Good movies about bastard sons taking the throne?

Good movies about bastard sons taking the throne?

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cause a galaxy far far away is actually hell

One of my sexual fantasies is to see bastard Arnold jr. wrestle legitimate Arnold Jr. and watch him get btfo and fucked by his massive muscular half-hermano

ironically his legit non-adultry son is jonah hill tier, literally how did the son of arnold fucking schwarzenegger turn out like this, the man achieved everything he wanted in life but can't convince his own son to stop eating donuts

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half-breed bastard

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Sizeable amount of wealth make chubby teens.

the kid looks more like lou ferrigno's son

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>Sizeable amount of helicopter mum's wealth make chubby teens.

Have you ever seen a happier father?

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Its dads responsibility to pass on his strengths to his son. Dont pass the failure baton faggot

Such absolute pride in a self made man.

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Its not that hard to imagine plausible scenarios.
>real son has shit life and only material/financial support, plus depression from dad's affair
>illegitimate son wants to be like dad

His troo son has insane potential.


His mexinigger spawn is stupid and can only bodybuild. Arnold is stupid too, all his books are ghostwritten.

You know, child psychologists are always telling kids not to blame themselves when their parents get a divorce, but don't you think there are probably a lot of instances where it really is the kid's fault? Like, maybe if the kid wasn't an idiot or a fat slob, dad wouldn't have felt like he needed to secure his bloodline by having another kid on the side with a different woman?

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he's just bulking guys

*blocks your path*

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>Kennedy genes

pick one

isnt he a kennedy too?

Is that the fatty?

No, but the fatty did lose weight

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my dad cucked me from birth because I was a bastard, that is, until I cucked him back by forcing my mom to have sex with me in exchange for her cancer medications.

>my dad cucked me from birth because I was a bastard, that is, until I cucked him back by forcing my mom to have sex with me in exchange for her cancer medications.

ogre genes, he better stay fit all his life

honestly the biggest feminist propaganda in our society is the idea that our mother loves us. They are holes to fuck just like any other female.

>His troo son has insane potential.
This, the only thing stopping him from becoming a god is his fatass.

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The damage has already been done. Even if he got even more shredded than his father, he would still have stretch marks a loose skin. His body is fucked no matter how much weight he loses or muscles he gains.

That faggot looks like a monkey. I prefer the superior schwarzenegger

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God he looks just like my brother, just the face not the body. Goofy looking dude


And Arnold's own daughter is cucking him with Chris Pratt

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How do you think his half brothers feel about him?

How would you feel if your dad had an affair and made you a half brother and ruined your family?

game of thrones

They were friends since they were kids, fat Mexican maid and her son were always part of Arnold's extended family

Didn't they all notice early on that he looked like Arnold?

I wonder what cycle is he on

keep telling urself that

because he's American, you forget Arnie had mountain kraut upbringing

Too bad he has those shit skin genes and that monkey mouth face. lol

If he got in shape he would rival and best gigachad.

He's good looking, but he has a tiny head that just does not fit the size of his body. Maybe it wouldn't seem that bad if his neck wasn't so long.

>just don't try to better yourself it's not worth it.

You're an idiot.

the expensive one

He needs to take steroids like daddy

that's all arnold tho, wierd-good-looking...

Id love to do this but I gotta sleep someday. God speed user. Once you're here you're here forever

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