Why wouldn't they just collaborate? Were they so scared that they figured they'd off a Fed and skip town? These guys weren't selling meth. It doesn't make a ton of sense to take that sort of risk unless they were going to shoot themselves after.

And this is just a personal gripe but I was not happy to see the Indian cop die. It doesn't really affect the quality of the movie for me. I just liked the character.

Get an aids test bro cause you're fucking a dude

Mystery Road

Wind River is so similar that it's practically a remake of this movie

fair enough, i do agree with most of this especially
>Letting the guilty rapist run a few yards and fall over was silly.
fuck i hated that