Will Doomsday clock in long term will end up being the most popular sequel to watchmen? HBO watchmen felt like Damon Lindelof OC character night sister being made into the main character in a script that originally had Looking glass, pirate Jenny and red scare as the main characters.
Doomsday clock VS HBO
Doomsday Clock is actually good and will be remembered as such in the long run.
Both sucks. But No one buys watchmen was suppose to have only one season. So I guess doomsday clock has more fans.
>Doomsday Clock is actually good and will be remembered as such in the long run.
Wrong. Comic book tropes already said Doomsday clock has no long term appeal and hbo made a better watchmen sequel.
I agree that doomsday’s clock good. But I am not sure if it’s not because majority of modern comics sucks.
Doomsday clock was shit but at least Doc wasn't trapped in a cage made out of batteries. That and him randomly falling in love and giving his powers to a random nig through a egg.
>Doc wasn't trapped in a cage made out of batteries.
Don’t forget the KKK killing a god with a truck mounted laser gun.
Doomsday Cock features great artwork, some superficially interesting concepts, and does just enough of a clumsy job being faux Moore that you can almost overlook the fact that the story has no point (beyond establishing Superman is still great) and butcher's Manhattan's character to simply exist. Plus Batman Batmans in it; which is an automatic added star for anyone who consooms DC comics.
Watchmen the HBO series (or as I call it Doctor Manhattan vs the Klan) features some solid production values, decent acting and seems to want to explore a few good ideas, but noone is clumsily trying to Moore anything, and the whole thin premise only works because they complete butcher Dr. Manhattan's character. Also, at no point does Batman even appear, let alone do some decent Batmanning.
So Advantage: comic.
I'd feel badly if I spent a nickel on either though.
There was a time when I was naive enough to believe that Zack Snyder was the worst sort of adaptation of Alan Moore.
So the comic is
I doubt it will be remembered much at all man.
Yeah it was good, it didn't fall on its face for being a watchmen sequel, that alone is commendable.
But there are much better stories with more repercutions that have already been forgotten, so I don't see DC faring better.
There are no repercussions to Doomsday Cock, everything is as it was, maybe Superman's dick is a bit more shiny and polished. It came into the room, trashed everything and put it all back as it was.
It was purely an exercise by Johns to burnish his rep, get hardcover residuals down the line and extract cash. It is a meaningless tale.
It’s better than flashpoint and civil war 2.
Neither will be remembered. Doomsday Clock is pedestrian and inoffensive at best. Wokemen will be forgotten because it's a race baiting con artists attempt to make a new show out of material he neither understand or cares about. Still funny to me that people unironically believe even the bits of history they shoved in there as real. The bullshit they spewed about the Tulsa riots being a large part of it.
No, it sucked.
I’m mad at Doomsday Clock because it was clearly meant to be some sort of linchpin in bringing all the DC reboot continuities together. But for whatever reason they took like 3 years to finish it and Rebirth had to shuffle along without it, in the meantime falling into the same traps as New 52.
>u just don't understand the genius, maaaaan
Fucking kek.
Because YouTube nerds are never wrong...
Fuck off /pol/
>Someone disagreeing with my big brain takes?!?! It must be /pol/!
Graduate high school and come back.
Holy fucking cope. Get off Yea Forums and go back to Twitter, faggot.
>The bullshit they spewed about the Tulsa riots being a large part of it.
I give them credit for not Acknowledging what started the riot instead of lying about it. Civil rights movement ignore Tulsa for a reason. As bad as the riot was. It’s hard to spin in one sided affair when it’s black rioters and vigilantes started the race riot in the first place.
Other anons will hate it but this one speaks the truth. The delays will be forgotten and the comic will be collected and is a better read now that it's all done. And honestly, the ending was good if predictable.
HBO watchmen handled Tulsa race riot like if someone made a movie or show that ignored black and black Violences and looting during the LA riots by making Korean business owners the villains lynching black people in the streets.
Still a better sequel than the show.
The ending was horrible.
Here's Superman being the chosen one, and we promise you guys lots of reboot, and also Manhattan will create a mini Manhattan with Superman's name because...? Well, whatever because Superman's the chosen one and everything has to be reduced into revolving around him. The end.
Pretty FX OJ Simpson mini series ignored a lot of black neighborhoods being destroyed by rioters and racial targeting of Koreans and whites.
>Johns probably saw this comic or a variation of it at some point
>still went with that ending
Isn't this image supposed to have penis written on him
Okay user.
>How about /pol/ fuck off?
How about you make a fucking point you infant?
Thst is pretty deep
They were both shit sequels to a great work of fiction but at least the show had some aspects that felt like it was trying to be faithful to the show even though it was mostly misguided. Not to mention the cinematography was pretty nice, that one black and white episode with the changing perspectives had some nice creative direction. Doomsday Clock on the other hand is just another shitty Johns events that turns Watchmen into yet another big superhero punch-em-up so as unfaithful as the show is at times it never reaches the level of pure retardation that Doomsday Clock does.
HBO's 'Watchmen' was fine to good in the first 5 episodes. Then it's just bad beyond fan fiction tier.
Doomsday clock has been hyped for years for..this ? It's not bad, it's just that it feels meh. The end being rushed does not help neither. Of course I did not expect the conclusion to be "let's brute force the Doc" (we already see him stomping the League few issues before); but I expected something more than pic related
>Doomsday Cock features great artwork
>People actually like how Gary Frank draws faces
If anything, his art is completely sterile and forgettable. He uses the same 9-panel grid as Watchmen yet he almost never does anything interesting with the format and is only there purely because Watchmen did it.
They will both be remember as subpar cash ins an recognized as the trash they are. Just like every other Watchmen spin off.
Based Supes
I think it had a interesting beginning but the ending felt rushed
Yeah, the initial reveal was pretty good, but they way the story itself was tailored to end with Manhattan being inspired by Supes. I get that Superman is supposed to be the ultimate paragon of good and heroism, but I think John is well past that. Moreover, the original Watchmen had already given him a positive character development, where he learned to appreciate life's value even as dettached as he was, before fucking off for good. Going further than this, specially coming back to involve himself in human business, feels unnecessary as well as dumb. Both sequels are guilty of this.
It's very 501801 looking
>implying Superman being the chosen one is new to DC
If you don't like it read something else