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Wouldn't growing up around only women have the opposite effect?


And as a reward for not straying from the path of true lesbianism, unlike her comic counterpart, instead of ending up all old and busted, like said counterpart, she gets off with just bleached hair. Even the lasso is restored.

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She looks fucking hot like that. Like a hot granny

The virtue signaling was so over the top that it came across as sarcastic.

Nah, the fact she goes off on two different speechs on how shit men are despite Superman being completely justified, IE being pissed off at the man who bound and beat her and nearly beat him to death and protecting his nation from an invading force, and Diana just being outright ignorant to assume the guy who has been trying to kill Superman for years is just someone Superman is gonna decide is trustworthy to talk with is stupid of her.

But keep playing the incel card.

The thing is that her personality and arc was completely changed because "muh modern representation"

Why would I ever self insert into a superhero cartoon movie?

I thought that was Themyscira’s logic and Diana was like “Actually they’re not so bad.”

Me bad?

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She shouldn't have shown up again, or at least not like that. Her limping away from the Batman showdown with her body, powers, and idealism all broken beyond repair was a perfect end to her arc because it showcases how Superman is willing to use his closest friends as tools to accomplish his objectives even if it breaks them.


Well of course you’re doing fine on paradise island!

>Even the lasso is restored.
What the fuck was this even? If the movie bothered to do this, why not actually explain it.

Anybody got recs for sub!Wondy fanfic? A nigga really truly horny rn

Wonder Woman is for Batman. That is all.

>MEN BAD >:(
This but unironically

>Wonder Woman is for Batman
Nope, it didn't make sense back then, it doesn't make sense now.

Seethe, Cope, etc

It's an alternate universe wonder woman, by definition this means she is crazy and her views are fucked.

If anything, this is how DC shows how bad an idea is, have an alternate universe Diana believe in them.

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It's what makes the most sense of all, actually.

Does wonder woman wear any underwear?

So in this particular universe, homosexuality is a result of being brought up around no men. Does this mean conversion therapy works here?

Why did they make Jimmy Olsen black. Add another redhead character to that image of redheads replaced by black characters.

For the last time, hollywood producers are all dyslexic.
That's why all Gingers are black.

I mean... you know about the Supergirl show, right? Supergirl and Luthor's sister getting blacked by James Olsen and all?

They ditched the twerp angle a long time ago, no one wants a fucking pussy like Jimmy hanging around when James lays pipe.

Attached: James_Olsen.png (1920x1080, 1.39M)

I would love to see a WW where she is absolutely sick of women because oh her upbringing.

in the 2000s the comics even went a bit like that with most of WW story lines dealing with the Amazon's being violent warmongers who constantly threatened the planet
>I mean... you know about the Supergirl show, right?
nobody watches that shit show, so no

She didnt literally mean men as in males, she meant humans and humanity. You played into exactly how they wanted you to read it to get mad.

I remember liking the comic, but this felt cheap and shoddy.

Does anyone else think they fucked up the Bizzaro scene in the movie?

I think they fucked up a lot in the movie.

This was a really weird adaption. I'm surprised they left out the letter, it was probably the most iconic part of the whole comic.

if anything, this movie just proves how bad the comic is.

>In the comic: Moscow Bank
>In the movie: Moscow Laundry

Because making him a simpleton who works in a laundromat is more evil.

kek that was pretty good

This person is right

you already know why

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Typical lesbian.

>Diana palming Superman's punch
Yeah, yeah fuck off. She is pretty hot with the white hair and outfit, however.

I was more upset about how they changed the Green Lantern fight.

The movie shows that LGBT people are always right.

I knew it was going to be "woke", virtue signaling garbage the moment Lois got triggered by Superman using her married name, which (like most of the woke nonsense) wasn't in the comic.

"Hey guys, wouldn't it be hilarious if we make the Bizarro Superman some kind of Trump joke. I'm not obsessed with him at all!"
"But, doesn't the character heroically sacrifice himself Iron Giant style?"
"REEEEEEEE, we can't have our agenda driven edit of the comic shown in a good light! Quick! Change even more of the story into garbage to cover it up!"

the movie was pretty bad though

Everything about Diana, and in turn Batman, was retarded. Wasn't she Superman's wife in the comic, and that's why Batman targeted her for kidnapping? She was in the movie for all 2 minutes and had no real connection to him, so that shit made zero sense in that context. And then instead of getting fucked up from the explosion like in the comic, she comes back stronger and catches Superman's punch like it's a butterfly? DC is dead.

I know it from the moment they inserted the girl beating up the bullies, which incidentally was the very first scene. Still stuck with it but yeah it flared up throughout the whole thing.

Yeah, right from the start.

>muh power levels! ;-;

No I watched it and legit her character was dumbed down to men bad.

Except its portrayed as her being 100 percent right.she is never questioned and even her sacrifice is undone.

He basically becomes Obama

This is basically all DC animated movies since New 52 happened

Look up wonderdraws, ignore the black dudes if you wish.

>Lesbianism is a direct attack on me.

Dude... please?

>this garbage adaptation was written by JM DeMatteis
What went wrong? Is there a term for boomer writers who were once same and logical but have now become extremist identitarians?

In volume 1 of Earth One Wonder Woman by Grant Morrison, Diana betrays her girlfriend in order to embrace her role as Wonder Woman. She later attempts to dominate Steve Trevor (black) but there is no romance beyond that. I haven't read Volume 2 because it has trannies in it.

What the fuck are you talking about?

>Leaving out letter
Please say psyche.

Nope, instead of carrying the letter Lois walks up to him with the minituarized Leningrad and spells it all out for the audience. Not that it was subtle in the comic or anything but the dialogue in this is extra hamfisted.

>this movie triggers the fragile white man

Women am I right?

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I knew I wasn't seeing things. Why are most 1st worlders so obsessed with that rich guy anyway?

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>Be me
>Buy Superman Red Son
>Watch it with parents who are Superman fans
>Get to scene where Diana/Wonder Woman sperging out about how "Men are all the same"
>Mom quickly mumbles "What an angry bitch"

Ok this was really fucking annoying

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Wonder Woman should fight all of those alternate universe versions.

My only complaint of this movie was that it would of made a better miniseries. They tried to cram too much into it and everything felt rushed. I really wanted to see more anarchist Batman.

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In how they are wrong?

The Nazi lady kills Hypolita because she has a crush on Wondie.
Dr Psycho shows up and gets his ass handled by Etta.
The I got bore and stop reading but Hades was going to show up as a robot.


Fuck off


She literally says in the comic that men are bad, dipshit

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it's fucking Millar, why is Yea Forums thinking it would have anything interesting. Millar is garbage

Did she say that before that page?

You can't even hide behind that excuse now. This is probably the first Millar adaptation where it was worse than the source material.

oh fuck, you are right. I have hated all his stuff but even I admit that most adaptions are better than the source material. This is trash either way

She becomes a manhater AFTER she gets blown the fuck out by Superman and ends up a gray old hag. Before that, she was in love with him.

I think the writers just felt that they needed to shy away from Wonder Woman being infatuated with Superman, specially when that pairing blew the fuck up on their faces with the DCAMU shit.

Still... there were a lot of better ways to write around that.

Depends on how those women raise you.

Which is even more stupid and OOC

I still don't know what was her role here or the point of this scene. I don't know how is the comic but she appeared only to say "fuck you" and then flies away?
I thought she was gonna declare the amazons were going to rule the world or something, but no, she just wasted some seconds on screen for nothing


Yeah, even Millar's story made more sense. She is angered by putting her trust in Superman and it cost her greatly, leading her to make an uneasy alliance with Lois and Luthor to stop Superman.

I'd say her design in the movie is decent and it's nice she was able to hold her own against Superman, but that's about it.


I guess to show superman could not take on GLs without her help and was unwilling to make peace even if there was an option

It's likely also because Wonder Woman was becoming more popular lately. I think on any other project I would've been fine with the decision to not have a Superman/Wonder Woman romance or infatuation, but they picked the wrong project to decide that because it was a key thing for the rest of the story.

Not made for you

Actually that's the most disappointing thing about this adaptation, JM DeMatteis wrote a lot of really good stuff I liked. Hell, I reread his Savior 28 miniseries recently and liked it. I don't know what happened here, was it him? Or was it Sam Liu? Or was it someone else?

Not a real answer

>Or was it Sam Liu?
Why everything Liu produces such shit?

Cry more fragile white male

the worst part is how useless she is in the entire movie, we dont even get to see her fighting superman.
what was even the point of talking with him while he was fighting the green lanters??

you know what , this is a perfect example of SJW complain alot about MAN BAD, but never is willing to do shit to fix the problem.

I don't need to, you're already doing so.

I bet you feel real big now
Your mom must be proud

>Wouldn't growing up around only women have the opposite effect?
Yeah, that's what happens. When you grow up with the same sex for years, you get sick of it and want to talk to people of the opposite sex, hell maybe even make some love with them.

Why are you triggered by this so much, OP?

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Someone being a Lesbian isn't anti-man. But I bet insecure pussies like you make them want to be.

You odd cunt.

Because he wants to trigger the shills. I see his game now.

Why is it people with dumb points of view always get to say they're trolling when people point out how retarded they are.

I mean, It's a brilliant idea because they can never feel or look like they're wrong, but it doesn't stop them from being retarded.

Not necessarily, if it's prior to her having met any men she would lack the the necessary frame of reference to make any kind of comparison.
She would only have the stories the other amazons told her to go off of.

Didn't that show eventually introduce the classic Jimmy Olsen as well with the explanation that him and James were two separate people?

Its easly to criticize when you live on a utopia with like two dozen people.

Your mom is a treasure.

It depends, but I doubt it would. There were by far more lesbians at my school than straight ones, and it was full of mostly women than dudes

Fair question.

I thought that was Smallville?

i didn't know it was suddenly 2005 again

This shit again

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I don't know about Smallville but I was talking about the Supergirl show, aparently they introduced a second Jimmy Olsen character that was a redhead?
A friend that watches the show was telling me about it.

Has amazonian sexism ever been addressed again? Seems like the kind of thing Diana wouldn't be allowed to get away with.

>This place is so perfect. No power hungry bloodthirsty men!

>Literally having gladiatorial/training combat in front of them.

I can understand Wonder Woman, she grew up in this environment, but why is Lois Lane so stupid here?

I really really wanted to like this movie. I really did try.

when was the last time a movie was made for white men and didn't have feminsit pandering anti white male scenes in it?

its funny that liberals still don't know who to use insults to this to this day
the left truly can't meme

The beginning with Lois Lane meeting Superman for the first time made me laugh.
Superman says "Why would I let you interview me? You would only twist my words."
She counters that with "Ha, you're afraid to let the press have any freedom."
She instantly proves him right when the first thing she ever says is twisting his words. So he flies away.

>I still don't know what was her role here
to push the message that "women > men"
liberals do not allow entertainment just to be entertainment everything has to be filled with their far left agenda regardless if it make sense in the story or not

A lot of people will say
>But that's her character
There's a lot of ways to do that without saying MEN ARE ALL EVIL!

Also it makes her character appear really shallow and she's basically a bigot compared to Batman and Superman.

Batman and Superman are fighting based on ideals. Wonder Woman is fighting because ALL MEN EVIL!

Wonder Woman is STRAIGHT and VIRGIN

Attached: Wonder Woman 1x01 (11).webm (640x480, 2.6M)

Is this the worst animated adaptation of a comic book?

So far every line of dialogue from a female in this movie has been

Soviet Lana was down with Supes
And Lois was down with Lex

This guy is a comie, worse and nicely comie

Please speak clear english instead of jumbling words together in such a... strange way.

They loved them sure but every other word from Lois has been "Women are mistreated throughout life by men and are given less rights, pay and promotions in contrast to their male peers".
Wonder Woman simply says "Men are all evil because I met a couple of bad guys"

Reddit tier so.y defense. Kys the movie was another shitty adaptation of kino stories

>men's vulgarity and all-consuming lust
pot, kettle, black.

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The best part is it's been shown before that many Amazonians die in those gladiator fights.
Another thing is the Amazonians were granted their power and immortality by Zeus. A male God and the father of Wonder Woman but hurr hurr let's just forget all that and say ALL MEN BAD FIRE BAD

>The bond has been broken Superman >:(

What fucking bond? She appeared for less than 5 minutes in the movie and had a few scenes with Superman. She doesn't even have a legit personality before this scene, they never established a bond. He had more of a fucking bond with Lois than her.
Is this the power of DC writing?


Superman came across as too likeable in the movie. I don't remember him finding gulags in the comic, he took over peacefully when Stalin died. The Superman/Diana romance would have reinforced that Superman was a bad person when he dumped her after she loses her powers.

No she literally hates men. Did you watch the movie?

When was the last time you didn't have a chip on your shoulder?