Stop being a faggot

This is literally a show on TV right now, filled with Tits, Ass, and Kung Fu, and you dips are arguing about Capeshit and women with nasty feet.

What the fuck is wrong with you people?

It's practically Boardwalkempire with ninjas, and all the Black women have been replaced with asain ladies with their titties out.

It was written by Bruce Lee, probably high on 70's cocain, and hooked up to a ab machine sending shocks through his rock hard body.

Stop being low Test, and get on board cunts (also, general Warrior thread).

Attached: Bruwse.jpg (768x433, 38K)

Other urls found in this thread:

post the tits and ass and be done with it

i miss talking like this

It's about every 10 minutes.

about the same amount of T&A as Boardwalk, not as much as Sparticus.

There has been plenty of muff too, and not a single dong yet (Sparticus was terrible for Tits:Dong airtime ratio)

is he supposed to be bruce or was it the guy he fights at the end of the first ep

Stop eating Tofu, and you'll find it comes back naturally

had no idea it existed, going to watch it now, thank you op

Attached: 15496710504586.jpg (1000x667, 202K)

Excuse me, best char coming through

Attached: stabby.jpg (400x400, 24K)

that guy had a real Jet Li vibe too him yah? I think its his smirk.

only way i can watch it is pirating it because shitty spectrum cable decided to take away my cinimax subscription and add it the the silver tier package so now i have to pay more just to get back cinimax

Post the name, asshole, because it definitely isn't "Bruwse". Also where can I watch it?

warrior on skinamax

My brother ive been watch nothing but wuxia now. Have been watching some old funny Steven chow films as of recent

Attached: 1548385020078.jpg (600x889, 163K)

oh yeah? tell us more about your brother. have you seen his cock?

Neat. Came across this on HBO Nordic just the other day and dismissed it as dumb, but on further inspection it seems pretty cool. Even Yea Forums can occasionally deliver.

15 seconds into the trailer and I can already tell this was written by a man child who browses reddit all day. Abysmal dialogue and writing. HARD PASS.

>have been replaced with asain ladies with their titties out.

Nope. That's a no from me dog. Not into Asian women.

its based on screenplays bruce lee wrote that ended up being written into kung fu. his daughter is an executive producer

Bruce Lee was a martial artist, not a writer. You know the famous book the "wrote"? Yeah, it turns out he lifted whole passages from other martial arts books. And his daughter is a literal nobody without any real accomplishments or accolades that inspire any confidence and basically uses her nepotism to get awful shit like this greenlit. Big yikes from me dawg.

>full of tits and ass
That's damned near every cable show going for high viewership, it's just that now they're also full of homosex and other SJW stuff at the same time. Tits and ass just make bad shows more tolerable. That said, if the martial arts is decent and everything else but the tits and ass is bad, it is probably good enough for me to waste time on. Is the martial arts decent, or are they only riding Bruce Lee's tracksuit?

please tell me it isnt funded by china. seems cool otherwise.

main young guy in OPs pic is lierally bruce lee. he finds himself in a fued between 2 rival chinese gang in san francisco. one is more modern while the other are monks so you see different styles of kung fu plus the cops are irish so theres some bare knuckle boxing

wtf I hate America now

>his daughter is a literal nobody without any real accomplishments

Shes made more TV series than you have, right?

Didn't he write another weird kung-fu movie that was made with David Carradine?

They used to jerk off in Hotel closets together, but David took it too far, like always.

I wonder how the Chinese would react if they were swarmed with millions of immigrants?

OP is correct this is a good show. From the creator or Banshee and Quarry. Worth a watch. Great violence and titties

no the studio he pitched the warrior idea they stole it from him and rewrote it as kung fu with carradine

This has been in my radar for a while but i forgot (same case with the TV show What we do in the Shadows)

thanks for the reminder faggot

why did they kill him?

no one killed him he did it to himself


No that was his son, after shameful Crow movie.

I'm just kidding, but it looks like Betty Ting Pei has something to answer for

Correct, Asian ladies have Tits, never boobies

learn to correctly describe size.

Idk why but I can only think of Gorillaz when I see him. He’s pretty based though.

She wasnt very hot, why would Bruce Lee cheat on a perfect 7/10 white lady for her?

He feels like he's from 1970's Japanese gangster films, bit of an anachronism.

Feel like banshee in Chinatown desu

It is Banshee, think about it: guy with secret travels far away to find a woman, only to find her eventually and see that finding her was absolutely meaningless, also he gets roped into doing shit he doesn't really want to, but this means he can't leave the city. He can scrap like a motherfucker too, and of course the first woman he sleeps with turns out to be the most dangerous one. Also Job is a shady cunt in both.

What else was Bruce Lee on?

Yea you’re right. I don’t even mind the similar storylines either. I just like that they took the “everyone can fight and wants to fight” attitude from Banshee. Surprisingly I find myself more compelled by this storyline so far. And Job is brettygud so far as the shady infodealer

Oh yeah I'm loving, I was like "wtf this is basically Banshee" at the end of the first episode, looked up Tropper, well of course he created Banshee too. Life is good, Li Yong is best girl

>main young guy in OPs pic is lierally bruce lee
Bruce Lee is dead, shitlord.